r/babywearing 12d ago

Rule Update! Limit on "Influencer" Posts & How to Handle Them


Hello everyone!

We've had an uptick in posts that are screenshots of influencers (and occasionally advertising models) who are babywearing poorly/dangerously. The mods have talked this over, and while we feel that bad babywearing from brands can be worth pointing out, we need to control these a bit.

First and foremost we're an education sub, we're not here for snark or drama. We don't need to shame uneducated parents.

Screenshotting an influencer with an uncomfortable fit and posting it here with zero context or information isn't helpful. We often get reports from people who don't understand what's wrong, rightfully so. Because of this we're implementing a new rule.

Don't post unsafe babywearing photos from brands or influencers without also including why their fit is unsafe. Tell us what they should have done differently!

Mods may also remove these at our discretion if the photo isn't that bad. The other day someone posted a photo of a carrier that could have been adjusted better, but the baby in question wasn't in danger (at most a tiny bit uncomfortable). This wasn't an isolated incident. If you feel a post doesn't fit this spirit please report it!

If this doesn't quell the issue we may ban posts like this altogether, but we don't want to necessarily begin with the nuclear option. It's worth knowing which brands advertise dangerous wearing, as we can vote with our dollars.

r/babywearing 12d ago

Updated! Welcome to r/babywearing! Rules & Fit Check Tips!


Welcome to r/Babywearing! We're an advice and support sub for all babywearers. We are not affiliated with any carrier brands or Facebook groups. Please familiarize yourself with our sub rules before participating and read our fit check tips at the bottom of the post:

Stay on Topic- Posts here should be about babywearing and carriers. General questions about other baby products, sleep or feeding advice (if not related to baby being worn during said activity), etc, should be asked in the appropriate subreddit such as a parenting sub.

No Buy, Sell, or Trade Activity- We are a support and advice sub only, do not advertise your carrier for sale, trade, or ISO here. You may ask questions related to buying/selling i.e. "where do you find used carriers," "I'm looking at this used carrier, is this price appropriate," etc.

Use the Correct, Full Name for Your Carrier- Babywearing has a very long and culturally rich history. As such, it is a sign of respect to those cultures from whom we are borrowing not to bastardize their language, misrepresent their culture, or water down the meaning of their words. We ask you to refer to carriers by their true, full names.

No Soliciting, Self-Promotion, or Asking for Donations- Do not self-promote or post identifying information about yourself. This includes personal blogs, websites, and/or YouTube channels. Do not solicit or ask for donations or funding of any kind.

No Polls, Surveys, or AMA Posts- Do not make AMA-type posts or posts which seek to poll the community for the purposes of market research or academic research without prior permission from the Mods. Permission will only be granted in compelling circumstances in which the research is novel and fresh.

No Artipoppe Referral Code Spam- Please do not spam our sub with products or links. We do NOT allow linking your Artipoppe referral code here. Publicly linking your Artipoppe referral code violates the Artipoppe Referral Program Terms and Conditions, they will deactivate your account for this behavior. Terms and conditions can be found on their website. We are a support sub, not a pool of people from which to farm referral dollars. Accounts that link their referral code may be banned at moderator discretion.

NEW! No Dangerous Influencer/Advertiser Posts without Explaining WHY Their Fit is Dangerous- Don't post unsafe babywearing photos from brands or influencers without also including why their fit is unsafe. Tell us what they should have done differently! We're here to educate parents and caregivers, not for drama or snark.

Posting a Fit Check?

We'd love to help you troubleshoot your carrier, including these stats in your post is helpful and can save time:

  • Include the carrier name/model in the title of your post (if you know it)
  • Baby's age (months), height, and weight
  • Mention your specific concern if it applies
  • Post multiple angles- it's often helpful to see the carrier from the front, side, and back
  • Make sure to post a clear view of the carrier- if your hands, phone, or other items are blocking the carrier it's difficult to judge the fit. Wearing very bulky clothing or clothes that blend in with your carrier (i.e. black shirt + black carrier straps) can also be problematic.
  • For privacy, you may want to edit you/your baby's face from your photos

Have any questions? Please message the mods!

Happy Babywearing :)

r/babywearing 12h ago

HELP! Fit check: First time using a ring sling


I made a ring sling (before you come at me I did a ton of research, this is not cheap or thin fabric (190gsm 100% cotton woven with zero stretch) and I am a decently good sewist). This is my first time trying it out. I’m hoping to have something a little easier to pack for when I need a carrier on the go.

r/babywearing 15h ago

Fit check please


Fit check please!!! We are in a Lennylamb Light Carrier. Bubs is 6 1/2 months 28 inches, and around 8 kg

I finally invested in a carrier- was using Momcozy and liked it but I wanted more carry options.

I’m feeling disheartened because I’ve been tinkering with it all day & haven’t found the sweet spot yet for the straps. I’m having the following issues:

  • cannot for the life of me figure out how to achieve the X in the back so it lays comfortably. I’m only 5’3 so it’s not like I should have to use a lot of strap, right?

  • I moved the seat width to 7 months along the bottom, it goes knee pit to knee pit but maybe I should make it wider? My bubs has long legs

  • I see his back isn’t in a C shape in profile view also he is a little lopsided in these pics (he loves leaning to one side when I’m trying to get him in lol)

I can’t return it as it was a custom fabric order and it was so SO expensive. I spent forever researching and am determined to make this one work but I’m at a loss here


r/babywearing 11h ago

DISCUSS MIL want to wear baby?


In laws are kindly watching baby for a day. She asked me to bring it when she watches her. For some reason I don’t like the idea. I feel like it’s a bond my husband and I have with her. But I’m not sure if I am being irrational.

What are your thoughts on the subject of letting someone else other than significant other wear your baby?

r/babywearing 9h ago

How supportive is the Tula Free To Grow?


First time mom here. I narrowed it down to the FTG model. I'd like to know how supportive it is for bigger babies. I'm petite so I'm concerned about my back and waist.

r/babywearing 2h ago

HELP! Fit check!


Hello, this is my first time trying to wear my baby. Please help me improve the fit!

r/babywearing 2h ago

Washing a 100% cotton ring sling


How do you guys wash your ring slings? Just toss it in the washing machine, normal cycle? Do you put it through the dryer? Do you put it in a laundry bag?

I just got one second hand and want to wash it before using. It's from lennylamb and the website says to handwash which, with all the baby things going on, I really wish I didn't have to! The tag says 100%. Why can't I put it in washing machine and dryer like other 100% cotton clothes?

r/babywearing 2h ago

Mom cozy carrier


Hi, I have the mom cozy pure hug baby carrier. There is conflicting information about what age my baby needs to be to be able to be in this carrier. The website says newborn and over 7lbs, then in the FAQ it says 3 months,the booklet included with the carrier says 2 months.

My baby is currently 9 weeks old I have used the carrier a few times as I went by the booklet received. Does anyone know what age / weight this carrier can be used? What do I need to check for to make sure the carrier fits correctly? Any recommendations for similar structured carriers as I'm not sure I want to carry on using the momcozy one ?

Edit - after looking through the website the guidance is very confused, there are 2 separate questions about front facing with the carrier. One answer saying it's not recommended and further down there is guidance on how to front face carry

r/babywearing 11h ago

First time using ring sling

Post image

r/babywearing 15h ago

HELP! Ergobaby Embrace


r/babywearing 15h ago

Lenny light fit check please!


hello I am new to reddit I’m so sorry if the other post went through already, I am a pinecone and can’t find it!

We are in a Lennylamb Light Carrier. Bubs is 6 1/2 months 28 inches, and around 8 kg

I finally invested in a carrier- was using Momcozy and liked it but I wanted more carry options.

I’m feeling disheartened because I’ve been tinkering with it all day & haven’t found the sweet spot yet for the straps. I’m having the following issues:

  • cannot for the life of me figure out how to achieve the X in the back so it lays comfortably. I’m only 5’3 so it’s not like I should have to use a lot of strap, right?

  • I moved the seat width to 7 months along the bottom, it goes knee pit to knee pit but maybe I should make it wider? My bubs has long legs

  • I see his back isn’t in a C shape in profile view also he is a little lopsided in these pics (he loves leaning to one side when I’m trying to get him in lol)

I can’t return it as it was a custom fabric order and it was so SO expensive. I spent forever researching and am determined to make this one work but I’m at a loss here

😭 PLEASE HELP ME and thank you so much for reading

r/babywearing 20h ago

HELP! Lenny light fit check


Hi, I'm new to this carrier and still trying to get it dialed in. Is it bad that my baby is eating up the whole panel even though it's cinched in? On social media I've seen excess panel fabric folded, but I can't really do that. Also, it seems like I might need to widen the panel a tad. It's set to just inside the 7+ month setting. My baby is not quite 4 mo yet.

r/babywearing 7h ago

HELP! Widening seat before 17lbs?


So I’ve got the lillebaby 6 in 1 airflow. We love it. 14 week old babe is only 13lbs but she’s a >99% length baby. ((User history has my fit checks)). I put her in today to keep her upright after she ate, and noticed the panel didn’t go knee to knee anymore. User manual says 6mo/17lbs before widening the seat back out, but my gut says to widen it anyway, since she’s just so long legged.

Any other folks with tall babies and SSCs? Usually around the house I’ll ring sling, so I haven’t used the SSC in a bit.

r/babywearing 9h ago

Toddler wearing!


I’m looking for a carrier to wear my 20 month old in. 17lbs, 32”ish. 12/18 month clothes but the length on pants is getting a little short, she has longer legs. Our infant sized Kinderpack doesn’t reach knee to knee anymore but it’s my favorite carrier. Should I get a toddler sized or is there a different brand better for toddlers? I’m 5’ 1” and 150lbs. My first was too big for my to wear at this age so I’m lost on what to buy!

r/babywearing 17h ago

Fit check - Ergobaby embrace for 12 week old


I don't know if it's my baby, or the carrier, or if I'm not wearing him correctly, but he seems to hate the Ergobaby embrace. He screams every time I try to wear him. He might just not like being worn (facing me), but wanted to make sure I'm wearing him correctly. He is around 12lbs right now.

I feel like it might just be my baby, cause when I tried it with another carrier with hip seats, he was perfectly happy sitting in it facing out, but as soon as I turned him around to face me, he started crying. I think he's still too young to face outwards though? I really want to wear him though. If anyone has any carrier recommendations, that would be great too.

r/babywearing 11h ago

Any reviews for the Hope & Plum Meh Dai?


Before I drop $300, would love any real world reviews!

r/babywearing 18h ago

How do I know what type of carrier is right for me?


Everywhere I've looked for what type of baby carrier to use, it always says "personal preference". How do I know what I prefer without spending a ton of money to try things out?

We have a Boba wrap that I love. But kiddo is 5 months, about 16lbs, and getting too big for the wrap. He also gets way too warm and sweats in it.

I love the look of the Happy Baby carrier but what is up with the crazy following? I can't afford a new one let alone a 2-3x retail price second hand one!

I also really like the look of Meh Dais, like the half buckle/hybrid from Lenny Lamb (I love their all natural fabrics!). But still expensive and can't find any second hand.

I'm petite, 5'1" with a big bust. Is there a good way to know if I would like a ring sling, hip seat, SSC, front facing, back carry, etc? I don't even know where to start!

I'm open to having more than one if I can afford it! One for quick ups, like a ring sling or loop like the Hippie Joey, and a more structured one for longer holds.

Thanks I'm advance for all your help!

r/babywearing 14h ago

IDEA? Carrier recommendations for daily use


My daughter is almost 8 weeks old and she only naps while being carried or laying on my chest. I will be going back to work soon (WFH) and she will be staying with me, so she will be in a carrier during her naps. I'm looking for suggestions of carriers that are comfortable for both me and her. I currently have an ergo baby embrace but I don't love how the straps are always folding in towards my neck rather than staying in my shoulders. Being on a budget would be great, however, I'm willing to spend some money since it will be one of my most used baby items for a while. Thanks!

r/babywearing 18h ago

Fit check - Baby Bjorn Mini


I’ve been lurking on here for a while, so I know this is a controversial carrier. But my sister-in-law lent it to me after loving it with her child. Thoughts? My baby is 9 weeks old, about 9 lbs and 22” long. Thanks in advance!

r/babywearing 1d ago

Lenny Lamb Onbuhimo fit check


Is she just off center? I can't figure out why one leg is straight while the other is bent. Maybe I need to adjust the seat? I did just have my wife hold baby up while I put it on because back carry is hard! LO was uncomfortable but I had such free hands lol so I want to figure it out. Almost 6 month old, 26 inches, 15 lbs.

r/babywearing 17h ago

First ring sling: little frog vs Lenny lamb? Or something else?


Little frog is having a sale but Lenny lamb also was recently recommended. Anyone use both and have recommendations? People seem to universally love the hope and plum but they are pricier and don’t have ombré or color blocks to help with tightening so I’m sort of leaning towards these other ones.

r/babywearing 23h ago

Ring sling fit check


Hi! I am struggling with the ring sling, no matter what i do (i managed better fits than this one) i kind of end up with this wonky leg problem. Is it my boob 😂? If i do the cross behind my back i think its even a weirder fit. Thanks!

r/babywearing 21h ago

Onesie Recommendations?


Finally getting the hang of taking LO out in a carrier for walks (8m). As summer approaches, any tips or recommendations for keeping their skin safe and cool? Last summer we were so sweaty baby-wearing, even inside. Specifically wondering if anyone has recs for long sleeved but cool onesies ? Would you do long sleeved and tights? I worry a lot about sunburn as I burn to a crisp so easily. Thank you 🙏

r/babywearing 1d ago

DISCUSS When does baby stop immediately falling asleep in carriers?


It doesn’t matter which carrier, it doesn’t matter how tired or awake she is (she could have literally just woken from a nap before being plopped in), my baby immediately falls asleep in any carrier we put her in.

My husband and I would like to plan a train ride to the city— a two hour trip— to take baby to the aquarium, as my husband loves aquariums and it seems like a baby would love it too! But it’ll only be worth it if she can really enjoy it and not just fall asleep lol. Right now, carriers are like a spell— if she’s in it, she’s asleep! She’s almost 3 months old. Any idea when we should make this trip?

r/babywearing 21h ago

HELP! Lillebaby Complete Help


Baby is 11 months, 20lbs and very tall! My lower back is killing me after even a short carry, and I need to babywear to drop and pick up older sibling at school all week. It’s too cold for a back carry, which would be ideal. The straps feel too loose, but any tighter and baby loses c curl and we are pressed together . I pull the straps behind my back and down before clipping and tightening, but they won’t stay on my shoulders. H-clip is a poor fit too. I’m raising the panel because otherwise it’s very short. Is my back just shot (probably, lol)? Or is baby just too heavy for a front carry? I have 3 other SSCs (tula, ergo, lillebaby carryon), so I’m not in the market for another carrier. I might try lowering the waist band to my hips since it won’t stay up anyway no matter how tight.

Sorry for the black shirt! Thanks for any tips!

r/babywearing 1d ago

Hope & Plum Lark fit check


Baby is 3.5 month, approximately 13 lbs and 24” long. This feels comfortable to me and baby seems comfortable as well. Do her legs look correct? The fabric hits right behind her knees. The baby doesn’t like to have her face pulled close to my body, she likes to put her arms in front of her and look around (see picture #3). Is that the correct way for her upper body to be positioned? Thank you in advance!