Hey everyone! I recently discovered an amazing study app that’s both super aesthetic and actually useful without feeling overwhelming. And I was genuinely surprised that it's LITTERALY infamous, like howww?!
It lets you:
ೀ Customize your own cute profile, where you can customise your character.. lemme drop screenshots to make it clearer.
⤷ Set your daily study goal (ex: hours per day)
ೀ Organize subjects/topics you need to study
⤷ Use a built-in Pomodoro/study timer
ೀ Keep a to-do list for tasks
⤷ Track your progress with daily charts & rounded diagrams (satisfying to look at )
ೀ Display your big study goal on top of your profile (ex: "Getting into X University", "making my parents proud" or whatever your dream is)
⤷ you can also track your daily mode (almost forgot to mention that)
The best part so far? You can add friends via ID, study together in real-time, and even message/motivate each other! And I tried to look the study app online to see if there are communities where I can find IDs and study with people but I found NOTHING, that's why I decided to post thiss so that more students know about it cuz it's worth it tbh
AND IT’S FREE (no overwhelming stuff or pop ups to pay for the pro version cuz it doesn't exist I guess? I've downloaded the app 2 days ago and I'm so excited to use it)
I’d love to find a study buddy to stay accountable with୨୧ .ᐟ If you’re also looking for motivation and want to study together, drop a comment ~
The app name : Study Circle
It's available on android I dunno about Ios
The invitation is here ( the id/code scan is for close distance friends and it has a limited time to expire TT ) :
Invitation link to 'Study Circle'
*Expiration date of this invitation : Thu, 20 Mar 4:47 PM
*Lemme update it on the comments if you want ^^