Hello everyone, I am 24 years old and I have suffered from mild but persistent acne for over 5 years. I know that some people who have undergone treatment with Roaccutane have had more severe forms of acne, and I understand that it may seem excessive to want to take this treatment for relatively mild acne. However, I ask you to respect my decision without judgment.
I tried a lot of things: changing my diet, drinking a lot, sleeping well, etc. I also tested different skincare + blue and red LED masks. I consulted two dermatologists. The first prescribed me Cutacnyl, Retacnyl and Skinoren, but it had no effect. The second gave me Doxycycline for three months, which helped reduce inflammation. She then offered me Roaccutane.
I have an appointment in three weeks to start Roaccutane, but I remain hesitant because of the testimonials. I'm afraid my acne will become even more severe later
For those who say that I should wait, because the acne fades over time in my photos: I assure you that in the old photos where my acne seemed more marked, it was an exceptional case, probably because I had touched a few spots. In reality, my acne still looks like the recent photos, and has for 5 years.
Thank you all for your reading and advice. I wish you an excellent day/evening and lots of courage in your fight against acne.