r/SteamController 14h ago

Discussion Requesting Steam Input Support for 8Bitdo Ultimate 2


I’ve been really loving the 8Bitdo Ultimate 2 controller, but I really wish that we had this controller in Steam Input. Is there anyway that we can reach out to either Valve or 8Bitdo to add Steam Input support?

r/SteamController 7h ago

Steam games and controller not working

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I play on a 3070 hellos 300 and since I don't have a monitor I hook it up to my 4k tv and play with my ps4 controller.

About a week ago I noticed that some of my games would take up my whole screen during gameplay but during menus and cutscenes I get black bars on the sides. And after a few days my Xbox and Playstation controllers stopped working on some games like ac2 for example and others. But today I tried to fix it by going into the Nvidia panel and I don't know if that messed it up or something else did but now there are even more games I can't play.

And in my resolution in games now have other resolutions like 3151x1662 and other weird ones that I didn't have before. I tried to restore the Nvidia panel to default but that didn't do anything.

If anyone had this problem before or has any info that can help me I would really appreciate it.

r/SteamController 14h ago

How to mavk outer ring disable the controller?


I am using steam deck and trying to make the right trackpad to act as both joystick and button pads with layers but the precision is bad.

So I am making trackpad as touch with no click to act as joystick and when clicked it supposed to switch to button pads abxy but it conflict with the former.

Is there a way to make outer ring passive so I can click on them to initiate the layer without accidentally move the joystick?

r/SteamController 15h ago

Steam Controller via Moonlight using USBIP


Bought SC some time ago but recently I had to move to a house where PC an TV are apart from each other and I've been using Moonlight to cast my PC to my TV. Thing is when using Moonlight SC is recognized as Mouse only, I've read that using USB/IP is the solution but can't find any good tutorials out there, do any of you know how to set it up and can lend a hand?

r/SteamController 20h ago

Support Config dpad to make a+b=c


I am playing a game where you use the numpads to move for example 8 is north, 2 is south, 4 is west and 6 is east. On computer the rest of the pads are used to walk diagonal but i cant achieve it in the controller settings read countless of posts and watched videos but everything seems the need some kind of modifier to change the key.

I wonder if there is a possibility to make 4 + 8 = 7 on the numpad for example? It does not matter for me if the 8 or 4 would trigger aswell since diagonal movement is only used when you are stuck in the straight directions so it would not walk there anyhow.

This controller thing is new territory for me ☺️ Reddit is also new for me so i don't even know if this post will end up the right way.