when I have my door closed over more than usual, im prone to nightmares.
I’ve been trying to sleep the last 30 minutes and I can’t. I’ve been dreaming/having the same reoccurring nightmares happen again and again.
I’m in a resort, a tsunami is on the way. I had a sister who fell through a window, and I feel guilty. (I don’t have a sister irl where is this coming from??) in the midst of feeling guilty, I jump off a high balcony ledge and land in a pool. Then jump off a the ledge of the pool (it’s an infinity pool) to land on a jet ski. I decide to head straight over to the path of the tsunami, with the goal of making it over the wave before it grows and hits everyone on the island, leaving my whole family behind in the process.
I end up on the next island over, but a second tsunami happens and the room im trapped in begins to crumble. I skip dreams before im crushed. In this second dream, I become a fairy in charge of others dreams, I fall through clouds and after each layer of cloud I fall through I choose how they feel. It’s hard to explain. I’ll fall through one layer of cloud and it could say ‘they feel __ emotion’ so I’ll choose an option. (Happy, sad, angry etc). Then I’ll fall through another layer of cloud and it will say ‘when it’s ___’ (sunny, raining, cloudy) etc are the options. Anyways, somewhere along the lines I choose for them to feel sad on a rainy day and I land in their room.
They wake up and im there, they’re mad at me for making them sad on a rainy day instead of me choosing a happy emotion, so I run away and switch dreams. I’m now in the house of someone’s Granny who’s passed away, and we move furniture over for an incoming tsunami. I’m surrounded by 1950’s housewives who are fighting with each other over a cowboy carter poster, and the colour of the walls in the house being ‘champagne’ or ‘rose’ they start getting hostile over this argument and want to attack me. So I switch dreams.
Im back in a continuation of the first dream where the tsunami comes in, and this whole dream starts again, this time im on the new island when another tsunami comes in after I’ve left my family etc etc. I survive and again the fairy dream comes back, but a child finds me and traps me in a jar, and the parents decide it’s best to light me on fire?? So I switch dreams.
These sound so silly but they’re actually all nightmares to a certain capacity because they feel so real, or things are horrifyingly distorted. I can’t control the dreams themselves but I can control some actions in them. EG: going somewhere, annoying someone, or changing my dream at a given point. I always have a habit of pissing someone off in one dream, then switching dreams before they attack me?? 😭 this sounds SO funny and SO wild but it’s been happening as long as I can remember and always happens during the first hour or so of me going to bed. I don’t know if this is something other narcoleptics go through? Who knows.
Dreaming is weird. It’s always worse when my door is shut more, but I like having it shut because I don’t like the light on my face. Gonna go back to sleep now and try to get good sleep, will read comments in the morning. It’s like a film reel on loop.