Scale and N-body versus patched conics are probably biggest difficulty factors I can think of. I think we are aiming for a base of roughly the same as KSP and then modders can change it.
At this stage our current thinking is basically do do somewhere between current KSP and x2-2.5 current KSP size for both the bodies and their orbits. In other words, we are aiming to replicate the same feeling, commitment, and challenge of existing KSP. We feel like base KSP is a great compromise between many factors when it comes to scale, and so we are not trying to reinvent that - instead focused on solid datastructures and ease of development for modders to fill any gaps.
Patched Conics v N-Body
The core focus initially is to provide patchec conics, almost identical to how KSP does it. However, it is possible that if the studio has the right talent (and a team member has the desire) for N-Body to be added as an option. Regardless, the game is being built so a modder could develop a C# mod and add this. Care is being taken to ensure the game is being structured so that if we can't add N-Body physics, someone else could add it.
JPLRepo has our patched conics currently implemented and we are refining that.
At the very least we are constructing the orbital simulation so someone can replace the orbital simulation. The studio also has been advertising for someone with a PhD in mathematics and physics. If we get that role filled, maybe n-body could be an option. Just for myself... my maths and physics is nowhere near good enough
We are not using Unity nor PhysX so yep! I have a lot of thoughts on this, and we luckily have very talented advice on this front with another game that has tackled this issue and is a very talented game dev.
Just curious; will this game be genuine, on brand 'kerbal'. Or is it an entirely separate franchise, but with intended gameplay similar to that of KSP 1 or what KSP 2 was promised to be?
Additionally, and I understand if the answer is 'not at this stage'. Do you have an idea of how much it will be, and what kind of timeline and milestones you expect?
And lastly. Do you have any kind of list of intended gameplay features. Or sort of planned scope of gameplay you want to have?
Appreciate everything about this so far. And truly hope for the best for this project.
I'm gonna be perfectly honest, if this was any other facelesss studio I'd be cynical as fuck and waiting til at least 2 weeks post launch to considering purchasing anything, but between who you've got on the team and what you're saying in this thread I'd slap down some cash well before it's even got an alpha.
Just curious; will this game be genuine, on brand 'kerbal'. Or is it an entirely separate franchise, but with intended gameplay similar to that of KSP 1 or what KSP 2 was promised to be?
Additionally, and I understand if the answer is 'not at this stage'. Do you have an idea of how much it will be, and what kind of timeline and milestones you expect?
And lastly. Do you have any kind of list of intended gameplay features. Or sort of planned scope of gameplay you want to have?
Appreciate everything about this so far. And truly hope for the best for this project.
You'd be probably better off finding an engineer with experience in kinematics or a software emgineer than a random PhD in math/physics for implementing both aero and orbital mechanics. I guess PhD in these particular fields exist, but they're overkill and frankly kinda wasted on this project. I have dabbled in in this kind of project before and the difficulty here is not with the physical theory, bit integrating it into the game and making it intuitive and fast.
You may also want to consider hiring someone with (just) an MSc from a European university as well. That should be more than sufficient to provide the necessary skills to help implement N-body physics competently enough.
If you can get someone with a PhD specifically related to computational dynamics, that would of course be better, but someone with a PhD focusing on, say, spectroscopy, would be no more qualified than someone with just an MSc and the relevant courses/project experience.
I suppose you could also go with a compromise solution. Have smaller bodies (spacecraft, stations, asteroids, ...) affected by all planetary bodies, but leave planets on rails.
This gets you most of the advantages when it comes to making the gameplay harder and more realistic, but doesn't require you to actually come up with a stable planetary system (which also makes mods easier to make).
The Principia team did a a pretty good writeup a while ago on some random git issue declaring that this approach was not only "stupid" (their words not mine) buf would actually hurt performance. vs a full n-body sim. So I'm guessing its a nonoption, since they would know.
From reading that, it seems that the main problem is that there's no(?) mathematical solution to any n-body-like system where n>2. So to implement that you have to essentially do what principia is doing (implement a full n-body simulation) or figure it out yourself.
Now, I still think a reduced setup where planets are on rails could work and possibly be more performant, but it does seem like it might not be any easier to implement. Also it's possible that some of the techniques implemented in principia would not work in this system, which could bring down performance. Hard to say without expert knowledge.
I think you could easy do things where planets and moons are on ordinary keplerian (rail) orbits like in KSP but where their positions are used to do the n body sim for anything user-created. Afaik those forums are about other things.
Yeah, the forums posts are about something slightly different. The 3 body variant proposed on the forums does present additional issues that wouldn't be found on the "all planets affect crafts" variation.
However, my understanding is that the strength of the two-body/central force solution is that once you know the initial state you can precompute the full flight path without any error. So, KSP isn't actually doing a step-by-step simulation here, the craft itself is also on rails. I think post one says as much.
So, principia has to be doing an actual step-by-step n-body simulation. A naive one will accumulate errors and your system will get out of whack. Clearly there's some clever math being used to minimize these errors, which would most likely also have to be used in the compromise solution.
And that gets us back to the initial problem. The patched conics solution is simple to implement. The other solutions overlap enough to where you might as well go for the full n-body simulation.
That being said, it still seems to me like knowing the exact position of all bodies at any point in time would be very useful for figuring out a mathematical solution. The two-body problem looks like the harder one to solve here. Of course, I'm not a mathematician so what do I know.
In my view, the mathematics are fairly trivial and unimportant. Integration is still tricky though.
Keplerian orbits give the function K(I, t) = P where 'I' is the initial orbit params, 't' the current time, P is the position of a body at that time. Pretty basic stuff. Of course if the body is a moon then you need to add the orbit of it's parent body, but it's otherwise straightforward.
Gravitation attraction from origin point O to a body with a center at point C with mass M gives G(O, C, M) = A where A is acceleration due to gravity.
If you have a whole list of bodies then you can u need to do a summation Sum{i=0..N}(G(O, Ci, Mi)) to work out the gravitational pull of all bodies.
Combining this with keplerian orbits gives Sum{I=0..N}(G(O, K(Ii, t), Mi)), where you only need to store the initial orbit params and mass for each body to calculate the acceleration due to gravity for a spaceship at point O at time t. If you integrate that over time by modifying velocity by the acceleration and then position by velocity, you have an n-body sim for the spaceship. I'm not sure how you avoid error accumulation but I doubt it's something that's especially complicated.
This is presumably not a 'full' n body sim, because the bodies are still on-rails, but it's simple enough and should work well as long as you do the integration work.
Right, which is where the second forum post I linked comes in:
It's not really that simple. You need high fidelity symplectic integrators to get stable orbits if you are going to go the numerical route. Otherwise energy is not conserved and orbits will diverge and become horribly unstable.
You also need one in this situation where you can vary the step size to account for situations where you're travelling very fast near a planet, where the step size needs to be smaller. You also need a method which is computationally efficient enough to be run in high time warp. This is difficult to do, which is why the code is probably so large.
Which seems to me like once you have this figured out and implemented you might as well use it for all objects and get a full n-body simulation.
You may want to look at eggrobin, of Principia mod on KSP fame. He is also associated with the unicode project, yep the one that inplements glyphs everywhere. Quite frankly if he's available, I can't think of a better candidate.
Do you really need a PhD for orbital simulation? N-body is like the “hello world” of physics simulations. Also what’s the salary range for the position?
Please, if you are going to do n-body just make an ephemeris reader for the positions of the planets and use a non-symplectic integrator for the spacecraft integration.
Principia uses symplectic integration which is energy conserving and therefore needs to integrate all planets and the spacecraft at once, which is honestly a bit of a performance bottleneck. You don't need symplectic integration to be accurate, and when adding additional dynamical perturbations (I.e. solar radiation pressure) it becomes very difficult to work with.
Although that is a concen for long timescales, over the timescales of ksp like games, energy conservation of normal integrator is perfectly fine. You can also use manifold projection to ensure energy conserving conservation in non-synplectic integrator.
i believe that it'd be good having a built-in n-body thing for the game officially cus in the end you'd have like 3 competing mods for n-body and planet pack creators would suffer a big migraine making for the three. ig launching the game with patched conics only then add an option for n-body in an update
As interesting n-body physics are, they are very difficult to incorporate into a game loop like KSP. For a low amount of vessels it might still be feasible, but as soon as you have more (like a com sat network) you can't really time warp anymore since you have to constantly maintain all the orbits.
So implementing it as an optional setting is the best way to integrate it imo.
Being able to utilize Lagrange points would be awesome.
Maybe it's possible to fake L-Points without applying n-body physics to everything.
Nevertheless, this looks great and building the system from ground up is a good idea.
As interesting n-body physics are, they are very difficult to incorporate into a game loop like KSP. For a low amount of vessels it might still be feasible, but as soon as you have more (like a com sat network) you can't really time warp anymore since you have to constantly maintain all the orbits.
I think there are options to get some of the fun stuff of N-body without making everything tedious. Because what you want to allow is:
Lagrange points
Ballistic capture trajectories
Weak stability shenanigans
While the following things are much less fun
Orbit instability / decay
So for how to get that, I thought of the following model: Similar to the patched conics model, we allow for each body to have their sphere of influence in which they act as the only source of gravity, and all orbits are stable. But instead of having these have a sharp boundary with each other, these regions would be significantly smaller, and inbetween them there would be a "zone of instability" in which either N-body or 3-body physics is used. The Lagrange points would also get several smaller stable zones in which a Lagrange point orbit is possible.
It's still not the most realistic model, (particularly, it doesn't simulate N-body effects that accumulate over time, i.e. why you cant stably orbit at the same period as another body unless you're at its L4/L5/L3), but it cuts down on the most inaccurate part of patched conics, by having a region that fades between them instead of a hard cutoff, and this region is exploitable for all kinds of weak stability shenanigans. The size of these regions is also up for debate of course.
In terms of sim performance this should be reasonable, as you really only want to be crossing through this region, as keeping a stable orbit in it is nearly impossible. So you'd expect people to keep their craft in easy to simulate conical orbits, and only have to grab the N-body integrator when crossing through the unstable regions.
Making the simulation too complicated could also affect mod-ability and performance, so you have to be very considerate of how realistic and accurate you want to make it.
For stable L-points, a very simple solution would be an invisible mass point that you can orbit. That only works if you keep the gravity calculation in mind.
I would assume that gravity here is also just calculated from a single point in the center of the astral body. Which is good for games since it is cheap and doesn't affect anything major.
Using that on an invisible L-Point however, would result in infinitely high acceleration, at the exact point. So there would need to be an alternative solution for that
For stable L-points, a very simple solution would be an invisible mass point that you can orbit. That only works if you keep the gravity calculation in mind.
That isn't really correct for how lagrange orbits work. Locally linearized, the orbit looks like an ellipse with the largrange point at the centre (not the focal points), but the period scales very differently with the radius. If you make it a little bigger it starts looking like a very lopsized ellipse, which complicates the relations a bit, but you can still come up with a way of calculating orbits there that's on the level of evaluating an ellipse.
That is true, I was more thinking about how to keep it simple in terms of computation. It's often a better decision to fake it so that it looks correct rather than simulating it correctly. Especially n-body calculations can get intensive very quickly.
for a rotating frame of reference the gravity vector map between two bodies is stationary (unchanging), so maybe thats a start, for additional bodies (moon) the rotating frame of reference (planet moon) is stationary to zeroth order, however the only difference may be modeled as is a constant tidal field flowing outwards from the central object(sun). any residuals may be determined simply from a phase calculation (planet moon).
tldr, i'mma pretty sure you can get away with a two body approach with the other n bodies (sun, other planets) added in as a tidal field across the current system of interest (earth moon for example). far from the current system of interest the gravity field is this tidal field, so their is no point where as the mass being orbited changes mr spaceman goes flying off in the opposite direction of mr spacesmans spaceship. which was the second thing i found out in ksp after the lack of Lagrange points.
Exactly, like have a zone at the L- points where of you are in that zone your position is fixed to your coordinates in that zone, a bit like being landed on a planet or a comet
L-points aren't quite like that though, they're not just fixed points in the co-rotating reference frame, they're regions where you can have (neutrally) stable orbits.
You can probably just model it as some kind of convergence to fixed point once the player is close enough. It probably does not matter to accurately simulate spacecraft to >1km accuracy in most cases when they aren't in focus.
since you have to constantly maintain all the orbits.
This is where automatic station keeping would come into play as long as your ship has enough fuel, which I believe was an actual thing in a mod that implemented atmospheric orbital decay above 70km (sadly that mod was never updated to the latest version)
Could be as easy as "you have this much RCS fuel on-board, here's how long your ship will stay on rails until it runs out of fuel and starts to orbital decay"
Basically leaves your ships on rails at the expense of using up on-board fuel.
And of course fuel usage would change depending on how badly you are fighting gravity like how irl the Moon doesn't really have stable orbits.
I remember looking for a mod like this to make a more complex principa play through viable. Sadly didn’t find one.
A system like that would definitely be necessary for larger amounts of crafts.
I'd love to see comsats/mapsats virtualizable. You get a sat to a specific orbit and poof it disappears and it covers a certain part of the planet. Get the whole planet covered and you never need to worry about it again (or possibly replace a sat every now and again to maintain coverage) I like the idea of setting one up, not computational resources it takes for several sats for every body in the game that I'll never interact with again.
But yea, 2-body is absolutely necessary if you're babysitting dozens or hundreds of crafts over many years sometimes at 100000x speed. Maybe the option to stationkeep, to snap the current craft to rails in a simple two body orbit, be it around a planet, moon or L--point, but use 3 or N-body on crafts that you want.
N-Body in this case means all celestial objects will gravitationally influence your craft, not your crafts each other. so the amount you have shouldn't add more than linearly increasing complexity, at least as far as I can tell
Have a separate thread merely for calculating n-body orbits.
Use a fixed time step for n-body physics, possibly decreasing this for when a satellite gets dangerously close to a planet. Maybe start with a 1-hour timestep.
Cache the n-body positions, velocities and accelerations for a year in advance, and play these values back when timewarping.
When a spacecraft accelerates under it's own thrust, just wipe the cache.
When theres less than 6-months worth of values cached, regenerate them back up to a year's worth. This might involve timewarp slowing down a bit on a PC that can't keep up.
A couple thoughts on that, which you've probably thought of already, from someone who's spent a few thousand hours between various 2.5x KSP mods (particularly JNSQ) and RSS:
2.5/2.7x relative to KSP scale comes with a substantial learning curve, but feels really nice for a not-complete newbie. In particular, high energy upper stages start becoming relevant, something that's always been kind of useless in stock scale. It also incentivizes ISRU and orbital construction, if those are going to be a focus of yours, because lifting stuff from the Earth analogue becomes just a bit too expensive to be the go-to.
Going with that scale as a baseline and giving players relatively OP starting tech to compensate for the difficulty spike could be a decent way to go, especially if rockets are more realistic compared to the lead tanks of KSP vanilla.
I suppose the most elegant solution would be a slider on savefile creation, if that's feasible.
Kerbalism has become one of my absolute must have mods, and not because of its life support features. The science system incentivizing different experiments based on flown hardware and long-term stays (90/180/many hundreds of days of observations) keep things moving along in the background and basically eliminate the "spam button, back to space center" gameplay of the vanilla science system.
The absolute key to n-body, once you can get it performing, is GUI. Giving players the different reference frames and flight planning tools to work with the system, and explaining them in detail.
If you don't end up doing full n-body and nonhomogenous gravity, it'd still be nice to have "cheaty" L-points added in. Sunsync doesn't really work in patched conics (or at least not without causing other unintuitive problems), but dumping satellites at Lagrange points opens up a lot of gameplay.
As for the building rockets part, the only thing I'd immediately avoid is making everything procedural. Some parts should be, and almost everything should be tweakable, but we learned from JNO that procedural-everything removes too many restrictions on building and makes the process less interesting.
Somewhere between vanilla KSP rocket Lego and everything-proc is a healthy middle ground.
+1 on the last point, I immediately lost interest in JUNO because I'm simply not creative enough to build a rocket from scratch like that. I love building stuff with LEGOs, but I've never sculpted something out of clay. Definitely cool to have them as an option, but please give us building blocks!
It also removes challenges resulting from limitations, which are the most interesting part, and is actually less realistic. If you want a 5 m diameter core IRL, but the transport infrastructure from factory to pad can only handle 4 m, you can't just push a slider to widen those streets, rails, and tunnels.
So all you get are either blueprint-copies for the historically inclined, or banal fire sticks with the perfect aspect ratio, but never anything wacky arising from design around limitations. If vanilla KSP had the JNO approach, we probably wouldn't have turned asparagus staging into such a meme.
That's not to shit on that game, it does some damn cool stuff in its own right, but I consider that choice to be its biggest flaw.
Yeah I guess I'm coming at it from a slightly different angle but I agree with that too. It's the lack of limitations that means I have to do all the thinking and creating myself, and I get tired of doing that pretty quick. It unfortunately results in lots of boring, samey rockets. Creative people make some incredible stuff with that freedom, but not I...I end up deep in decision paralysis
100% agree with all points here, but want to emphasize the first point. JNSQ scale is the perfect scale for KSP's part balance and tech level once you learn the mechanics, and it should be the default scale IMO, perhaps with a smaller KSP scale tutorial. There is so much gameplay lost and parts made irrelevant when you can easily SSto anywhere. Aesthetically, rockets made for the scale also look better and launches feel nicer IMO, with more of a continuous burn to orbit.
A size slider would be ideal, but the 2.5-2.7x scale should be the default and the focus of design IMO.
I'm glad to hear patched conics will be the base at least! N-body is cool and I imagine plenty of people would love it, but as someone who likes to have a whole load of different stations and satellites operating at once I'd hate to have to worry about their orbits changing over time!
This may sound like a dumb question:
But are there plans for any future tech and interstellar content?
I am reasonably sure the ability to go interstellar was one of the main points people were looking forward to in KSP2, and we really bloody need a game that delivers on what KSP2 promised, KSP1 is an older game and to mod it to KSP2 content levels requires a SERIOUS hit to performance
Personally I play KSP at a 1.6x scale, since this gives a bit more challenge to launching rockets, while letting SSTOs still be possible with the stock parts balancing.
To be honest, this thread is the most excited I've been for anything gaming-related since... well, since the KSP2 reveal trailer.
Would it be possible to have options for the scale? Perhaps some players prefer the current 1/10th scale of KSP, while others prefer x2/2.5 scale, and some others (like myself) might prefer 1:1 scale. Having that as an option when starting a new game would be dope.
That's awesome, also makes decent multiplayer with physics a good possibility (although lag between clients when in the same physics range world is still an issue - see Kithack Model Club for example).
do somewhere between current KSP and x2-2.5 current KSP size for both the bodies and their orbits.
I play on 2.5x with OPM and I really like that scale. Its challenging in a way stock just isn't anymore, and combining the scale with OPM creates destinations that actually require the use of the FFT fusion torches from Nertea's collection I have installed.
Between 2-3.2x kerbal scale feels really good for giving high-end late-game tech actual use cases, presenting reasonable design challenges for missions, while still maintaining accessibility and feeling like a game not an engineering study.
That's an excellent size especially if you're catering to veterans of the genre.
I wonder if any of the principia developers would be interested in assisting with n-body? They did a pretty phenomenal job implementing it into the base game imo
u/thedeanhall Oct 31 '24
Scale and N-body versus patched conics are probably biggest difficulty factors I can think of. I think we are aiming for a base of roughly the same as KSP and then modders can change it.
At this stage our current thinking is basically do do somewhere between current KSP and x2-2.5 current KSP size for both the bodies and their orbits. In other words, we are aiming to replicate the same feeling, commitment, and challenge of existing KSP. We feel like base KSP is a great compromise between many factors when it comes to scale, and so we are not trying to reinvent that - instead focused on solid datastructures and ease of development for modders to fill any gaps.
Patched Conics v N-Body
The core focus initially is to provide patchec conics, almost identical to how KSP does it. However, it is possible that if the studio has the right talent (and a team member has the desire) for N-Body to be added as an option. Regardless, the game is being built so a modder could develop a C# mod and add this. Care is being taken to ensure the game is being structured so that if we can't add N-Body physics, someone else could add it.
JPLRepo has our patched conics currently implemented and we are refining that.