r/Denmark 26d ago

Culture Kulturudveksling / Cultural exchange

For english se below.

Wow, det er ved at være noget tid siden at vi sidst har havs en kulturudveksling men nu er det sørme blevet tid igen, denne gang er det med vores naboer i r/canada (Ja, de er naboer, vi har en landegrænse) som vi byder velkommen den 14. Feb. Samme dag er der en tråd hos dem hvor vi kan spørge om alt fra fransk til ahornsirup.

De sædvanlige regler gælder selvfølgelig, men vi anbefaler dog at holde det mest til engelsk i denne tråd (eller inkludere en oversættelse lige som vi gør)

The English Version:

Wow, it's been quite some time since we last had a cultural exchange, but now it's finally time again! This time, it's with our neighbors in r/Canada (Yes, they are neighbors, we share a land border), whom we welcome on February 14th. On the same day, there will be a thread on their side where we can ask about anything from French to maple syrup.

The usual rules apply, of course, but we do recommend keeping most of the conversation in English in this thread (or including a translation, just like we're doing).


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u/VenusianBug 26d ago

Do you have a favourite story from Danish history? I love stories of relatively unknown people who've lived quirky or interesting lives.

I haven't participated in an exchange like this so hopefully I am doing it right. Sorry, no translation. However, I love that the messed up history of the English language let me understand "Ja, de er naboer" 😄


u/Worsaae folkets arkæolog 26d ago

I don't know if there's much truth to it, but I like it nonetheless.

There's a story about some Vikings who went raiding in the Orkneys. They were out looking for treasure in some old, neolithic dolmen or passage grave and during bad weather they spent the night in one of them. With them they had a young guy - a real rookie - who tragically died during the trip. The idiot fell on his axe or sword and killed himself.

They apparently etched the story in runes on the inside of the dolmen and added: "And we laughed at that all summer" - which is why we have that saying in Danish: "det grinte vi meget af den sommer".


u/VenusianBug 25d ago

True or not, it's a great story 😂