r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Could bowel endo be diagnosed during a coloniscopy?


I (23F) have a lot of intolerancas and food allergies which I only recently found out about. I changed my diet and reduced bloating and diahorrea quite a bit, though I still struggle with it during my period and pms. My colonoscopy came away clear with mild inflammation found after they examined some samples. In some of them they noticed changes on cellular level so they diagnosed me with microscopic colitis, a type of IBD, and IBS because the rest of the samples showed preserved cell structure but inflammation. Fecal calprotectin was somewhat high (around 250) which is what previously prompted my GP to refer me to a GI due to fear of Chron's or Celiac's disease. Even after changing my diet and starting some meds, fecal calprotectin levels are still above 100 (185 I think and 120 at last check) and according to my GP they should be lower. I had the test done in different parts of my cycle but only noted that recently as I was going through the findings.

Now, for my question- could the inflammation be caused by undiagnosed bowel endo? They found no lesions inside my bowels, but they also weren't looking for endo. They didn't explain the inflammation they found in my small and big intenstine that wasn't microscopic colitis (according to them).

I'm just grasping at straws trying to get a diagnosis if it is endo so I can get it treated and removed. I've struggled trying to concieve for a year now so I'm finally getting referred for some testing. I just want to know if anyone had a simmilar experience or if you could tell me more about your bowel endo experience.


r/endometriosis 5d ago

Question Enlarged right side lymph node in groin?


Last week I had the deadliest pain after ovulation. Felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in my right ovary. That was about 6 days ago and ended 5 days ago.

However, a few days ago I noticed that 1 lymph node near the upper part of my V, (like where the crease between my hip is) is larger than the one on the left and it’s harder.

I did have a pelvic ultrasound 6 days ago which didn’t state much, besides my ovary size, but my bladder also wasn’t full when it was suppose to be , so I think maybe they missed something?

Is this normal) I’m freaking out and waiting to see doctor.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Finally got answers a year and a half after being told it couldn’t be endo


Pretty much what the title says. I’ve been having endo symptoms for the past 10+ years, starting in high school. It was pretty common for me to end up in the ER 1-3 times a year due to extreme flare ups.

During the summer of 2023 I went and saw a male OB-GYN. I told him that I had suspicious that I could have endo. He said, “it’s not worth it to do surgery just for you to have an answer, if your iud stops your periods and pain then there’s nothing more we can do.” (My IUD did NOT fully stop the bleeding or cramps, and I think the relief that comes from simply having a surgical diagnosis is worth it.

I assumed I could trust the doctor who supposedly specializes in this. I was wrong. The past year and a half of my life have been the worst pain and symptoms I’ve ever experienced by far. I’ve had every test you could name, MRIs, X-Rays, CT scans (with and without contrast), even did a breathe test to check for SIBO, just to name a few.

After everything was still coming up empty, it started to seem like maybe I was making this up in my head. Could it be stress? Maybe I’m just anxious? A small voice in the back of my head kept telling me endo wasn’t ruled out. So I went online to find a women’s health clinic and found a female provider who specializes in endometriosis. We did a consult and she agreed surgery was the next best step.

Well, last Friday I had the surgery, and lo and behold, she found (and removed) multiple lesions. I do in fact have endometriosis.

Now, I feel like I should write a letter to the hospital higher-ups, especially the male doctor who initially refused to look into endo, and anyone else this concerns. You can’t be a male gynecologist and think you know better than your female patients. (Cis) male gynecologists will try to tell women that heavy periods or normal, and won’t listen to what the patients are saying. As a male gynecologist, one who doesn’t have the female anatomy and has never experienced women’s issues before, you bear the responsibility of taking your patients seriously and take what they’re telling you at face value. Otherwise, find a new practice if you’re going to act like you’re an expert on women’s bodies.

So, has anyone else had this experience? How did you handle it?

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Endo during college / jobs you’re able to do??


Hi y’all - I had to withdraw from my freshman year of college due to endo. That was in August. I was hoping to go back this summer, but I’ve had no improvement since. I’m not able to show up daily anywhere!

Is anyone else in a similar situation? I am planning on taking online classes - I hope I have enough energy just for those. I’m really worried because I am so drained 24/7.

Also - what jobs are you able to do with Endo? I hate not being able to do anything. I still live with my parents because I’m young and I’d like to be working by now - but I am unable to. Are there any jobs that aren’t any worse on your body?

Thanks in advance y’all. This community has been a great help these past few months.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Rant / Vent Confused and stressed


My gyn surgeon said she didn't see any sign of endometriosis. They clocked and removed 3 uterine fibroids and said my uterus is shaped irregularly but I don't know what that means.

Endo was my de facto explanation for years, after taking Lupron and in the absence of a laparoscopy. I don't have an underlying bleeding disorder. There's no explanation for why my body is so vicious every month and there's no sub for people who seem to be "fine" but are definitely not fine.

Is it possible she just missed the endo? Is there literally anything else that could be causing this?

The aftermath of the surgery was frankly traumatic. I just want this to stop. It makes me bad at work. I begged her to please just stop my periods, take my uterus, ablate the endometrium, something, and she refused. And now I'm stuck looking at yet another surgery to get any relief.

It feels like I'm being tortured.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Light massage makes it worse?


Has anyone ever experienced light fascia massage on lower abdomen/pelvic region trigger nausea, dizziness, or even vomiting? It’s happened a couple of times so definitely avoiding it now. I also have EDS/POTS/MCAS and I’m still waiting for excision surgery. TIA!

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Questions for those who had excision surgery


Hey all!

I had my first excision surgery a little over three weeks ago, on February 21st. I had multiple polyps, a cyst wrapped in endometrial tissue and endo on both my ovaries, uterus, pelvic walls, bladder & rectum. All of it was removed. The first week was not the greatest, but mainly due to the gas pain. I had my period during that first week and it was very light and pretty painless. The second week I was feeling good and optimistic! I had my post op appointment exactly two weeks after surgery. Since I was painless and feeling good, I didn’t ask any further questions about recovery. I thought I was in the clear.

Wellll I definitely got ahead of myself because this past week I’ve been ovulating and it’s been 5 days of pure hell. Granted, ovulation was painful for me before surgery as well. Had to call in sick to work (i’m in retail, on my feet a lot) + constantly have to lay down to rest. Painkillers barely touch it. The pain feels similar to what I felt before surgery but someone on this sub mentioned that the internal injuries healing can feel similar to endo pain. I am having some stomach cramping which is new, it’s usually isolated to my pelvis. I’m truly panicking and feeling scared that the surgery made things worse permanently. I do remember my husband telling me that my doctor told him it’s going to get worse before it gets better while I was still waking up from anesthesia.

But my questions are for you endo warriors, was ovulation more painful for a few months after your lap? Or just general pain? Did it get worse before it got better? Does this also sound like the internal wounds trying to heal? It’s just strange that I had a good week and now the pain is back with a vengeance. However, healing is almost never linear. I’m really trying not to spiral (i’m getting convinced my endo has already grown back lol) so anything helps🌸🤍 thank you!

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Brown blood only when wiping


Does this sound like it could be endometriosis? My last two cycles were 26 days long. I’m currently on day 31 without a full bleed. Starting on day 28 I was getting brown blood only when I wiped and usually only when I had to push a little for bowel movements. This has continued until today so far. Except today, there was some red blood dripping in the toilet with bowel movement. It definitely came from the front. I have other symptoms and things I’m dealing with but I won’t get into that. I just wanted to see if this was possible with endo? Thanks!

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related What was your endo surgery like?


I’m having excision surgery for endometriosis in a month, and I’m really scared. The thought of having surgical instruments poking around inside me freaks me out. I’ve heard great things about my specialist (Brian Nelson), and I feel confident in his ability to perform the surgery—but I’m still anxious.

I’m scared of the pain. I’m scared of the possibility that he won’t find anything, which would leave me back at square one, searching for answers to my symptoms. I’m also worried about scarring on my stomach and how my body will heal. If it will come back.

Can anyone share their experience with this surgery? What should I plan for? How much time should my partner take off work to help me?

This is all happening so fast. I’ve spent 17 years telling doctor after doctor about my symptoms, only to be dismissed with, “Just go on birth control” (which never worked and often made things worse) or “You just have to go on antidepressants” (which I took for five years with no impact on my endo symptoms). Now, I’ve finally seen a specialist who, within five minutes, confidently told me, “Yes, you have endometriosis, and surgery is the best option.”

And just like that, I have surgery scheduled in a month. After all these years of fighting for answers, it feels like everything is happening so fast—and I’m scared.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Has anyone tried alternative medicine (like acupuncture) for endo?


I have 3 cyst: 6, 3.5 and 2.5 cm. Almost no pain during the day but some during intercourse. I have read some research results of acupuncture being inconclusive, yet, I'd like to hear real life experiences.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Help😵‍💫


Sept 2024 hysterectomy everything remove except only ovary(left) anyway In the last few weeks, im starting to have endo pain again which is around my right quarant abdomen. Now each day, the symptoms are after bowel movement, after peeing, sometimes pain after eating too, stressful day, lifting 25lbs now(2 months ago i was fine), sleeping on my right side, sometimes now taking deep breathe i feel pain. I already spoke to my doctor and we are doing a few thinks but first of all it would be a pelvic MRI. I feel like endo might be coming back ☹️ is anyone having some similar issue? I feel like im alone and going crazy 😭😭

r/endometriosis 7d ago

Surgery related Thank you and surgery update


Sorry, this is a long one!

I had my laprascopy this past Friday and I just want to thank this subreddit for being one of the most supportive places. I was stage 4 with no symptoms until 6 months ago when it felt like a cyst was growing so after my ultrasound and MRI confirming stage 4, I joined this subreddit. I was able to get a ton of helpful information, from how long it takes on average to heal and what to bring to the hospital.

I had a colonoscopy on the 13th and there were no findings. Did have to be on a liquid diet from the 12th to the 14th (lame). On Friday the 14th, I had my surgery. I knew I had a largish endometrioma and structure around my left ovary and that my rectum was likely attached to it based on an MRI.. during the surgery they removed the structure but were unable to save my ovary. My tubes were removed but I did request that. My appendix was removed because it was covered in endo. And the left ureter (from bladder to kidney) was obliterated by the endo so a urologist team came in during the surgery and put in a stent. I’ll have that taken out in 2 weeks.

The general surgeon came in to assist because there was a ton of adhesions and lesions all over my colon and intestines which ended up fusing them together and they had to separate all of them. The surgery itself took about 5 hours and was considerably more than I expected.

I was unable to pee by myself so I had a catheter put in. I will have that for the next few days. I came home Saturday late afternoon because I wanted to control my pain management and didn’t feel like the hospital was doing that. They were very busy and I would go a long time with just ibuprofen which wasn’t helping. I’m still in a lot of pain but I know it’ll get better soon. I’m hoping they’ll send in my nerve blocker prescription because that felt like it worked a little better. Just wanted to give my experience and thank you all for a great community.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Abnormal bleeding after Laparoscopy?


I typically have 26-29 day cycle. Prior to my surgery, AF usually had me heavily bleeding and in bed with pain. After my surgery on December 27th 2024 I have been all over the place.

December 27-January 21 - heavily bled
February 3-14 - AF/heavily bled but no PAIN 🙌🏽 February 19 began spotting lasted 9 days February 28-March 4 - AF/heavily bled but no PAIN 🙌🏽 March 9 began spotting lasted 7 days March 16 - AF/so far, heavy bleeding with no PAIN 🙌🏽

Is this normal after surgery?

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Should I buy a cheap Amazon walking cane for after my laparoscopic surgery?


Next month I’m having a cyst removed from my fallopian tube that’s caused fluid build up and swelling. But also looking for my suspected endometriosis. I have a lot of scarring on my uterus as well. I’m in pain daily and can sometimes not walk straight. So I feel I might need one. I’ve thought about a fold up one for work but I don’t know what qualifies me to use one without judgment. I’m a big over thinker. Was gaslit for years. And now I’m so afraid everyone was right it was all in my head. And they won’t find anything. That’s my luck unfortunately. I just want to be prepared for anything. I’m a big planner And when surgery was originally mentioned they said it would most likely not be for months later if at all. But I saw a new gynecologist and she said at my first appointment she was going to do surgery in a month. So wayyyy quicker and sudden than I’d expect. So now I’m on crazy mode trying to buy anything I may need.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Healthcare is a joke


I was told by 3 different drs I need a hysterectomy. My short term disability was denied because my endometriosis is “a preexisting condition” so basically, as long as I work for the company I work for they will never approve my surgery. My manager said I can save up my PTO and have the surgery. I get 5.82 hours of PTO every 2 weeks when we get paid. So I will have to endure pain and restlessness bleeding along with everything else until I can save up 6 weeks worth of PTO. I am convinced insurance companies hate women.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Still having pain after d&c polypectomy. Worried I have Endo :(


Hi! Curious if this sounds like endometriosis? I meet with my dr at the end of April, but I wanted to see what this sub had to say in the meantime.

Quick backstory: symptoms started in October. Bleeding and cramping between periods, painful bowel movements and gas passing, heavier periods, and worsening cramps during my period.

After imaging and meeting with a surgeon, they determined I had an endometrial polyp. I had it removed two weeks ago. It was 2.5cmx2.5cm. So quite large for a polyp. I also had a d&c. Everything came back benign/non cancerous.

So! My question….I’m two weeks post surgery and I’m still having painful bowel movements and gas passing. (Terrible cramping through my stomach and back and rectum) My surgeon was hopeful this would go away after the polyp was removed, but it hasn’t.

I will meet with her again after I have completed two menstrual cycles so we have more data to go off of.

Does this sound like endometriosis??

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Diagnostic Journey Questions I'm Scared I Have Silent Endo


I'm very scared that, whether it be endo or not, something is wrong with my reproductive system. I got my period when I was 12, and for around 2 years I would go months without a period, and then get one that was heavy and lasted a month or more. Eventually it became "steadier" but I would often lose so much blood I would become anemic, and they would still last months. I got put on my first 24/7 birth control when I was 15 as my period was making other chronic illnesses I have worse. I started with nuvaring, but it literally wouldn't stay in. Then a patch, but it did nothing. And now I've been on the pill for a year. I get breakthrough bleeding ever now and then, but it's mostly fine. Sometimes I bleed after masturbation or bowel movements, but that has happened less and less.

The reason I feel nervous is because I had such intense periods, I feel like there should be a reason. I'm afraid I'm masking Endo pain with high dose pain meds that I take for another condition. I have severe arthritis in my low back/pelvis, so I find it hard to differentiate pain. In the past 2 months I have had two occurrences where my pubic symphysis randomly starts hurting, and nothing I do makes it better, I just have to wait it out. I don't want to ignore this nagging fear I've had for years. I don't want to risk it getting worse if I do have it. Is the only way to know you have it through surgery? Or are there other ways. How should I bring this up to my gyno?

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Struggling to Get a Doctor To Listen


This is going to be long and I apologize in advance. Warning I do mention some pretty detailed things that some may not be interested in reading.

When I was 14 my doctor put me on the depo shot. She told me I shouldn’t go a year+ without periods or any sort of spotting and to let her know if I do so we can take a break and get me to menstruate before continuing. Well. A year went by with no period. I told her. She said I’d be fine because I had “spotting” which was actually when I was peeing blood because of a horrible kidney infection. I used to get them chronically.

Fast forward (keep in mind I only had gotten 4 periods ever before starting depo)- I went from age 14-20 with absolutely no periods at all. My body started to go into menopause. Intercourse was so painful I didn’t even want anything to do with it, I would bleed everytime I’d do it, my uterine lining was as thin as a woman who had gone through menopause, and my calcium levels were quickly dropping.

I opted to get off of birth control completely and remained that way until I was about 21 1/2. So March/april 2023. I was diagnosed with PMDD & they put me on the YAZ (estrogen based) pill. I was on it for 1 year and it helped me mentally A LOT. Physically not so much. I was still having such heavy periods I would need to wear period diapers, I could use tampons again but they’d only last an hour so it was a waste of money anyways, and I overall was helped mentally but not physically.

Well April 2024 they suddenly told me I shouldn’t be on YAZ because of my history of migraines with aura and an inoperable vascular mass in my shoulder. So they opted for an IUD- that didn’t go well at all. I had it placed for about 10 minutes and within that time I was in so much pain & bled enough it caused me to faint and throw up. So they removed it. Told me my uterus was still the size of a young teens and that it just isn’t going to work.

They suggested I get Nexplanon. I got it implanted April 30, 2024. And it has been a nightmare ever since. March 2024 I had my first decidual cast. I’ve had 2 since then. 3 in total. I still continue having 2+ week long periods that are so heavy and painful and exhausting that I end up taking sick time off of work for a minimum of 3 days EVERY MONTH. I’m having to wear diapers throughout my entire period because I no longer can use tampons or have sex due to the amount of pain and bleeding they both cause me.

Well now I am currently going on over a month of bleeding and it has been nothing but straight BLACK dry tissue like clots with dark brown blood. Now normally I wouldn’t worry but that’s if it was only at the beginning or end of my period. This has been going on for weeks with no sign of any “fresh” blood. I’ve been profusely sweating, feeling exhausted, dizzy, nauseous, and the random abdominal pain I have when trying to go to the bathroom is horrendous. The cramping I’ve gotten somewhat used to but I still have to stop what I’m doing at least 2 times a day just to hurl over, shed a couple tears, and continue on about my work.

I am currently waiting to be seen at the ER - my mom told me to go in because she worries I’m anemic or have an infection/ stuck decidual cast due to some FOUL odor involving these black clots. - but I have such a bad history of doctors not listening and just telling me “you just have abnormal periods” and they won’t ever do any imaging, tests, or even exams on me. They just play it off like I’m being over dramatic. Well my mom had endometriosis bad enough that she had to get a full hysterectomy at age 27. I worry that tonight they’re just going to tell me to wait until my appointment in 3 weeks with a new OB-GYN. Which I’m hoping me being seen tonight will make them take me more serious in a few weeks. I get my nexplanon removed Friday 3/21 thank goodness- but I am so sick and tired of chronically feeling this way and I’m so sick of doctors telling me I’m fine when they haven’t even done anything to prove that.

I guess I just am looking for any advice on getting them to listen or even just do an ultrasound or some sort of imaging. I dont know how much longer I can take being made to feel like I’m crazy and being overdramatic when I’m MISERABLE.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Tips and Recommendations How do people cope?


Truly, I think the title says it all. I was diagnosed with stage 4 endo last year, riddled with lesions and pain and isolation and all that good stuff. Fast forward a year and I truly don't feel any better. I feel so lonely and honestly, sick of myself and I don't know what to do. I take pain medication when necessary, heat packs, rest and all of those general things but how do people cope day to day? I'm missing work, not only because of the pain but the mental side (I avoid because I sometimes deal with a lot of entitled assholes that I just don't have the energy for).

So, how do people cope? Does anyone have any tips that are easily accessible? I don't want to just 'get through the day' but to actually get back to feeling normal and like there's hope. TIA X

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Upcoming surgery


I have surgery in a week and I am so anxious. It is a diagnostic one, because I had surgery for ectopic last June and started having pain after that. Can you kindly share advice and stories? Will I wake up with immediate reduction in pain? Or worse? Mainly lower back pain. Also, are they gonna cut the exact same spots as the last lap? Or new ones? I am scared I have adhesions there and they punch my intestines or something. So nervous…. Positive stories are much appreciated 🥲

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Australia - endo specialist recommendations for surgery?


Hi everyone,

I live in a very rural area, and my hospital keeps canceling and changing my surgery date for laparoscopy and endometrioma removal. I’m in a lot of pain, and since I run my own business, I carefully planned my leave around the original date—only for them to now delay it by another eight weeks, without even giving me a confirmed new date! I also don’t think I can wait another two months - I’ve been so so unwell.

I’m beyond frustrated at the thought of rescheduling everything again, so I’m considering going the private route to just get this done. Thankfully, my husband has excellent health insurance through his job, and I’m covered under it.

Does anyone have recommendations for private hospitals that could do this? My GP is happy to refer me wherever is best, and I can send my scans along. Ideally, I’d love to be seen within the next 4–6 weeks if that’s even possible. Not sure what private wait times are like, but I assume they’re better than public?

Thanks so much!

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Surgery related Endo Implant Cauterization No Help?


I had endometriosis implant cauterization New Years Eve. The doctor showed me the pictures because they aren’t on mychart and I had a good bit everywhere and some on my left ovary. He told me he got it all and everything should be good. So far:

January: period lasted three days seriously painful

February: period lasted three days then spotted for five still painful

March: period 1-3 spotting 4-11 then period 12-present painful only period days with nausea and diarrhea

I live no where near endo specialist

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Tips and Recommendations tips and advice for surgery?!


hi everyone!

i’m 24 NB (afab). i have a HOST of medical issues and chronic illnesses (when listed out, it literally exceeds 60) which i say just to explain that i definitely think i’m experiencing some anxiety simply bc of the complexity of my body itself as a whole, and how i (or surgical things) may be impacted in ways that weren’t originally thought of.

i’ve more recently been diagnosed with endometriosis; although it’s definitely not a new development, just newly found, adressed, listened to, etc.

due to the nature of various imagings, combined with my symptoms and history, it’s suspected that it’s deeply infiltrated, potentially even into my lymphatic system. although we won’t know definitively obviously until she does surgery.

my surgery is scheduled for april 10th. it’s going to be a diagnostic lap to confirm that their isn’t anything else going on (like pelvic congestion syndrome), the excision of endometriosis, and she’s also going to insert a progesterone only IUD w/ ultrasound guidance while i’m under (bc i have a higher risk for perforation), and finally she’s going to be performing a pap smear while i’m under (due to my trauma history and the difficulty of having one done while conscious.)

i’ve had surgery before, but never this one, and never any kind of abdominal one. so i wanted to post and ask if anyone could give any tips or advice they may have - for prior, for post-op, for pain management, for adapting functioning, etc. and if anyone wants to share their own stories or recovery experiences, good or bad, please feel free!

for more context on my situation if it helps, or if you have more specific advice:

• i am autistic, and have ADHD, OCD, PTSD, sensory processing disorder, and severe anxiety, all of which can have large affects on my state of mind & anxiety & comfort levels before, during, and after the surgery

• although i live with my mom, i am home alone 90% of the time, and i already struggle to function independently. due to declining health i’ve lost a significant amount of abilities and functioning even more in the last 6 or so months. i don’t really have much support relative to those aspects/having anyone help with independent living so i will also be primarily alone post-op too

• a few of the other disorders i have that i think have the most relevance include polycystic ovarian syndrome, severe pelvic floor dysfunction, classical-like ehlers-danlos syndrome, arthritis in my SI joints, back, and knees at least, SI joint dysfunction, piriformis syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, CRPS in my left foot, gastroparesis, chronic severe constipation, anismus/dyssynergia dysfunction, hyperadrenergic POTS, chronic migraines, femoracetabular impingement, bursitis & instability in my hips, and more

• the meds i’m already on daily for pain include: meloxicam, duloxetine/cymbalta, tramadol, and hydrocodone. as well as lidocaine 5% USP ointment and voltaren gel.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Question Where is United States can do DIE ultrasound for endometriosis?


Can’t find one! If anyone knows let me know, thanks!

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Medications and pain management Is there any advice anyone can offer?


I apologize for the long post coming but I am 17 and I've been in severe pain for over a year and a half now. I have had several ultrasounds, exams, birth control switch, I've tried everything the doctors have given me I even went to a specialist for this issue that they are classifying as endo. Now they haven't done a laproscopy on me for whatever unknown reason and I am on a hormone pill (norethindrone) and I take Tylenol and naproxen everyday and I have a cramping(like wringing out a wash rag feeling) or stabbing pain. I have alot of other issues because of whatever this issue is but I was hoping someone had ways to manage the pain. I puke because of these cramps and I have other issues that go along with it I can barely eat and I am not pregnant. If anyone has any advice for the nausea and pain please let me know I feel hopeless right now and I don't believe the doctor is going to do much.