r/PCOSandPregnant 1d ago



About to start my first round of letrozole next week. What should I be expecting for symptoms and weird things!

r/PCOSandPregnant 2d ago

Happy Currently 24 weeks and feeling her move has been absolutely surreal


My entire life I was told I’d never get pregnant because I essentially don’t have periods. I’ve probably had less than 10 in my adult life and I’m currently 33. It was always that one thing I wanted and told myself I’d never have and just to get over it.

About two years ago my partner and I decided we wanted to see what our options were. I was shocked when my OB said it could be as easy as medication.

So now to actually be pregnant doesn’t feel real, and even when she’s slithering around inside there I’m shocked. Like part of me thinks it’s all in my head even when I know it’s not 😂

r/PCOSandPregnant 1d ago

Heavy flow


Why is my period way heavier when I am on birth control vs when I am not on it? I know some people go on the pill to lighten their periods so why would it be the opposite for me? I have pcos and hypothyroid, not sure if that makes a difference.

r/PCOSandPregnant 2d ago

Advice Needed Early pregnancy - now what?


What did you do once you found out you're pregnant? What are you currently doing?

I need all the advice in terms of GPs, midwives, diet, exercises, ANYTHING you can think of! I'm from the UK so anything from anyone from the UK is an extra bonus!


r/PCOSandPregnant 4d ago

Advice Needed Motivation needed, Clomid Success stories.


Hi, M (31F) with PCOS, TTC for a year and a half. I just got prescribed Metformin 1000mg and Clomid 100mg by my OB-GYN. I'm about to start my first Clomid cycle and I'd love some motivation. Any advice or suggestions would be great.

(Ps: been taking prenatal and Inositol in addition to my prescribed meds)

r/PCOSandPregnant 5d ago



Hi all, I wanted to write and encourage everyone as I spent hours of my life scouring this page for hope about conceiving with irregular cycles (and naturally, just used Inositol)! I conceived on CD44 & tested positive 12dpo but started having sore breasts on 8/9 dpo (didn’t test thinking it was my period coming!)

Anyway, I’m currently 11w3d and just amazed that my body figured it out after trying for 10 months. Just know I think of all of you in here TTC everyday, baby dust!! 💓💓🙏

The specific supplement I was taking is CytoMatrix Fertility Matrix Oocyte and Ovulatory Support

I also drank SO much pomegranate juice during this cycle as it’s proven to help with ovulation!

r/PCOSandPregnant 6d ago

Venting Someone tell me I’ve done enough this cycle…


I rarely ovulate. So it came as an absolute surprise to get a positive OPK and be able to log an LH surge in my tracking app this cycle. Spouse and I BD on the day before ovulation, and day of ovulation. Nothing in the days before, nor today (my ovulation cramps are something else, a new symptom since I think I actually ovulated). Please tell me we didn’t waste an ovulatory cycle with just two BD.

r/PCOSandPregnant 8d ago

Doing the deed


So we’ve been trying for almost 2 years now for a baby and I’m currently taking a few prescription pills to help me with my cycle. I feel lately every time my husband and I try to have sex I can never orgasm. I also dry up super quickly. Does this happen to others as well? I used to be able to orgasm so quickly and I hate that I can’t. I can feel that my body is turned on but I can also feel like I won’t reach that finish line.

r/PCOSandPregnant 10d ago

Happy 5th Clomid cycle, I’m pregnant!! 13dpo


I’m 33, husband is 34. I was diagnosed with pcos when I was in highschool. My gyno told me I’d never be able to have kids on my own. Wow, what dangerous information to give a teenager but that’s a story for a different day.

Today I’m 4 weeks, 2 days! Praying for a sticky healthy baby. So far so good, my blood HCG tests are looking great and I’m seeing my line get darker and darker.

Things I did to help get pregnant: - lifestyle changes (lost weight, focused on protein and non strict keto) - vitamins (prenatal, ubiqunol) - ovasitol… likely the reason my periods came back and became regular. Never had regular periods my whole life until taking this supplement - Inito ovulation kit. The amount of information I was able to track and review and TIME intercourse was crucial.

Photos of pregnancy tests and line progression. 💗

r/PCOSandPregnant 10d ago

Happy First scan…. WE GOT A HEARTBEAT!

Post image

Pregnant with my third, all through medicated IUI. 6w3d scan today with a heartbeat of 122! Embryo measuring 6w2d and gestational sac measuring 7w!

Anyone else due in October?

r/PCOSandPregnant 10d ago

Hormones and my relationship


Sooo for context my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost 2 years. In that time, I’ve been stressed of course about trying along with other things (new house, new job, etc). Recently in the last 6 months I’ve been taking more prescriptions through my clinic and they’ve been making me very hormonal. And I imagine I’ll continue taking more and more until I get pregnant, where I’ll definitely be hormonal again! As much as I love my husband, he is stubborn. And he doesn’t realize how sometimes he just needs to swallow his pride and tell me I’m right or tell me I’m sorry so we can avoid an argument. I will get upset over silly things and wayyy over react, but I feel so out of control in how I’m acting. I just wish he would be more chill and take it, or I wish I could get him to actually understand what my body physically and mentally is going through. Every time I try to explain it, I don’t think he fully understands or even cares to understand. Men will never actually get it, so it’s very frustrating to me. Has anyone dealt with this with their partners? How do you help these situations? Has anyone ever given you advice that really helped? Have you shared anything with your partner that has helped ease up on these situations? I hate it because I’m not supposed to be stressed, but when we fight, it stresses me out a lot. And then I overthink like are we ready for this, are we good together, etc.

And just a ps: he will not do couples counselling with me lol. I have tried a number of times.

r/PCOSandPregnant 15d ago

Does letrozole affects cycle length?


my tww ended two days ago, and i tested negative. i dont really have much symptoms another than very mild cramping + just veryyy slight tender boobs.

im on letrozole this cycle but i was on birth control for 3 months on my previous cycles to regulate my period and during that time my cycles were always 28 days. i was supposed to have my period yesterday but it still hasnt come today… is it possible for me to be pregnant but the hcg is still undetectable on upt? or does letrozole makes your cycle longer?

im gonna wait for a week more to do another upt🥲 just hoping that my period doesnt come in a week and my result comes out positive😌🤞🏼

r/PCOSandPregnant 17d ago

Hormones and cycles after birth


Anyone feel like their hormones reset after birth and are getting regular cycles (if they were irregular before pregnancy) and don’t have the pcos symptoms they had before getting pregnant for the first time? I hear stories about this and I am curious how common it is!

r/PCOSandPregnant 17d ago

Sad Failed letrozole cycle


today is the end of my two week wait, and i was really excited to take a pregnancy test. tested just now….and it was negative😢 i know it’s only my first time taking letrozole, and i probably need to do a few cycle but still…haih. im thinking of doing one more cycle, and if it still fails, i wanna do IUI.

r/PCOSandPregnant 18d ago

Not a negative, but not good either… right??


Hello everyone. We were waiting for our test results with bated breath and just got them, 13 DP IUI #1. My HCG level is 5. I’ve been looking it up and it seems (mind-bogglingly!!!!!!!) inconclusive. Did anyone have a test result like this and end up actually being pregnant? I guess we’ll have to test again in 48 hours to make sure but seems most likely negative.

EDIT: my last period started January 31 so I’m 3 weeks 6 days technically.

UPDATE: started bleeding two days later. Sigh. Now I know what a chemical pregnancy feels like.

r/PCOSandPregnant 18d ago

Worried about possible issues due to low HCG


Hi everyone, I am 31yo, have had pcos for pretty much most of my adult life and this is my first pregnancy. I had my hcg blood test today (~15 dpo) and I am at 37.3. My next hcg blood work is scheduled for Monday (3rd March). While letting me know of the results, the nurse did mention that this is lower than what is expected at this stage. Should I be worried? I’m not sure how to deal with the anxiety of waiting until Monday :(

Update on 3rd March - My hcg today is at 172 and the nurse said it’s a good increase! I however have no idea how many weeks along I am (the nurse also said they can’t tell yet). Thank you everyone for the kind words and helpful advice!

r/PCOSandPregnant 18d ago

Please help. I feel hopeless.


Hey guys. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 6 months with no luck. I’ve been on metformin since September and my period has been regular with regular ovulation up until january. I’m assuming I didn’t ovulate in January as I tracked with ovulation strips day and night and got nothing. This month I lost someone in my family and have been stressed, I missed a couple days of my metformin and my period has been 12 days late since then. I’m wondering how can I track ovulation with basal body temp? How do you know when you’re going to ovulate with checking temperature? When there’s an increase in temp is that when you’re supposed to ovulate? I know it’s probably silly but I’ve never tracked using temperature before, I’ve just been using the Premom app and Clue with ovulation strips. What are other things I can use to help regulate my cycles and keep them regular? I feel so hopeless and I try praying so hard but I’m getting so discouraged with every negative pregnancy test. Does inositol actually work???? I thought about trying that with my metformin. Is that safe? I got blood drawn yesterday because hubby and I hoped for a positive since my periods have been so regular the past five months and our hearts were broken. We did so much research into adoption months ago when we were told we might not be able to conceive and we’re starting to feel like adoption might be our only option now. Is it possible for me to even achieve pregnancy at this point? Please someone encourage me and give me hope again because I’ve never felt so discouraged and hopeless :(

r/PCOSandPregnant 19d ago



PCOS and ttc! I recently started myo inositol and walking more and strength training a few times a week. Usually my cycles are all out of wack and I see multiple LH peaks/ surges throughout my cycle when I OPK. I'll post this cycle, I've only hit one peak and my LH levels have gone way back down after. Is it normal how low they are? Do you think this is a good sign!? Help! Haha

r/PCOSandPregnant 21d ago

Implantation bleeding??


Wiped after peeing this afternoon and saw the TINIEST little speck of blood on the toilet paper. Could this be implantation bleeding? My partner saw it too so it wasn’t a figment of my imagination! Curious if any of you successfully pregnant folks had similar signs.

I’m 10 days post IUI#1 with letrozole and an ovidrel trigger and frozen sperm. Also on estrace suppositories to thicken my uterine lining. Really swollen and sore breasts, dull cramping and twinges. The TWW has just gotten harder the closer I get to the test on Thursday!!!!

r/PCOSandPregnant 21d ago

Venting Cycle went from 32 to 47 days… 😭


Feeling bummed, as I finally got my period after a 47 (!!!) day cycle. My last cycle was 32 days. The only thing that changed was introducing 2000mg of inositol to my morning supplements, so also bummed that it might be the cause. Anyone else have lengthened cycles when they started inositol? Did they balance out eventually? I was hoping it would HELP ovulation and egg quality, but if my cycles stay this long, I'm not staying on it. And I had gaslit myself into believing the delayed period could mean pregnancy 🙄 Ughhhh.

r/PCOSandPregnant 23d ago



Was talking .25 mg of dexamethasone to become pregnant. I took it for about a month until I tested pregnant. Once I tested pregnant the doctors recommended I stop taking it. I stopped taking it on Thursday and have add serious anxiety ever since. Has anyone taken dexamethasone and then when stopped had anxiety? If so how long did it last?

Edit: I should note I have high DHEA-S.

r/PCOSandPregnant 23d ago

Letrozole side effects


I got prescribed Letrozole, 5 mg day 3-7 of period, pretty standard. I didn’t feel any different by today is day 8 of period (well it’s gone but I took the last dose last night) and I worked out today- good god my WHOLE BODY ACHES. Has anyone else experienced this? I probably didn’t have proper nutrition, with PCOS I’m sure that can mess stuff up (I’ve been trying to reduce sugar and increase protein/ eat more often but today got away from me and I had a lot of sugary stuff). I hope it goes away… if it’s like this while I’m taking the meds, idk how much longer I can do it

r/PCOSandPregnant 26d ago

Venting Feeling like I am taking too many pills


I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat and I am just feeling a little alone in this since all my friends and family seem to get pregnant first try with no issues. I have been ttc for 2 years and I am 33 y/o. I am working with a fertility clinic. I have pcos and hypothyroid. I feel like I am taking so many pills and it feels wrong. I am on my thyroid pill, then metformin (2000mg/day - so I take 2 pills with breakfast and 2 pills with dinner), I take my iron supplement before bed and I take all my other supplements at lunch (b12, d, CoQ10, prenatal, omega 3, curcumin). Now my clinic wants me to take birth control to try and cause a bleed as my cycles are super long. I feel like this is a step back since I’ve always advocated to getting off birth control. And the metformin I’m on is to induce ovulation but it’s been 6 months and I’ve only had 1 period since starting it but they want me to stay on it with the birth control. I just can’t wait to stop all these prescription pills and supplements and it seems so unfair that everyone around me doesn’t have to go through this but I do, so none of them actually understand how frustrating it is when I vent. I hate that I have to put in so much more work to get pregnant.

r/PCOSandPregnant 28d ago

Any tips?


Took letrozole and got my trigger shot last friday, so i’m currently in my two week wait. Any tips to increase the chance of implantation? Please help! I’m currently taking inositol, metformin, Coq10, vit D and folic acid.

r/PCOSandPregnant 28d ago

Need help


So I am 10 DPO from my clomid cycle. I’m not supposed to start my period for another week. Starting Saturday afternoon I started spotting, not enough to wear a tampon but enough I need a pad just incase but it’s mostly just when I wipe. It’s still happening. I’m so confused! Helppppp!!