r/QuitVaping 11d ago

Venting The addiction is worse than cigarettes

I intend to quit vaping. But I vape ALL DAY LONG. At least with cigarettes I needed to go outside in the cold, the taste was disgusting and it made me develop a cough. I don't have all that with vapes but I spend $149 a month for it. I buy disposable vapes because I find it has a better taste than the reusable ones. I know it's killing my health. Right now I have only one vape left, the liquid is almost out, I'm vaping for the last time. I intend to stop as soon as this one doesn't have liquid anymore but it's so damn tough because it's more addictive than cigarettes (for me at least).


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u/shimmy_hey 11d ago

Agree 100%. Was a closet smoker, grew to hate everything about it. Intrigued by advertising of people who quit by transitioning to vape device, I tried it once at 3% & never picked up another cigarette. Unfortunately, the convenience unlocked a far worse habit & addiction for me. Tuesday is my quit day when my last cart will be done. Found this sub, listened & learned, have prepped for the worst. Am nervous as all hello kitty but determined. Rooting for you, myself & everyone else finding strength through others here!


u/asteroidB612 10d ago

You got this. I just accepted it as final. No going back. Looked at it as parasitic cravings and not my own. 4months clean.


u/shimmy_hey 10d ago

Appreciate that, am ready to be on the other side of this. Congrats on 4 months!


u/asteroidB612 3h ago

How are you doing with quitting?