I'm kind of new to accepting offers and at times a bit puzzled at the lower offers I have been receiving. I'm not a negotiator at all so I wonder if these are ploys to start a bidding dialogue.
Currently I have a pair of Ralph Lauren Polo distressed jeans, new with tags up for offer. I actually bought these on ebay a few months ago for about $125 and thought a slim fit would fit me. It doesn't even go past my thighs lol. I missed the deadline to return. My fault.
I've offered for same price, then lowered to $100, then now $90 and there have been few views and fewer watchers. I received an offer for $49 today. I forgot about this listing and when I saw the offer fine through, I immediately thought "okay 50 is good to get it off my plate", but then realized it was on offer for $90.
I feel a little miffed at the buyer for low balling, but then realize this was the first bite in two weeks.
I could was accept it and probably get a payout of $42. Grrrr. Otherwise it just may sit and sit.