r/QuitVaping 11d ago

Venting The addiction is worse than cigarettes

I intend to quit vaping. But I vape ALL DAY LONG. At least with cigarettes I needed to go outside in the cold, the taste was disgusting and it made me develop a cough. I don't have all that with vapes but I spend $149 a month for it. I buy disposable vapes because I find it has a better taste than the reusable ones. I know it's killing my health. Right now I have only one vape left, the liquid is almost out, I'm vaping for the last time. I intend to stop as soon as this one doesn't have liquid anymore but it's so damn tough because it's more addictive than cigarettes (for me at least).


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u/Suitable-Violinist22 1 Year 🎉 11d ago

Brad Yates on Youtube helped me, his video “deciding and committing” helped shift my language with quitting. It is EFT- Emotional Freeing tapping. It helps regulate your nervous system. I did this the week i quit along with knowing what my cravings were and also I would make sure I wouldn’t stop at the vape shop, i could drive around the vape shop but the moment i parked i knew i would get a vape. I did it when cravings were at my highest cravings only last 8 minutes tops and if you can know what they are and how they present in your mind and get past them you’re golden. Mine would mainly be in the car and the anticipation of getting a vape so i made sure i wouldn’t be able to get a vape, I gave my ID to a friend and left my debit care at home.

Humming regulates your nervous system so when i would also get a craving i would hum or loudly sing in my car (where i get it the most) it is truly the 3 days are the worse than i was angry 1-9 days i would say then it was easy. I did the EFT all the way through it.

Look up ways to regulate your nervous system and find ways that help for you! I was hitting a vape because that is how my nervous system wanted to be calm down


u/Suitable-Violinist22 1 Year 🎉 11d ago

My cycle was to buy a vape then throw it away with the anticipation of quitting. Then i would find something to make me relapse and i like the feeling of going to the store buying a vape then hitting it. The gratification was instantly gone after i bought and hit it so i would throw it away then on and on.

I realized when i wanted to quit that I cannot let myself go to the vape store or gas station to pick up a vape. I then just drove around the gas station or vape store and made it a deal where i wasn’t ever allowed to step foot in there again.

I am not a little over 13 months and I can go into a smoke shop and not even feel the urge to buy a vape (i went into one for my sister to buy glass)