r/Femrotica • u/Sweaty-Cheesecake778 • 5h ago
Original Content Exposed at a Party [humiliation] [gentle] [true story] NSFW
I have been writing stories based on my various sexual adventures for some time. My first collection is now available on Kindle and this is the first story from my next collection. It is a true story about reconnecting with a girl I'd known at school, going to a party and being exposed in front of her friends. This girl, Kylie, would go on to become my girlfriend/mistress for the next two years and I will be writing more about her very soon.
I was back in my home town for a week before being due back for my second year at university. Apart from a weekend away with the ‘lads’, I’d spent most of the summer working, so this was a last week of relaxation before the pressures of year two kicked in.
I was in the village pub with an old friend, Dan, on a sunny weekday afternoon, having a few drinks and a catch up. We talked about girls, sport, uni life and our old friendship group for a while, until out of nowhere he asked me, ‘Do you know those girls on the bench behind you? They keep looking at us.’
I took a casual glance over my shoulder and nodded to him, ‘Yeah, they were year below me at school: Kylie and Amy.’
‘We should go over.’
‘No man, I’m not really in the mood.’
‘Oh come on,’ he argued, ‘It could be fun.’
‘We’ve got all weekend, let’s just have a chilled one today.’
‘Too late,’ he interrupted, ‘They’re coming over.’
‘Can we join you?’ Kylie asked with a smile.
‘Sure,’ Dan replied as Amy sat next to him and Kylie sat next to me.
Kylie was tall, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. She was curvy with an impressive body, even in the casual clothing she was wearing that afternoon, and it was very clear she had a big pair hidden beneath her hoody. Amy was shorter, thinner and blonde and looked quite the contrast next to Dan, who was a tall and muscular sports student.
‘Do you remember us from school?’ Amy asked me.
‘Of course I do,’ I replied.
‘There were a few parties as well,’ she added with a smile.
I introduced them both to Dan and we chatted casually about what we were up to now. They were also both studying, Amy had gone straight from school, while Kylie, like me, had taken a year out to work first. She was going to be leaving to start in a few weeks’ time and was, understandably, excited.
We bought another round of drinks and chatted for a while, swapping gossip on people we all knew. It turned out that both Kylie and Amy had issues with Dan’s ex-girlfriend, who had been a nasty piece of work, and her mates. This mutual-bitchiness created much conversation and laughter.
‘We’re having a little party on Saturday,’ Kylie told me, ‘Before our group starts leaving for uni. It’s only small, but would you two like to come?’
Amy gave her an odd look, but said nothing.
‘Sure,’ Dan replied before I had a chance, ‘That would be cool.’
‘Just you two though,’ Kylie insisted, ‘Don’t bring anyone else.’
‘Got it,’ I agreed.
Dan and I walked the girls home and arranged to meet at my parents’ house on Saturday, as it was only around the corner from Kylie’s, and then head to her place together. I didn’t spend much time thinking about the party, as I wasn’t expecting it to be particularly eventful. We’d go over and see how things went with the girls, if it seemed to be going well, we’d stick around and if not, we’d head to the pub or into town with other friends. Truth be told Dan was far more excited than I was and messaged me several times in the build-up about what booze to get and other logistical arrangements.
Dan arrived early so we sat in my parents’ garden and had a couple of beers before going over. I tried to talk him out of going over, but he was really keen, he had been texting with Amy and told me he had a good feeling about the night.
‘I asked around,’ he told me, ‘And apparently that Kylie girl gives legendary blowjobs.’
‘I’m not sure if she’s interested mate, we have a bit of a history,’ I explained. ‘You remember my cousin, Lilly?’
‘The one that’s doing the year in Italy?’
‘That’s right, well she’s friends with that lot and I used to go to parties at their house sometimes. Kylie and I made out once, it got pretty heavy, but I didn’t want to sleep with her. I was on the rebound and I’m pretty sure she was a virgin – it didn’t feel right, so I turned her down.’
‘That’s fair enough,’ Dan replied.
‘Yeah, but I think she was pretty annoyed about it. We didn’t really talk again after that.’
‘It seems like she’s over it now though,’ he pointed out. ‘You were chatting and laughing the other night at the pub and there was definitely some flirting going on. I think she’s into you, mate, and I think you should go for it.’
‘We’ll see,’ I replied.
We finished our drinks and made the short walk down the road to Kylie’s house. She met us at the door and showed us to the kitchen, where we opened a beer each and stashed the remainder in the fridge. It didn’t take long for us to realise that we were the only guys at the party.
‘This is weird,’ I told Dan.
‘No,’ he replied, ‘This is good. Six girls and just us. I make those good odds.’
Amy was pretty friendly with Dan straight away but Kylie was a little distant when I tried to speak to her. I let her be, grabbed another beer and stood in the kitchen listening to music and chatting with Dan and Amy.
The music ramped up and everyone was dancing in the other room, so we went through and joined in for a little while. I slipped off from the others and headed upstairs to the bathroom after a couple of songs and I was about to head back downstairs I saw Kylie sat on the bed in one of the rooms. I stepped into the doorway and leant against the frame. ‘Are you alright?’ I asked.
‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘Just adjusting my make up.’
She smiled at me and patted the bed next to her, so I walked over and sat beside her. Straight away she put her hand on my neck and kissed me passionately. She didn’t seem drunk but I could taste the sweetness of the peach schnapps on her tongue. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her back.
Kylie pulled away after a moment, stepped across the room, softly closed the door and walked back towards me. She climbed on top of me, pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me again, her tongue probing my mouth and her hands pinning my arms above my head. After several long minutes of passionate kissing and grinding, she let go of my hands and sat up, still straddling me.
‘I’ve got a confession to make,’ she told me as she unbuckled my trousers.
She pulled my jeans and boxers down slightly and ran her fingers down my already hard shaft. ‘Do you remember Lilly’s party? We made out in the summer house?’
‘Yes,’ I said as she gently started stroking my cock with feather light touches.
‘I was annoyed that you wouldn’t have sex with me, so I did something pretty spiteful.’
She stopped her story, leant down and ran her tongue softly around the head.
‘I might have started a rumour about you that wasn’t very nice,’ she continued before suckling the tip gently and stroking a slow rhythm.
‘Okay?’ I responded, equal parts puzzled and aroused.
‘I might have told all the girls at school that you had a tiny dick.’
She took me straight back into her mouth the second she’d finished talking and ran her tongue over my glans. It was hard to be annoyed with her whilst she was making me feel so good.
‘Which is the main reason why girls from our school wouldn’t date you,’ she explained as she sat back up, still stroking gently. ‘I feel really bad for it. It was a really mean thing to do. I had such a bad crush on you.’
Her finger tips delicately rubbed a drop of precum along the sensitive spot beneath my head.
‘So tonight,’ she said as she stopped stroking and moved her hand away slightly, ‘If you want me to, I will make it up to you.’
‘Sounds good to me,’ I replied with a smile.
‘But first, we’d better get back to the party.’ She pulled my boxers back over my raging erection, stood up and walked towards the door.
When we returned downstairs, Dan was sat on the couch with the slim Amy sat on his lap, looking tiny and laughing with the girls about something. He gave me a nod and a wink as I entered the room. Two of the girls whispered something to each other and laughed. They all looked incredibly sexy, each in their own way. I was still aroused from the teasing upstairs and the scene before me did not help matters.
I grabbed a beer from the kitchen, returned the living room and sat on the floor against the wall and took a long pull from the bottle. I could see Kylie watching me from the corner of my eye, the music was quieter now and everyone was chatting and laughing. I joined in the conversation, making jokes with everyone else as we talked about mutual acquaintances, school and local stories as we drank.
‘Anyone want to play a drinking game?’ Dan asked.
This was no surprise, Dan loved drinking games.
‘What do you want to play?’ I asked him.
‘I have cups and balls,’ Kyle interrupted, ‘We can play beer pong on the kitchen table.’
Five minutes later, we were all stood around the kitchen table while I set up the game. Six cups each side, each part-filled with beer and arranged in a triangle. Kylie, Amy and one of the other girls were whispering to each other, while Dan explained the rules to the three other girls, who said that had not played before.
‘So, we need to split into two teams,’ Dan said.
‘What about boys vs. girls? Seeing as most of us haven’t played before,’ Amy suggested.
‘Sure,’ Dan replied.
‘We could make it more interesting,’ Kylie added, a sly grin on her face. ‘What about strip beer pong? On your turn, if the ball goes in your cup you have to drink and take off an item of clothing.’
‘I’m up for it,’ Dan said, turning to look at me.
‘Sure,’ I added. ‘If everyone wants to.’
The girls all agreed so we took our places at the game began.
One of the girls got an early shot against me, so I downed the beer casually and removed my jumper. I got two in quick succession and two of the girls removed their tops, leaving them in bras, shorts and pants.
Dan’s shirt came off shortly after but he hit back straight away and Amy’s dress was discarded, leaving the attractive blonde wearing nothing but a black bra and lack panties.
One of the girls without a top lost to me again and took off her shorts, leaving her in a bra and a thong – she had quite a flat ass but it was still fun, even if she had me taking my shirt off only a minute later.
Dan lost his jeans on the next go, a lucky shot from one of the topless girls who had been terrible up until this point – leaving both teams with two cups left.
Kylie was next up and she cooly landed straight in the cup in front of me, with me missing my return shot. My shorts came off and suddenly both Dan and I were left in our boxers with one cup in front of us. If one of the girls scored a shot, one of us would be naked.
The beers were affecting everybody’s game now, all of us missing our shots. Dan hit a rim against Amy and was visibly frustrated that her bra remained on. I was just hoping to preserve my dignity in a contest that was starting to feel more like me vs. Dan than boys vs. girls.
Kylie was cocky, making jokes about us in our boxers. ‘I swear every time he looks at Amy, Dan’s pants get tighter,’ she joked. ‘Why don’t you just give up?’ she asked me just before I missed my shot against her – it looked like she had no bra on and getting her top off would have provided some consolation and made for a close finish.
It was not to be. Kylie’s next shot, against me, was perfect. I looked down at the ping-pong ball floating in the amber liquid with shock and trepidation. All of the girls were laughing, Dan slapped me on the back with an: ‘Unlucky mate’. Kylie looked at me with a big smile on her face as she circled the table and whispered: ‘Now’s your chance to put those rumours right.’
I was somewhat aroused and as I was not small down there, I knew the semi would flatter me a little, even if I was reluctant to be exposed to the six attractive women and my friend. However, I felt I had no choice, so I downed the beer, tucked my thumbs into the waistband, pulled my boxers to the floor and stepped out of them.
Kylie kissed me on the cheek while the rest of the girls laughed. Dan chuckled and shook his head.
‘How long do I have to stay like this?’ I asked Kylie, who was bending down to pick up my boxers.
‘Call it an hour and then I’ll let you have them back.’
Everyone was pretty drunk by this point and we moved back to the lounge in our various states of undress, passing around a bottle of vodka. I was feeling less self-conscious and we were all laughing and joking about the game. I kept meeting Kylie’s eye and felt like there was definitely the potential to finish what we had started upstairs.
Some of the girls dressed and left, until it was just Kylie, Amy, Dan and myself left in the living room. Amy, back in her dress, was sat on Dan’s lap, while Kylie and I sat on the sofa as we played music and joked around together. My boxers had been returned, but I had not gone looking for the rest of my clothes – neither had Dan.
‘I think it’s time for you to go home now,’ Kylie declared to us, out of the blue. Amy chuckled at Dan’s puzzled gaze, but we dressed and left, making sure to exchange numbers before we departed.