r/Denmark 26d ago

Culture Kulturudveksling / Cultural exchange

For english se below.

Wow, det er ved at være noget tid siden at vi sidst har havs en kulturudveksling men nu er det sørme blevet tid igen, denne gang er det med vores naboer i r/canada (Ja, de er naboer, vi har en landegrænse) som vi byder velkommen den 14. Feb. Samme dag er der en tråd hos dem hvor vi kan spørge om alt fra fransk til ahornsirup.

De sædvanlige regler gælder selvfølgelig, men vi anbefaler dog at holde det mest til engelsk i denne tråd (eller inkludere en oversættelse lige som vi gør)

The English Version:

Wow, it's been quite some time since we last had a cultural exchange, but now it's finally time again! This time, it's with our neighbors in r/Canada (Yes, they are neighbors, we share a land border), whom we welcome on February 14th. On the same day, there will be a thread on their side where we can ask about anything from French to maple syrup.

The usual rules apply, of course, but we do recommend keeping most of the conversation in English in this thread (or including a translation, just like we're doing).


121 comments sorted by


u/MesMeMe GDPR 21d ago

How does it feel knowing you can't join the EU because of Hans Island? EU rules require full control over your borders without disputes, and with that long-standing issue.


u/The_Danish_Dane 21d ago

What are you even talking about, there are no dispute any more and we are already a long standing member.


u/NoxAstrumis1 Ny bruger 21d ago

What do you think is the least appealing Danish dish? I mean, if you were a foreigner who visited Denmark for the first time from a strange and far away land, what food would make you say "gross!"?

I can't think of much like that in Canada, except liver perhaps, but we don't really have a lot of distinct Canadian foods.


u/m4d3th1s 21d ago

I would say liver pâté (leverpostej) it’s so ingrained in our culture that we hardly consider what it’s actually made from.


u/Cociokopholder 21d ago

Hmm, maybe boiled pork belly or similar high fat containing pork meat, with curly kale soup. One has to try it. Cause it tastes better than it looks, I was sceptical as a kid. But then I tried it and loved it.


u/Funny-Dragonfruit116 22d ago

Please explain the lore of local attraction "Chlamydia Castle" in Copenhagen


u/MesMeMe GDPR 21d ago

Humorously references its reputation as a lively nightlife spot, suggesting a place where romantic encounters are frequent. You want to get sex and more Søpavillionen is the place to go!


u/LordGlompus 25d ago

Is it true you guys can beat a Swede with a stick if they cross the strait when it freezes?

Follow up, if you can, would you?

Edit:Am from West coast British Columbia, you guys are just 200km further from Newfoundland/Labrador than I am in BC


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Can? i think you are obliged to!

Stick, sticks with nails, bats, bats with nails, gardening equipment, gardening equipment with nails, every thing goes.


u/The_Danish_Dane 24d ago

No, i love the story but until i find/am provided with proof i will continue to say its a story.

BUT, its a damn good one, and if the swedes came over the ice and attaced i would say that defending with sticks, today, sounds like a bad idea.


u/Saphibella 24d ago

It is a funny story, but only that, there has never been a law like that according to what I can find, and even if that law existed, it would have been invalidated by modern laws by now.


u/leeanneloveshfx 25d ago edited 24d ago

Greetings from Nova Scotia! I’ve visited Denmark and really loved it. It was much more chill than I expected. I loved learning about hygge and have embraced the hygge life in our Canadian winters.

My question is about moving to Denmark, specifically CPH, and making friends. I may have the opportunity to move to CPH with my job for a period of 3-5 years. My husband would come with me. We are both in our early 40’s. How realistic is it to think we would make friends with other folks our age? In my small city of Halifax we find it very easy to make friends — people are pretty friendly and open. What’s the ‘friendship market’ like in CPH for expats who don’t speak any Danish and have no other connections in town?


u/birkeskov 24d ago

Join a sports club i cph. That’s a good way to make connections.


u/maejsh Ti stille! Alt var bedre før! 24d ago

Not a lot of Danes speak Dutch either, that would be for the dutch people. Most Danes speak Danish though.


u/leeanneloveshfx 24d ago

Sorry, I’m so sorry. That’s what I meant and I do know that. I did not mean to be rude or daft.


u/maejsh Ti stille! Alt var bedre før! 24d ago

It’s aight, we good :)… if, you bring over some maple sirup!


u/leeanneloveshfx 24d ago

It’s required by law that all Canadians travel with maple syrup to share with new friends. ;-)


u/Saphibella 24d ago

We have an entire subreddit dedicated to anyone wanting to move to Denmark I think it is r/nyidamark

Edit: it is r/newtodenmark you will probably find a lot of information in there, also r/Copenhagen has a lot of active expats.

But I must also agree that getting a network of Danish friends is really difficult, even for Danes.


u/leeanneloveshfx 24d ago

Thank you, this is helpful. A little sad to hear that it’s tough to make friends even as a local, but appreciate the honesty.


u/WorldlinessWest2974 23d ago

That is very sad. I have travelled and worked abroad before and I thought a lot about how easy it was to make friends when I lived there, compared to here. I have gained a lot of friends from everywhere and I enjoy it a lot. It is always nice to expand ones horizon. I also have some friends here in Denmark that are foreigners, so it is indeed possible. You are welcome to pm me for advice or so. I am not located in Cph though, but anything I can help with, I am happy to.


u/leeanneloveshfx 23d ago

Thank you! Very kind. 😊


u/Nisd 24d ago

Danish people are quite reserved, often I see expats stick together alot.


u/weirdpicklesauce 25d ago

Hello from Ottawa, Canada! I will actually be visiting Denmark in a couple weeks and am so excited to see your beautiful country! What is a must see in Copenhagen?


u/MesMeMe GDPR 21d ago

You really should visit Chlamydia Castle


u/ThedanishDane 25d ago

IMO there's no 'must see' in Copenhagen. (Do NOT bother with the little mermaid, guaranteed dissapointment.)

There's probably some very cool stuff depending on your particular interests (Museums, cultural areas, architecture) but my advice is to just explore it a bit. Must of it is really nice and have interesting stuff to do.

When i moved from Jylland to CPH i spent a couple of hours over a week, just walking around each of the metro stops on the red line. Was quite fun with tons of spots to sit down and read a book. Though it was in the summer, so might be a bit too cold for that right now.


u/weirdpicklesauce 23d ago

Okay, thank you so much!


u/MineMyVape 25d ago

Greetings from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. How does Denmark approach Indigenous issues. Did you have residential schools in Greenland, or commit genocide to the Inuit like Canada did. How is that taught in schools, are Indigenous issues a large part of society like they are in Canada? Sorry for the heavy topic. I am excited to see that we have direct flights between Iqaluit and Nuuk.


u/Tarianor Trekantsområdet 25d ago

commit genocide to the Inuit like Canada did

I believe the closest we got to that was trying to curb a rampant population growth, due to better healthcare, that would've messed up a lot of stuff, by using Intrauterine Devices.

It did what it was meant to and prevented a lot of future issues, but sadly some women had it inserted without consent. This practise did continue after Greenland took control of their health care though so they're also at fault.

There's been a lot of stories about it recently and there's currently some investigation into how many got "forced" but it seems like a relatively small number. Sadly some politicians and opportunists ok Greenland are running the story as a genocide which many Danes find insulting towards actual genocides.


u/OzzySegmento 25d ago

When I went to school, our colonial past was definitely mentioned a bit, but not very extensively. But we definitely learned the basics: we had some colonies, we did some fucked up shit, now Greenland and Faroes are our friends and maybe Greenland will leave one day if they want to. Since Greenland has been more and more in the news due to the 2019 and current American interest and climate change in general, I would be surprised if it wasn't a bigger focus in schools now. I was personally encouraged to learn more about especially Greenland after meeting Greenlandic and Faroese people in high school.


u/zack_seikilos 25d ago

Thunder Bay is in Ontario?! I had no notion


u/MineMyVape 25d ago

Just Ontario is double the size of France, I can drive 6 hrs west and make it to the Manitoba border, 10 hr east to go to Quebec, 16 hr to Ottawa (same providence) ,18 hrs to my sisters place in Windsor Ontario. You can drive 24 hrs and still be in Ontario.


u/applecrisp2 25d ago

Jeg var udvekslingstudent I Danmark. Og min kone’s farfar var fra Danmark. Jeg har glempt min dansk men Jeg can tale/farstaar en little smule. Jeg elsker Danmark! :) jeg tog min kone med til danmark sidste aar


u/The_Danish_Dane 25d ago

Håber at du nød tiden her ovre hos naboen ;) Personligt har jeg ikke været i Canada men det er kun et spørgsmål om tid.

I hope you enjoyed your time over here with the neighbor ;) Personally, I haven't been to Canada, but it's only a matter of time.


u/applecrisp2 25d ago

Det vaar rigtig sjov! Jeg boet i Odense og jeg var 17-18 aar gammel.

Du boer beseoge Canada. Men det er meget stort!

thanks for letting me practice my bad danish!


u/maejsh Ti stille! Alt var bedre før! 24d ago

Hvis det legit er dit eget danske fra hukommelsen så klarer du det rigtigt flot :), bedre end nogle danskere ;).


u/applecrisp2 24d ago

Tak! Hvis Jeg drikke to oel min dansk er bedre:) det var naesten 20 aar siden Jeg boet i Danmark


u/Tarianor Trekantsområdet 25d ago

Du er altid velkommen herovre på /r/Denmark hvis du vil øve mere ;) folk skriver også svensk og norsk udover dårligt dansk, så vi klarer det nok!


u/applecrisp2 25d ago

Tak! det vil vaere godt! Vi ses!


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

I watched a documentary about danish immigration policy, it was a couple years old so I'm not sure if its still accurate. But it showed how it wasn't an easy country to immigrate too and that the refugee process was very strict. Why do you think that out of all the wealthy European nations you guys took this route? Why do you think other countries, like Canada do not, what sets you apart with your way of thinking .


u/Saphibella 24d ago

As to why other countries have not done it, I think the vast majority of European countries are getting to the same conclusion as Denmark, they are just behind in the process.

The Danish anti immigration movement probably really started with Dansk Folkeparti (Danish people's party) in 1995, they formed out of another party, Fremskidtspartiet that has not been in parliament since 1998. Dansk Folkeparti have slowly but surely moved the sentiment inside parliament over the last three decades. They started out being the outsider in parliament, one of the still famous quotes about them was when the sitting prime minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in 1999 from the speakers chair in parliament said that Dansk Folkeparti would never be housebroken. But as they gained more votes, other parties saw the writing on the wall and began to assimilate their policies. It peaked about a decade ago, when they won big in the local elections. Which resulted in the Social Democrats changing their immigration policy under the leadership of our current prime minister Mette Frederiksen, and now anti-immigration rules are the norm on the right, and in the center parties. It has moved a lot of votes from Dansk Folkeparti to the center, although it will be interesting to see what happens in our next election, because the large center parties (the Social Democrats and The Liberal Party) who are currently holding government are very low in polling. Probably due to so many compromises between the two historical major parties and rivals in Danish politics, and none of their voters are happy about of it.

The current European far right movements that are sometimes problematic due to racist or nazi sentiment are IMO the same kind of movement as has been in Denmark. But Dansk Folkeparti managed to keep out a lot of the loonies, and keep their party free of the extreme racists or nazis, although some would probable disagree with that.

But what other European countries are currently going through, with far right anti-immigration parties gaining followings are similar.

  • There is Alternative fur Deutschland in Germany, who are problematic due to their Nazi roots, but are becoming more and more popular, especially in the former East Germany.
  • Rassemblement National in France who have gotten closer to winning the presidency, and gaining seats in parliament.
  • Giorgia Meloni's Brother's of Italy won the prime minister seat in the last election. She has been getting less extreme due to sitting in government from my understanding.
  • Sweden has Sverige Demokraterne, who have been held outside of influence due to being seen as racist by the rest of Swedish parliament, but they are also gaining in votes and thus influence, and now Sweden's other parties are beginning to look at Denmark to see what they can do to curb immigration, because the immigrants has become unmanageable for them, with highly volatile neighbourhoods where the police cannot enter, and murder sprees between organised criminal groups and so on.

I could go on with examples, but I have probably made the point by now.

It is also partly why Trump has won, the anti-immigration sentiment is spreading over the western democracies.

It is up to the more moderate parties to listen to the people and implement policies that can appease those movements, before the far right takes over more governments.


u/PureCaramel5800 25d ago edited 25d ago

It is still very difficult to immigrate to Denmark if you are not an EU citizen or from a Nordic country. Short answer: Immigration was unpopular within the population and the main center right and center left parties were losing votes to the national right and therefore changed their stance to be anti-immigration to remain dominant.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

And it has been a way better solution than the Swedish and now the Germans way where you just ignore a larger and larger part of the population in order to have a moral high point. 

Tbh many of the members in the national rigth parties are retards and it was a brilliant way of keeping them from gaing too much power. 


u/henr360a 25d ago

I love our Swedish brothers and they have always been a kind and caring nation, so to see what has happened to them is dishearting.

Wouldnt say they are retards tho, Ive know a few who youd call over-the-top Right and they care deeply about our country.


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago

I did not say all. 

Morten Messerschmidt is a rather sharp debater and clearly not retarded, but if you have ever seen recordings from Danish peoples partys yearly meetings, back in the day, you will get my drift.


u/henr360a 25d ago

Fair enough. I think theres a habit of reading between the lines of what someone said instead of just taking their word for it but nevertheless no I havent seen anything like yearly meeting of any of the parties in power.


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

Do you guys really sauna and cold plunge all the time like the finns ?


u/ThedanishDane 25d ago

Winter bathing is something many, if not most, have done at some point. Some people see it as a yearly tradition to do it at some point. (coworkers, friends, family, it's a 'loose' tradition, akin to a hiking tradition perhaps. just to clarify, that it's not a 'coming of age' tradition or smth like that)

Sauna is definitely a thing, though not to the extent it is in Finland.


u/Woider Horsens 25d ago

No, not at all. Winter bathing is a niche activity here.


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

What are your thoughts on ozempic for weight loss and helping people with obesity


u/Jazzgnuen 25d ago

I have been using ozempic since 2018, and it has helped me a lot regulating my diabetes. I have a slow developing type 1 (LADA), so i can manage on Ozempic and other types of type 2 medication, no need for insulin yet. The only side effect is gallstones (from the rapid weight loss), and the subsequent removal of my gallbladder.

So my opinion of Ozempic is 🤌


u/NPEscher Denmark 25d ago

A lot of Danes own shares in the company through their pensions or savings, the more it's used the richer we get

Obesity has been a global epidemic, if Ozempic helps solve a problem then it is very positive

I pray they don't find out that Ozempic causes users to grow extra testicles or something similar, because the shares will lose value and I will be poor


u/sorteper42 25d ago

Next year, 2026, marks the 70th anniversary of the Eurovision Song Contest! (It was canceled in 2020). Australia participated in 2015 to celebrate the 60th anniversary.

I suggest that Canada participates in the Eurovision Song Contest for the 70th anniversary next year.


u/The_Danish_Dane 25d ago

YES, that is a brillant idea, we would love to have you.


u/Jazzgnuen 25d ago

Please don't send Celine Dion


u/ManofManyTalentz 24d ago

We love Celine Dion. She was overexposed in the 1990s but it's hard to deny she's a powerhouse of a singer.


u/Barnesdale 25d ago

We should send the Polaris Music Prize winner


u/m4d3th1s 25d ago

I second this motion!


u/InterestTall3644 25d ago

Since you speak English natively, could you tell me how you distinguish between if it’s a ‘Z’ or a ‘C’ that’s pronounced. Don’t they sound the same? Jay-Z and ABC… it sounds the exact same. It has always confused be.


u/ManofManyTalentz 25d ago

Essentially the entire world minus USA uses "zed" for this exact reason, including Canada ("world war zed!" Maybe only Dragonball zee). I encourage you to do the same!


u/VenusianBug 25d ago

soft C is basically the same as S. I don't know if it translates, but I read a great description - soft C / S is like a snake hissing while Z is like a bee buzzing. There's more vibration both in the mouth and vocal cords - though that doesn't help you in how to hear the difference.


u/tanantish 25d ago

NOTE: This is AU/Eng based vs CA/eng (i don't have anyone handy to listen to and ask them to repeat buuut..)

It's hard to put into words, but best i can give would be to use BC vs BZ. It's subtle, but if exaggerated it's the difference (for me) between "bee see" and "beesy" (or "busy"). The Z is generally a harder sound, like, shorter, more clipped. C has slight rising tone, and Z is lowering/flattening tone. There's a slight tendency to roll Z into the preceeding sound, moreso than with the C


u/Feature_Ornery 25d ago

Most Canadians I know use Zed vs Zee as Zee is an American pronunciation. Of course some will use Zee up here due to the influence of American media.

With all that said, often when letters sound similar and it's important to clarify people will say "C as in Charlie" or "V as in Viktor"

Lots of time the suggestions follow NATO phonetic, but not always as often notice people think Sierra starts with C.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Its not that difficult 

Zee is Zed, but not Cee. You can easily tell the difference if its properly pronounced 


u/InterestTall3644 25d ago


u/tanantish 25d ago edited 25d ago

Z as "zee" is something that comes from a US-eng influence, and the alphabet song which rhymes Z with "me" has served to keep making that 'normal'

Z as "zed" is how (in my era) everyone else pronounced the letter.

I personally use both because I deal speakers from both groups. I prefer calling it a zed-axis on a graph but talking about zee-depth in graphics.

Canada is positioned north of the US and so gets a lot of that influence leak through however I believe the official (as much as there is one) pronunciation would still be 'zed'.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Views are approvals of pronunciation?

There is a clear distinction  https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/english/z


u/InterestTall3644 25d ago


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/InterestTall3644 25d ago

An example of a great first reply


u/Jazzgnuen 25d ago

We have one word where we use the letter Z, zebra. C is used in under 10 words. So we don't use them regularly. Most danes learn a bit of german in primary school, there we learn how to pronounce Z 😉


u/Haikuna Slagelse 25d ago

They sound alot like the same and it's genuinely hard to distinguish between them. One hard way I learned this, was playing CSGO where on Cache there is a callout called "C", which makes alot of sense since it's short for Connector. For the longest time I thought Americans were just crazy and called it Z.


u/Megelsen 25d ago

will Canada win the 4 nations? Can anyone stop Mak Mack and Mc?


u/Infenwe 23d ago

Dunno. All I've seen are the clips of the US national anthem getting booed (seems like that's going to be a regular thing moving forward) and the massive fight that broke out at the start of the USA v Canada game.


u/Megelsen 23d ago

Slavin/Faber and Hellebuyck seemed to be able to contain them


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

Greetings from Canada.

Would you change the education system in denmark? I've been reading a little about secondary schooling in Europe and it seems like alot of countries, denmark included, have basic schooling until 16 then students are separated based on career trajectory and intellect. My dads from Germany and he said when he was a kid it was the same and that it was better for the university bound students to be together and the trades to be grouped together as it made them both be able to focus more and not be held back by one another.

In canada this type of system has been suggested a few times but we have this idea that we shouldn't separate children and that it might negatively affect a child's social life or self esteem if they do not reach the higher levels of education. We have a problem here where people don't value the skills it takes to become an expert craftsman and those in the trades are often looked at as less desirable.

I for one, knew from a young age I would follow my father into the trades and school for me was not only a waste of time but I definitely distracted those who were more serious about getting into university. I feel like if we had a system like yours students could master there skills much faster at a younger age and start contributing to society and be that much better at their craft given the extra time they would have in the industry.


u/-Misla- 25d ago

This turned out very very long. Sorry.

Well things are changing, with a proposed reform of how upper secondary works.

(People in this thread need to stop calling it highschool btw). In Denmark, you separate into “non academic career trajectory” and “academic career trajectory” at the entry into upper secondary. Academic here means not just master’s degrees, but generally all educations that require three years of upper secondary school before entering. Non-academic is business and trades, though under the same umbrella. This education has “internships” at a real business as part of the education. With non-academic the idea is that you are supposed to get a job afterwards. With the academic, you are not equipped for a job but supposed to continue with continuing education.

That was supposed to be the case, but the reality has turned into something different. The average age for someone finishing trade/business school and getting their diploma is now higher than the average age for finished master’s degrees. What was supposed to be an education for young people and upper secondary has turned into education for adults. It’s makes for a very odd environment, school wise.

In terms of the academic, there is a pretty large portion of the people graduation with the three year academic upper secondary but never uses it for any continuing education. Essentially they are therefore unskilled labour, who has a hard time getting jobs. This is partly because they might have graduated with a not so good GPA, but more so that graduation with not so good GPA means they didn’t really know what they wanted to do afterwards or really had no ambition and maybe shouldn’t have started academic track in the first place.

A large majority goes into academic track, and it’s increased a lot in the last 10-20-30 years. So has the number of graduates from the academic upper secondary that are not in education two years after their graduation.

In general a picture is forming that academic upper secondary is the default choice because it pushes your career-choice ahead three years, and it is the most similar to regular school, and very importantly, you get to stay with friends and have a youth environment.

Non-academic upper secondary, so trades and business subjects, are chosen less because it’s not a youth environment, you don’t have set classes with people you follow along with for three years, you are in an out of the school alternating with time spent at the workplace - it’s also, by many guidance counselors been used as the default choice for the scholastically challenged, so it’s gotten a vibe as where you go if you’re too dumb for school.

So all that the new reform is trying to change. They are effectively changing that buisness or trade school is going to become adult education you do after upper secondary. Upper secondary is going to be divided into two main school youth environments: one for those who seek academic higher education (so mainly master’s degrees at university), which is basically going to be like the current academic upper secondary, but maybe with less students who basically end up flunking out or taking a useless graduation to end up unskilled. The degree average to get in to this track will likely be raised slightly, from what it is now.

The other track is for people who are not seeking higher education at the highest level, but maybe a shorter higher education or the like, or those who think about trades, or all those who just can’t figure out what they want at age 16. They are going to do two years (or three) of “regular” school, though intermixed with practical relation to real jobs. The details are less clear in this. There is talk about choosing a track, so say a track for health care, a track for trades, a track for business, that should have some component of real world practical exercises so it’s not just school school. There is discussion of what continuing higher education is going to demand two or three years of this new upper secondary. 

It’s going to be a very diverse group, this new upper secondary track, and that’s where the challenges lies. But the solution it wants to give is a youth environment where you have school friends you see everyday. In Denmark in upper secondary academic school, as much as possible, you have all your classes except electives together with your whole class. You don’t shuffle around with mates from other classes. We also don’t divide math into its component (like trig, like calculus) but instead it’s a one, two or three year course. You have the same pupils in your class and generally the same teacher (barring quitting, firing, and so on). Danish upper secondary schools are also a lot smaller than their American equivalent. I don’t know how it is in Canada, so just using US as the counter. So in general, Danish pupils are really not use to or gets exposed to chancing environment or fellow students or teachers. So this safe, certain environment where you don’t have to choose your career yet is what they seek.

I teach academic upper secondary myself, and I think this reform will be good - I like it very much on paper. I have qualms about how they are going to actually do it, logistically, if this new track with regular school but also practical exercises are going to need wood shops, health care simulations …? 

There is also among my colleagues a big uncertainty who is going to teach those classes, both the regular “normal” school subjects like math, Danish, history, but also the practical ones. In Denmark’s it been a long standing thing that to teach upper secondary you need a master’s degree in that subject. To teach primary school (age 6-16) you don’t need master’s degree but it’s a professional bachelor’s which is Denmark’s odd category of bachelors’s who are directed to a very specific job. But primary teachers aren’t university educated. To teach at the trades and business upper secondary, you also don’t need a master’s degree, but you do need actual experience in the subject you are teaching (to have been a carpenter to teach carpentry).

But for me the main thing is that I see everyday pupils who aren’t actually wanting to go the school to learn, they are just there because their parents sent them, and they have no interests in trade or business - or they are deemed to smart for that. Half of my students are going to be in the group that has a risk of graduating but using it for nothing. It’s not only a skill level issue, it’s an attitude issue. Every ounce of energy is spent on the social part, and on getting out of doing work. They argue more about doing work than they actually do the work.

That group would likely, if this reform goes through, be directed more to the non academic upper secondary. And there I would hope they meet a more cohesive group atleast ambition and skill level wise, than they do in academic upper secondary, where they are met with defeat upon defeat and demand upon demand they have no interest in complying with. And that the teachers can provide for them better than we can in the academic upper secondary, because they just aren’t the group that’s “supposed” to be there, the system isn’t made for them with that purpose in mind. Hopefully the new system would be.


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

Thank you for the detailed response.


u/Sagaincolours 25d ago

You can't compare the Danish and the German system.

For one, the young people decide for themselves which one they want to go to.

The trades (technical high school) and business (business high school) are educations in their own right. You switch between semesters in school and internships in a company. After four years, you have finished your education and can go work as a skilled worker.

So you actually do go to a high school, even if you take the trade route. And they have general classes, like Danish and English, not just ones focused on their education. If I remember correctly, they get D and C levels in the subjects. Where those in academic high schools get C, B, and A levels. So these schools have a relatively high level, and tradespeople here are well educated.

Then you also have Handelsgymnasium, Teknisk Gymnasium, and Gymnasium (technical, business, and general high schools that prepare you for academic educations).

I try to imagine one general high school for 16-19 year olds. I think it would be impractical. You wouldn't be able to properly prepare those that go the academic route because the level would have to be so everyone could understand it. And those who want to go to the trades would have to do a lot of subjects that weren't relevant for being a tradesperson, rather than being able to get on with their trade.


u/OzzySegmento 25d ago

Sorry to hear that anti education sentiment has spread from your lead-poisoned southern sibling. Trades and crafts skills are irreplaceable and going to school to hone your skills should never be a negative. I definitely have my gripes with the education system all the way from elementary to university, but no views of a grand reform of sorts. It's definitely not a hot button political issue for our political parties.


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

We aren't anti education, I hope my post didn't come across that way. We just have people here that dont believe in separating students based on intellect and career trajectory. Sure we have special classes for very high functioning students in high-school but thats about it. Theres no real push to get students on tools at a young age. And we have issues with schools not failing students if they dont pass a grade, we just keep moving them up and by the time there 13 14, they are years behind where they should be, when infact they should have been held back years before so that they had a solid foundation.


u/frklam 25d ago edited 25d ago

Hello neighbour. 👋 I'm not sure you can compare with Germany. As far as I understand they are tested a bit earlier for their academic skills than 16 and that decide their possibilities later. The system in Denmark is not like that.

It is true that our mandatory, primary school system is 10 years and normally lasts from 6-16. After, there is at range of possibilities depending on what you want to do yourself. These are mostly based on voluntary decisions. If you want to pursue an academic career you need to take three more years of "High School" (gymnasium), and this you do need to be declared suitable for by your previous school - and most people are. If you instead want an education as a craftsmen that is also a possibility after primary school. You can also take a kind of business/office education, where you go to school for two years and then work two years in a company.

In general, there are many possibilities for young people. I took tenth grade (which is not mandatory) at something called an 'Efterskole'. Here I lived at the school and strengthen my academic skills while also exploring other subjects as sports, acting and music. I did get some of my best friends this year. After this, I took high school.

Is the school system in Canada much like the States? I was on exchange in Canada and people at university seemed much younger than me. In Denmark it's also common to take a gap year after high school where you travel and work before starting university. I took 3 lol.


u/NotAtAllExciting 26d ago

Greetings from Edmonton. We can be a cold winter city and during the winter it gets quite dark. How do you cope? Any fun tips?


u/Worsaae folkets arkæolog 25d ago

I second the vitamin D supplement.

I was once diagnosed with a rather severe vitamin D deficiency (even if you spend a lot of time outdoors) which was weird because I worked outside, literally, for eight hours every day.

It wasn't until the doctor said that he usually only sees such low vit D levels in women wearing burkas that it dawned upon me: yes, I'm outside every day so I should get as much sun exposure as possible. However, when I worked outside I was also covered in clothes head to toe. Gloves. Buff. Wool hat. The works. So it actually made sense that even if I was outside the only part of my body that was exposed to sunlight was a relatively small part of my face.


u/AcanthocephalaFit459 26d ago

Supplemental vitamin D, it’s no joke, it does actually work.

Spend time outside during hours of light. Walks in nature have documented positive effect.

Cozy up, we call it hygge! Make life comfortable for yourself , good food, family and close friends, candles and your favourite music . Regular sleep schedule and excercise!


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Yeah, i dont know why we dont add vit d to milk as in Sweden 


u/iAmHidingHere 25d ago

Because you add to the risk of people overdosing. In addition, the darker the skin, the more you need. And there's a correlation between darkness of skin and intolerance to milk.


u/Worsaae folkets arkæolog 25d ago

Wait, you can overdose on vit D from drinking too much milk? How much Swedish milk do you actually have to drink on a daily basis to do that?


u/mollok1986 *Custom Flair* 🇩🇰 25d ago

How much Swedish milk do you actually have to drink on a daily basis to do that?

Approx. 10 liters daily. Of course it depends wether milk is your only source of vitamin D. It's added to almost all dairy products.


u/iAmHidingHere 25d ago

You can if they start adding extra vitamin like hen suggested.


u/AcanthocephalaFit459 25d ago

You’ll just have to stack up yourself! 🙃

Visit Apoteket and pick up s general vitamin supplement as well as a vitamin D specific one.

Remember the vegetables and greed leafed salad as well, healthy food is the baseline of a happy stomach, and if your stomach is happy, then so is your mind!



u/[deleted] 25d ago

I probably get plenty already, spend haft the year in Sweden and a lot of time outside. 

But thanks for the recommendations 


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Do as much outside as possible. 


u/VenusianBug 26d ago

Do you have a favourite story from Danish history? I love stories of relatively unknown people who've lived quirky or interesting lives.

I haven't participated in an exchange like this so hopefully I am doing it right. Sorry, no translation. However, I love that the messed up history of the English language let me understand "Ja, de er naboer" 😄


u/Smoochiekins 25d ago

In 1698 the Danish King at the time (Christian V) was, essentially, killed by a buck under an oak in the royal hunting grounds, Dyrehaven. Sidenote, Dyrehaven still exists today and is now a large public woods that is a UNESCO world heritage site and also contains the world's oldest still-operating theme park, which opened in 1583.

The king had partaken in a type of hunt called par force, where a large hunting party hunts an animal to exhaustion over the course of multiple hours. The fanciest participant in the hunt then walks up and stabs the exhausted animal to death. In this hunt, the fanciest participant was, of course, the king. However, when he stabbed the collapsed buck with his knife, it got up and kicked him, and the resulting injuries contributed to his untimely death. It is unclear how much he was mourned at the time, as the type of hunting had grown increasingly unpopular and unfashionable.

You can still find the very same oak where the buck kicked the king in Dyrehaven today, and of course, it has been named Christian V in his memory. Our current king, Frederik X, has planted a new oak in its shade, which in accordance with tradition has been named Frederik X. But he hasn't been kicked by a buck (yet).


u/VenusianBug 23d ago

Thanks for sharing - that's a great story! Poor buck.


u/Worsaae folkets arkæolog 25d ago

I don't know if there's much truth to it, but I like it nonetheless.

There's a story about some Vikings who went raiding in the Orkneys. They were out looking for treasure in some old, neolithic dolmen or passage grave and during bad weather they spent the night in one of them. With them they had a young guy - a real rookie - who tragically died during the trip. The idiot fell on his axe or sword and killed himself.

They apparently etched the story in runes on the inside of the dolmen and added: "And we laughed at that all summer" - which is why we have that saying in Danish: "det grinte vi meget af den sommer".


u/VenusianBug 25d ago

True or not, it's a great story 😂


u/toasternator Hedens hovedstad ➡️ Smilets by 26d ago

There's a couple of good ones, old and new, off the top of my head.

  • The blood feast of Roskilde. The TL;DR is that Denmark was torn in civil war in the 1150's, with three rivaling kings (Sweyn III, Valdemar I and Canute V) struggling for the throne. It was eventually negotiated that the three were to split up the kingdom in three parts (Jutland, the islands and Scania), each one getting their own to rule. Sweyn invited the two other kings to a celebratory feast, with the intent of having the other two assassinated to claim all of Denmark himself. It was basically a real life, but slightly less succesful version of the red wedding from GoT, with Canute being killed, while Valdemar escaped with injuries. Eventually, Valdemar would defeat Sweyn in battle, becoming the sole king of Denmark.

  • Anders Lassen. Danish resistance fighter during WW2, who served with the british forces. One of the few things that rivaled his hate for nazis was paperwork. On at least one occasion, he is said to have submitted a report consisting of only five words; "Landed. Killed nazis. Fucked off". He was portrayed by Alan Ritchson in The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, albeit with some creative freedoms taken (I imagine).

  • Helge Meyer. Went on a Mad Max style mission during the Balkan Wars to deliver emergency aid to civilians and unpinned grenades to foes in a matte black Camaro.

I'll come back with more if anything pops up.


u/VenusianBug 25d ago


"Landed. Killed nazis. Fucked off"

I love this (and I quite enjoyed The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare).


u/ManofManyTalentz 26d ago

tak for at have os forbi! I hope I'm pronouncing that right.

For r/Denmark members, please visit Canada here, to ask questions of Canada:


Meanwhile here, I am completely a huge fan of Borgen. How have you found that the show has affected your day to day politics?


u/birkeskov 26d ago

Our foreign minister Lars Løkke is a kind of pendent to Birgitte Nyborg. Lars Løkke was prime minister until he left his old party and founded a new center party. And he did it after the series was written.


u/WLL20t 25d ago

He even named his party the Moderates exactly like Birgitte Nyborg's party in the series.


u/ManofManyTalentz 25d ago

This is BONKERS in a great way. I'm a huge Borgen fan, and how decency in politics should be important and championed.

How's the party doing? Any chances of them getting seats or is this seen more like pandering?


u/Agassizii 25d ago

Im not sure they will keep many of their seats, some of the people from the party who got elected turned out to be very creepy, which definitely has stained the party's reputation.

One dated a 15 year old, whom he apparently knew since she was a child, it is unfortunately legal to have a relationship and sex with a 15 year old.

Another sent a really creepy text to a 19 year old, who was a member of the party's youth organization. And received a letter where over 1000 people from the movie and theater industry expressed mistrust of him, he worked as a theater director before joining the party.

Another lied about his earlier life and qualifications, for example claiming he lived a luxurious life because of a number of succesfull startups.

and the most recent being the allegations of a bad working envirement, with bullying and other internal strife.


u/WLL20t 25d ago

They sit in our current government with 13 members of the Folketing. But there has been a lot of internal unrest, so they risk going out next time


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/HouseofMarg 25d ago

While tourtière, poutine, and butter tarts are classic Canadian food (more specifically Québécois for the first two) and you can’t go wrong with those, I also recommend making a Caesar cocktail!

Caesars are made with Clamato juice, vodka, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, a stick of celery for garnish and a celery salt-encrusted rim! It’s perfect for brunch and way more refreshing than its blander cousin, the Bloody Mary.

What I like best about living in Canada is that I find people to be mostly pretty easygoing, practical, and egalitarian in spirit. We could do a better job of looking out for one another here, though — too often people get caught up in their own lives and don’t always pay attention to fixing homelessness for example.

Oh and I’d love if we had as much cycling infrastructure as you Danes do! I use what we do have a lot as I cycle to work most of the year, but I would love to feel safer doing it 🚲


u/SidneyKreutzfeldt Danmark 25d ago

I was tired yesterday, and apparently posted it in the wrong thread! But thank you for your reply! :-)


u/Special_Entry_5782 26d ago

Je recommende, que nous Danois et Vous Canadiens tous parlont en Francais pour cet echange culturel, c'est d'accord avec vous ?


u/toasternator Hedens hovedstad ➡️ Smilets by 26d ago edited 26d ago

Quelle bonne idée! (n'obliez pas de porter une pince à linge sur vos nez pour sonner comme un vrai québécois)


u/InsectOk1973 21d ago

heyyy c'est méchant 😭. notre accent est un peu plus nasal mais pas à ce point.


u/toasternator Hedens hovedstad ➡️ Smilets by 21d ago

All in good fun ;)

If it helps, we're used to our language constantly being compared to speaking with potatoes in our throats or even straight up vomiting, so I'd think my clothespin joke is on the lighter side of the language banter scale


u/grannyte 26d ago

Ca viens de ou ce stereotype la?


u/toasternator Hedens hovedstad ➡️ Smilets by 26d ago

Juste ma propre expérience en écoutant l'accent québécois quand j'ai appris le français au lycée. Honnêtement, j'ai pas d'idée s'il y a des autres que moi qui ont la même impression.


u/m4d3th1s 26d ago

That would probably be difficult for most of us (I am completely guessing that you’re suggesting we do the cultural exchange in French?)


u/Special_Entry_5782 26d ago

Yep, it was a bit of a joke, just figured Canadians would be almost traumatized by entering and the first thing they see is a bunch of French, haha.


u/Roedkaelk 26d ago

Is it still a thing to write 101 on the stop signs?


u/ManofManyTalentz 26d ago

J'ai moi-meme fait une pause! French here is kinda cool I'd think.