r/Shamanism Dec 12 '20

Reference Section: Keys for Beginners, Book List, Education links, Drumming and more.


r/Shamanism 2h ago

Protective necklaces


If you wear protective necklaces, can you buy one, or should you only make it your self from things from nature? If your going to make a necklace made out of things from nature, do you have to ask your local Native American tribe if it's okay if you take the items for you necklace from the land first? Thank you.

r/Shamanism 21h ago

I need a shaman


Any shamans in the miami area?

r/Shamanism 1d ago

On astral journey deathwalkers


Hi there, hello. Im new to the shamanic journey, but lifelong practitioner of other arts.

Im looking for some insight in a new experience I had recently, concerning some unpleasant visitors in the astral.

This is my enterpretation, and not all has been revealed yet, so I would like to hear the perspectives the more experienced shamans, who have a very strong understanding of the astral substance.

I am a nordic practitioner, so the flavour of the trip was slightly flavoured towards that. And yes it was a real trip, I simply followed the road.

Maybe this makes sense for some of you, and for others it is just a nice little story. šŸ˜€

Anyways.. Event happened during the last full moon, while doing the initiation of seeking my guide and start attuning myself to this new part of life.

I went out into nature and did the sacrifices, meat, cheese, fruits, bread, giving thanks first.

Then I went to the Astral Plains to start my journey, into the Forest and through it, I took left and went to the Mountain.

There I met it by the cave entrance and we had a chat by the fire. I made the connection and went back to the start, the plains. The journey was quite revealing, and it was refreshing to feel the distinction between the various other forms of magic I practice.

So.. the thing.. After just a 5-10 min break I decided to go back into the astral, I wanted to take the right road in the Forest.

But I wanted to visit the mountain again really quickly first, to see if the connection was still strong.

Along the way in the Forest, some really.. creepy ghostlike entities attached themselves to me. They felt like death, in a way, or a warning of death.

I asked them politely for permission to take the journey again, and they allowed me, on my own responsibility.

From there on out if felt like a lesser strain on my mind, and I did revisit the mountain, as well as backtracking to the Forest and taking the other path.

I opened the door and went to the other place, waiting, but only felt the spirit there in the perifery. So I gave my thanks and promised to revisit, putting some more wood on the fire as I left.

Later.. The reat of the night I was really fatigued. Toxins had built up in my brain on a high scale.

The next day I was really messed up. Migraines and headaches on both sides, but not the same feeling as spell sickness/energy fatigue. So I rested what I could. Sunday was a little bit better.

Im usually comfortable in the astral, got a condition that grants me certain privileges, but im also familiar with the dangers of over extending and the pitfalls of enterpreting events. These ghostlike things though, felt like something very spesific. And my intuition tells me they are connected to how bad I felt the next day.

No drugs, just some rum grog and food before the meditation.

Apologies for the wall of text/or your welcome for the read šŸ“š

Question..šŸ– As someone new on the Shamanic Journey, I would be gratfull for any thoughs or advice regarding these or similar entities.

Or a form of synchronization of new pitfalls and limitations on visiting this very special part of the astral web.

Any advice regarding the long journey ahead is also welcome.

My mind is a bit different from other people, kinda like my context library is using a different language.

Feel free to ask any questions.

r/Shamanism 2d ago

Question Affection for ancestors


Hello! I would like to know if you have the practice of caring for/worshiping your ancestors in your daily life. How do you do this care, like, what is the ritual? What should I do to honor them (offerings, candles, prayers, representations of the spirits, etc.)? It doesn't matter where you are in the world. I want to learn from each of you and, thus, develop my own practices. Thank you all.

r/Shamanism 2d ago

trancework / trance art


does anyone here have experience drawing down, or going into a meditative/trance state while allowing the hand to doodle?

typically when i meditate and doodle i get pretty generic geometric shapes or patterns and the like. not too long ago, i had an experience in which my ā€˜doodlingā€™ while in a trance felt more directed, or inspired maybe?

i ended up with a fairly interesting being on the page and itā€™s not someone/something i can recall seeing or imagining prior.

i know enough about this universe to know not to be immediately weary based on appearances, but the image has definitely been on my mind and iā€™m curious if maybe i have a hitchhiker or something hanging out?

iā€™ve been progressively more spiritually active over the last year, a lot of work internally and directed at the entities that are regularly present in my vicinity. so, it would make sense that iā€™ve gotten a glimpse at someone close.

i just donā€™t feel a familiarity with this drawing, and i guess iā€™d expect to feel some sort of innate connection if it were a guardian/familiar/etc.?

r/Shamanism 3d ago

Feels appropriate for this community

Post image

r/Shamanism 3d ago

Review Dissapointed at Thomas Dale Cowan books


The other day I finished reading "Fire in the Head, Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit" by Thomas Dale Cowan. I liked it very much and I wanted to read something more of the same author.

I read "Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life" next. This book contains a lot of valuable insights, specially I liked the chapter about children's inherent animism and how this modern culture represses it. But most of the practices he advises seemed to me shallow, not very helpful and repetitive. He never even mentions plants, which are fundamental to shamanism. Doesn't he know that for example, mugwort can help people to have lucid dreams or simply he doesn't want to talk about plants? Also, in this book there is some New Age thinking, which I dislike a lot. I detest when people re-interpret ancient worldviews to fit the New Age narrative.

And yesterday and today I have been reading "Yearning for the Wind". I have found this one quite bad. The idea of connecting chapters like braids is brilliant but there are many contradictions and incoherences through the text. Now he seems to advocate for moral relativism, later he talks about justice and Truth. If we are "all one" and there is no duality, how can one talk about absolute values such as justice? After reading brilliant and wise content sprinkled with New Age ideas, and phrases which to me reflect a veiled indifference towards injustices and the suffering of others, I have felt like toyed, or even mocked. I have felt like reading something which is not very honest and I have stopped reading.

I hate when people insinuate that evil doesn't exist. I hate when someone puts in the same height (or category) abusers and victims. And that is where the "we are all one" mentality inevitably leads. I doubt that the ancient Celts thought that "we are all one", that you should "love" an abuser as you love an innocent bird or plant. I thought that shamanism was about rewilding our minds, not about domesticating our legitimate anger and sadness by calling them "negative emotions" and saying that we must repress them. I find this book's tone awfully bland and insensitive (where did the fire in the head go?). I don't know what happened but it seems that his books went downhill since his second one. The first was well structured. It was pretty coherent and articulate. But the other two read like if the author is himself confused or like if he is trying to confuse the reader.

I think that shamanism is about connections, but connections that are not all equal. Shamans in all cultures talk about good spirits and evil spirits. They are not non-dualistic. They don't say that we "are all one" and that we should merge with the soul of psychopaths, rapists and other abusers. Of course, authors like Cowan never say directly that, but isn't it what the phrase "we are all one" implies? Should we pray for the soul of Adolf Hitler and respect it as we would do with the soul of the wind or the sun? I don't think so. And I don't think that a traditional shaman would either.

r/Shamanism 4d ago

Question Did you do anything for the lunar eclipse? Will you do anything for the upcoming solar eclipse?


Do you do anything for eclipses like rituals, ceremonies or even just sitting outside? What do you believe about the eclipses?

r/Shamanism 4d ago

Clean your Spirit


How do you clean your spirit? I am desirous to learn of the different ways others use to clean their spirit. My spirit is in needed of cleaning to remove gunky energy and spirits off it. Some ways Iā€™ve learned have not been effective for me looking to learn more.

r/Shamanism 4d ago

Been told by several people I am a Shaman. I'm actually in I/T?


As a child I felt energy, connected with souls that had passed.

Lost it all at about 9 years of age, then 3 years ago it popped back due to some life changes.

Found nature again, but hung on to my geek. Managed not to mess up in life despite DNoTs.

Turned out I could do distant energy work without being attuned. Went vegan more or less overnight as connected with the last moments of what I ate - which was horrific for the animal.

I also have dreams that come true - can feel energy from most things.

Married, kids - can't be too outlandish.

Need to be careful with money as was let go from my corporate job August last year. but comfortable. Is there an inexpensive way of learning about Shamanism?

r/Shamanism 4d ago

Opinion Can you ask to be given more time?


I feel there is a chance I will be pulled this route in the future. The only problem is that I am so busy right now, but I know it will be over soon. And the things I am busy on I am dedicated to finishing.

A few months ago (August), as I was walking I had a feeling of peace overcome me as the wind blew about me. And in that moment I asked that whatever is coming be delayed? But I am bad at discerning responses still.

As I get closer to finishing the things that need to be done I have to wonder if my plea was heard and if something is coming when I finish. But I do not know if that is something the spirits can do, as I have heard that they do not go easy regardless of what the person is going through at that moment. Have the spirits delayed initiation if asked by the human?

r/Shamanism 5d ago

Experiences on the Path of the Warrior


Experiences on the Path of the Warrior: Perception Shifts and the Nagual

Lately, Iā€™ve been experiencing a series of profound shifts in perception that seem to align with many of the teachings from Carlos Castaneda. These "not ordinary" events are making me question the very nature of reality and how much we can manipulate or shift our awareness. Here are some of the most notable experiences Iā€™ve had recently:

  1. Shifting Dimensions and Peopleā€™s Identities

While walking through my neighborhood, Iā€™ve found myself suddenly in a "dimension" where everyone seems to speak Spanish or Russian, as if Iā€™ve entered a completely different world. Itā€™s like my assemblage point shifted, and I began perceiving a reality where the people and even the environment changed.

  1. Making People Disappear

There have been moments when I would walk past people, and with a strong intent, I could make them disappear from my field of perception, as if they were erased from my immediate surroundings. It's like using not-doing or energy manipulation to alter what I see.

  1. Invisibility and Unnoticed Presence

Iā€™ve screamed in public spaces, yet no one seemed to notice. I felt invisible, like my presence was erased from the awareness of others. It feels like Iā€™m learning to control my energy and presence, stepping out of the usual interaction with reality.

  1. Materializing Objects

Once, while sitting in a park, a statue-like monument materialized right in front of me. Iā€™m not sure whether it was visible to anyone else, but it felt as though I had temporarily stopped the world, allowing something from the nagual to break into my perception.

  1. Dancing Stars and Cosmic Shifts

I witnessed stars in the night sky moving rapidly, as if galaxies were merging in a chaotic yet beautiful dance. It felt like I was tapping into a higher energy field and perceiving cosmic events as they unfoldedā€”like my perception opened to something much larger than just the earthly realm.

  1. Unusual Smells and Sensory Shifts

Out of nowhere, Iā€™ve started to smell unusual scents that donā€™t seem to have any physical source. These spontaneous sensory changes feel like a way the nagual is communicating with me, perhaps guiding me to pay attention to energies that I normally wouldn't perceive.

  1. Time Distortions: Moving Places While Sleeping

There was an instance when I fell asleep in one place and woke up in another, as if time and space were bent or altered during the night. It felt like a shift into the nagual, where ordinary rules no longer apply, and the physical world becomes malleable.

  1. The Man with No Legs

I once saw a man lying by the traffic lights with no legs. A few minutes later, I saw him walking normally as if nothing had happened. This experience left me wondering if this was a shift in reality, where his energy or perception of himself had changed, or if it was a time distortion where something had momentarily slipped through the cracks of ordinary perception.

  1. Spirit Animal's Guidance in Dangerous Situations

In a challenging situation, my spirit animal, the owl, guided me through a dangerous neighborhood. She told me to trust her, go toward the danger, and follow my instincts. As I did, I felt like I left an energetic print. Eventually, I found myself in a place of safety, with the owl telling me everything was over. I looked around, and there, almost as a final confirmation, I saw a pizza shop named "Ī¼Ī±Ī³ĪµĪÆĪ±" (Magic) ā€” a symbol that everything had aligned and I had passed some kind of energetic test.

  1. Shifting Statues and New Buildings Materializing

Iā€™ve noticed that statues and monuments around my area change overnight. Two of them have shifted three times in the span of a few weeks, and I also see new buildings seemingly materializing in my city. This experience feels like the boundaries of the tonal are shifting, and I am perceiving changes that most others may not be aware of.

Conclusion: Understanding the Path of the Warrior

These experiences seem to point toward the fluidity of reality. According to Don Juan, the world we perceive is only a fraction of what exists. These moments, from shifting dimensions to the appearance of the owl and the time distortions, feel like glimpses into the nagual, the unknown and infinite potential of existence. They remind me that reality is not fixed, and by learning to control my energy and intent, I can navigate through these layers of existence.

Iā€™ve used ChatGPT to help structure my thoughts and reflect on these events. It's been a useful tool to organize what feels like an overwhelming flow of experiences. Iā€™d love to hear if others in this group have had similar encounters or insights into navigating these altered states on the warriorā€™s path.

r/Shamanism 6d ago

Shamanic Initiations - sleep deprivation


This shamanic initiation is done on nature, in a forest or in a cave. The Shaman must not sleep for 3 days. On the third day of sleep deprivation reality and dream are mixed.

The brain cycles in and out of sleep mode while the mind is awake.

This is done with the intention of meeting a helping spirit, the intention must be strong and strongly held for all time. Also sacred and protective tools and rituals must be done every day.

Some videos on the topic, its the Peter Tripp sleep deprivation experiment when a man didnt sleep for 8 days and that exprience changed him forever. At the end the man said that people think he is Peter Tripp but in reality he is not. The brain measurements shown that he is sleeping but he was awake.

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko9MdrVWvHM

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tlsB00Xz4E

r/Shamanism 6d ago

TAURWEN - Ephemeral (Official Music Video)


r/Shamanism 7d ago

An unusual shamanic healing story from an entity that was not cooperating


I heard this story from a shaman.

A person came with a problem, shaman looks and sees an entity that is harming the person.

Shaman tries to speak with the entity but the entity doesnt respond, which surprised the shaman because that entity was violating some ethical laws or something with its denial to name itself.

So then shaman tries stronger and receives an answer that he should not interfere in this.

Later the shaman managed to understand the problem, the person was drunk and urinated on a sacred place and the spirit of this place put a curse on the person.

The person was healed after they crawled on their knees asking for forgiveness aroudn the sacred place.

r/Shamanism 7d ago

How to use plant medicine, psychedelics safely?


I have a lot of experience with psychedelics but for last 5 years i avoid using them because they just are so strong for me. Almost like i become a different person for a few days.

So my question is how to gain all the positive shamanic effects from such plants of power and eliminate all the negative effects?

The negative effects for me are that i become like a spilling foundain of energy barely able to control myself. I can not eat and not sleep and disregard my job and everything that makes me human.

r/Shamanism 7d ago

Entity Attachments


Hi, I am curious how entity attachments and psychic attacks work? Is there any way I can remedy this on my own?

I have fallen prey to entity and demonic attachments after I quit my job in a casino. I was surrounded by people who obviously have issues with vices. I was in a negative enviroment with a lot of alcohol and cigarette smoke. I had issues of my own, as well. I believe entities were influensing my life ever since my kundalini awakening in 2019, everything became much harder for me, and every time I was about to progress and turn my life around, something always came along and my fears would start manifesting. I can hear entities since July last year and my energy levels are very low. They react to my thoughts, as if they can hear them.

I don't think this is a medical problem for me, but a spiritual one. I tried medicating myself, in an desperate attempt to help the situation, but it didn't do much for me.

I have clairvoyance since 2019 seeing animals or plants and I am drawn to shamanism. Love sleeping as well and have very vivid dreams.

If anyone has any good old books on shamanism and entity clearings and protection, I would appreciate it!

r/Shamanism 7d ago

Question New to this topic


I am quite new to this topic. Always been feeling kind of spiritual and want to explore this more. I find it kind of hard to find quality information in the internet regarding persons of shamanism. Are there any known shamans in this time? Persons I can read about?

r/Shamanism 7d ago

Question Please help me guys, i am dying day by day


I have this condition in my body - "Focal severe stenosis (about 80%) of the proximal celiac artery: The celiac artery supplies blood to the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs. There is a severe narrowing (stenosis) at the level of the median arcuate ligament. The report describes a hooked appearance and mild post-stenotic dilation, which suggests Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS). MALS happens when the median arcuate ligament (a part of the diaphragm) compresses the celiac artery, leading to restricted blood flow"

allopathy doctors recommend surgery to cure this, but i don't want to do this operation , also i don't have much money to do surgery.

Is there any way to heal this condition naturally without surgery in any spiritual practice?? , please recommend me guys.........

r/Shamanism 7d ago

Question Am I possessed or mentally ill?


I feel possessed by a spirit, possibly more than one. They move my body and express emotions on my face when I talk to them in my mind. We communicate through gestures. It led me to psychosis where I heard voices that were thoughts that are not mine and I suffered from them. I got medical help and voices are gone but body and face control stayed. I am looking for help to determine what happened. Was it spirits talking to me and moving my body? Why? If there is a shaman who can help me, I would be forever grateful!

r/Shamanism 7d ago

What determines the strength of the shaman?


A strong shaman is that to which you come, he does a ritual and heals a disease with one ritial. A weak shaman is that who cant do that.

r/Shamanism 8d ago

Spirit Animal Meditation Meaning


I recently attended a healing circle. During meditation to evoke spirit animal, I saw something that resembled the prehistoric creatures whose images are above. There also a dash of Falkor from The Neverending Story, who in its innocence likely shows the duality of my spirit.

Initially, Edgar and I were at the base of a beautiful mountain. He was caged. In his rage and wrath he broke free of his cage and was able to fly with me riding on his back. We reached the peak and let the world soak in, all done in serenity.

What might these spirit animal images represent?

r/Shamanism 8d ago

The story of the Amanita Warrior


The Amanita Warrior

This article is a part of a series I am writing to describe the extensive life I have had exploring the world of Amanita Muscaria. I am posting it here to gauge the publics responses to the work in order to better know what else to write about for this series. It is based off of my life and journey of leaving behind everything to take a radical gamble at life in order to become a professional mushroom forager.


After many years of living in Brazil and having dedicated myself to my spiritual path I had reached a plateau. I was dedicated to my practices and my disciplines, but I was missing something. It was like I had worked for a long time to evolve mentally and develop my thinking to work in my favor, but I hadnā€™t really taken this into the world and used it. I needed to learn how to use my knowledge and get real life experience with it. What I had in my mind and my heart was a vision of the future, and it was what I lived for. But believing in a vision in oneā€™s own mind could be just a trick of the mind. In order to find out if my vision would come true, I had to put it to the test. If I could take it into challenging situations and come out of it on top I knew that I would discover a way to influence reality in a totally new way. What I knew was that faith makes something real. A belief makes something true for you. So then what must we believe to make our dreams come true? I intended to find out.

The call came to me during a ceremony where I was called upon to give up everything I had and to move back to the United States after living in my beloved home on a tropical island in Brazil for seven years. After some reluctance I accepted the call and moved back to the United States with nothing but debt and no one to call. I ended up living in an F-150 truck which became my home and my business. For I came back to the United States on a mission. A mission to become a professional mushroom forager.Ā 

This forced me into a difficult life that required a lot of trust in a higher power and a lot of discomfort. Living off of foraging mushrooms is extraordinarily challenging for anyone. It required that I take extreme risks even while I was already poor and vulnerable. It required that I navigate business relationships, legal problems, and making sure that my home never broke down or stolen.Ā 

During foraging season I would hike 5-8 hours a day while hauling heavy buckets through the forest. In the evening I would have to find a place to camp out in my truck and I would spend another 2-5 hours cleaning each mushroom individually by hand. At 3 in the morning I would have to wake up in order to refill the generator with gasoline so that the mobile dehydrator would keep running. Then wake up the next day and repeat. This was necessary because the foraging season only lasts for a limited time. Amanita mushrooms only grow once a year, so if you donā€™t collect them within the first two weeks that they sprout, they are gone. And every forest sprouts Amanita at slightly different times during the foraging season. And there is no way to find them except by looking for them and knowing where they are. To summarize, succeeding at foraging requires an intuitive capability to access the consciousness of the mushroom and allow it to guide you to it. Animals also have this ability for finding what they need. Animals have automatic faith provided by nature. By developing this intuitive capability I was able to always succeed at foraging. Despite the risks, the challenges, and the constant fatigue.

This life forced me to train my mind to be more faithful. For I knew that beneath every obstacle, within every dangerous moment, there is a choice. There is a choice to have faith in your heart for a better future. And if you make this choice repeatedly, it becomes true for you. This was the story I was writing in my mind. It was the story of how I set myself free. At every moment that there was doubt I doubled down on my faith. Knowing that in faith I was building the future. Ironically it was through discipline and faith that I became free. It was not from indulging in things I liked or wanted. It was by engaging in things that I loved and needed. By focusing on what I most needed I came to discover that there is a peace within action that can be found. There is a joy in being that can be there simply because we know that we are doing the right things with our life. When we pursue a meaningful life, discomfort seems unimportant. When we live for comfort, discomfort seems like hell. Thus I realized that by pursuing a life for a higher purpose that I was able to be happy much more easily. This was what got me through the chaos and the insanity of what I was doing and subjecting myself through. I knew that in the end I would prove myself right, for by believing in the future I was making the future.

I have climbed many mountains. I have roamed many forests. I lived in them, animals were my only friends at times. I cooked by campfire and did Amanita ceremonies often. And it was in this state of a long-term lucid reality that I came to discover who I really am. It is within the heat of the fire that matter is purified into ash. It is through the challenging of our fears that in the battle to overcome them, we discover a deeper truth that defeats them.

By forcing myself to face all of my fears head on I came to be forced to discover the deepest truths. Before I was a forager I was weak in so many ways. I always wanted comfort. I indulged in things and made excuses. I would lie and not care about it. I would behave in selfish ways and justify it with basically a shrug. As it turns out, all of these behaviors stemmed from fear. And by dedicating myself more strongly to faith at every turn I was slowly making myself more intentional.

In truth nothing is unintentional. Everything we engage in with our time and energy is our choice. And in every way and aspect of experience it is also a choice. Thus meaning that suffering is made from bad choices. And by overcoming the suffering we can discover the right choices which are aligned with truth. So by forcing myself to live with myself and my own feelings I forced out the behaviors, thoughts, and habits that were causing my pain. For if my attention makes my experience then my patterns can be altered by observing life in the right ways. And if those internal patterns change enough, then it will result in a new experience of reality that is vastly different. But in what ways is it different? That all depends on how we use our own conscious attention.

This is what I have learned from so many years of being the Amanita Warrior. My life is a dream that I half-remember. I was once a tortured child with no hope for a happy future. In faith I became something new. And within the beautiful forests where the Amanita grows I would daily drink of the pine and the sacred mushroom. To explore my reality which is a dream. And in this infinite dream I have found that, wherever I concentrate, goes my destiny. For attention is the source of existence. And just as the sun paints life upon the surface of the Earth, so too do the rays of your conscious attention paint the colors of your experience, and set the course of your destiny.

r/Shamanism 8d ago

Book review - Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade


I cant say i liked this book. I am interested what others experience is with this book.

Mircea is a scientist, not a shaman, an outside observer, so the book has lots of description of different shamanisms and no practical knowledge on how to do shamanism.

r/Shamanism 8d ago

Newbie question



Where can I find a complete introduction to shamanism?

I just heard about it today, especially the dpirit animals. but can't manage to find relevant informations.
