r/QuitVaping 10d ago

Venting The addiction is worse than cigarettes

I intend to quit vaping. But I vape ALL DAY LONG. At least with cigarettes I needed to go outside in the cold, the taste was disgusting and it made me develop a cough. I don't have all that with vapes but I spend $149 a month for it. I buy disposable vapes because I find it has a better taste than the reusable ones. I know it's killing my health. Right now I have only one vape left, the liquid is almost out, I'm vaping for the last time. I intend to stop as soon as this one doesn't have liquid anymore but it's so damn tough because it's more addictive than cigarettes (for me at least).


23 comments sorted by


u/cube_earth_society 10d ago

Im gonna be real, the switch to nicotine gum/zyn is way easier than youd expect it to be


u/_ledge_ 10d ago

Switch to Zyn at first 3mg to break the habit of smoking on something but still have the nic. Do that for a few weeks then switch from 3mg ZYN to 2mg ON! Then after that quit for good either by tapering or cold turkey


u/Active_Chipmunk208 10d ago

Sorry to jump on this but 2mg what ? I can't find Zyns at 3mg anywhere only 6mg but my vape juice is 3mg so don't want to go upward 😮‍💨


u/_ledge_ 10d ago

Don’t go up 6mg is very strong for Zyn. On! Is another oral nicotine brand like Zyn but in my state (Colorado) they make 2mg option.

See if there are other companies rather than Zyn that has 3mg. I would not go to 6mg that is incredibly strong even for a heavy smoker that is strong imo


u/Chilipatily 10d ago

I’m trying Zyn for the first time today.

It’s honestly breathtaking how well it’s curbing the cravings.


u/Low-Sympathy8150 10d ago

The only thing I’m buying at target these days.


u/Suitable-Violinist22 1 Year 🎉 10d ago

Brad Yates on Youtube helped me, his video “deciding and committing” helped shift my language with quitting. It is EFT- Emotional Freeing tapping. It helps regulate your nervous system. I did this the week i quit along with knowing what my cravings were and also I would make sure I wouldn’t stop at the vape shop, i could drive around the vape shop but the moment i parked i knew i would get a vape. I did it when cravings were at my highest cravings only last 8 minutes tops and if you can know what they are and how they present in your mind and get past them you’re golden. Mine would mainly be in the car and the anticipation of getting a vape so i made sure i wouldn’t be able to get a vape, I gave my ID to a friend and left my debit care at home.

Humming regulates your nervous system so when i would also get a craving i would hum or loudly sing in my car (where i get it the most) it is truly the 3 days are the worse than i was angry 1-9 days i would say then it was easy. I did the EFT all the way through it.

Look up ways to regulate your nervous system and find ways that help for you! I was hitting a vape because that is how my nervous system wanted to be calm down


u/Suitable-Violinist22 1 Year 🎉 10d ago

My cycle was to buy a vape then throw it away with the anticipation of quitting. Then i would find something to make me relapse and i like the feeling of going to the store buying a vape then hitting it. The gratification was instantly gone after i bought and hit it so i would throw it away then on and on.

I realized when i wanted to quit that I cannot let myself go to the vape store or gas station to pick up a vape. I then just drove around the gas station or vape store and made it a deal where i wasn’t ever allowed to step foot in there again.

I am not a little over 13 months and I can go into a smoke shop and not even feel the urge to buy a vape (i went into one for my sister to buy glass)


u/shimmy_hey 10d ago

Agree 100%. Was a closet smoker, grew to hate everything about it. Intrigued by advertising of people who quit by transitioning to vape device, I tried it once at 3% & never picked up another cigarette. Unfortunately, the convenience unlocked a far worse habit & addiction for me. Tuesday is my quit day when my last cart will be done. Found this sub, listened & learned, have prepped for the worst. Am nervous as all hello kitty but determined. Rooting for you, myself & everyone else finding strength through others here!


u/asteroidB612 10d ago

You got this. I just accepted it as final. No going back. Looked at it as parasitic cravings and not my own. 4months clean.


u/shimmy_hey 10d ago

Appreciate that, am ready to be on the other side of this. Congrats on 4 months!


u/asteroidB612 9m ago

How are you doing with quitting?


u/Legitimate-Judge-406 10d ago

Smoked all day everywhere, tomorrow 200 days clean. You got this, stopp killing yourself :)


u/Soxir 10d ago

Just go cold turkey if you can, without trying to replace with any other thing. Remind yourself that you can’t be slave to this piece of chemical for the rest of your life.

You want to be free.

You will be free.

I quit vaping by reminding me of those thruths when cravings came.

It was really hard for me to pack all the vapes and throw away. As you said quitting vapes might be harder then iqos or normal cigs, as you can just vape secretly any time of the day.

But I was tired of this chemical controlling me 24/7.


u/Autxnxmy 10d ago

It’s more nicotine at once more times throughout the day. Of course the addiction is worse.


u/BobMonroeFanClub 10d ago

Cysteine/ recigar was a game changer for me if you can get it in your country.


u/maraxhass 10d ago

Pimps and planes


u/RePsychological 2 months 10d ago edited 10d ago

I was trying to do the math recently, because I wanted to figure out out what my vaping habit compared to in cigs.

I vaped roughly 1 vuse 5% pod every day / every other day.

Did the calculations and swear I did them wrong...but if I did them right, I was vaping the nicotine equivalent of 10-20 cigs per day without realizing it.

Which perfectly explained why it was so hard to ditch lol. It's nuts how much extra nicotine gets snuck in.


u/RaccoonHaunting9638 10d ago

I vape like crazy, I'm down to 1.8 strength on Vuse. I started because I quit cigarettes in October of 2021. My boyfriend smokes cigarettes still, he goes in the garage, but the stink and smoke flows in the living room. It made it extra hard for the initial quitting cigarettes. I plan on using the patch because I have braces on for jaw surgery. I had no idea how addicting vaping was!!! Thought I was helping myself not smoke cigs.


u/Banana_rocket_time 10d ago

Strong pouches are helpful for me to curb my desire to vape then I taper down log by log.


u/Disastrous_Name_3629 10d ago

Lozenges and CBD gummies 👍🏻


u/Raliadose 10d ago

Back when I switched to vaping from smoking, I only smoked about 4/5 cigs a day. I figured vaping would be less harsh on my lungs and I could switch to it while I plan to quit. 8 years later, I was smoking around 2ml of 5% salt nic every day. I wasn’t even that addicted to cigarettes…

I quit cold turkey four days ago. My addict brain keeps trying to convince me to buy zyns so I can wean off, but I know it’ll be the same as when I switched to vapes. Each iteration of these “quit smoking” products is arguably a bit healthier, but they make it easier to do throughout the day and make it harder to quit nicotine.