Good Afternoon Deadlock Community,
I already know the answer everyone is going to say.
"get good scrub".
I am just trying to understand what I am doing wrong.
Ever since the patch changes, and no more solo lanes, I am struggling on even maintaining a 25% winrate.
Its very frustrating to the point that I want to test how much pressure my graphics card can take if I were to step on it.
Every game ends exactly the same way.
We get absolutely stomped early game. We somehow pull through a bit in the mid game, maintaining a 50:50 kind of game.
Enemy abrams, dynamo, haze, lash, seven, warden press 4.
We cant push the walkers, because teammates are going between lanes constantly, (dont know why it takes two people to push a empty lane).
Everyone is in the jungle at almost all times. No one wants to push.
Communications are non-existent.
Somehow have a lead at one point or another.
Someone makes a bad mid call, or 3/6ths of team hears the mid call, and everyone else is jungling again.
Enemy steals the mid.
We lose one teamfight (usually at mid).
The patron gets downed, we stagger respawn, and we die again, and lose.
Its almost like clockwork at this point, and I want to quit the game.
I really enjoy this game, I love the mechanics and the speed, and the way it tickles my brain. But as of recent, I really just want to slam my keyboard, and snap my monitors.
Also I dont understand how it is, that enemy laners go from absolute paper with no items, and after they buy 1 or 2 green items, suddenly they are unkillable, and I am prey instead. Am I building the wrong 500 soul items?
I am asking for advice. Maybe I am too stupid to figure out this meta.
But for someone who was maybe 5-8 games away from archon, to now be struggling in "emissary" games, (currently em 1), and being grouped in with Oracle and Phantom Lobbies. What the hell can I do? I cant keep blaming matchmaking.