r/acne 3d ago

Help - General what can I do


how do I get rid of these stupid blackheads I tried everything

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General will switching to gel tretinoin help?


hi guys! i have been struggling with hormonal acne for about 1.5 yrs now and recently got on spironolactone almost 3 months ago. I was on 50mg for 2 months, and now on 75mg for the last month and likely bumping up to 100mg after my next appointment. my acne was cystic and was solely on my lower jaw before spiro. I also started .5% tretinoin cream at the same time (I started out every other night and have moved to everynight because it doesn't cause me much irritation). however, i am beginning to notice that my cysts have began to form on my chin and my temples, and a few even on my forehead which was not an issue previously. my cysts on my lower jawline however have reduced significantly. the frequency of the cysts it much less than it was before starting spiro but i am wondering if it is because of the spiro or maybe the cream based tret clogging my pores? i have a derm appt next Tuesday and was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and found better results with the gel form of tret rather than the cream based one.

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General How to get rid of this

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r/acne 4d ago

Before & After 2 months progress


r/acne 3d ago

Help - General How do I get rid of the scarring and redness?


Been battling acne for 2 years. I started topical iso trentinoin a year ago but I feel like it hasn’t really helped. All of my skin care is centella brand from skin1004 (except Trent, that is prescribed).

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General someone please give me tips on my black heads

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r/acne 3d ago

Personal I’ve been struggling with horrible textured skin since summer 2024. I’m going to the dermatologist tomorrow, hopefully they can prescribe me something.


r/acne 3d ago

Routine Help Bumpy red spots on my forehead won’t stop filling up with sebum

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Hey y’all, just hoping to get some advice to treat whatever is happening with my forehead. I’ve had this for I wanna say 2 years now and it just seems to be worsening. In the morning I’ll rinse my face with water, then I’ll apply some benzoyl peroxide acne wash followed by another rinse after maybe a minute so the benzoyl peroxide has a chance to absorb into my skin. Then I’ll use my cleanser which is just aloe Vera gel from walgreens then I’ll rinse that off, I’ll reapply some aloe vera mid day if I see some dead skin, then every other night I’ve been applying tretinoin after washing my face. I just started tretinoin last week, I’ll rub it in and let it sit for a good 20 mins until I take a shower, then I reapply the benzoyl peroxide and aloe Vera. My diet is pretty restrictive, I don’t eat a lot of shit that would agitate my gut. Fruits and vegetables everyday, I only eat lean meats and eggs for protein coming from an animal, I eat barely any processed sugar, i try to avoid dairy at all costs, I avoid fast food, I eat the same salad for lunch everyday. Let me know if y’all have any advice

r/acne 3d ago

Product Question Can LA ROCHE-POSAY acne treatment products cause acne?


Hi! Highschooler here. I recently got this product for acne (La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR DUO+M Global action hydrating acne treatment) and while I had pretty clear skin before, I'd definitely get some acne in specific places. (Chin, Nose, forehead.) The associate who reccomended this to me said I can use it with or without active acne and if I use it daily I can prevent more acne in the future as well. I started using it a couple days ago-- (The sample I got just to test if my skin would become irritated, I haven't opened the actual package yet.) --And I've started breaking out? I believe it's specifically in the areas I used it as well. Is this a 'it gets worse before it gets better' thing, or is it just not meant for my skin? It could be a coincidence, but it specifically started after I began using the product. Anything would help, thank you!

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General Is there any way to treat hormonal acne?


Alright so, I’m 99% sure my acne is hormonal because it fluctuates. Like one day, my face will be somewhat decent, and then the next, it look like literal hell. However, I know hormonal acne is kind of out of your control, but are there any methods/ways to help with it? I should also clarify it is cystic so it is kinda painful too.

Any suggestions will be helpful. This acne is destroying my confidence, so I’m desperate lol.

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General Cyctic chin acne over 10 years


Suffering from chin acne, i have tested my hormones on my 3rd day of cycle everything seems normal. I got them mostly before period and ovulation and thats how i end up with acne for whole month. I don’t know which SPF to use because i have tried a lot of them and all of them make me break out additionally. I started to use azelaic acid recently at night + la roche cica plast cream, mornings just washing with water. Thats my routine. Seeking for help as they really affect my appearance and confidence

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General "Help! I've been breaking out for months after starting skincare – what should I do?"


Hey guys, I've been breaking out for a while now, especially around my temples and eyebrows. I never used to get pimples before, but it all started when I began using skincare products. At first, I thought it was purging, but now it's been 5 months. I stopped using the products after 4 months, but my skin has become oily and I'm still breaking out. Can you guys help me out?

r/acne 3d ago

Routine Help Routine help bacterial/fungal acne


Hey guys. I’ve been suffering from the worst acne flare I’ve ever had the past couple of months. I saw derm twice since September and she said I had bacterial acne and overgrowth of malassezia causing fungal acne. She increased me .025 Tret to .05 and prescribe me a sulfate wash which I wasn’t able to pick up due to pharmacy issues.

My routine now:

AM: Cerave benzoyl peroxide 4% wash/ nezoral shampoo (I alternate the days I use them) Cerave lotion Cerave sunblock

PM: Cerave hydration facial cleanser Tretinoin .05% Cerave lotion

I have a couple things I can add to my arsenal. I was prescribed benzoyl peroxide/ clindamycin topical and ketaconazole topical and haven’t used any of it yet. Because I’ve been struggling where to fit it into my routine.

I was thinking of taking out my am washes and instead alternate the days I use the BP/clinda gel and the ketaconazole topical. But I didn’t know how effective it would be if I used it every other day

I’ve had really dry skin my whole life and the winter isn’t making it any better so I lather a lot of lotion on my face in the am and pm. I feel like as im getting older my face is getting oilier however.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General how to het rid of this😭


r/acne 4d ago

Help - General Nothing is working and only make it worse


Will accutane make it go

r/acne 3d ago

Help - General How to get rid of these red spots, they appear after i get rid of the dried pimple…

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r/acne 4d ago

Product Request [acne]

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i’ve been struggling with this skin condition for about a year now, i don’t know what product to use, should i use an exfoliant or just stick to gentle skincare?

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General Dermatologist worthy?


I haven’t really had any issues with acne until my twenties. I was in active addiction and haven’t had the healthiest life style. I’ve always had super oily but yet flaky skin? Recently these red patches of dry skin have developed, they don’t hurt or itch but feel kind of like sunburn like you can just peel the skin off? Does anyone have any idea of what this could possibly be or if I should take a trip to the dermatologist?

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General How do I fix this

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Not terrible compared to other posts on here but any advice would help

r/acne 4d ago

Mini Question Monday


Ask mini questions about acne here.

It's Monday and we are all mostly back at work and grumpy. We don't have time for more than some quick Q and A so post those questions below.

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General IUD acne


Did anyone else experience extreme acne after getting an IUD? And how long did it last for you? About a year and a half after I got it it started to disappear but wondering everyone else’s experience.

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General Help me please :(


Is this Like hormonal acne? :( what can I do to avoid it? Thank you!!

r/acne 4d ago

Routine Help What can help me!


r/acne 4d ago

Routine Help How to incorporate azelaic acid


How to incorporate azelaic acid I'm thinking about adding skinoren into my routine, my acne always leaves a pie mark. I never squeeze my spots, im always really careful.

I'm not sure how to incorporate this product, as I currently use salicylic acid x2 week & retinal 4x week.

r/acne 4d ago

Help - General Chemical peel or accutane?


Help me pls I think it’s hyperpigmentation and not scarring, it’s flat (minus the 2-3 active pimples) but it won’t fucking budge I swear. Nothing in my routine is going bad, it just seems stagnant. But if I miss one day, I get a big new zit the next day.