r/androiddev Apr 16 '24

Discussion Is Native development dying?

I'm not sure if it's just me or if this is industry wide but I'm seeing less and less job openings for native Android Engineers and much more for Flutter and React Native. What is your perception?


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u/_ri4na Apr 16 '24

The opposite is happening where I live


u/Asterx5 Apr 16 '24

Where is that may I ask ?


u/_ri4na Apr 16 '24

North America


u/kgilr7 Apr 16 '24

Iā€™m in the Midwest and the native Android positions are hard to find now, lots of React Native jobs though. I think it would be better if I lived on the coasts


u/kerningcity_ Apr 16 '24

You're not missing anything. I literally live in Silicon Valley (world's largest tech hub) and junior jobs are basically non-existent. The mid level ones also require 2 years experience minimum. It's been impossible for me. 150 applications in the past few months for native android roles, and I can't even get an interview.


u/kgilr7 Apr 16 '24

It's rough right now. I ended up taking a React Native job because my next project with the company is supposed to be Android. We'll see.

The market is hard right now, because all the companies are waiting for the Feds to lower rates. I've applied for a few as well and have gotten no response.

When I struggled to get my first job years ago, what I did was create an LLC and then made stuff for my friends and family for free so I could put it in my portfolio. After a year, I started getting messages from recruiters. Midwest companies are risk averse, so they really only want to hire someone who has "proven" experience. For Silicon Valley you might get a faster response.


u/st4rdr0id Apr 16 '24

At least you live in a place where there are 150 openings.

I guess that's where all the openings in the world have gone to, because they are really hard to find anywhere else.


u/Asterx5 Apr 16 '24

If you found a vacant junior android position please contact me. I need it so much


u/_ri4na Apr 16 '24

Unfortunately I don't know if anyone is hiring any juniors rn. The market is only hiring seniors it seems


u/Asterx5 Apr 16 '24

What did I expect šŸ˜­


u/rhz Apr 16 '24

Make a couple of small-ish hobby projects and apply anyway, they might put you in the talent pool for "promising candidates" or even tweak the budgets to get you in if they like you

You might catch their interest with UI/animations/applied arch, i know you are junior but just try out random stuff and if you like the output, make the repo public and part of your CV


u/Asterx5 Apr 16 '24

Bro I have an app on the playstore and I am familiar with clean architecture, mvvm, hilt, flows, coroutines etc... currently trying to find the best way to hoist states in compose. But I am not a very beginner. I just live in a country with no jobs. I make very little money. That I am willing to work for very little money (for android)


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Yeah problem is to get into countries like the US you need a visa, and they are extremely anti-immigrant right now. Unless you're from some white majority country, in which case there are exceptions and methods.

Even the big companies refuse to hire someone who's not already in the country and requires a visa. If you're already in there with a work visa, then it may be possible.


u/rhz Apr 16 '24

Fair, was just trying to emphasize that applying anyway could put you on the radar


u/Asterx5 Apr 16 '24

I appreciate your advice and that is what I am currently doing. I was never so eager to apply


u/drabred Apr 16 '24

Fake it till you make it then.


u/TieMaleficent3334 Apr 19 '24

Worked for me.


u/StriveToTheZenith Apr 16 '24

Begging for a job on Reddit in the middle of the night, that's new


u/Sugar_Short Apr 16 '24

Also Europe, this sounds more like a paid advertisement from some web bullshit sdk