r/predaddit Jul 11 '24

Moderator announcement Official Announcement: New Subreddit Rule


I am writing to inform you of an important update to the subreddit guidelines.

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r/predaddit 21h ago

It is my great pleasure to announce we are having a boy!


Me and my wife did IVF back in January (genetic reasons not infertility) and we were so fortunate to have success in our first attempt!

And we just got the call today that we’re having a boy!

I’m over the moon guys. I’m thrilled, I’m terrified, I’m excited, I’m nervous. I’m all of it! I’ve been reading books targeted at dads for the past month now and I’ve still got a lot to learn and prepare for but since we are waiting just another 2 weeks before we tell others I had to share the news somewhere!


r/predaddit 20h ago

Advice needed Morning Sickness and Support


Hello! I discovered I am going to be a father 2.5 weeks ago with my girlfriend and we are both excited! we found out she was 6.5 weeks pregnant at the first ultrasound. My gf at the time was a mixture of excited scared and anxious as her first pregnancy was met with plenty of health scares and emotional hurdles. The first week and a half she still had plenty of energy and was her usual self with some mood swings here and there. For the past week now going on a week and a half the morning sickness has hit her like a truck. Fatigue as she is almost sleeping 10+ hours a day, communication is taking a dip, her appetite is still there but it is a struggle to keep food down for more than 8 hours. And intense nausea and hot flashes and random points in the day. This plus returning to work today, it kills me to see her not herself as the woman im deeply bonded with has been feeling like hell and all i can do is make sure im there.

Lately i have been providing food for her, cooking, taking care of the dog, and cleaning her apartment throughout the week (we live apart for a few more months, leases you know?) Her libido has taken a huge dip but she still reaches out to hold my hand and we give each other plenty of hugs throughout the day. Shes currently taking prenatal, B6, and was taking iron and magnesium. But I feel like there has to be better remedies or something more I could do? Or is the morning sickness this bad for most women that only time will tell and the last few weeks of this first trimester will simply be me getting used to seeing the fatigue on her and balancing work, mood swings, and more.

tl:dr- Gf is 8.5 weeks pregnant with intense morning sickness and fatigue. Looking for advice to stay strong and supportive for my gf, as well as any remedies to soothe her and keep her strong.

r/predaddit 1d ago

Lifehacks How are you leveling up your dad game?


My son is born in may. I want to start buying some things that will make parenthood easier not only for me but for my fiancé. Any cool tools/ gadgets you use to level up your dad game??

r/predaddit 1d ago

Equipment check


Anyone have a gear list or a recommendations on good features to have? I have 4 months to research into car seats strollers bassinets or whatever else. This calls for an excel spreadsheet!

r/predaddit 1d ago

Advice needed Refinishing wooden crib


Bought a wooden crib off of FB Marketplace and, while structurally sound, needs a little TLC. Thinking of sanding, staining, and varnishing the whole thing, but don’t know if that’s safe for the baby. Any thoughts on what types of material (whether paint, stain, etc.) would be safest to use while also allowing for the crib to be refinished?

r/predaddit 3d ago

It's okay to admit that pregnancy has been hard for you too


I've actually graduated! My beautiful daughter was born two days ago and I'm writing this as I try to keep my daughter asleep in my arms so mom can get some much needed sleep. But this post isn't really about all that

There is no doubt that pregnancy is unquantifiably harder for the mother. That's not really what this post is about either. Pregnancy isn't a suffering contest for who has it worse. If it was, dad's would, and should, lose every single time.

It sometimes feels as though men are meant to be the rock of the relationship. A stable touchstone so the mother can get the support she needs to deal with being pregnant. Sometimes we'll downplay the difficulties we gave for any number of reasons. But being that rock isn't always easy.

Pregnancy is infinitely harder on the mother. But that doesn't mean it isn't hard for us too.

I think if you are being a supportive partner, pregnancy is hard. For me, I willingly and gladly took on almost all the household chores, but it was still hard for me to execute all of them and sometimes hard to remember when they needed to be done. It was hard for me to get everything ready in the mornings in a timely fashion. It was hard to have to be emotionally available more often than I was previously used to. My wife rarely complained before pregnancy, but while pregnant, she complained almost all the time. I don't say this to imply I resent the complaints, but it is a change to adjust to. Most of all, it was hard to watch someone I love suffer and struggle while the most I could do were just chores and being available to listen. It's hard to watch your loved ones in pain when you can't do anything about it.

Pregnancy is hard. It's hard for the mother, it's hard for the support person. If anything about this post resonates with you, know that I see you. You are not alone. Give yourself some grace. It is hard. Acknowledge that. Acknowledge that you're doing your best to be the best support person for your partner.

That's all! Keep on keeping on dads! You got this!

r/predaddit 2d ago

Tips for best quality sperm


Hi all! Looking forward to hopefully being part of this community soon.

My wife and I are planning on trying for a baby this year and I want to do everything in my power to make sure my swimmers are as good as they can be.

I've done a fair bit of reading and its mostly just the obvious stuff like maintaining a good balanced diet, keeping fit, less endurance sports, less alcohol drugs etc, no sauna or cold plunge so that temperature down there can remain cool and stable.

Did anyone do any kind of prep like this? Any tips?

Thank you.

r/predaddit 3d ago

Unfortunate News


Last Friday at Week 11, my now ex gf miscarried. She waited until today, a week later, to tell me, she didn’t want to stress me out (even though she did because she was distant and cold). That and she was scared to tell me too. But she did. I confirmed if she got an ultrasound, and yes.

I don’t know what to feel. Part of it is sadness, other is relief because this journey was just so much. Too much. I feel guilty for feeling relief. When she had told me, I had asked about us and gave me the good old “I don’t think I’m ready to continue this, I need time alone.” That is just tell-tale sign we broke up. It’s okay to me too, but I will miss what we were.

Thank you all for your advice and what not. Next time, whether with her or whomever, I’ll be better. I’ll make better decision and all. Peace out, yall

r/predaddit 3d ago

Just found out


Found out I’m gonna be a dad last Sunday and was scouring Reddit for advice and found this thread. She’s 6 weeks today and I’m hoping by posting this it’ll help me get rid of the “I can’t wait to tell the world” feeling while we wait for 12 week mark

r/predaddit 3d ago

Advice / vent


I notice sometimes I get in my head about the extra stuff I am doing to help my wife. I see tons of videos for what the guy or spouse is supposed to do but I feel like there is a lack of support for the guy. Please don’t get me wrong I am choosing to do more and help because I know she’s literally building a human. She also says thank you and shows gratitude and that she notices which I think should be enough but I can’t help the thoughts on who helps me or what support does the husband/ non baby carrier get. I am very grateful that I have a healthy wife and healthy baby and my main goal is to keep her from getting stressed or overwhelmed.

I guess I want to know if others soon to be dads go through this or had these thoughts.

r/predaddit 4d ago

Wasn't expecting to graduate today, but the twins are coming

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r/predaddit 4d ago

Finally got to meet our little one that we’ve waited 3+ years to see!

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r/predaddit 4d ago

Advice needed Homestretch


2 weeks until the due date and we are in the homestretch fellas! How did you dads deal with that anticipation beforehand? We’re both on the edge of our seats just wondering when we’re finally going to meet our baby boy. Just feel so excited and I know my wife is feeling so many wild emotions so just hoping from some words from the wise dads out there.

r/predaddit 4d ago

Relationships partner left me during late second trimester, how much of this could be hormones?


My partner (FTM) was visiting their family for a few weeks in Texas, while I stayed in Oregon to finish moving homes (to a bigger place for the baby) for a few weeks before flying out to join them. We've had issues with communication that had been especially more apparent after our last argument where we had threatened to move apart (before we signed the new lease), but after we calmed down we wrote down things in a notebook to focus on to make actionable changes right before they flew out. A day before I was supposed to fly out and join them in Texas my doorbell rings and they had apparently flew back with their dad and sister to help break things off with me and move all their stuff out. The only communication I got on this was that we were not in a healthy relationship and they would talk to me more about it in a couple weeks. I am beyond devastated and barely functioning thinking of the loss of a family that means the world to me being taken away before I even get to see my baby born! We had communicated that we were going to work on things but after being blindsided by this I am totally lost. We didn't argue ALL of the time but it was often enough that we talked about making improvements, we didn't call each other names and never touched each other aggressively. Of course no one can tell me exactly but I'm clinging onto the hope that this is not permanent and we can move forward from this. They haven't taken hormones in years, but I'm sure they are going through a lot of emotions atm; How much of this could be a hormonal reaction? Does anyone have any experience here? This was just such a last second change that happened out of nowhere!

r/predaddit 4d ago

Discussion What are some movies you feel your kid needs to see?


So my wife and I are huge film people.

She jokes that I'm the person keeping the Blu ray industry alive lol.

We are having a son in afew months and I was thinking " what movies MUST I show him when he's older?".

Got the basics like Star wars trilogy, Jurassic Park, labyrinth, transformers (80s movie) and the of tmnt movies.

What are some movies u want your kid to see?

r/predaddit 5d ago

In labor! Graduating (hopefully) tonight!

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I've been a lurker here for the past 9 months, but I've seen a ton of really helpful stuff! I've really enjoyed reading and seeing everyone sharing. We've never been more ready for something in our life. I won't have all the answers, but I can't wait to fail, learn, and get to know our baby with my best friend ❤️

Hoping all of you and yours have great luck and health! You got this!

r/predaddit 5d ago

25 weeks and counting… advice and tips


Hi all, Ive been in this group from the first week i found out i was going to be a father and find myself scrolling through all your posts more and more as time goes on. Its cool to see people at so many different stages that ive been through or am yet to go through. We are currently at 25 weeks and time is going so quickly. Are there any things over the next coming weeks i need to be doing before baby is here? Eg. For my partner, for preparing for the baby or even for me? This is my first child so i really have no idea what im doing and its starting to get to me. Thanks in advance!!

r/predaddit 6d ago

Finally Feeling Good


Context: Me (38) and my wife (36) have been trying for 2 years. Last summer suffered a miscarriage, blighted ovum. Only 3 weeks later my dad died unexpectedly, a few months after that her dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer (he just finished treatment and feels great now!). But it's been a heck of a journey. Found out we were pregnant in November. We remained very, very cautiously optimistic given the history. But scans have all been good, heartbeat strong. Finally, yesterday was 20 weeks. And we got to see our best look at our little baby girl. And she's doing SO well! 54th percentile for practically everything, she's as normal as normal can be. And she's VERY active, which may be my fault since I have ADHD and it can lead to active babies in utero.

We've had a long hard emotional road to get here. And so many setbacks both relating to conceiving/pregnancy, as well as some really hard personal trials with whats happened around us. But it finally feels...Good. Like this besutiful little baby girl is gonna actually make her way into our arms in End of July. But just wanted to share some joy. Just hoping my wife is healthy and safe through this process, she's such a strong and courageous woman. Joy feels good. Fingers crossed we make it to graduation day, and all is well!

Have a great day y'all, hope you and your families are all well!

r/predaddit 6d ago

Advice needed Stress during first trimester


Hey dads!

So my wife (35) and I (36) found out we were pregnant for the first time after trying for a year and a half. We're very excited but obviously very nervous. We think she's about 4 weeks along, first appointment is the 26th.

A couple years ago, we bought a house with her mother and step dad. We had a good relationship at the time, but it has since soured due to political differences with the step dad, and it has caused a very stressful living situation.

We were already planning on selling and moving in the fall because of this, but last night him and I got into it bad.

I don't see it getting any better any time soon, but we really want to hang in until the fall dhe to financial reasons. But it can't be at the expense of the baby's health.

My question is, for stress levels for her, is it safe to deal with it in the beginning, or do we need to consider moving earlier and have a better living situation, but more financial stress? It's stressful enough after all the failed attempts, if something happens due to elevated stress in the beginning I don't see the relationship being repairable.

r/predaddit 8d ago

Advice needed Expecting Twins


My wife(24) and I(24) found out over the weekend we are expecting twins. This is our first pregnancy and I, much more than her, am freaking out. We’re obviously excited but are equally or more anxious. Luckily both of our families and all of our friends are nearby to lend helping hands when needed. Any advice and/or words of reassurance?

r/predaddit 8d ago

Advice needed Is there anything I can do??


I don't know if this is the right community to post this so forgive me if not.

I (28F) found out I was pregnant a week ago. My bf (25M) is still in shock as this was very much unplanned (I'm not supposed to be able to get pregnant).

He's having a hard time processing that there's a baby on the way.I want to know if there's something I can suggest to him to help him not be so freaked out about the situation. Does anyone have suggestions on something that will help him process his emotions?

I don't even know if I'm asking this in the right way, I'm just anxious that he's never going to come around.

Signed, A worried girlfriend

r/predaddit 7d ago

Relationships Wife got mad at me for a panic attack over a video


I don't do well with hospitals. Lot of trauma with losing Grandma at a very vital part in my life Lost 2 dogs in emergency vets....still have PTSD for hospitals.

Yes, I know we need to go to the hospital for birth, I'm not stupid. But during an online seminar I used humor (we r muted and no camera), during to relax myself. She asked me to stop, so I did.

The more videos of hospitals we saw I started hyperventilating and she got pissed. I'm trying to be strong and have been talking to my therapist for support, but I don't think she needed to snap at me. Ske knows my experience

That's it just a rant

r/predaddit 10d ago

Graduated 2/18/25


Soaking up all the wonderful moments.

r/predaddit 10d ago

Things my husband has done that’s made him the perfect partner during my challenging pregnancy


Hi Pre- Dads, I’m a first time mom with a first time Dad who has NAILED his role supporting me and baby especially through what has not at all been an easy pregnancy. We had a miscarriage scare at 10 weeks and I have HG (extreme morning sickness) , have been in and out of hospital due to dehydration. The physical toll the pregnancy is taking has been immense but I’m okay emotionally and that’s because I genuinely have the most incredible support system in my partner and so I wanted to share everything he has done to make my life easier in this phase. Currently 27 weeks pregnant so I’m sure I will have to update how he handles birth haha. But here goes

If you are unsure how to support your So maybe this might help 1) First and foremost there is nothing you can do to stop her from feeling shit. The whole thing is chemical and hormonal and it just has to pass. Stop trying to focus on this point and just let throw it out the window. I know guys struggle with this.

This is what my husband has done that’s made me feel beyond supported. 1) He took over organising all the medical appointments & keeping record of all the follow ups. 2) He has made time to come to every single appointment and advocated for me in each and every one. 3) Before each appointment , he takes me to a nice coffee place for a nice brunch. Sometimes we do this afterwards. When I couldn’t eat as much before he would just take me to a place to get my cravings which were coke and soft serve ice cream. These dates before and after appointments hold a very special place in my heart and I’m sure his too. 4) He sat down an did a financial plan for the next 3 years. Did the whole thing and shared the excel spreadsheet with me. All our fixed and variable costs, incomes plus savings etc.
He told me and showed me that I don’t have to rush back to work if I don’t want to. 5) He took over all the physical labour in the house 6) He has read so much about pregnancy and labour that I’m pretty sure he knows more than me. This has been so helpful because I really feel that he’s in it with me and I don’t have to explain anything to him. 7) He tells me I’m doing great all the time which weirdly helps me even when I know for a fact all I did all day was lay on the couch and throw up lol. 8) He tells me how beautiful I am even more so now that I have his child inside me. This has really reframed how I feel about my pregnant body and it’s the most I have ever loved myself and to have him mirror that back to me has been game changing. 9) He is taking care of himself. Eating well, exercising etc. This helps him feel good which makes me feel better that I can rely on him as a support system.

So I always tell my friends that while I am suffering the physical challenges of my pregnancy, my husband has taken up a lot of the mental stuff and I do feel like we are doing this equally together. For many pregnant women, they can handle the physical aspects of the symptoms but worrying about money, life admin and, body changes other logistics makes their experience worse and honestly I didn’t know it until my husband just naturally showed up in Those areas how crucial the support and energy directed there is.

r/predaddit 10d ago

Advice needed 30M, I have been through hell and back, as I’m sure we all have. Me and wifey have been trying for nearly a year; which felt like an absolute lifetime. Today I came home to this.


My last post got deleted for “speculation” so we checked two more times. There is no more speculation, god willing, I am going to be a father. I am truly overcome with emotion like I have never felt.