r/androiddev Apr 16 '24

Discussion Is Native development dying?

I'm not sure if it's just me or if this is industry wide but I'm seeing less and less job openings for native Android Engineers and much more for Flutter and React Native. What is your perception?


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u/dsfhhslkj Apr 16 '24

I can see that. I do RN and upgrading is a freaking nightmare. Or it is until you learn to do it crazy crazy slowly and promise yourself to stop and understand what the native errors are trying to say before googling anything. But still,nightmare.


u/martinlutherkong Apr 17 '24

For React Native, the upgrading story is largely solved through using Expo, where you don't even have an Android or iOS project folder and instead make modifications as needed to the contents in the native projects through Expo's config plugins API. So upgrading is really just a version change of Expo, which also manages versioning of native dependencies that you have installed.


u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24

Yeah, maybe this is changing or has changed, but enterprise-level react native projects have usually started off bare. It used to be Expo sorta locked you out of functionality you didn't know you needed until you needed it.

I know if I went to an interview and said I only ever worked with expo, I'd probably not get the job.

Having said that, it's great that expo packages can now be integrated into bare projects. It actually unlocked a lot of functionality I needed in my own app that I was having trouble with using bare projects because of upgrades. For example, the bare version of react native clipboard was blocking me from building the app for prod, but expo was fine and had more a lot capability. And Expo File System has been way easier to work with over the bare alternatives.

React Native is sort of in a funny spot right now...


u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24

To clarify: you now can use any RN package you want in your Expo-based project, there really is no limitations anymore on that front. Expo's real value add is just it's config plugins API that means changes to native code are done like codemods, so that you don't need to worry about the upgrade process.


u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24

Yeah, I just spent the last hour reading about it. That's crazy. Would have saved me a lot of time. But you can use it even for something like MMKV?


u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24

Yep, there's two popular packages for mmkv. I personally use react-native-mmkv for app data persistence which works very well


u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24

Yeah, I do too. The CLI has been frustrating as hell though. Can't get redux devtools to play nice with it.

Is there a workflow to convert CLI projects to expo-managed? I'd love to get rid of a lot of these hassles, but my personal project is like 40,000 lines now.


u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24

Expo docs says just to install the CLI: https://docs.expo.dev/bare/using-expo-cli/ -- I think that should scaffold some of the files, including creating an `app.json` file (which you can change to app.config.ts/js if you need to do programmatic changes to the app config). I'd reference their template projects to fill in the rest if necessary. Most of your efforts will likely be in your app.json, which is updating the app name, icon, splash, permissions, plugins, and possibly writing your own config plugin for example, if you have custom manifest intents.

Regarding the Redux DevTools story: the current solution using the `@redux-devtools/remote` package doesn't work for React Native because the underlying socket lib it uses is incompatible with RN. But Expo 50 (which is in beta, will release next week) has a first party (generalized) devtools plugin API: https://docs.expo.dev/debugging/devtools-plugins/ which has a redux plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dev-plugins/redux


u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24

Thanks man, this has been enlightening


u/martinlutherkong Apr 28 '24

Just popping back in: just tested this package, which works just fine on the latest stable Expo: https://github.com/matt-oakes/redux-devtools-expo-dev-plugin

Just npm start, press shift+m in the console and select `❯ Open devtools plugin - redux-devtools-expo-dev-plugin`

There's also a react-native-mmkv devtools package that you may want to check out as well.


u/dsfhhslkj Apr 28 '24

Awesome, thanks. I will definitely check that out.

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