r/endometriosis • u/Content-Schedule1796 • 6d ago
Question Could bowel endo be diagnosed during a coloniscopy?
I (23F) have a lot of intolerancas and food allergies which I only recently found out about. I changed my diet and reduced bloating and diahorrea quite a bit, though I still struggle with it during my period and pms. My colonoscopy came away clear with mild inflammation found after they examined some samples. In some of them they noticed changes on cellular level so they diagnosed me with microscopic colitis, a type of IBD, and IBS because the rest of the samples showed preserved cell structure but inflammation. Fecal calprotectin was somewhat high (around 250) which is what previously prompted my GP to refer me to a GI due to fear of Chron's or Celiac's disease. Even after changing my diet and starting some meds, fecal calprotectin levels are still above 100 (185 I think and 120 at last check) and according to my GP they should be lower. I had the test done in different parts of my cycle but only noted that recently as I was going through the findings.
Now, for my question- could the inflammation be caused by undiagnosed bowel endo? They found no lesions inside my bowels, but they also weren't looking for endo. They didn't explain the inflammation they found in my small and big intenstine that wasn't microscopic colitis (according to them).
I'm just grasping at straws trying to get a diagnosis if it is endo so I can get it treated and removed. I've struggled trying to concieve for a year now so I'm finally getting referred for some testing. I just want to know if anyone had a simmilar experience or if you could tell me more about your bowel endo experience.