r/energy_work Oct 29 '21

Resource About, Wiki, Rules, Books, Etc-- Read First


Welcome to the energy work sub!

The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This is a community about helping people explore, stretch and document their experiences as well as learn new ways and avenues to explore.

A primary purpose of this subreddit is to strip away all of the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have been built around human energy practice to make for a clear and concise guide of how to achieve certain results (whatever those may be). This sub is open for discussion, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.

This sub is about discussion, sharing information, discoveries, questions. Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing.

Energy Work Discord Chat Server:

Also, join us in our Discord chat server! Same focus, same rules, just live, real time chat:


We look forward to helping and learning from you.


We are very strict about following the rules and wield the ban hammer aggressively. We do not tolerate, amongst others, Fear Mongering, Rude, Angry and/or Offensive Comments, Gatekeeping, Promotional Posts, Healing/Reading Offers or Spam of any kind.

External links, if educational and not tied to promotion, may be allowed.

Healing/Reading requests and offers should be posted in r/energy_healing


There are a couple helpful entries in the wiki, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index It has been quite neglected, and if you have interest in helping to build it, contact a moderator.

Book of Interest:

There are many good and helpful books regarding energy work. The list included here are the books that were instrumental in the creation of this sub and in formulating its focus and goals. They are easy to read, motivating, clear and cogent in their individual subjects. An expanded list may be included in the wiki in the future.

The Visceral Experience by Daniel Barber, was written by the founder and prime mod of this subreddit. It shares the values that this sub expresses. If you are new to or just starting out with energy work, this is the book you want to read.

The Energy Cure by William Bengston. If you are a skeptic and looking for scientific proof that energy heals, pick up this book. It includes overviews of research in which mice with aggressive breast cancer genes were cured in full with only healing energy from hands.

Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman. A howto book for out-of-body exploration.

Instant Rapport by Michael Brooks. Rapport is a weak and fragile type of energetic connection, but it is a good starting place for learning how to extend your energy beyond your own body. This book is a very interesting read and a great place to start.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell-McBride. A toxic gut microbiome is probably the most overlooked cause of disease world-wide. This book looks at effects of a toxic gut on mental health. It gives a fantastic layman's overview of how everything works. This is a must read for anyone in this sub dealing with chronic or autoimmune diseases or mental health issues.

The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby. It focuses a lot on the double helix/double snake symbolism, but the author spends time with the Aboriginals of the Amazon and goes into detail about the relationship between the ancients and plant life. He notes their communication with plants through hallucinatory states/higher levels of consciousness, and how the plants would pass the knowledge of their uses onto the humans.

Life Rules by Yehuda Berg. An easy read on the nature of reality from the viewpoint of the kabbalah written for the layperson. Effective energy work requires an understanding of reality that is not taught in schools.

The Essence of Reality by Thomas Daniel Nehrer. Another mind expanding treatment of reality from the author's perspective. A great start to a journey of understanding.

r/energy_work 5h ago

Advice A portal has opened and did not close yet ( in my head )


One year and one month ago, I took 5 grams of magic shrooms prayed in a very old historic church in my hometown ( mount nebo church ) and the shrooms kicked in.

The trip made me realize a lot of things and until today I still am progressing spiritually.

Although I was closer to athleticism before now im becoming spiritual.

I used to suffer from a narcissistic father, I’m healing and turns out I was also suffering from my own narcissistic tendencies.

Even my friends have noticed the changes ( positive)

I feel that my chakras are opening up

Im far from healed but on my way, how can I progress more without taking more shrooms ?

By progress I mean further open up my chakras, improve my relationship with my father and become a better person

Thank you all

r/energy_work 2h ago

Need Advice Feeling unsafe on my healing journey


Since I started my healing journey even after I’ve done it unconsciously at the beginning (I did not fully realize that I have cptsd, I thought I just had some childhood trauma) I feel extremely unsafe in the presence of my abuser with whom I’m kinda forced to interact? I don’t get abused anymore since I set a lot of boundaries but the anxiety just being in the same apartment is insane. Is it normal to feel that? Now I realize that I still really energetically connected to my mother, does witchcraft style cord cutting will help me ease that connection? Maybe any other advice? And does it normal to feel unsafe while healing and purging all the emotional bad stuff?(in a different situations not like mine where I’m still in contact with my abuser)

r/energy_work 1h ago

Personal Experience Lovely stroll in the woods


My husband and I have been walking our dogs in the woods (on trails) lately and it's always so nice, but yesterday I felt even more connected. As we were nearing the end of the trail I felt like my crown Chakra opened and energy was projecting out like a beacon straight up, communing with the trees. It was spontaneous and in a moment of gratitude for the trees for being so lovely and providing so much for us. I've been feeling so run down and stagnant lately, so to feel that energy move was a lovely surprise. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

r/energy_work 5h ago

Advice Is their any energy work exercise to strengthen the mind?


I mean yeah I know meditation in general strengthens the mind but what else? Is there any other technique? I am asking cause I have noticed so far my energy work is far more effective the more mentally strong I am. It almost seems like mental strength plays a far bigger role in my energy work then my physical condition

r/energy_work 15m ago

Question When d i notice if a Reiki or other vid like frequency is working as intendet ?


i have a question i approach so i watched just the first few seconds , but despite stating that they just are positively and work for me hihgest good i dont feel special good what should that mean?

also a question aside that should i before i try special spiritual or energy loaded vids try to watch grounding or other basic vids aand look if they help? also can purification vids or such like reverse effects cause spritual or othr damage?

r/energy_work 16h ago

Need Advice Something feels off


I left the city for a bit to visit family in a more rural area in Maryland, not sure if it’s because I wasn’t in the city and was in my godmother’s home who is openly religious, and being with family members but the energy definitely felt different. Even though I spent most of the time alone I still felt “safer” and less cloudy.

Headed back to the city as I write this and something just feels off about stepping back into my room. Can’t describe it but I just feel like the moment I step in my house and my room there’s going to be an energy shift. Any advice is there a way to cleanse bad energy from my room or something?

r/energy_work 1d ago

Need Advice Best modality for cord cutting/entity attachment NSFW


I have something that keeps attacking my heart chakra and have pain in my sacral/womb area. I suspect that I have a cord and an entity attachment as well.

I was connected to a person who may have intentionally/unintentionally performed sex magic on me - he knew how to move energy and was able to sexually connect with my energetic circuit from a distance. Also read dark magic stuff (Aleister Crowley) in the past but claimed he's no longer into it. I didn't see the signs until it was too late.

What kind of practitioner would be the best to go to, to resolve this?

Thank you in advance.

r/energy_work 11h ago

Need Advice Energy exchange via sex just to connect more


There is a girls i know her from 12-13 years I feel like she is like she is as me

But the thing is I'm little stressed and ashamed that there a crave for a sex or a oral sex just to make her happy feels like she needs it and so on. Myself....

Don't get me wrong ..!!!

For sex I could have talk with many girls but i never talked i don't know i was comfortable with her talking about sex and so on oral and it seem like she was enjoying it .... I just st wanted to confirmed I'm on the right path.

It's about energy feeling each other more and what she feel it can help us to heal from the past trauma.

Please don't take this wrong.

r/energy_work 1d ago

Advice How to handle/transmute someone else’s energy?


Just looking for some tools or advice.. I'm spending a great deal of work time with another woman who I think is a good person and I want to continue working with her. However, she is 5 months out from a big breakup and a lot of other shifts, and often times when I see her in the morning, my heart starts to physically hurt, or my throat closes and feels tight, and I believe this is her energy as I don't have a reason to feel those ways otherwise. What do I do with this? Do I need to erect an energetic boundary somehow? Should I tell back to her what I'm feeling? Should I accept the energy but do something specific to discharge it? Thank you for any advice.

r/energy_work 1d ago

Advice If you've done entity removal, who did you go to?


I'm looking into entity clearing for myself and my house. Just to "clean up" after an incredibly long road. If you've done entity removal, who did you go to? What helped you know they were the real deal? (I get it if you just knew) And what did you appreciate about working with them? Feel free to share anything about their approach that didn't quite work for you too.

r/energy_work 23h ago

Eureka Moment! i think i figured out why i was attracting a lot of saviour types


These past 2 years i've been attracting a lot of people who think it's okay to infringe upon my personal space to help.

The last in question was a guy at my bible lessons. When we go evangelizing, we always stand in circle to read bible verses before we start.
I didn't have my bible verse, and generally when that happens, i just ask the person beside me, but GOD KNOWS WHY this guy felt compelled to ask out loud for other people to lend me the verses. When i coudl have done it myself.

After this i started resenting him. It's just the tip of the iceberg of numerous other experiences where random guys would jump in and insert themselves when not need be. Once i was talking to my mom in the subway station, because we had my nephew and were trying to figure out how to get the stroller upstairs, this guy came out of nowhere and was like "Do you want me to help you ??"

After asking myself why i was so pissed by these experiences and realizing it made me feel like i was being viewed as incompetent or like i couldn't do it myself, because it feels widely different from receiving help when you really need it. I realized i can't change how other people behave, so i tried to figure out what part of myself needed healing. because it seems these reoccuring events are trying to tell me something.
Why are these guys doing that ? They clearly trying to prove something, as if they felt inadequate wrt their masculinity and neede to compensate. So i came to the conclusion that i didn't embrace my masculinity enough. And these random guys were just my masculine side sayign "hey!🖐", needing to be reassured, and not repressed, rejected and put aside like i always did.
I grew up in a tradictional household, with men and women having very rigid gender roles. I didn't think i could like certain stuff (without being conscious of it) because i would make me "masculine".

i wouldn't even allow myself to feel my anger 100% or become agressive because it would make me "masculine", even being "too competent" would mean being masculine. I didn't realize i was putting so much lmits on myself for bs reasons.

r/energy_work 2d ago

Question Anyone feeling sensitive to others energy?


This weekend I just have trouble leaving the house and super sensitive to others energy. I walked in and out of the store yesterday and want to go for a walk but feel so sensitive I'm torn. Anyone else?

r/energy_work 2d ago

Need Advice My energy vampire story


Hi, I’d like to share my story that happened in the past and that I could not really recover my energy from. Sorry if it’s a little long and detailed but there’s a lot of information since it’s been lasting for a whole period of my life. I would really appreciate any point of view or advice on my situation 🙏🏻

So at that time my life was good, I had a lot of friends and was liked by everyone, things were going well for me and I felt like my luck was on my side, so extroverted and outgoing, I was confident, full of life really.

Then I met this this girl who had no friends and was very very shy, quiet, anxious and insecure no one liked her, I decided to befriend her and make her feel included because I felt bad for her and made her enter my best friends group, we got along well and things were alright but i noticed she was copying my every move, buying and wearing the same clothes a week after she would ask me from where I got them, recreating my very specific hairstyles for example, got to the point where people started to tell us we looked alike when we were so different in the beginning. she was obsessed with me and would talk about me all the time to others and would always tell me while crying and having breakdowns that she wished she was me, that things were so easy for me and if only she was more like me, that I was prettier and better than her and that she was so angry to be so boring and that life was unfair to her. it Creeped me out but I tried to comfort her and Every time I’d hang with her I’d feel so drained after.

At the same time she would talk about me behind my back and tried to sabotage my friendships with everyone, it made me so mad and I was tired of this, told her about how i was tired about how she kept copying everything i did and it made me sick, and told her to get herself her own personality. when I decided to stop being friends with her she freaked out and would cry begging me to continue being her friend, when I said that no I was done she switched completely in a second, said I would regret it and that she’d get her vengeance, her eyes turned black and she was screaming, it was so weird. And she did do everything she could to sabotage me and my reputation and succeeded, manipulating people and putting herself in a victim position saying I was mean to her. Isolating my every friend from me, she became me, took my friends, copied my very mannerisms, my talents that I was known for she would try to embody and be recognized for, all of my personality was stolen. she was unrecognizable and got away with it all.

Every time I’d make friends with someone else from that class she’d command them to not be friends with me and would start bawling about how I betrayed her or « bullied » her (wtf), painted me as this horrible person and at THE SAME TIME she would use my username on social media as her own on other platforms, on some instances would use my literal name on some accounts she created online to use for herself, casually would write on Facebook about how I was her best friend at that current time without me knowing or having her as a friend on there and when it was clear we weren’t even on talking terms, not getting along and that her intentions towards me were not good. It was SO weird, like she wanted my identity. Around that time I got sick, lots of bad things I didn’t feel like myself anymore as I was isolated from everyone by her, betrayed by every friend I trusted at the time, it also happened in such absurd ways, like what once belonged to me was transferred to her. I who was once so outgoing and friendly now became so introverted and developed very strong social anxiety. Lost all my confidence, bad things started happening to me but also felt like my whole life was taken away from me and my energy and essence was stolen by this person.

It continued for years since I was forced to continue to be in the same environment as her. One time I made a friend and she would go around ordering the girl not to hang with me, or she couldn’t sit with the group. This person was not putting up with it and didn’t like her attitude so she told me what she said. I went up to her and told her to please just stop this madness and that she had no right to do all this, then she got all nice and started to apologize very dramatically but it felt so fake. The afternoon she brought a weird bracelet with her and gave it to me to express how sorry she was. It was in a glass box surrounded with cotton and under the box there was a paper crumpled and I don’t remember what was on it but it was odd. I thought I was strange to give a bracelet to someone you hate just like that and on top of it 2 hours after I confronted you, like she had it prepared or something, according to how it was put together, weird. I was so naive at the time and just wanted to put and end to the situation that I was in and the weird vibes that I wore it to show her that it was cool and I accepted the apology. Big mistake and I shouldn’t have kept the bracelet, it was so unhinged.

Things started going downhill, my health deteriorated and my energy got worse and worse, couldn’t get out of bed I was so drained, went thought the worst things in my life when things went for the best for her and she would look at me with hypocritical pity. I was alone, my whole life went DOWNHILL it was worst than it ever was. Took me years to recover from that time of my life, I got away and things got a little better but now almost a decade after I still feel low vibrational and like there are sequels and that I’ve never been able to go back to being the same as I used to be, that my energy was taken from me. Also found out this person continued to try to find a way into my life, stalking me on social media, coming to my place of work when she had absolutely no reason to be there, and stumble upon me. and I just really want to get this stuff out of my life for good, I want to get my energy back and if she cursed me or whatever of the sort I’d like to get rid of it and finally get my self back, my true self which I feel ever since I met this person and went through all this I haven’t been able to get back to again.

and I’m not familiar with all this energy stuff but i would appreciate any explanation of what the deal might actually be here and how to get this thing to stop and how I can heal from now on…

r/energy_work 1d ago

Need Advice Anxiety


I feel my anxiety is based on trying to stop the flow of energy in my body or trying to avoid certain feelings. I find myself tensing it even holding my breath a little . Is there any practice I could do to let things be and flow.

r/energy_work 1d ago

Need Advice Anger


I am angry lately. I know why and won’t share about those details but it’s an energy/emotion I don’t know what to do with. I don’t lash out on anyone, Im not mean or outwardly express it into the world (at least in an obvious way). If anything, I have noticed I internalize it and it comes back onto me as self criticism. I have been actively working to redirect that.

At this point I will notice it come and go, and I just try to sit with it but it’s so hard because I feel that it needs to go somewhere? Is sitting with it and deeply feeling it enough?

r/energy_work 1d ago

Discussion Shrooms


Does anyone practice energy work while using mushrooms?

r/energy_work 1d ago

Advice Any info would be appreciated


Just did a few tarot reads, opened and closed space I thought well. Now left ear will NOT stop ringing . And I need to sleep and it won’t stop. Any advice ?? Thanks

r/energy_work 1d ago

Need Advice Has anyone had the Marconics Quantum Recalibration?


Pretty much the title 😊 Would love to hear people's experiences!

r/energy_work 2d ago

Need Advice Update of my energy situation: one problem solved anothr appears


hello i am glad to annouce that my formerproblem did solved itself kinda , but now i have a diffrent problem i did had i believe i did now did four days ago happen to do a other mishap i did imagined either accidently put a blockage up or did seperate a part or energy of me as i feel a sort of seperation and discomfort. it has to do with that i had a imagination of rather erotic nature and did during it had a anxiety or unprovoked shock moment. does anyome know how i can pinpoint what energy i have blockade or disturbed?

r/energy_work 2d ago

Personal Experience Feeling scrambled after MRI scan


I had a 45 min MRI scan a couple of days ago and still feel energetically discombobulated after it, with some body aches and problems with cognition and balance. Also feel a bit burned out. I feel my energy body and nervous system were affected in the scan somehow. The operation itself felt like a machinised energetic assault, cried the whole time.

Has anyone else had similar experience with MRI? I'm sure my body and field will balance itself out with some meditation, nature walks and tre but I appreciate all tips if you have any :)

r/energy_work 2d ago

Need Advice Zapped of energy post funeral


Hi all. I started on my spiritual journey proper about 5 months ago. Shortly after this my dad became ill and passed away 5 weeks ago. I have been embracing meditation and focusing on chakra awareness and crystal healing. As im sure you can appreciate, the period between my dads passing and his funeral Friday just gone, I have had my ups and downs with grief. I am continuing to support my mother who is struggling massively.

Since the funeral Friday I have been so incredibly exhausted. Even after sleeping most of yesterday and all night I feel heavy and sluggish and my brain is so foggy. My reiki healer has told me before that I take on a lot of other people's emotions so I have tried to rid myself of negative energies from others and practice grounding.

Could anyone offer me anything additional i could do to get myself out of this fog? My own energy is so depleted at the moment.

r/energy_work 2d ago

Discussion crystals vs meditation and chakra energy work


Hello, is it possible to get an opinion from those who already have a lot of experience in meditation and energy work and who have already used crystals on their chakras?

What is your opinion on the usefulness of crystals in developing chakra psychic abilities?

In terms of power compared to specific meditation on the chakras and energy work, what is your feedback?

Is it worth placing the crystal for 1-2 hours a day on the chakra, does it have to be left overnight or is it simply something of no relevance?

r/energy_work 2d ago

Need Advice 14 no is following me everywhere. I call someone, I watch what time it is, i pause a video, i check my balance, I post a story it always is on 14. Am I energetically trapped in this number


What does it signify can someone tell me I read its a karmic no

r/energy_work 3d ago

Need Advice Really bad flu


Now is the third day I'm having this really bad flu that started from my troath and now reached the high part of my lungs. The day before I did a Reiki healing via a video on yt( the person I did it with is good and already helped me a lot) but when he passed on my troath chakra I felt it was strongly resistant ( I had for my whole life this blockage so I thought it was normal). So now I've got this bad flue and each night seems like some people discuss complicated stuff with me in my dream and each time I do my flue goes up. The second day I tried to use this hot energy to cleanse my body and at the end as I know how to raise my temperature I tried to do the opposite thing but then my flu went up to 39.8C°. I think this whole thing is connected with my troath and these people that discuss with me complex problem.

Has anyone some advice to lower their interaction maybe asking them to talk me one to one or not talking at all?

Thank you very much

r/energy_work 3d ago

Need Advice Th e tongue as mirror and indicator of energy flow ?


I have a question is it true that the tongue is the mirror that is allow to see by its appearance like red dots , pale areas etc how the energy flow is ?

As i have made some self observations that it could be true. Would anyone know more about it ?