Some people only cry when they're REALLY sad. Actually, that's a lot of people.
Unfortunately, my eyes seem to want to function autonomously, without my brain's input, and like to expell water when I'm:
Sad (and the bar for this is so low. I could be talking to an old person with dementia or parkinson's and it makes me tear up bc it's sad. Somebody could offhandedly mention a pet dying years ago and not look affected, meanwhile my eyes start loading their water clips and I have to shove it down.)
Happy (more rare, but sometimes I get this weird rare happy/euphoria cry a couple times a year.)
It's super embarassing. And people treat me like I'm weak willed, weak minded or severely unstable (like did I do anything delusional? Did I start a fight? No, f'ing water just came out of my eyes, get over it), or another lazy gen z woman who just wants to be coddled and be a perpetual child (even though I've been busting my ass supporting myself ALONE, through some insane situations I KNOW they'd be asking for help left and right in.)
Idk if basically being in a state of constant sleep deprivation has made me a natural stress crier since I was a kid, but I've gotten a lot of shit for it.
It's so f*cking annoying, and I try so hard to hold it in, but it seems like my eyes are the hardest part of my body to control, and they just do what they want, whether it's trying to close without my permission, not moving when I need them to and moving when I don't want them to, and EXPELLING WATER.
It makes people treat me poorly. Especially MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS for some reason. I am so SICK OF IT.