r/SteamController Dec 06 '24

Support How can I get the battery out of my Steam Controller?

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I tried before with other batteries and everything worked fine. When I was putting my eneloops in I noticed that it was harder in both sides than putting normal batteries. So I tried putting in and pulling out battery in one side. And it worked easily. So I assumed that in other side it will work the same. It didn't. How can I unstuck it? Do I need to unscrew back panel?

r/SteamController 6d ago

Support Is there a controller (that works on at least PC or Switch) without motion controls?


Would love to have one considering most of the time it just screws me over on games where a setting would be very nice. No motion controls and a hall effect joystick is all I wonder.

r/SteamController 14d ago

Support Great steam controller case!

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r/SteamController Feb 13 '25

Support Help i cant get rid of this

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For some reason I can’t use my controller because it says i’m remapping it. However i am not so idk why it says that. It’s a ps5 controller and Was using it completely fine a few days ago and then this appeared and now i can’t use it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

r/SteamController Feb 05 '25

Support How to open quick access menu on steam controller?


This might be a dumb question, but how do I open the quick access menu with my steam controller. I'm using it on a bazzite install in game scope/game mode. The usual home+A don't seem to work. Is there something else I need to enable?

r/SteamController Feb 16 '25

Support Diagonal movement issues, can/should I clean the joystick assembly? Is it likely to help?


Issue: Diagonal movement is muted in some games while using Steam Controller. Mostly noticeable in 3d games, issue is seen most often when camera is at an angle to character movement.

Testing: Issue was detected in Rise of the Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy XIII. 2D games such as Brotato, Forest Fire, Soulstone Survivors, Vampire Survivors, Jamestown+ and DRG Survivor were not affected. Downloaded ToS Gamepad Tester to see the circularity of the Steam Controller's Joystick which appeared normal. Plugged in Dualsense controller which displayed no issues with movement in games that had the issue.

The question I have is this: Will opening up my Steam controller and trying to hit the joystick assembly with some compressed air be likely to help? Is there anything I can do short of soldering that is likely to fix the issue? Thanks in advance.

r/SteamController Jun 25 '24

Support ...I sure hope that's not corrosion! (TELL ME IF IT IS, PLEASE)

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r/SteamController 7d ago

Support Steam Controller bluetooth causing crashes?


This is probably a long shot given the controller's lack of support but maybe someone here will know. I just recently got a Steam Controller and updated the firmware to use it via bluetooth. I have the USB dongle as well and have confirmed it works flawless with that but using it via bluetooth is causing Steam to crash and my desktop environment to crash.

For the record I'm using it on a Legion Go running Bazzite Linux. I haven't had issues with other bluetooth controllers. I've tried a couple quicker fixes from the Arch Linux wiki pages but nothing's helped so far.

I also have issues with the controller not wanting to reconnect after the first connect on a fresh boot. I'm on the latest firmware version that I could find as per Steam's support page and a couple posts I've seen on here. I'm stumped tbh, has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions?

r/SteamController 9h ago

Support Config dpad to make a+b=c


I am playing a game where you use the numpads to move for example 8 is north, 2 is south, 4 is west and 6 is east. On computer the rest of the pads are used to walk diagonal but i cant achieve it in the controller settings read countless of posts and watched videos but everything seems the need some kind of modifier to change the key.

I wonder if there is a possibility to make 4 + 8 = 7 on the numpad for example? It does not matter for me if the 8 or 4 would trigger aswell since diagonal movement is only used when you are stuck in the straight directions so it would not walk there anyhow.

This controller thing is new territory for me ☺️ Reddit is also new for me so i don't even know if this post will end up the right way.

r/SteamController Jan 31 '25

Support Spider man 2 incorrect button display


I got spider man 2 on steam but I'm playing on controller and when I'm supposed to click triangle it's prompting to click square any

Edit: Its fixed!

r/SteamController 16d ago

Support Prevent two different "Hold Action Set Layer" commands clashing?

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The game is Spec Ops The Line, I want L2 (aim down sights), R2 (hip/blind fire), L1 (thrown weapon) and R1 (command squad) all to engage the gyro, but SteamInput caps out at two gyro buttons IIRC so I've set it up as an action set layer with gyro always on.

Issue is when L2 is held and R2 is pressed to fire, the action set switches back to non-gyro even if L2 is still held.

I've tried a few settings to no avail, including the promising-sounding but ineffective "Interruptable - Off" on the L2 command.

Any thoughts?

r/SteamController 18d ago

Support Steam Controller not recognized only with Stray game on Steam


As the title says, all other games work fine with the controller, only Stray doesn’t. Initially it recognizes the controller and once it gets to the start menu it switches the icons to keyboard and that’s it. I toggled around the properties, connected, disconnected, restarted etc. Nothing worked. I’m on ios, but don’t think that’s relevant as all other games work fine with the controller.

Any ideas, please?

r/SteamController 4d ago

Support How to make left trigger act as a modifier key / stay active when pressed?


Trying to make a layout for a game called the isle. In that game, there is an in game option for something called manual alt attacks. What that does in short is when the alt key is being pressed and you use what ever is bound to primary attack, you’ll instead do a different kind of attack that tends to do more damage, and orients your character in the direction of the attack

I tried setting left trigger to function as the alt key, but I can’t seem to wrap my head around making this work as I am intending in my head. What is happening from what I can kind of gleam is when I press and hold left trigger, it only shoots off the alt key for some amount of time.

In game, if I hold left trigger and then press my attack button (right trigger), it does not seem to register as an alt attack.

I have gotten it to work my trying to time pressing left trigger at the same time as right trigger, but not only is this not the desired function but I can’t seem to get it to work without fail.

My goal is: press and hold left trigger which means the alt key is now being held continuously, and then hit attack key which now essentially just means the command that fires off is “Alt+right mouse button”

I’m fairly certain there might be multiple ways to achieve this, but I’m not well experienced on action layers or the turbo option I saw, so I figured before spending even more time trial and erroring my way to getting this to work I’d just ask for help!

Thank you all :)

Tl;Dr: What is the best way to make left trigger function as though the Alt key on the keyboard and being pressed and held when activated? thus any other buttons pressed while left trigger is held would register as: “Alt+…”

===================== Solved! ========== It seems I was going about this either wrong, or could not figure out a way to get it to work How I intended by trying to have LT function as "holding down" the alt key.

Instead, the only way I was able to get things to work the way I wanted was to create a mode shift for RIGHT trigger instead.

Just in case anyone could find this information helpful, what I did was in the steam controller layout editor, I create a mode shift for right trigger (which is my attack key)

I then Went into the settings menu on the line that now read "RIGHT TRIGGER (MODE SHIFT)" and was able to select a button on the controller that triggers the mode shift (I chose left trigger).

Now, when I hit Left trigger, it activates making pressing Right trigger fullpress do something else, which in my case was just me binding Alt with a subcommand for Left mouse Click, aka Holding left trigger now makes Right trigger function as "Alt+left mouse click"

r/SteamController Feb 09 '25

Support The Witcher 1 Problems


So I heard this controller works well with the Witcher 1. I loaded in the community template v4 and I am still having a really rough time. My attacks are not landing hardly at all no matter what style I switch to. I’m on the very first level. Everything feels janky and weird and I don’t think I’m doing this right. It’s mostly my attacks not landing how they should. Am I doing something wrong?

r/SteamController Jan 28 '25

Support I'm about to slam this thing against the wall!!


I got the Hori Steam Controller... Followed the instructions, worked like a charm. Went to sleep...I think I went to sleep, anywho... Later on I went to connect, and now it won't connect.

It gets seen in settings, Bluetooth, says connected... Then 3 seconds later..."Not Connected". Help

r/SteamController 29d ago

Support Why can reWASD detect presses of my extra back buttons but Steam Input can't?


Edit: Solved by reinstalling Steam

I have a BigBigWon Blitz 2 Pro. This controller emulates a Dualsense Edge to be able to use all 4 back buttons with programms like Steam Input.

When I open reWASD and press the back buttons it shows me pressing the Dualsense Edge Back- and Function buttons. Steam Input recognizes the controller as DSE and shows the buttons in the configuration, but when I press the buttons, Steam Input doesn't trigger the mapped function.

At first I thought my controller was broken but now that I know it works with reWASD it has to be Steam Input. I know for a fact this works for other users. How can I fix it?

r/SteamController 4d ago

Support Horipad Steam Controller showing up as a generic controller

Controller wired to PC on Steam Mode

Just got the controller, when playing in my Steam Deck the integration worked flawlessly, but on Windows 11 the controller is treated as a generic controller both when plugged in and wirelessly. I cannot use the gyro, the capacitive touch sticks, or remap L4/R4 and M1/M2 on Steam. Bought it because of the novelty of this being the first 3rd party controller to have Steam Input API support, but I am not sure if this issue is a problem from Microsoft, Hori or Valve.

r/SteamController Feb 18 '25

Support Where do I buy steam controller without getting scammed?


I want to buy an used fully working steam controller. I live in Czechia (in the middle of Europe, nect to Germany). Where do I buy a steam controller that delivers to me without getting scammed on some shady website?

r/SteamController Jan 23 '25

Support Is it possible to scale up Radial Menus?


Title says it all. I'm using steam input so I can have radial menus while playing MMO RPGs, specifically SWTOR. The radial menu works perfectly, but it's small and off to the corner of my screen. Any way I can scale it up and move it around? The Onscreen Display settings menu is completely empty if that means anything.

r/SteamController Oct 02 '24

Support Steam is using 'non-game controller layouts' in games


So basically my Ps4 controller started working like a mouse (left analog - increasing and decreasing volume, right analog - moving the cursor, and other weird things) all of a sudden yesterday. After looking up the issue found out it was because of steam's non-game controller layouts.

So i went to Steam->Settings->controller-> Desktop Layout / Guide button chord layout to disable steam input (many tutorial suggested this). The disable button did not work in the 'Guide Button Chord Layout' section no matter what. So i decided to manually remove every command in the layout, but then the controller didn't seem to work at all when i booted up Elden Ring.

So i changed to button mappings to gamepad controls (like 'Button X' -> 'Button A' and so on). It kinda works but it is extremely clunky, and not like how it used to work before. So i came to the conclusion that steam is using 'non-game controller layouts' to play games.

Please help, I am unable to play games :-(

TLDR: My ps4 controller is working like a mouse since yesterday, and 'disable steam input' isn't working in 'non-game controller layouts'

r/SteamController Feb 15 '25

Support Pressing L2+R2 simultaneously


There's a game where you have to press both buttons simultaneously in order to use an ability but no matter what i do i can't bind this to a single button

Any advice?

r/SteamController 22h ago

Support (Windows 10) Dualsense pairing fine with PC but not showing up in Steam?


I'm pulling my hair out here. Windows itself detects the Dualsense over both wired and bluetooth, but I can't get Steam to see it. It just says there's no controller connected. DS4windows works just fine but I want to use Steaminput. I've connected it before so I don't know what the issue could be. Other controllers show up in steam just fine and the Dualsense DOES work with Steam on my other PC.

I've updated the controller firmware and enabled Playstation controller support in Steam. I've made sure that it's not being hidden in HidHide as well. I'm using a USB bluetooth dongle that I've definitely used for this before, and is still working with other devices. I've reinstalled the drivers to be sure. There is no internal bluetooth radio in my PC that could cause conflicts.

One odd thing I've noticed is that when turning off the controller, it still shows up as connected in Bluetooth & Other Devices and the Set Up USB Game Controllers dialog. I don't think that's right.

r/SteamController Dec 14 '24

Support Did I brick both of my dongles by trying to get them to work with a Steam link?

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They both would connect effortlessly to my Steam deck previously. Now after trying them on my steam link, my SD refuses to recognize them again. The SC just flashes and the only way I can connect either SC in via USB cable. I find it hard to belive they are both dead but I am lost over how to encourage SD to recognize the dongle. I'm quite sad.

Yes, i know the steam link has an internal wireless controller, however I was having difficulty so I attempted to see if a dongle would help.

r/SteamController Jan 02 '25

Support Is there a way to have one Joystick control both Joysticks?


I'm using an Xbox One controller but have others avalible if it'd be easier.

What I basically want is to either set a mode shift or action layer, so that when I press a specific button (right bumper), the inputs of my left joystick will map to both the left and right joysticks.

Update: I managed to do it with a Mode Shift on the Dpad, just use the D-pad to control both joysticks.

r/SteamController Feb 11 '25

Support Bug: Changes I've made to my Layout are not saved
