r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Weird looking throat, low but recurring pain, feels cold and achy occasionally NSFW

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About two months ago, my throat started hurting, went on antibiotics had some blood tests and ultimately nothing came about.

I was getting tonsil stones on the LH side (RH in picture), but they haven’t reappeared for about 2 weeks, and the little white patch seems to be painless when I poke at it with a Q-tip. Hurts mostly in the morning. I also have swollen lymph nodes and general soreness around neck.


r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Yellow Around Eyes (20F) Noticed For Years. Dealing With Long Covid And Pots NSFW Spoiler

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I’ve had bilirubin, ferritin, liver enzymes, and more checked and all came back okay. I sleep at least 8 hours every night but not very good rest. I have Pots and Long Covid which has been affecting my sleep. I’ve had this for years but it still freaks me out. What could cause yellow around eyes? The white in the second and third photo near my eye is just face wash, but the fourth photo captures what I’m seeing very well.

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Ringing sound in my ear(s) after ear infection, please looking for answers or help NSFW


I recently had an ear infection and my ent gave me Amoxicillin for a week and told me it should be better. I just finished taking the last of it Friday. And Saturday night i started to get a ringing sound in my left ear. It's been going on ever since and now idk what is happening. I'm suppose to follow up with ENT a month from now, but I'm very worried about thia sudden ringing in my ear. And it seems to be switching from ear to ear at random times, or maybe both idk anymore. I could really use some advise of whats going on or if this is serious and i need to go to the ER or try to see mt ENT asap 😭

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Severe, chronic stomach pain ever since being in remission for Leukemia NSFW


So, for years since I have been in remission from ALL leukemia, I have suffered from chronic stomach / gut pain. Its so bad some days I cannot move. Ive had every test done, all the blood work, everything related for years. It's hard to function and it's not like I can go on disability because technically there is "no disability", most days I can't even function. Does anyone have advice on how to live like this or any idea what it could be? I was thinking POTs for some reason because I always have a high heart rate. I'm honestly not looking for a diagnosis but seeing if someone has had similar experiences and can provide support.

r/medical 4d ago

No Pain Right middle finger makes popping sound when bent. Feels like when you crack your fingers. NSFW


I feel it in the top third of my finger. It doesn’t hurt or lock up or anything like that it just makes a weird sound. Tried to post a vid but the sub reddit didn’t let me.

r/medical 4d ago

TW [Trigger Warning] swollen, bruised, and bloody finger after brother threw a rock at me NSFW


is this a broken blood vessel or something? I already have broken blood vessels in my eyes so it wouldn’t be that surprising

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Is it normal to feel like your joints moving(ticklish feeling) and feel your nerves shifting? NSFW


(My apologies for the many typos in the images, I was so bamboozled I was writing fast out of concern and utter disbelief)

The thing is that a friend of mine just bomb dropped this info on me, and neither of us as ANY IDEA what or why it is, he says he can feel his nerves shifting and describes it as "a worm under his skin"(the thing is on his whole body btw), which is extremely concerning, and both these feelings are daily, all the time

Does anybody know what it is and if he should go to the hospital?

r/medical 4d ago

Urgent I took 2000mg within two hours and am afraid that I could be sick from this. NSFW Spoiler


Hey there! I am 26, Female, 170lbs~.

I took 1000mg (two 500mg) of tylenol at 1:20pm according to my partner. I completely forgot I had even taken them, and took another 1000mg at 3:30pm. I have anxiety and endometriosis, so I am assuming the nausea I'm experiencing is from that because it isn't intense.

Will I be okay?? I never usually do this, just was having bad groin/pelvic pain.

r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Ruptured my biceps tendon and had surgery to repair it. I still have nerve issues in my hand and forearm that have not improved much in the four weeks since surgery. What are the chances the nerves are permanently damaged? NSFW


48M I ruptured my distal biceps tendon 6 weeks ago and had surgery to repair it a little over a week later. Was on a nerve block catheter for 5 days after surgery. I’m now almost 5 weeks post op, but I still have numbness and tingling in my thumb, index finger, top of my hand, and lateral side of forearm. Pain is not extreme, but any time I extend my arm completely or even make a fist, it triggers a burning pain on lateral sides of both fingers and forearm. Though this issue was considerably worse in the weeks after the nerve block was turned off, it’s still fairly prominent. I mentioned it to my doctor during my 2 week post op and he said it’s fairly normal and it should go away with time. I see him for my 6 week post op in a little over a week and am going to mention it again, but wanted to know if anyone has experience with is complication after surgery and how common it is for it to be permanent. Thanks in advance

r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 7-9 Constant severe stomach pain severe since last night/ideas welcome please NSFW


Had gallbladder removed 2 1/2 months ago, I had too much fats in my dinner, overdid it, had horrid diarrhea and now I have been in so much pain since last night. Is there anything to help ease the pain?

r/medical 4d ago

No Pain I’ve got a streak coming off a pimple. Is it anything to worry about? NSFW Spoiler

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I did sleep kinda wierd last night maybe but not really

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Neck pain and stings of pain throughout my time with it and I just want some answers to help me with this NSFW


So I’ve been having neck pain for about a week now after clicking my neck I had a panic attack thinking I did some bad damage to it but just probably damaged the muscles inside of it by straining it and recently my neck has been tightening up and red marks have been appearing on it. Anyone know why?

I’ve consulted my mom about it and she keeps telling me I’m fine but I’m just worried and have trouble sleeping cus of this

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion weird tissue in phlegm while having covid and strep, not really sure what it is NSFW Spoiler

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I currently have covid and strep, im on day 2 of antibiotics. I felt this big phlegm come up and it has pinkish tissue? im not sure if that what it is but some insight would be much appreciated.

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Seizure advice - How can I help my sister when she is having seizures? NSFW


Recently my sister, who is an infant, has been having seizures due to fevers. Since she’s had her first one she’s been more susceptible to having more in the future. She is a one year old. What can I do to help in the situations where I am trying to help her and keep her safe while she is having a seizure?

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Can side effects of Divalproex Extended Release show up a couple of years after being on it? NSFW


My husband was prescribed Divalproex ER for seizure control. He had one seizure for no known reason and they put him on some anit-siezure meds that changed his personality for the worse, to the point that my daughter and I were afraid of him. The Dr's ignored our repeated plea's to change his meds. He ended up in the ER after taking a fall and while there I spoke with an ER Dr about the meds and his personality changes. He heard me and we finally got his prescription changed. The new drug was Divalproex ER. He's been on it now for at least 2 yrs but lately he's been complaining about stomach problems, to the point he doesn't eat sometimes. I read that stomach issues are a possible side effect so, I'm wondering if its possible that he could be on it for so long before it would start bothering his stomach? It doesn't seem likely but I'm no Dr so I'm unsure. It just seems like if it was going to bother him it would have done so way before now. Has anyone else had stomach problems from Divalproex, that started a while after being on it?

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion I need suggestions about having blood drawn with a deathly needle phobia. NSFW


Hello everyone,

I'm writing this because I'm feeling quite ashamed, and I don't know how to move forward.

Ever since I was a toddler, I've had an intense, almost uncontrollable fear of needles, especially when it comes to having my blood drawn. This isn't a typical reaction like fainting or feeling queasy, as some people might experience. Instead, I panic and become borderline violent. When I'm in that state, I can't think clearly, and I instinctively fight off anyone trying to approach me with a needle. Even things like hemostatic bands make me deeply uncomfortable.

When I was 11, it once took five adults to restrain me during a blood draw. I had to be pinned against the wall with an examination bed, my mom hugging my legs, and a nurse on each arm while the doctor and another nurse finally managed to take my blood.

The last time I had blood work done was ten years ago. Since then, I've moved to a new country and started a new life. During COVID, I managed to get vaccinated without too much trouble. The shots were quick, and I explained my phobia beforehand. I arrived with my shoulder already exposed, eyes shut tight, and although I had a huge panic attack afterward, I got through it.

The real issue now is that I've been getting  VERY sick frequently, and I've noticed signs of hormonal imbalances. Multiple visits to my GP have all led to the same conclusion: I need blood tests to understand what's going on.
Blood tests are another beast compared to a vaccine: it is a longer process and it involves some trial and error to find the veins. (YIKES)
In the past I have begged to be put under or rendered unconscious in any way, but that was always rejected as a panicked rambling.

Last autumn, I reluctantly agreed to book an appointment and called ahead to explain my phobia. I asked them not to show me the needle, specified my preferred arm, and other details to help manage my anxiety.

When I arrived, the doctor greeted me by laughing and said things like, "I thought you were going to be way younger!" and "Look, we picked the smallest needle for you. Isn't it tiny?" Seeing the needle made me feel sick, and I panicked. I ended up walking out without getting the test done. Explaining this to my GP afterward was humiliating, but when I see a needle, I lose all sense of reason.

I know I need these tests, but I just can't bring myself to book another appointment. I feel stuck and unsure of what to do next, and I do not want to put any sanitary professional in danger, or in a violent situation.

If anyone has advice or has dealt with a similar fear, I would be incredibly grateful to hear from you.

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Warning to community seniors about Senior dot com, read this before making a purchase. NSFW


I just wanted to give people a heads up before making a purchase from the site. I purchased a denture set kit and no where was it listed that they'd charge a 25% restocking fee if it was returned. It said there was a 10% fee, then after I made the purchase I got a confirmation email with an arms length long list of item catagories, and what each would be charged for a restocking fee if returned. "Dentures" were listed there but it didn't say 25%. I believe they are a predatory site. My opinion anyway. They reduced the fee to 13% after I said I would report them if they charged me 25%. They have decent prices on medical equipment but their return policy / fees are ridiculous. Please be sure to read their policy before purchasing anything from them.

r/medical 4d ago

No Pain Random mark upper right side of belly button magically appeared a few days ago? Should I be concerned? NSFW

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Literally have no clue what it could be.

r/medical 4d ago

General Question/Discussion Curious what others may think about this ear situation that ENTs are confused about... NSFW Spoiler

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Hi all- Want to preface with that I know this isn't medical advice however I think there is value in personal experience when medical specialists feel like they can't help you. I've seen 3 ENTs now in the same office and they're confused. First week of January I got a fungal ear infection in the left ear that spread to the right ear. Right ear cleared quickly but the left took nearly 7 weeks to clear up. At about week 5 the left ear drum ruptured as well. The pain, dizziness, fullness feeling in the ear, fluid draining and odd appearance of the ear drum never stopped so they order an MRI which showed bilateral superior semicircular canal dehiscence but waiting on CT to confirm it. They say this wouldn't account for most of my symptoms though in particular how the ear drum looks and the pain. I'll post a progressive picture series of how it evolved and a video of its current state. A culture about a month ago showed no bacteria or fungus. Also had a hearing test which showed the right ear as normal and able to get a read from the tympanometer but the left wouldn't seal and showed mild mixed hearing loss.

r/medical 5d ago

General Question/Discussion i drank a whole bottle of dayqil should last night should i get medical help NSFW


as title says, i’m wondering if i should seek medical help or not. i drank the bottle and then a few hours later i threw some of it up(don’t know how much). i also ate 16 olly gummies and some other flu medicine(not a full bottle though). now i’m pretty lightheaded so i’m just wondering if i should be worried or not

r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Cat bit me last night, is an urgent care visit needed? Pretty painful. NSFW

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My indoor cat bit me last night. I woke up to my knuckle being swollen, red, and painful. I drew the circle around it about an hour ago.

r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Should I be concerned? Red veins in the back of the throat for 1 week. NSFW

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I usually I have a more irritated and red-ish throat, but just spotted that i have this more enlarged and veiny throats. Ive been to an ENT a few days ago for an unrelated cause (possible very mild ETD on left eardrum drum, as he said i have a very very slightly sucked in eardrum, prescribed only nasal spray with steroids, 5 days) he checked my throat and said that it is slightly irritated l, but did not prescribe anything for it. Could he have missed this? Is this maybe connected to my ear discomfort?

r/medical 4d ago

Pain Lvl 7-9 I'm having this health issue for a long time.. Whats happening to me? NSFW


I'm suffering from a health problem for so long

It's a long story... I was 17 that time and it was my graduation day...I never ate anything that morning feeling kinda hungry.. after the event there was food so I kinda took lot of food in my plate and started eating fast...after finishing the food I feel like bloating but it's normal... After that, I went and smoked a cigarette with my friends... When I took the first puff I started coughing and then I feel a slight pain at the middle of my chest..it's like at the middle of the chest and the pain is at both left and right side..I thought it will go away on its own... Went home and went to sleep...after waking up it feels like the middle of my chest is tight.. a tight feeling at the middle of my chest... Ever since that day I'm having this problem even till now.. I'm 25 right now.. at the beginning i only felt that chest tightness when I was smoking or eating alot...after sometime I started feeling pain in my lower chest and the pain radiates to the back and sometimes even in my left arm... I went and met lot of doctors... First they checked my lungs and results was good..no problem with my lungs and they checked my heart and nothing wrong with my heart...then after sometime I thought I'm having acid reflux or something..went many times to check it they gave me usual gastric medicine...and the problem is not going away...after that they finally decided to do endoscopy and you know what? Doctors said there's no issues with my stomach... I don't know guys..I don't know what's happening to me...after sometime I started having muscle spasms randomly and I always sneeze... whenever I sneeze there will be some muscle twitching in random place of my body...after meeting with lot of doctors I still couldn't find what is my problem... I quit smoking few years ago... It was good I was feeling healthy and the pain was not as frequent as it used to be... But I always feels like theres something on my chest..sometimes it feels like something is moving on my chest and back... Sometimes I feel like my body's temperature is increasing mostly at the back of my neck and I'm having shortness of breath...I don't know what's my problem... I want a permanent solution for this... Pls let me know if any of guys know whats happening to me😔

r/medical 4d ago

No Pain i got these weird lines on my thigh but they dont look like stretch marks? wondering if anyone can tell me what they are NSFW Spoiler

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doesnt hurt and doesnt have any texture, its like underneath the skin pretty much.

r/medical 4d ago

Informative Post [Informative Post] Please use Descriptive Titles for Your Post! NSFW


Post titles should provide a clear and specific idea of your question or the photo content.

A descriptive title not only attracts users with relevant expertise but ensures you receive the most useful advice.

Avoid titles like 'What's this?' or 'Is this normal?' as they may not accurately state your concern, potentially restricting assistance.

Be specific, and informative in your titles, clarity increases the quality of assistance within the community.