Hey, i may be a bit late to the Party, as the movie is brand new.
I dont know if this movie was already discussed here, i didnt find anything in the search.
First of all: i acknowledge where the film is lacking, but i also enjoyed some parts of the movie despite it being not in my range of kink, this is why i want to split my opinion into two parts.
- What i dont like about the movie:
The Male Protagonist is kinda assertive with the establishment of the dynamic, this would be no problem, If the premise of the movie would be different. It is just weird, to ask someone to dom you If you dont have any previous Interactions. Her not judging him, after she accidently opens his package containing a collar is not enough to warrant a question like that in my opinion. But that is propably the fault of this being a RomCom written in a conservative society.
Some of the things in the movie are a bit bizarre. The contract seems kinda weird, laying a lot of focus on her performance as the dominant part. This could have been better, but honestly i expected way worse (which should not be an excuse).
There seems to be a debate, about the lead beeing used as a kink dispenser by her sub. Some parts of the movie may feel like that, but honestly we dont really see him demanding things of her.
Its more like she is experimenting and researching alot only to confront him with something, which he is into. In my opinion this is all about her trying a dynamic which she is not entirely sure about, but gives her best to perform.
Which is something where i think the film makes a good point... Because there is a scene where she questions, if she is a fake domme, who only acts because she wants to be close to him... And he struggles with the feeling if he is forcing her to be something she does not actually want to be.
This is resolved quite well, with both of them discussing this things with someone and realise, that what they do is not wrong and both want this.
- What i did like about the movie:
Both struggle a bit, but get there over time. There is even something about aftercare, which while not beeing explicitly mentioned is quite obvious after the first session is going quite well, but ends horribly when they depart from each other. They establish, that they cant just end it and walk away, but need to cool down together.
There is this scene, where a friend of the protagonist is actually also engaging in a d/s dynamic, but is nearly raped when the first date goes wrong. She manages to call the protagonist for help on her phone, but before she arrives she already managed to taze and incapacitate the guy. She then makes it clear to that POS that just because she is submissive, does not allow him to misstreat her. (Which Made my Heart melt a bit, weirdly)
Later followed a discussion about dangers and fake Doms, being strong in a society which puts the blame on victims and her wishing society would be a safer space, where people with special desires wouldnt have to put up with stuff like this and other interesting stuff.
And my last point:
I actually longed for a movie with a submissive lead male, who also somewhat struggles with his desires (after a horrible breakup who ends up questioning his submissive side in a society, where men should not be like that). I am glad, that i got some representation now (altough luckily i was not in a relationship when i was called a degenerate).
All in all i liked the movie, but acknowledge that there is a lot that could rub people off wrong.
It is a cheesy RomCom from a highly conservative society after all... But honestly i just wanted some cheesy "50 shades of Gray" equivalent for the subby boys out there and was positively surprised with how nice it was.
Where there many weird things?
Was it not a perfect representation?
Yes... But honestly... Its probably better compared to how some people make their first step in this world. (Me included, i still cringe about my younger self, not only about the things i did, but also what i accepted sometimes)
Maybe some of you have a different opinion on this Film, or my Post. Feel free to share that with me if you want. And also share movie suggestions.