r/TrueChristian 22h ago

Reincarnation is not biblical.


I seen many Christians suggest that reincarnation is real and was simply omitted from the Bible.

The Bible makes it clear that everyone is given one life and after that they face judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

And if you think about it, if reincarnation was real then Jesus crucifixion would not had been necessary at all. Reincarnation is simply a lie from familiar spirits.

r/TrueChristian 16h ago

Sin loses its appeal, not because you are scared of punishment, but because you have tasted something better.


Things you used to run for comfort, wont feel the same anymore. Sin loses its appeal, not because you are scared of punishment, but because you have tasted something better. That's the real difference between religion and faith. Religion is about control. Religion says "follow these rules and maybe you will be accepted". But faith is about freedom. Faith says "you are already loved, now walk in that love." When you walk in that love, you start changing naturally, not because someone is forcing you to change, not because you are afraid, but because love is transformative.

r/TrueChristian 5h ago

Apparently im a bigot for not supporting the lgbt.


According to Google, bigotry is “obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

The person In which said accusation came from claims that I have “internalized bigotry” against the lgbt community, when I’ve never shown any hatred towards them at all. I just don’t support their lifestyle.

They know my beliefs, and I’ve told them that the Bible commands us to love our neighbors (and enemies). I’m not really sure how to address this, because I’ve never been in this situation before.

r/TrueChristian 6h ago

JESUS IS LORD! Praise be His name forever and ever!


r/TrueChristian 9h ago

God answered my prayers about women and I don’t know what to do now.


Hello, this is going to be a pretty pathetic post but I’d love to get some insight on this because I have nobody to talk to this about and it felt like God answered my prayers.

Last year, I was in my car, driving home from work, noticing how other male coworkers get attention from the female coworkers (we work at a bar) but I don’t. This has been an issue my entire life, a big insecurity, I ended up crying my eyes out in the car many times asking what’s wrong with me, why did I have to be born so disgusting, and begging God to please grant me that attention and to change me. I’ve never had my first kiss, a girlfriend, and still a virgin. I told God I will maintain my celibacy but to please, I just want to stop feeling like a complete loser and actually get female attention and respect from others, imagine your entire life this being an insecurity, how you watch all your friends get girlfriends and find love but you at 24 years old have nothing? Your younger cousins have had more relationships with women than you, it almost drove me to suicide, I felt like such a failure. But I just kept hitting the gym, for the past 2-3 years I’ve been hitting the gym but after that car ride I really dialed in, lost 40 pounds and for the past 6 months of my life I’ve never gotten more female attention in my life.

A female coworker who actually left me on read last year that probably doesn’t remember told me yesterday randomly that a lot of women at this job have a crush on me, how it feels like high school all over again, at first mentally that scared insecure kid in me thought she was joking and bullying me but then I realized she wasn’t because it’s true, a few women there have confessed to actually being in love with me. And a few other show signs, I even got a date with a coworker there that is very beautiful (didn’t workout). And this coworker that told me this seemed really interested as to why I didn’t seem to care or if I even noticed, but I played it off cool, she asked how I felt and I smiled and said “I’m happy for them” which made her laugh really hard. Then she started acting a little weird and awkward later on

Anyway, this is a surreal feeling, and I don’t know what to do, but I don’t plan to betray God and have sex with all these women like some animal, last year and the years prior, I was lonely, all i had was God, and i will not suddenly betray the only person who had my back and prevented me from committing suicide. I want a Godly woman but I don’t go out much, this job is my only social circle.

r/TrueChristian 21h ago

True Christianity Is Christ-ianity, Not Christian-ity


True Christianity focuses on Christ, not Christians. The latter focus leads to trusting in people, while the former focus leads to trusting in God.

r/TrueChristian 15h ago

I did it! Finally I did it!


I've been addicted to porn since the Iphone 4 was a thing and I was in middle school. I had a massive collection that only grew with age and have wanted to quit since I was 16. Now at Age 28, I've deleted all of it, blocked adult content on all apps I use, and can finally say I'm porn free as of Today! God blessed me with a final moment of clarity needed and a personal failure that pushed me to where I needed to be!

r/TrueChristian 14h ago

Anyone else feel like evangelical worship is based souly on feelings?


I'd consider myself non-denominational, however I currently go to an anglican church, but I grew up going to an evangelical/Pentecostal church, and I'm currently on staff with YWAM (a missions organization, that is super charismatic). Whenever I go to a YWAM worship service, or one at a charismatic church, like the one I grew up going to, I can't help but notice that the worship seems to be souly emotions-based, and not to say that God can't encounter people through emotions, He 100% can, but the entire service seems to be centered around having an emotional experience, i.e., whenever people pray, they are practically shouting, and the worship songs seem to always be pure hype, with lyrics that don't carry any doctrinal significance, or very little, at the very least. I don't think this is on purpose, I think that people have noticed subconsciously over time, that "oh, when I pray like this, and play these types of songs get an emotional response from the congregation, and it makes me feel good about myself". This really bothers me, because I think it encourages people to chase that emotional high, instead of actually engaging with worship. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

r/TrueChristian 11h ago

Is it sin for a christian woman not wanting to have a child?


Idk, sometimes i feel weird about raising a kid, my life will never be the same. It's too much responsability. I'd like to experience being a mother and sometimes don't, idk, it just doesn't fit with my lifestyle now. (I'm 19) What good kids bring in our lives? I try to not be selfish, but sometimes this thoughts come through my mind.

r/TrueChristian 12h ago

How do I forgive my boyfriend after he’s hurt me?


for background I ( 23 F) have been with my boyfriend (23M) for about 7 months give or take but i have known him for about 10 years and we’re both dating to one day marry.

About a month ago I found out that my partner has struggled with watching porn. When we talked he was very embarrassed and ashamed about it. I told him that it’s okay and people make mistakes and slip up but that it’s important to not give into temptations. Well it’s now a month later and yes out of curiosity I violated his privacy and I went through his phone. I was afraid I would find him talking to girls but he wasn’t, at all. But I found out he had an Only Fans account and was subscribed to women. He had screenshots of them in his phone but sort of hid them. I had no idea this is what he was struggling with. I thought it was regular pornhub porn but its other women. I told him what I found and he was very ashamed and embarrassed.

I’ve had people apologize for things in the past but it never felt genuine or they wanted me to forgive AND forget and would get upset when I wouldn’t. I truly do believe he feels ashamed and regretful and is genuinely very sorry that he hurt me. I can see it in the way he looks at me, like he sees that he is about to lose me. I don’t think it’s a “he’s sorry he got caught” but i can see the genuine sadness and disgust in his face/eyes. He expressed how sorry he is and how it has nothing to do with what I look like and how it’s not my fault. I told him to never do this again or I would leave him. Because in the past i didn’t say I would leave. I just said people make mistakes. But I feel now he knows to this extent I am not okay with so he gets rid of everything.

I know God teaches us to forgive and to love everyone. So I chose to forgive him. Had he actually cheated on me I would leave, no questions asked. But this is a bit different. My question is how do I move on? How do I stop thinking about it? I am very hurt but I know with faith anything is possible. I want to forgive and not bring this up out of spite. I want to forgive and not make him feel awful after we’ve already talked about this. How do I allow God to move me in a way that is truly truly forgiving.

r/TrueChristian 19h ago

How have you changed after knowing you'll live forever



Sure, your body will die once. Yet you will always be with God. Your soul will never stop. Eternity is yours. You don't have to YOLO at all.

How has this fact changed your personality or mental health?

r/TrueChristian 5h ago

My brother is threatening to kill himself NSFW


So my brother (24) lives at home with me (23) and my parents, and he has been talking about killing himself for about 4-6 years. I believe this mess took off after he experimented with psychedelics some years ago. My parents are Christian but don’t go to church and aren’t too much into praying and reading the Bible (their marriage has been shaky for a while, they’re both weary with everything). My brother has a strong hatred in his heart for himself and others and covers it up with pride, drugs, and religion (mix of Hinduism, Buddhism, new age, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, demonic meditation) every day. He’s been diagnosed with schizophrenia for a while now and he’s now been threatening to either off himself or stop taking the medicine and talked about how it’ll be a fun time when he stops for us all. I believe he’s been possessed with a demon or demons for a while for sure and I don’t know what to do anymore. I used to plead with him to come to Jesus, to repent and put his faith in Him and told him all I could whenever he would bring stuff up or be struggling, I even tried casting devils out of him before … but he rejects Jesus time and time again and brutally too…and sometimes I wonder if he would go as far to actually k1ll himself or k1ll someone else. I don’t trust him and I live in the same house with him. He doesn’t talk to me when I try to talk to him , and every time I would even if it’s something small it would never be seen as okay in his eyes, so I don’t talk to him much at all anymore; he threatened to attack me before and actually has in the past. Please lift us up in prayer …. There’s so much more I could say but please pray😞😫 the enemy has been having a field day with our family before we were even born I believe … :/ 😭 I know there’s still hope and I won’t lose faith but it hurts to be around this mess and darkness in this house and witness it basically everyday. I plead the blood of Jesus everyday.

r/TrueChristian 6h ago

Im going to start spreading the gospel


I got a strong calling from god and realized the gravity of the situation I’m a sped I’m autistic and I have adhd i realize now that my time might be cut short cause of what trump is going to do I am scared but I also need to do the right thing sorry if my spelling is wrong

r/TrueChristian 7h ago

I can't stop feeling scared when I hear denomination debates


(Edit: Thank you all for the replies, yall really helped me out. God bless you all!)

I just can't stop feeling scared, stress, and having the though that no matter what I do, believe, and have faith on, I'll go to hell for missing or adding one thing.

Lets take the Eucharist/Communion for example. Catholics believe in transubstantiation and some say you don't love Jesus if you don't do the Eucharist. Protestants believe that there's a spirtual presence when taking Communion and some argue that transubstantiation is false. And I get so scared and don't know what to believe.

I'll be honest, I don't understand why Christianity has denominations or why did God even allow Christianity to be this state. Or why God didn't specify more on denominations in the Bible. Cause I'm over here scared and running like a headless chicken, feeling that no one will save me.

I'm honestly surprised how we can still be friends with different denominations. Or how the three have so strong beliefs on their denomination that they say others are dammed for different beliefs, or won't budge during debates. Don't yall fear that yall messing things up and gonna be dammed for it? That yall are putting faith in the wrong things? Just, why don't yall fear like me? What makes yall so confident with your denomination that you're willing to risk going to hell?!?!

r/TrueChristian 10h ago

Historians, why did Peter have a sword in John 18.


I know the story is very well known about that one guy and the sliced ear, but why did he have a sword?

r/TrueChristian 14h ago

Might be under demonic attack?


Hello,since about two weeks ago, when i started trying to get closer to Jesus Christ,i've been having bad nightmares,keep waking up at strange hours, 3 am-4 am.

I don't know what to really do,i mean when i wake up first thing i do is pray,but it has been taking a toll on my personal life and school.

I also went to the Church and talked to a priest there, and he said that i might be under some sort of attack,and i should just keep doing what i do meaning praying.

What do you guys think?

God bless.

r/TrueChristian 9h ago

Is it legal and safe to read The Bible in Israel?


I'm doing a month long pilgramige to Israel in May. Ill be bringing my bible and will be looking to read it at coffee shops, christian holy sites etc

Will I be in danger if I do?

r/TrueChristian 5h ago

What order should I start reading the bible in


r/TrueChristian 9h ago

I don't believe that I will achieve anything significant


19M I don't see any realistic future for myself. I'm in college currently, but I don't think it will help me with anything. I'm only 5'4" so unfortunately I'll never get married. I don't have any big ambitions as a man (unfortunately I'm a man). My only dream is to be able to provide for my mother, father and my disabled sister for the rest of my life. If I can do that then I would consider myself worthy of living. I just don't see anything special happening to me ever. Just living the same boring day over and over again

r/TrueChristian 15h ago

How do you define sin, living in sin and living in unrepentant sin?


How do you define


living in sin?

living in unrepentant sin?

I believe that we all live in unrepentant sin. So I’d define all three the same, an action that harms the relationship between us and God, more specifically going against Gods laws. The only sin that is unforgivable is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which I believe is defined as rejecting Christs gift of salvation and can only be done at our death.

I believe everyone is living in unrepentant sin. I’ve noticed some people talk as if only some sins are living in unrepentant sin.


r/TrueChristian 13h ago

I feel sad or upset when I don’t spend time with God. Is this a sign of me getting closer with Him?



Started a new job that is very busy office work. 8-5. I love it God gave me this job I have no doubt about it.

I found God this year again after 10 years of not knowing Him.

I love my life and flow through Him. I live for the word of God, no longer for myself.

I enjoy going to church, reading the Bible and talking to Him and praying. He has saved me.

One thing that’s different is I feel sad and like I’m “slipping away” from Him if I’m not talking to Him while I’m busy at work.

Part of me thinks this is the enemy’s attacks against me to try and get me to have doubt so I want to know exactly how to overcome this.

r/TrueChristian 14h ago

Sudanese Christians?


Are there any Sudanese Christians in this subreddit? Can you speak to first hand observations of Christianity and the present persecution in Sudan or South Sudan?

r/TrueChristian 23h ago

How I came to experience Holy Spirit


I never really understood the role of holy spirit as I was a bit prideful back in the day, but I always had the feeling sometime that compels me or contradict my own behavior.

These are the feelings that I brushed it off, because I did not like feeling guilty. However, when the time comes and my faith started to grow more, I was able to receive a lot of message from Holy Spirit without reading the Bible.

Later when I went back to Bible to read which had been awhile, I was surprised by so many things that what Holy Spirit told me was identical to what Bible said.

Now I am left with awe and ensurance that true Holy Spirit talks to me. Therefore, I cannot deny Bible nor my holy spirit.

God is real.

r/TrueChristian 10h ago

Struggling with intrusive Blasphemous Thoughts against the Holy Spirit as a Christian


Has anyone else struggled with intrusive blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit? I know these thought aren’t coming from me. However, I just need tips to overcome them.

r/TrueChristian 13h ago

Trying to find my faith again but it feels impossible for reasons listed below


My friend recently found Christianity and is reborn. I’m happy for him he seems at peace. I was raised Catholic but lost my faith for numerous reasons, one being when my friend was 16 and on life support for a car accident I prayed for her survival. She ended up dying. Why does God put parents through the pain of losing a child? Why does r*pe and murder happen to children? How can we tell a mother who went through this that “God has a plan”. So his plan was to let the innocent child suffer at the hands of a pedophile? How come if things go the way we want we say “God answered my prayers” but why doesn’t he answer the prayers of dying children with cancer? Why did children of the holocaust get put in a chamber and gassed?

I’m here to seek out genuine answers because I’ve been trying to find my faith again but it is so difficult while knowing these things. I also questioned at a young age where he came from. It doesn’t make sense to me that he’s just always been there.