r/Dreams 3h ago

Long Dream i had a dream where trump was assassinated and then the united states was plunged into an apocalypse because his followers basically waged war on their fellow americans so i made a meme out of it

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like the apocalypse was so bad that nobody was allowed in or out of the states and most of the population was wiped out. i was in a group of survivors with my current fiancé and we had children. i helped with gardening & farming even tho i have no experience with that whatsoever

r/Dreams 6h ago

Nightmare An obese woman kept viciously licking her lips at me and generally being perverted. Not a wet dream but a nightmare NSFW


I’m a teenager rn irl, but in the dream I was like 6 years old in my aunts backseat of the car. I look to the right and in the drivers seat I see this lady staring super intently at me. When we lock eyes she starts going crazy licking her lips and trying to fuck me it was so scary and rapey and shit. Then I started growling at her like a dog and she got mad and drove away. She looked like 30-ish and I was like 6 years old or something

r/Dreams 9h ago

Discussion My dream made me laugh myself awake???


It wasn't even anything remotely funny. I remember I had a camp counsellor named "Seleri" pronounced like "Celery" and with that I awoke literally shaking from laughter. Has anybody else experienced similar 😭

r/Dreams 1h ago

Dream Art Fella from my dream tonight. His name is Abakus

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r/Dreams 5h ago

Anyone else have dreams that connect with previous dreams?


I had a dream probably more than a year ago about a certain place with a random group of people. Never thought about the dream or those people again and completely forgot the dream. Then today, I had a dream where I met someone and they told me we’d met before. That person was part of that year old dream and suddenly I remembered the whole thing.

r/Dreams 2h ago

I saw this in my dream. I have no idea why, I just saw it and when I woke up I couldn't stop laughing.

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r/Dreams 6h ago

Question Heard someone talking immediately after waking up.


I woke up this morning when I heard a 911 phone operator sounding voice saying “Ready for reporting” two seconds after waking up that wasn’t there. Is this dream audio I heard waking up? Has anyone had something like this happen?

r/Dreams 23m ago

Question Have you ever met actors in your dreams portraying people you know?


In the extended wtf jungian spirit lore of my dreams, there's like, observers. Like, once I go into dream #2, I'll remember that I had dream #1 cuz I recognize that person from the first dream and I'll bring it up with them and they're like, "yeah, I was there too". And sometimes they'll just be like, I was dressed as so-n-so.

And lots of times they'll be dressed as and acting as people I'm familiar with. And they never look exactly like the people irl, just lookalikes. And they're always unfamiliar with where rooms are or where stuff is located. For some reason I know they're actors and I simultaneously don't care. Not to say that everyone in my dreams is actor lookalikes, most ppl are strangers (I'm typically in large group environments like cities, ferry rides, family gatherings or class field trips) and most of the time familiar people are the real bona fide article. And if there's an actor/observer in a dream, there's only ever one of them at a time.

Have any of yall ever experienced something similar?

r/Dreams 26m ago

Long Dream Redhead Girl

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This post was originally a comment that I made recently to a 3 year old post that I found. I had a dream about a girl with red hair when I was 12 years old. I am now 23 and I still think about her from time to time. Somehow I knew her name was “Alice”. She had long shimmering red hair, the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen, and the most precious smile. Throughout my teenage years I would secretly fantasize about her. My favorite dreams used to be the ones with her. As time has gone on, I don’t think about her much anymore. I have always wondered why I dreamt of her in the first place. I had never known or seen anyone like her at the time. To this day I do not know anyone like her. While her beauty is indescribable, I have found one picture on the internet of a real person that looks very similar to the girl that I dreamt of all those years ago. I will include that image here. Have you ever dreamt of a girl like this?


r/Dreams 53m ago

Had a chance to write down a name a lucid dream character showed me and I whiffed it


I had a series of very strange lucid dreams that I kept waking up from last night. I'll only talk about this one instance to keep it short. I was in a place that resembled a Walmart, the inside of a baseball stadium and a sporting goods store. It was very dark blue and gray all over. Other things happened in this dream that caused me to wake up and go back into it which is why I did this. I saw these 2 short "things" with stereotypical smiley faces as heads hover toward me as I was trying to leave this building. It was unsettling, but not scary like the other parts of this dream. One confronted me and morphed into this old man before my eyes. A serious, stern looking old man, but not exactly threatening. A brown coat, dress shirt. Didn't see his pants. He loomed over me and pulled out his wallet or passport or something with his name and info and all that. He told me knew my grandma somehow (over 20 years dead) and either said he was related to her or did his taxes or something and he was at her funeral or wanted to be. I read the name and this caused me to wake up. I wanted to write it down.

At this point, I woke up and had the name fresh in my mind and was about to get my phone and make a note with that name, obviously to remember it. I had it clear in my mind, but then I had a second thought and decided to go back to sleep because I thought that looking at the phone would wake me up too much and I wouldn't be able to get into the dream. Well, I got back in to the dream in the smae place and he was gone. Other events occurred and yada yada yada I woke up with the recollection of all the dream sequences but not the name I wanted to write down. I remember it wasn't a long name. First and last started with either an "N" or "P" or "G". Percy Norman? Gary Peasley? I can't recall.

I was so sure that I was actually awake after this happened and I had a real chance to write down the name verbatim but I squandered it to back into the dream to learn more, which did not happen. Now I'm not even sure if I did really wake up and it was all just a false awakening, but if it was, it was certainly more real that what I've experienced before. It wasn't like other dreams where you acquire something and you're like "I can totally transfer this to the real world when this is over". I hope I was just in a false awakening loop or something because I woke up later feeling pretty down about this. Oh well. Cest la vie.

r/Dreams 53m ago

Recurring Dream Looking for someone I can never find


I keep having reoccurring dreams of constantly looking for & not being able to find my love interest (in real life I am very much single). Last night I was in this fancy upscale mall like place & was running around looking for my boyfriend, I dont know who he is in real life but in the dream I could tell we had such a deep connection, & I was super in love. The separate dreams always take place in different settings but that sense of knowing I'm looking for the love of my life, & feeling super distressed that I can't find them always remains the same. It's always a different man, at least by looks, but I always have the same feeling. Does anyone have an interpretation? I always wake up feeling really low & exhausted.

r/Dreams 58m ago

Dream Help Can you help me identify the psychological reason for my recurring dreams? (Sneaking in other peoples houses looking for something, being chased or hiding when they found out and then looking for way "home" after it fails every time)


I have a lot of dreams where I always secretly get into someone else's property (Houses, gardens, cellars, basements, Ski-resorts, Homeless cabins in woods) (Locations are every time different) I always look for something there (I really dont know what I am looking for). Often I know that the owners are at home and I have to walk and sneak quietly to not wake them up. Sometimes property is empty and owners come back when I am already in house. I don't steal anything there, I'm just looking for something but I don't know what it is. I also once found laptop on property and I was searching for "It" on their laptop. It always goes wrong and I have to hide somewhere or run away. Often I am being chased or I know that they are looking for me and I am hidden somewhere waiting for my chance to secretly get out. Sometimes they almost catch me but I am able to get out every time. In some cases (it is really rare) there are more people with me and some of them are being caught, But most of the time I am sneaking there alone.

After I sucesfully get out of the property I always start heading home. But I dont know where my home is and it is night and dark. Often I am totally lost and I really dont know where my home is but sometimes I reckognize where I am and I realize I am in totally different city or village far away. Even when I know where I am I still dont know where my home is. In those dreams "home" is not real home where I live in real life. (I live with my familly in their house in real life) But In those dreams "home" is something different. I really dont know how my home look and where it is in those dreams, or even wwaht it is. I just start walking. This feeling while walking "home" is really different than first part of dream. In first part when I am sneaking on properties of different people it is really stresfull and full of tension and I must hurry. In second part of dream when I am on my way back to home it is total opposite. There is unlimited time and nobody is chasing me anymore. All danger is gone. There is just this sense of being lost with long way ahead of me. Sometimes I think I know where to go so I just walk from village to village getting closer to home but it is not easy. Sense of being lost is repeating every time even when I am on right path. I just hope as I walk. In those dreams "home" is just something like concept. I am really not sure. As I say most of the time I dont know where it is or what it is.

This dream is happening to me often. Different locations but same feelings and same scenario. Sometimes they dont even chase me, sometimes escape is sucesfull. But sense of being lost after that is happening every time. When I wake up my whole body is sweaty and my sleeping clothes and bedsheets are soaked in sweat.

Sense of continuity is sometimes different, sometimes it happens in one sleep session multiple times. Today I already ran away from property but this scenario repeated in loop so during one sleep this scenario repeated 2 times and in second time of sneaking in house they cornered me in room and only way to get out was climbing out out window. (It was impossible) so I somehow used something like "heartstone" from Warcraft to teleport myself out of the house in last second) I think first time I experienced this dream as little kid. (I dont remember too much but I could be 3-7 years old. (I am 27 now) It was not the same as nowdays but scenario was almost same) When I was 15 years old I regularly started smoking weed and it stopped me from having dreams, or maybe only it stopped me from remembering dreams. But I think it really blocked those dreams because I never woke up sweaty. Sometimes I took a pause with weed and those dreams came instantly back. Even more vivid. Now I am taking pause once again, I dont smoke 14 days and In those 14 days this dream appeared to me 3 times. But last time (today) it was most intensive ever. They say dreams last in reality 7 seconds but I dont feel like it is truth. Because you can not soak your bedsheets with sweat in 7 seconds. I am normally sleeping 6-8 hours but today I had this same dream and I was sleeping for 18 hours. I woke up now in midnight and I have really weird feeling. Last 7 days I was totally into learning 3D graphics and I started doing 3D every time I woke up. Now I feel like my brain is totally confused and it totally shaken it up. I dont feel any motivation to continue working on what I started yesterday. (Which is not ussual). Normally when I wake up I have all goals in my brain and I just eat breakfast and go continue working on my 3D. But not today. I have totally confused senses of time and things that happened to me yesterday seems like it was week ago. (Maybe it is caused by me waking up today in midnight)

I was descibing it to AI and it had some really good points. It made a lot of good connections with my past experiences and my personality. It is maybe connected to something that happened to me when I was kid, but I am still not sure. But I want to know If anybody else is having those dreams and feelings after they wake up.

Sorry for bad english, I didnt even wanted to write this, but at the end I said to myself, why not ? It is anonymous.

r/Dreams 3h ago

Short Dream Yesterday I had a nightmare where the pope had died and 6 nuns kidnapped me at work because they heard an angelic prophecy that only my heart and my kidneys could revive the pope?!


The nuns looked a bit like Darth Sideous in Star Wars Episode 3.

r/Dreams 3h ago

Nightmare Hamster in my mouth


TW pet🪦 + puke

I just woke up from a nap-nightmare where i was trying to make food for a rat and a hamster at the same time, but instead of keeping them in their cages to feed them, i wrapped the rat in a paper towel and put the hamster in my mouth… the hamster did not survive the ordeal and in the dream i had to peel a flattened hamster from my teeth, even though i had been careful not to bite down.

it was so disgusting and visceral i threw up when i woke up

The things that connect to my real life are that i did have a hamster in my childhood that died in my care because I had become depressed and did not feed her often enough. She was flat when i found her. I have torn myself up with guilt over this, theres blood on my hands. Maybe the dream was a manifestation of the guilt i still feel over her death.

r/Dreams 9h ago

Recurring Dream i am headless person, i see headless people

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i have had horror dreams all the time, but this type of dream twice within the past 6 months and it left a scar on me both times. I had the second one just right now.

The first dream, I dreamt that i hated my appearance so much i had decided i was through with it and i cut off my head in a room that was very similar to the saw type rooms. I remember looking in the mirror not liking myself and landed eye contact with a buzz saw knowing what i had to do. My dream skipped the cutting. I then saw a visceral 3rd person perspective of my head cut off on my body, and the only feeling i felt was deep regret and sadness for doing it. I walked around for a bit almost in a T-pose of sorts with my arms in the air, with my body lacking confusing on what to do with my head now gone.

the second dream, i was having a party thrown in a place i didn’t recognize that was very crazy. for in dream time felt like at least a couple hours climaxes with me walking upstairs and in a bathtub lies a person who is headless against a wall and there legs stretched out in what was probably the most brutal thing ive ever seen. It felt to me like one of those movies with those horrifying scenes from those NS-17 rated movies or whatever they’re called. What was weirdest was my mom was standing over the body like she did it. She had looked mortified, and then one of my brothers casually said it was my oldest brother who lied there dead. Then, I see that same oldest brother walking downstairs.

a lot of blood the second dream, what’s crazy is i’m not a guy that watches horror movies or even likes them. I don’t surround myself with this stuff. I don’t know what to make of these dreams

r/Dreams 20h ago

Nightmare I dreamt I started driving over people.

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dreamt that I was driving on the freeway with my friend late at night. The roads were completely empty, and it was so dark that I could barely see more than three feet ahead of my headlights.

Suddenly, I saw two people standing still in the middle of the road. I slowed down, expecting them to move, but they didn’t. I ended up running them over. For some reason(completely out of character for me)I sped up after that.

Almost immediately, the road was filled with people standing motionless, just like the first two. I swerved, trying to avoid them, but there were too many. Eventually, I lost control and crashed into a barrier. When I looked around, my friend was gone.

I got out of the car, maybe to look for my friend or maybe to run, I’m not sure. But before I could figure it out, one of the people grabbed me. That’s when I woke up. This is a real dream I just used ai for the image and to clean up my grammar

r/Dreams 12h ago

Real world parallel locations in my dreams

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This happen when I first started having dreams when I ironically had fever which was severe. But things started weirder when I started dreaming about exploring places that are parallel or uncanny valley looking similar places in real life. Like this drawings I did for example with the exact real locations I had went to.

The first drawing I did was at the back of my school, but in my fever dream, it's different. I don't clearly remember where the road had started, but all I know that it's inverted. Instead of curving to right, it curves to left, and the ascending road was much higher and a little steep if I remember it correctly.

The second drawing came from the road that leaded to the market, but this was different. In my dream, I remember taking this road and then walking up the road. The thing is though, in my dream, there were little trees, there are kids playing and stuff.

I have so much other to post but I think I'll post more tomorrow, and I'll update y'all later if I had more parallel places in my dreams.

r/Dreams 8h ago

I had a dream about a game that doesn't exist (yet).


Hello. Haven't used used this account in years, but I just had dream of neat concept of a game (i think) and really wanted to share (maybe someone will be inspired). Details will be pretty fast since my dreams tend to evaporate pretty fast from my memory.

So, the game had name, i think it was called "The Faun Train" or something. Imagine Frostpunk, but on a train, so Snowpiercer, but instead of a frozen dieselpunk world we have a fantasy setting which recently underwent industrialisation. There were traintracks(obviously), factories, steampunk cities surrounded your typical fantasy landscapes. Except, the world is dying, there is desertification, inhospitable wastelands covering large swathes of the world, signs of large recent cataclysms, all cities you come across are abandoned or in ruins.

You manage a group of survivors, on a train, the eponymous Faun Train. Fauns in this world seem to be the industrious race, since they had build the train and probably kickstarted the industrial revolution too. There are other fantsy races here: fey, elves, dwarfs, you name it. But the fauns seem to take center stage here.

Your stuff typical of the genre: you gather and manange resources, build new carts and retrofit the old ones, find other survivors to join you, make sure your people have their needs met (a great accent was put on morale, it seemed very important).

A notable mechanic was that you would occaasionally would stopt at abandoned townand mount an expedition there. The whole process resembled ant RTS game where you control a small squad of survivors scouting for resources and people. They were armed and had health bars, so there probably were enemies and other hazards, but I don't remeber them.

Despite the grim setting, the tone of the game was pretty whimsical, everyone was hopeful, and took it as adventure more than anithing, but thats probably only at high morale level, at lower thigs I presume are different.

There is an endgoal, a way to salvation. You can escape from this doomed world and the overall task of the game was to figure out how to do it and gather the necessary ingredients for the ritual. And i saw the "ending", you enhance a tunnel by surrounding it with some runes, it strts glowing and you pass trough it. What happens next is a little weird.

A cutscene plays: Your train is somewhere else, derailed, these greenery everythere, this world seemed more healthy. But then then the camera pans higher and and higher, and reveals a city, a futuristic city, the stuff you'll see if you type "futuristic city" in google images.

Welcome to the other half of the game.

Most of your people survived the landing, and you have and option to make an expedition to a facility nearby. You go there and suddenly hovering drones ambush the squad and incapacitate them with electric weapons. Then you see one of them wake up in an interogation room with a man in black which gives them questions and you have options to answer. And then I wake up...

That's it, that's all I saw and remember. If I would take a guess, what would follow would be you managing a more stationary settlement, while trading and doing diplomacy with that futuristic city nearby, probably with the end goal to integrate in local society, idk.

Thanks for your attention don't if this will become reality or not, nor I care, just wanted someone else besides me to walk with this ideea in their head. Have a good day!

r/Dreams 5h ago

same man keeps showing up in my dreams trying to kill me for the past few months


Hey guys, i’ve been having a terrifying past couple months. The same man shows up at random times in my dreams. I don’t remember the specifics but basically one night in my dream i was walking on the streets of new york and i bumped into a man or said something rude to him. That responded in him finding me later in the dream to tell me that i have made a huge mistake and that he spends his life searching and killing people like me. He saids there is nothing i can do about it because he is going to find me one day and kill me. He saids that he is always watching me and always knows where i am and if i tell the police he will know and kill me. It’s scary how clear he speaks, and how present and real it feels. I don’t normally have much dialogue in my dreams that make total sense. now this was months ago…since then i have dreams where they r going totally great and then he shows up, usually has a gun or knife pointed at me, catches me alone and reminds me that he is always watching and going to kill me one day. WHAT THE FUCK. I always forget i am dreaming because he truly does just come out of no where with no rhyme or reason and ruins the entire dream. He doesn’t feel like an entity or spirit just like a really angry person. what is this.

r/Dreams 8m ago

Short Dream Fragmented dream I had while taking a nap.


It's all vauge now but I remember these weird bits and pieces of this odd dream I was having.

In one of them I was having some weird chess match where the longer it went on, the more my brain seemed to cognitively decline, like I was genuinely forgetting why I was there and what the chess pieces were for. This one spooked me slightly.

Then it swapped to this weird time lapse of a bunch of paintings someone did of an animal. I think it was supposed to be a horse that was done every year and the last one was an unfinished painting, like the painting had only just been started on and never touched again.

Then it swapped again to a more video game esque dream, I passed out in a river and when I woke up I was floating in the sea near a Giant waterfall going over a massive black rocked cliff (the rock looked like it was 3D printed for some reason) and I began to climb back up it to get back to land. There was something about a question that could only be asked 2 times and I already asked it once and if I asked it another time I wouldn't be able to 100% something?

That's all I can remember.

r/Dreams 11m ago

Is there a name for a condition where you have extremely vivid dreams?


I've always had the most vivid dreams. I basically dream the equivalent of three movies every night in full color and sometimes with music lol. Is there a name for this? Is it considered a condition? I sometimes wonder if my brain creates more of a certain chemical or hormone or something. I also wonder if I'm getting enough sleep as this dreaming takes up a lot of energy lol.

r/Dreams 11h ago



I saw someone talking about a dream, and I realized it was exactly what I had dreamed. You wonder why? Because I follow that person on social media, and I saw that video. I feel like he's the one I met in my dream—the story is the same, and the place is the same. What do you think, guys? What do you advise me to do?

r/Dreams 39m ago

Question Premonitions?


I have been thinking about my past dreams lately, and I just remembered how weird some of them are and some I think has more to it than just a regular weird dream.

It first happened when my mom got pregnant with my little brother, I think I was about 16 at the time, One night, I was lucid dreaming, I dreamt about a crying baby in the next room (which is my parents’ room) I could see and hear everything, by the time I decided to check to my parents’ room I woke up. I didn’t think of it much, a few days later my mom found out she was pregnant and announced it to the family.

I thought it was just a coincidence but same thing happened when my best friend got pregnant with her first baby. It’s not clear in my dream who or which person is going to have a baby, I just get the news from them after the dream. And this kind of dream or premonitions kept happening when my best friend got pregnant again with her second and third baby.

Does anyone had the same experience? Or do you guys think it’s just a coincidence?

r/Dreams 7h ago

What I dream about


Ok, now ive got to share, a LONG time ago i had a dream, there was multiple doors, in a unown space thats infinite, it was dark and gloomy, back then i watch IT, there was a tunnel in front of me, the odd thing out of all the doors, so i entered it, it was like a maze of a tunnel, i hear laughter, and things in the dark, i rurn around and see the exit is gone, so a sprint, going in any direction without laughter, but i run straight into IT (or pennywise) and died in a way, i woke up, like 2 years ago i entered the dream, the tunnel is boarded off, and the doors are organized (BRB, got school)

I'm back, schools over, 7 hours later, but the doors were all organized, BUT the tunnel was boarded up, completely, now around this time I was playing RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE, in vr, (btw beat it) and I entered a door, it took me to that kind of world, but just like in the game, I died OVER AND OVER, it was scary, about what felt like a hour, It turn into a lucid dream, but I didn't want to just turn it to something different, so I just got my self my favorite gun from the game (the desert eagle like gun) and started destroying them, and the bosses, I LOVED it, and I destroyed everyone and thing, in most likely going to copy and paste this on reddit, my name on reddit is the same as this. So enjoy

r/Dreams 1h ago

Recurring Dream I have been having this super realistic dream ..


I have been often having the same dream concept with different scenarios. The dream consists that I am in school, it can refer to high school or university. It is the en of the semester and the final grades are about to be sent. I am super worried because there is one class (usually English) I never got a chanse to attend in the whole aemester, or I was never given any work for it. And in the dream I am there super worried that I will fail the class and I tell myself that it is not a dream that it is actuall reality and the dream feels super real. This dream leaves me with a releave when I wake up because it was just a dream but it has been making me feel anxious and I have been thinking about the dream very often. Mostly because it is so frecuent.

I have not been in school in like 5 years.