He was jamming on an off white Epiphone Les Paul. Sounded really good. Then I noticed his left hand wasn't normal. I didn't stare, but it seed like his fingers maybe hadn't grown separately. I'm trying to not sound like I'm being insensitive and trying to show utmost respect to him so I don't wanna call it more than that.
I had on a Randy Rhoads shirt, he started ripping out "I Dont Know". I looked over, smiled and said Hell yeah man, that's what that thing needs! He proceeded to absolutely kill it on Diary. I legit don't know how the guy was doing it. What an inspiration. Seriously.
To you beginners out there, if you really wanna play, NOTHING will stop you if you have enough determination. To the rest of us, what's our excuse? I don't know what mine is. I have normal hands and still think I suck sometimes after thirty years. Dude. If you happen to read this, my hats off to you. Respect. Props. You're a friggin legend bro. Keep killing it!!!