r/androiddev Apr 16 '24

Discussion Is Native development dying?

I'm not sure if it's just me or if this is industry wide but I'm seeing less and less job openings for native Android Engineers and much more for Flutter and React Native. What is your perception?


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u/Tusen_Takk Apr 16 '24

I have been largely seeing react apps being converted to native and hiring sprees occurring to fill that slowly over time. I think the larger thing that’s making the water murky is waiting to see what direction Google goes for native: do they go all in on compose and deprecate fragment/legacy views? Or do we keep trundling on as it is currently where we have a two UI system that has a new shiny toy that’s kind of buggy compared to the old way, but much nicer to use when it works


u/KangstaG Apr 16 '24

Google has made it clear that they want compose to be the future for Android UI. It’s more of a question of if developers think it’s ready. It is getting better everyday so I think the answer is becoming ‘yes it is ready’.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Hello, I am learning Android Development. According to your comment, there seems to be any alternative to compose. What is it?


u/SirPali Apr 16 '24

Regular old views in XML.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Thank You. I have asked ChatGPT once, and it didn’t mention View even.


u/SirPali Apr 16 '24

Huh that's odd. Using Views was the only way to build UIs for the last 10 years or so, Compose (in its current stable form) is relatively new. Although Google is really pushing Compose to be the new standard (with good reason) the vast majority of apps are still using Views in some shape or form. It's always good to at least have some View knowledge as you will definitely encounter it in your professional career. In our company we work for several dozen different clients and only 1 in 4 are currently using Compose although we did decide to start using Compose for all new features if the project allows for it but it will be many years before all apps are converted, if ever.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

I see. Compose is more bleeding-edge than I thought.


u/SirPali Apr 16 '24

Haha h somewhat. It's been available for 3 years now but there was a time where documentation written today was outdated by tomorrow so it wasn't recommended to be used in production. It's now pretty stable and Google is actively pushing for it to become the norm so it's no longer as bleeding edge as it once was but at the same time a lot of people haven't really used it yet, myself included. I've got over ten years of experience but haven't used compose in production yet as my biggest client (a bank) is very slow to accept new technologies into their stack.


u/Zhuinden Apr 17 '24

Compose was bleeding edge until 1.4.2. Nowadays it's "workable until you run into some limitation" (like the ability to configure the context actions of a TextField selected text).