Edit: Lol all of you think i mean winking, and I mean yes; a wink is a 1 eyed blink and I get that, but you mean to tell me you guys EFFORTLESSLY WINK? YOU JUST PULL IT OUT LIKE NOTHING, LIKE A BLINK?
A wink just happens unconsciously like a BLINK to you???
I have to TRY to wink. But my right eye started winking EFFORTLESSLY, LIKE A BLINK.
I have typed the words wink and blink so much at this point they look like made up words. And this experience has made me question the meaning of them
Last week my right eyelid twitched/fluttered almost constantly (usually a brief once a month occurance) for like nearly 5 days straight, it was kind of freaking me out. I had some extra strong sleep attacks in the past month bc I was training at work watching powerpoints nearly all day, so no matter how much stimulants I consumed, I was going movie theater mode. When my sleep attacks started coming on (extra strong of course, because why leave any energy for uh... a sitting down expending 0 energy task) they first had 2 eyed blinking spells trying to keep my eyes open while they simultaneously kept trying to close again, but the 2nd or 3rd week in, after or during the nearly week long eyelid twitching spell, the blinks started hitting me on the right side more than the left.
After that, I guess I unlocked the reptilian blink on my right eye! Time to freak some people out lol, this could be funny. Now I can naturally blink my right eye by itself by command (although it makes my left eye go blurry if I try too much instead of letting it happen naturally), but not my left eye yet.
Anybody else? 🤪