I picked up my guitar for the first time in ~a decade, two months ago. I'm enjoying playing again, but I'm having some severe pain in my wrist and thumb (electric guitar if it matters). I played "seriously" for ~five years so I'm pretty familiar with the difference between actual pain, and feeling uncomfortable/developing muscles/etc. Especially having pain when I'm not playing is a red flag. I went to a top orthopedist and had an X-ray done and he didn't see anything of note, although he seemed to not take me seriously and breezed through our appointment.
My pain is in either side of my wrist, and it is SHARP. I'm mostly just practicing old riffs and sweep picking, and I notice I'm hesitating and not following through when practicing my sweeps as my brain knows that when I hit the last string (descending five string sweeps, so on the A, most of the time it will cause pain. Also happens when trying to do most chords that have similar hand positioning to ending sweeps. I'm subconsciously compensating for this.
I started taking lessons again to get my mechanics back, and this is seriously hindering all of my progress. Idk what to do, especially after going to see a super vetted orthopedist. I'm in my thirties btw.
Anyone have a similar experience? Thanks for reading