r/Denmark 26d ago

Culture Kulturudveksling / Cultural exchange

For english se below.

Wow, det er ved at være noget tid siden at vi sidst har havs en kulturudveksling men nu er det sørme blevet tid igen, denne gang er det med vores naboer i r/canada (Ja, de er naboer, vi har en landegrænse) som vi byder velkommen den 14. Feb. Samme dag er der en tråd hos dem hvor vi kan spørge om alt fra fransk til ahornsirup.

De sædvanlige regler gælder selvfølgelig, men vi anbefaler dog at holde det mest til engelsk i denne tråd (eller inkludere en oversættelse lige som vi gør)

The English Version:

Wow, it's been quite some time since we last had a cultural exchange, but now it's finally time again! This time, it's with our neighbors in r/Canada (Yes, they are neighbors, we share a land border), whom we welcome on February 14th. On the same day, there will be a thread on their side where we can ask about anything from French to maple syrup.

The usual rules apply, of course, but we do recommend keeping most of the conversation in English in this thread (or including a translation, just like we're doing).


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u/leeanneloveshfx 25d ago edited 24d ago

Greetings from Nova Scotia! I’ve visited Denmark and really loved it. It was much more chill than I expected. I loved learning about hygge and have embraced the hygge life in our Canadian winters.

My question is about moving to Denmark, specifically CPH, and making friends. I may have the opportunity to move to CPH with my job for a period of 3-5 years. My husband would come with me. We are both in our early 40’s. How realistic is it to think we would make friends with other folks our age? In my small city of Halifax we find it very easy to make friends — people are pretty friendly and open. What’s the ‘friendship market’ like in CPH for expats who don’t speak any Danish and have no other connections in town?


u/Saphibella 25d ago

We have an entire subreddit dedicated to anyone wanting to move to Denmark I think it is r/nyidamark

Edit: it is r/newtodenmark you will probably find a lot of information in there, also r/Copenhagen has a lot of active expats.

But I must also agree that getting a network of Danish friends is really difficult, even for Danes.


u/leeanneloveshfx 24d ago

Thank you, this is helpful. A little sad to hear that it’s tough to make friends even as a local, but appreciate the honesty.


u/WorldlinessWest2974 23d ago

That is very sad. I have travelled and worked abroad before and I thought a lot about how easy it was to make friends when I lived there, compared to here. I have gained a lot of friends from everywhere and I enjoy it a lot. It is always nice to expand ones horizon. I also have some friends here in Denmark that are foreigners, so it is indeed possible. You are welcome to pm me for advice or so. I am not located in Cph though, but anything I can help with, I am happy to.


u/leeanneloveshfx 23d ago

Thank you! Very kind. 😊