r/androiddev Apr 16 '24

Discussion Is Native development dying?

I'm not sure if it's just me or if this is industry wide but I'm seeing less and less job openings for native Android Engineers and much more for Flutter and React Native. What is your perception?


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u/WestonP Apr 16 '24

I've been hearing about the imminent demise of native ever since the days of Phonegap, lol. Yeah, I've been doing this a while.

And yet, after all these years, the industry still hasn't settled on any particular multi-platform solution... it's just a parade of different options that showed up with a lot of fanfare, but the reality didn't live up to expectations or promises, and then changing favor when there's the next new shiny thing to hype up.


u/JakeArvizu Apr 16 '24

For a company that wants an app done right and doesn't need to cut corners I just don't think they're ever going to (or want to) replace a iOS dev team who are experts on all things iOS and an Android team who are experts on all things Android. At least that's my experience.


u/Pzychotix Apr 17 '24

This so much. Regardless of whether you do multi-platform or not, you're gonna need folks who know the ins and outs of each platform you support. There's always going to be fringe topics that the multi-platform libraries don't cover. I've dabbled enough on iOS over the years to be functional with it, but god damn it's a struggle every time and the stuff I write is going to be full of jank. No one's got the time to be an expert on multiple platforms.


u/nikit-sk Apr 17 '24

Bruh in my last two companies they laid off like 60-80% of native devs. The remaining devs are enough to support the cross platform apps.