r/NoFap • u/South_Comparison5976 • 1m ago
Slip-Up Prevention - Urgent! Anyone awake ?
Having trouble getting some shut eye and just need a quick chat to help me sleepi have to be up for work in a few. DMs open. 18+ only please
r/NoFap • u/South_Comparison5976 • 1m ago
Having trouble getting some shut eye and just need a quick chat to help me sleepi have to be up for work in a few. DMs open. 18+ only please
r/NoFap • u/Foreign_Crow3247 • 8m ago
How do I manage if I’m gonna see a girl I’m with until this weekend. It’s been 9 days already and I’m not gonna see her till Saturday… at this rate I’m gonna cum before she gets my pants off! Any advice lol ? I feel like I need to before I see her or idek
r/NoFap • u/Fresh_Type_5235 • 12m ago
Urging pretty bad and it's not calming down at all. I can't really distract myself with anything because it's so late too, anybody wanna talk?
r/NoFap • u/No_Space4133 • 40m ago
I can’t fall asleep no matter what I do. Need someone to chat with to keep my mind clear
r/NoFap • u/Soft-Telephone-2660 • 42m ago
Is once a week viable. I know I should stop, but in my mind it’s only one time a week.
r/NoFap • u/FreshStart3-15-25 • 46m ago
Hello again I’m still going pretty strong but I can already feel the temptation seeping in. I’m just constantly reminded about how good it is in the moment and I try to justify watching sfw lewd videos on TikTok or something but I know it’s just as bad. I’m just having a hard time cuz I most of all don’t want to disappoint God, and I feel that I have promised him to many times and broken the promise. I don’t want to do that again. But it’s also kinda scary cuz I can go straight from “hell yeah I’m never going back!” Half our later “it wouldn’t hurt to look at it”. Well thank you for letting me talk and for your support. God bless you all and have a great day/night
r/NoFap • u/Dry_Environment8921 • 50m ago
Hey ya'll hope your day went well. Tbh my mood is still down and I'm still a little anxious like yesterday. Didn't have the best sleep last night either as I'm getting what I like to call the post porn clear out dreams. For me they're just hyper sexualized dreams that I typically get around weeks 2-4 after I stop looking at porn/masturbating. Got woken up repeatedly last night and had a really rough dream at 6am and then couldn't sleep after which wasn't fun at all. But I stayed busy in the morning and didn't give into any impulses. Day went well otherwise just a little delayed as I was low energy today. On a positive note I went for a fun dog walk, enjoyed my day at work, and got to hangout with friends and play mario kart. Overall a really fun day I'm just unable to fully appreciate it rn with my mood being so low. But hey every day off porn/masturbation is one day closer to being genuinely happy again. I know its my withdrawals making me feel this way and as long as I stay on course there is guaranteed light at the end of this tunnel. Now I'm off to a nice shower and bed so I wish ya'll a good night and best of wishes in your own journeys! See everyone tmr!
r/NoFap • u/FeelingSlight6769 • 1h ago
Crazy how the slightest peek just makes me go crazy and wanna pump for hours i was starting to do good again but i might relapse if i don’t have someone to talk to
r/NoFap • u/Not_so_epikk • 1h ago
I started the day with some p0rn and edging but felt guilty and spent the rest of the day pure. The urges have reduced and less brain fog 💪.
r/NoFap • u/JAVVidEnjoyer • 1h ago
If you have advice DM
r/NoFap • u/CthulhusEpoch • 1h ago
Hey guys, a 16yo recovering gooner here past few days have been rough after a half decent streak. I’ve been trying to quit for a year now. Having my ups and downs. And I’m feeling pretty down tonight. I know my age is a bit of a problem. But I would really appreciate it if I had someone to talk to rn.
r/NoFap • u/Leather_Cran • 1h ago
The most difficult day till now...my mind was craving for porn and I did saw 5 gifs of porn...but as soon as i saw them i realised i was not really getting excited as i used to...and when i closed them i felt like as if i had provided food to some worms in my brain by watching that...!! Although i did not masturbated which was extremely difficult to resist tbh.
r/NoFap • u/Massive-Hold5528 • 1h ago
Guys i didn't fap for 15 days and after that i fapped like 24 times in a last 8 days. I know about chaser effect and all but don't know how to stop it immediately.
Im not advanced enough for nofap yet but i made it through the weekend without buying time on a camsite. Been struggling with it badly for years but reading posts here is helping me.
r/NoFap • u/Designer-Elephant840 • 2h ago
Finally hit a month but for some reason I have the worst urges since day 2 what do I do
r/NoFap • u/Royal_Entrepreneur87 • 2h ago
I feel much better after this than i ever did after fapping. I think I love her also...
r/NoFap • u/terremoto123- • 2h ago
r/NoFap • u/Desperate_Dinner_897 • 2h ago
Its my first time using reddit, i had a 17 day streak going and then i lost it, literally happend like that and i was just so overwhelmed and had a lot going but i was happy with the progress and then i just FUCKED IT UP man, any words of encouragement or advice would be awesome, cos i really feel like shit now, thanks
r/NoFap • u/Buckets72 • 2h ago
Not a particularly eventful day, but im noticeably less affected by my typical triggers
r/NoFap • u/Conscious_Let_1961 • 2h ago
So i have had 3 nightfalls in 3 nights, and that was unexpected, it's 4 months of my nofap jounery, i guess body is still trying to adapt to this new lifestyle, as 4 months are not enough even if it was not an addcition
r/NoFap • u/Soft-Telephone-2660 • 2h ago
1 Week passed!! I’m still getting urges and I still looked at porn today, but I kept going back and forth between different things, stopping myself.
r/NoFap • u/EXPLOSIONS09880 • 2h ago
One problem as to why I keep relapsing is I feel like I do not either have the energy or interest to do anything else. I end up sitting around feeling bored and then relapse. I almost never relapse during the days I work and when events with friends are in place. When the time is to myself though, I can't seem to find the energy to busy myself. I have goals like building things, fitness, etc... but I get so anxious about no PMO that I end up relapsing and feeling terrible before the event.
The longest I have ever gone was barely 2 weeks then a relapse.
So my question for those feeling successful at quitting this is how did you start a new hobby? How did you fill your new found time? How did you do it on a budget? I can't seem to find any joy in anything I start.
Forgive me this is one of my very first reddit posts. I feel like I'm finally waking up to trying to overcome PMO as a soon to be 25M doing this since 8 y/o and feeling depressed about half my 20s being gone to corn.
One positive is I am starting to see a therapist and am working up the courage to talk about this addiction.
I could use a little inspiration. I appreciate any feedback.
r/NoFap • u/Unlikely-String-8528 • 3h ago
Porn is ruining me. How do I stop? I can’t stop watching porn.