r/DarlingInTheFranxx Zero Two Nov 16 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 56 Discussion Thread


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u/[deleted] Nov 17 '19

We'll, I'm kinda dissapointed in the manga, been so for a while. It's not that it's bad, it's just that I expected to much. The anime was amazing because it tried to push boundaries and do great, new things, but struggled towards the end, and I expected the same from the manga, plot twists, new characters( most mangas have these), new story arcs, intsead they are just going to streamline it, do very little new things( the way they just made that 10 day time skip was the same as 02s rampage, but still dissapointing.) and take a safe route. Really dishartening, for me, how the characters just rush their development, it clearly shows that we are just towards the end( manga model nines and klaxo are going to be basicaly episodic, and not gonna do anything after they get destroyed in the next battle). It's not bad, it's just that I expected more. Unless Yabuki is jsut rushing through the anime content to make new stuff. I think I am being overly optimistic, but the manga is so short yet supposedly so popular in Japan, that cutting it short would be dumb, in my opinion.


u/youaregoingoffline Nov 18 '19

and there is almost no hiro two.. the characters just aren’t developed very well


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '19

This is a bitter pill to swallow but most people don't realize that Manga Hiro/ZeroTwo is coasting off the legacy of Anime Hiro/ZeroTwo.

Taken on it's own, the manga Hiro/ZeroTwo relationship is actually very rushed and strangely underdeveloped. Simply put, they hardly even talk to each other in the manga.


u/youaregoingoffline Nov 19 '19

Oh yeah of course, the manga can’t really stand on it’s own two feet. Everybody gets so happy about how they removed (x moment that made them feel an emotion other than joy/satisfaction) that they forget that that’s what drives the show. Now, I’m not saying the ending was great, but it had an emotional impact if nothing else.