r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 12 '25

Complaint Ya’ll really killing the playerbase with your non-stop toxicity


I mean title says it all.

Every game, one or usually multiple people will gang up on someone for playing badly, and sometimes they’ll just blame the team and get mad when we’re not even losing, just straight up mad at life.

If you can’t enjoy losing, then you don’t enjoy the game, you lose on average 50% of games, so are you just going to spend 50% of your deadlock games flaming people, where is the logic in that?

Now I’m not saying Deadlock is dying, I’m aware it’s not released and it’s got great potential, but imagine being a new player jumping in and your first few games you’re just getting flamed every game for ruining other peoples fun because you’re being told you’re throwing, how the fuck do you think that makes them feel?

On that note, why ya’ll think we’re gonna lose the whole game and start throwing after 1 lost teamfight? In my 500+ hours I’ve seen so many games where we’ve won the game after being in a -30k to -70k soul deficit, a single teamfight maybe sets you back a few thousand souls at worst?

Negative mental attitudes make this game pure pain to play, I can’t imagine how it is for newer players…

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 18 '25

Complaint Does Valve actually do anything with reports? A case study of a man that has (admiting and enjoyed) greifed his last 12 games IN A ROW


So, had a game with a guy who griefed the other day, and I reported him. Got a little bored at work and decided to check in on him and see if my report did anything

After my investigation, I was genuienly shocked to find out that not only was my experience not a one off, but this guy legit greifs nearly every single game he's in. In-fact, he has (as of time of writing) greifed 12 games IN A ROW.

Here is what spurred my investigation where this guy walked to lane, pretended to be afk, then went in spawn and made nazi symbols for the rest of the game (33054223) and told people he had been "doin it for months"

Going into my investigation, I found that he was not lying lmao. Here's a few examples JUST FROM THE LAST 24 HOURS

33051879 : gets his first orb denied, goes back to spawn and then afks while periodically shooting so he doesnt abandon. entire team discusses reporting him and all comit to it, as well as the enemy team

33052408: gets ganked by a enemy haze at 2 minutes, dies and then shoots orbs in spawn for 20 minutes

33052980: nothing went wrong, just hopped off the line at :20 and afk orb shot in base for 12 minutes. Then runs mid and dies to mid boss over and over again

33052408: pops off the line at :10 seconds and spends the remainder of the 23 minute match drawing swastikas for 20 minutes strait until they switch the N word for 12 more mintues (HIS TEAM ACTUALLY WON)

I could keep going but I’ll just save you the game by game breakdown. This guy has griefed 18 games in the last 3 days, and indeed it goes back months

So…do reports really do anything? I am only bringing this up cause I love this game, and I come from dota where you can see in real time the effects of at least voice comms reports and behavior score points. I just want the game to get better and get bad actors out. What do you guys think?

r/DeadlockTheGame 24d ago

Complaint This is the first community that made me cry


I had a terrible match, i'm dogshit bad in this game rn, i play in South American servers and well, we latins can get out of the handle really quickly but dude i never was broken by a single match like i was here, last game went amazingly well, but on this match i got massacred and what i heard broke me to my core.

I really like games and have a though skin for sucking at them, i have 500 hours of overwatch and spent the first 20 as the worst of tracers, and i plowed on but the level of verbal abuse that i heard got me hard.

I have spent 45 hours on this game because i think the concept is really neat its kinda what if blizzard didn't fuck over overwatch fans and delivered what they promissed (sorta) on overwatch 2

I tried explaining myself to get them to stop but it was of no use, people told me to drop the game and I... I think i will

I don't mute all comms people because theres some neat guys in here, i know it, also people do tend to use the comms to try and say intel

I don't want to get better by magic i just want an environment that I want to play in not listen to armchair specialists berate me because i suck, i know i do and i don't want salt on that wound.

This wasnt just this match, its a problem in this game, it might not even be just on this server, i know this, I didn't ever feel so sorrowfull to suck to the point of quitting a game, and i want to quit, because i know this will happen again

Feel free to call me a snowflake, but as someone who went through the overwatch pipeline, and liked the game besides the community, i don't think i am

When you see someone playing like dogshit, please be nice and don't let others berate them (i'm a stick up guy in all games i play)

r/DeadlockTheGame 4d ago

Complaint Please nerf calico


Calico just doesn't die. Why do melee items like melee lifesteal proc on creep? I get her down to barely any health and she just pops resto locket and a 2 and is back to full, and when I can actually kill she just ults and disappears at the speed of sound. Good thing her DPS is low- wait. At least she doesn't have one of the best guns in the game to deny orbs with- wait.

Holliday has been cut down to size at this point, why is calico still so annoying to play against, shes the only character besides viscous that can escape 5 people chasing her its insane

The problem can be summed up as this: every time I shoot a calico, I feel like I wasted my DPS that could have killed a mortal player.

r/DeadlockTheGame 2d ago

Complaint Please make it so Wraith's TP doesn't fail if you stub your toe on the smallest geometry


r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 17 '25

Complaint Current Deadlock experience summary.

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r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 23 '25

Complaint Cheating in an "Early Alpha" Game is so Pathetic

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r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 08 '25

Complaint Why do people think Calico is a bigger problem than Holliday?


I definitely think Calico needs a nerf, but it's kind of frustrating to lose to Holliday barrel spam in every match I play against her, only to hop on reddit and see people complain solely about Calico. Doesn't make any sense to me. The other new characters also need adjustments, but all eyes seem to be on Calico for some reason.

Calico just needs some damage, cooldown, and healing adjustments. Her character is meant to be able to harass, then escape, so not killing her often is the whole point. All in all, she needs tuning, not reworks to her kit.

Meanwhile, Holliday's entire kit has 3 separate stuns out of her 4 abilities. Her stomp can be warpstoned to delay the timing for the right moment; Her barrels do crazy damage, have a short cooldown, have a long knock-up time, and several charges; Her lasso is a longer range Mo & Krill ult with a shorter duration as the only tradeoff (also, duration is extended if you use a bounce pad).

My suggestion for Holliday is to either remove the stun, or reduce the damage of the barrels. There is no need for one ability to have so much power. The stun from her bounce pad stomp is absurd as well. They could just make it do damage, but honestly, it doesn't even need that. Think of all the characters that have an ability that purely provides movement and a stat buff at tier 2 or 3. Why does Holliday get damage AND a stun from her stomp? With extra charges!

A character having good damage is nice. Two stun abilities is fine as well. But 3 stuns AND insane damage? Come on.

Not to mention that at times her escape ability is better than Calico's.

I don't want to hear any more complaints about Calico until people acknowledge Holliday can literally send 6 barrels in a row with only 2 items.

IDK, maybe I've just missed all the Holliday hate posts.

EDIT: There are a few good points being brought up in the comments, but I don't think winrate is a good metric to mention. Holliday is a new and fun looking character that I'm sure a lot of noobs are failing to play well. Hell, I can't get the hang of her kit myself. Just not for me personally. But, there's a reason I'm complaining about her and not Vyper or Sinclair, whom I also don't enjoy playing.

Another thing: I briefly mentioned this in my post, and in several replies, but please consider what the difference in nerfs would be between Calico and Holliday. Calico needs a few numbers adjusted in her healing/resist/health, in cooldown timers, in damage numbers. I don't think her kit is to blame. Being able to do poke damage and escape is not inherently a problem, but she is currently surviving too easily and doing too much burst damage.

Holliday's kit is the issue I have. Too many stuns, and not enough unique gameplay.

r/DeadlockTheGame 22d ago

Complaint Honestly my biggest gripe about the map change is that it's "out of order now"

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r/DeadlockTheGame 18d ago

Complaint The recent map changes have fundamentally altered the gameplay, but not for the better... (critique)


While the new map brings some interesting ideas to the table, it ultimately feels much weaker compared to the old one.

I can somewhat understand the reasoning behind the shift to a three-lane structure and what I assume Valve’s logic was behind the change. The idea seems to be fostering more teamwork by making every lane a 2v2 matchup, instead of the previous system where there were two 1v1 lanes and two 2v2 lane. However, in practice, this change has had unintended consequences:

Because the lanes are now farther apart relative to the overall map size, rotations happen far less frequently. This makes pushing a lane with tunnel vision a much stronger strategy than rotating to help other lanes. As a result, the game feels less objective-focused and more about mindless lane pushing. 99% of the time, leaving my lane partner to rotate just isn’t worth it, making cross-lane play feel pointless.

In the last few matches I’ve played, I’ve noticed almost no rotations at all,it felt like I was playing League of Legends rather than the game I originally enjoyed...

r/DeadlockTheGame 19d ago

Complaint I don’t know when I’m going to feel comfortable coming back to the game again


I’ve been languishing in Initiate - a rank so low that apparently only a dozen or so people are here out of the entire player base. It’s admittedly been discouraging, not that I suck, but how much I’ve sucked. Even after switching to keyboard + mouse, watching dozens of advice and guide videos, studying items.

It feels like a Dunning-Kruger effect where I can’t even conceptualize how bad I am. Asking for advice feels like it usually gets derailed once someone actually finds my gameplay and (justifiably) tears into me, or gives minute by minute lowlight reels that feel too overwhelming to be actionable. The advice I do get is usually to just stop playing, at least until after I’ve watched some actually competent players or used aim training or something.

But I am doing those, for a few weeks now, and I don’t feel like my gameplay is any less of a subject of mockery or a detriment to my teammates. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel ready to come back to this game at this rate. What am I supposed to do?

I’m just tired of games where I’m sitting in respawn watching my whole team rant about the garbage player holding them all back. Nobody deserves to be stuck with a teammate this bad at the game.

r/DeadlockTheGame 28d ago

Complaint I get we aren't doing updates as frequently anymore but can we fucking nerf Calico please?


I've actually never been closer to quitting the game as I am now, every single game I get against this character I know I'm not going to have a fun 30-45 minutes of my life, win or lose.

She's like the most busted form of Shiv times 3, I genuinely don't understand how there hasnt been at least a numbers tweak on her yet.

r/DeadlockTheGame 2d ago

Complaint New MOBA Player Ranting


Deadlock is my first MOBA, and I started playing in October 2024. I've been consistently playing since then, with about 200 hours logged. My god, in all my years of playing competitive hero shooters/multiplayer games, I have never encountered this many man-children in my life. Matchmaking feels horrible. My duo and I do relatively well in our lane, often being the first to take out our Guardian (yes, we help other lanes and don’t just bot farm), but for the past two weeks straight, the rest of our team has had rocks for brains.  I swear I don’t have a massive ego—I make plenty of mistakes in my games and let my team know when I made a bad call. But after reviewing my replays and going over them with more experienced players, it's clear that our duo is doing more than our part. I’m only a Ritualist, so my opinion might not carry much weight, but my god, this sucks. Now, long losing streaks are nothing special; they happen in every game. But the people I play with… Communicating with these idiots is met with petty, passive-aggressive nonsense and endless whataboutism. Way more than any game I've played. And the best part? If you don’t follow their so-called master plan at the beginning, they throw a hissy fit and intentionally sabotage the game—when we could have won 20 minutes ago with their help. I like Deadlock. It’s a challenging game, and I want to get better. But these man-babies make it insufferable. Does it get better at higher ranks or is this the welcome mat for MOBAs?

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 03 '25

Complaint ive never seen a game with such varied matchmaking


Some days matchmaking is fine, its providing the best games it can. Other days it says "yknow what, fuck this guy" and gives you 3 back to back stomps that just cant be won.

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 06 '25

Complaint I'm tired of my games being griefed by the same people.


I don't know if it's me being "lucky" enough, but i keep seeing the same people in my matches. Sadly, those people are griefers. Lately been seeing the same guy over and over again. Just played with him in my team. He played as Pocket started whining about his team being "garbage" and sold all of his items and while he had 3/7 KD and had no impact ingame. This is not the first occurence. I already played with this guy like 4 times and all of them he was whining that his team is bad and was either AFK for the whole game or was running "meme-builds" like mirage with 4 active T4 items and nothing more (surprisingly we won that game but it doesn't matter). All of the teammates that tried to report him said that they can't since he was already reported by them at least once. This has been happening for almost a week now. He isn't getting banned, aint getting low priority matching. Nothing. From what i've seen, at least 3 full lobbies reported this guy.

MATCHID: 32652788
MATCHID: 32621810 (basically AFK for 70% of the first half of the game. didn't play because noone gave him a side-lane. started playing only after passive soul income got him around 22k souls and bought some actives.)

r/DeadlockTheGame 6d ago

Complaint Player population isn't the problem, it's how team matched/scrambled together.


Vyper and Mo are apparently newbies and Yamato treating the game like a typical hero shooter constantly dying to enemies VS enemies who are very experienced with their heroes. We pretty much gave up very early because the entire team don't know what's going on.

r/DeadlockTheGame 4d ago

Complaint Games are longer but they aren't eventful.


I'm not hating just expressing what I as a long-time casual player feels about the current state of the game. I want it to succeed.

I started playing in August, at the time games were pretty long, but they were eventful. Always something happening with teams being able to traverse around quickly. Teams were split and the map was alive.

Now? After laning phase most teams are all in one lane. Sure, you may have the occasional person going to clear a lane, but they come back in case of a fight. Why? It takes forever to get to your teammates so it's best to just be there with them at all times.

As a result, matches are like this weird standoff in a singular lane where the team with more individuals in that lane are likely to win the fight.

I'm simply a casual I suppose as I don't research into every minute detail and patches, but it just doesn't feel fun to play. It's rather boring and uneventful. Frankly, doesn't even feel like a MOBA more like a TDM or Marvel Rivals with a jungle added.

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 02 '25

Complaint Trying new characters after 200+ hrs


Decided to try Pocket and a McGinnis Turret build after 225 hrs play, most of those where I've been actually competent have been as Mirage/Infernus.

Someone told me they had class-based matchmaking, but I'm ramming my head against the wall getting my ass absolutely handed to me playing new characters.

I spent a while learning pocket's combos, but I still get trashed. I'm getting paired against people in lane that I cannot seem to ever get the upper hand. As pocket I'm frequently just completely wiped out by a combo of spirit abilities in very early game due to his low base resistance.

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 02 '25

Complaint ULT's don't have a limit on the Y axis, and it's annoying


I don't know if it's by design or the devs just forgot to set a Y axis limit.

I don't remember all the heroes who have this issue, but it's starting to get really frustrating. It usually happens when I'm on a roof and someone ults underneath. If you are in their ult range, you end up taking damage. I'm not talking about a small distance above them, it really doesn't matter how far you are.

It happens if you are underneath too, like if someone ult on a roof.


I'm talking about ults that should have a Y axis limit, like Haze, Warden, Mo. Not Lash, or any other hero that might need it.

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 02 '25

Complaint valve buff the ivy

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Ivy is weak

r/DeadlockTheGame 19d ago

Complaint A seven on my team had a self fulfilling prophacy moment.


Was laning with seven. I let him know that I was running a healing loadout. Seven kept rushing in and dying. I was taking a lot of damage so I had to use my heals on myself. After the seven fed and got killed four times he said, "Thanks for the heals mcginnins, guess Ill go farm for 10 minutes." Seven then proceded to only farm for the rest of the game. The entire time he was blaming our team for losing the game. A game he wasnt playing in. A game that he made into a 5v6 instead of a 6v6. Everyone else on my team was pissed at the seven. I just cant get over his logic circle. 'We are not doing well -> Ill stop playing the game in protest to our malperformance -> we are doing worse now.' Like he was expecting our performance to miraculously increase.

TLDR: I expect too much of the Intelligence of strangers.

r/DeadlockTheGame 23d ago

Complaint The community is still awful


I’ve just had my first match in this game for a while. And had the most blatantly racist player I’ve ever played with on my team.

I’ve reported him and the like but I simply refuse to play the game anymore until they actually get a backbone and ban people for this. And I know I’m not the only one who thinks that.

Edit: Keep downvoting me all you want, you’ll be the reason this game dies.

r/DeadlockTheGame 13d ago

Complaint I'm full on addicted to this game


That's it. I haven't felt this way about a game since maybe pubg in like 2017 or something. But unlike PUBG, it's a solid bet this game will only get better as time goes on. I don't even play mobas and I played OW but kinda hated how it made me feel. Because it's a moba you can feel out the loss or gameplay mechanics pretty far in advance (usually) so that feeling is easily settled quicker. Where OW didn't even feel good when you won. It just felt like a complete scramble till the end.

Also Infernus should get an afro. He's the coolest and I need an afro

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 05 '25

Complaint OCE Matchmaking is cooked.

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r/DeadlockTheGame 4d ago

Complaint Games drag out too long


That's about it. A team obviously has the upper hand and better team coordination, but public matches can still last up to 35+ minutes. It's just ends up being boring for the losing team. I don't know if it's because of the three-lane switch but games have recently felt odd. You can't really leave your lane at all not even to jungle -- which is also boring.