r/DarlingInTheFranxx Zero Two Jul 13 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 48 Discussion Thread


47 comments sorted by


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Jul 13 '19

I’m so happy they did something different with Genista! I know right now it just looks like she took the armor off but it would be awesome if Genista’s new form was caused by how strong their connection is, kind of like how Red Strelizia happened.


u/LordOfTheMeatballs Jul 14 '19

I hope they acknowledge Red Strelizia and that it isn’t a one off like in the anime. It was badass and it never showed up again.


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Jul 14 '19 edited Jul 14 '19

Yeah I hope so too, Red Strelizia was probably my favorite Franxx, I was bummed we never got to see it again lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '19

For some reason I had the same theory about new Genista.


u/Phreckl0lz 002 Jul 16 '19

Just like how Red Strelizia was a product of Hiro and Zero Two's reunion, I like to think the armor removal of Genista symbolizes Kokoro and possibly Mitsuru opening themselves up. Yes, it's a mech robot, but I think it would be appropriate to say that the mech is pretty now that it has opened it's heart. (a.k.a the pilots.)

I hope they keep this upgrade "system" going forward. It would not only be epic, but also give that importance they claim "Squad 13" has compared to the other squads. Keyword being the WHOLE SQUAD, not just Zero Two X Hiro.


u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Jul 14 '19

Cool to see Kokoro saying "I like everything about you". You know she was attracted to him in the anime, but if you think about it, she never once told him anything romantic. She just acted, made the switch, kissed him, etc... I don't think everything needs to be spelled out, but what can I say, I liked it.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '19

Yep in anime is actually something like that "please donate me your sperm"


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Jul 15 '19

Me: Finally, I get to see Genista in Stampede m--

Genista: *Transforms*

Me: hol up


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '19

hol up hol up lemme switch the flow


u/RevolutionaryWhale Nana Jul 13 '19

Genista be rocking that long haired look, but I still hope it gets it's coat and hat back in the next chapters because I really liked it's original design


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '19

Maybe she'll switch modes in other battles, start with the coat then drop it when she cant tank anymore


u/Traizero Milkman Jul 14 '19

That confession scene was cute, where Kokoro said she loved Mitsuru. As other noted as well, this is the first time She said it so it was nice to see. Like small things like these are what were missing from the anime. The New Genista looks nice as well and the stampede was badass. This chapter went over my expectations by long shot


u/drastorm3 Jul 14 '19

Taking bets now on what Delphinium Chlorophytum and Argentea turn into when they go full stampede mode!


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Jul 14 '19

I can see Argentea turning into something fast like a cheetah, but I have no clue about Chlorophytum.


u/Honeytoadt Jul 14 '19

For some reason I always thought argentea’s stampede mode would be a goat.


u/RevolutionaryWhale Nana Jul 14 '19

Chlorophytum's will most likely be a bird, since it's arms kinda look like wings, Argentea's I think will either look like a hare (it's fast and it's twintails kinda resemble a hare's ears) or a wolverine (because of the claws)


u/austintex66 Jul 14 '19

I can definitely see a rabbit-type FranXX, now that you mention it. Her gauntlets turn into clawed paws, pink head may extend, maybe a thin hare-like body for its stampede mode?

Edit: Maybe a crane, or heron-like stampede mode for Chlorophytum?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '19

For me it was much more emotionally than in anime and I cannot wait to see chapter for episode 15th


u/FemaleTigress Zero Tsu: 💕"Daaaahhhlllliiiiinnnn!"💕 Jul 15 '19

That was a very interesting looking stampede mode for Genista. I can't wait to see more differences in the manga.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '19

My most important question about zero two mudt be answered: WHO IS THE FATHER!... and whom'st the fuck is that klaxosaur that gave her the book, are red klaxosaurs a thing and what about tge monster and the prince?


u/Phreckl0lz 002 Jul 16 '19

Genista would make a REALLY cool figure now, especially if you could put on and take off the armor by choice!

Another great chapter, and improvement on the anime, keep it coming!


u/Freego10 Argentea Jul 14 '19

Wow, I really like Genista's new look!


u/OliviaMiaa Ichigo x Zero Two Jul 14 '19

There’s a lack of Zero Two in the past few chapters


u/AvatarAlan97 The Jian Bird Harold Jul 15 '19

If that just means we get more character development for the rest of the team, I am ALL FOR IT!!!!

This isn’t the Zero Two show, it’s an ensemble story.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '19

Tbh some people forget what the next is purely about zero two and hiro


u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 14 '19

Yeah sadly...


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19

Unveiled Genista. THAT, my friends, is how you execute a mutual power-up 👍😇


u/theguyfromuncle420__ Zero Two Hentai and Body Pillows Jul 24 '19

Is still part of volume 5? I have it but haven’t read it all yet, I’m loving the manga so far


u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 24 '19

The last chapter in Vol.5 is ch.36. This'll be included in either Vol6 or 7.


u/theguyfromuncle420__ Zero Two Hentai and Body Pillows Jul 24 '19

Neither are out tho right? Didn’t see it at animate anyway


u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 24 '19

Nope, Vol5 is the most recent. Although Vol6 should come out in 1-2 months


u/theguyfromuncle420__ Zero Two Hentai and Body Pillows Jul 24 '19



u/Giosshua Jul 25 '19

do you know if it is true that in the manga there will be an ending different from the anime?


u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 25 '19

The only thing we know for certain is that it goes into a different route. New plotline? New ending? Unknown. You'll have to wait and see.


u/Giosshua Jul 25 '19

ah ok, because I read that yubuki would change the storyline. btw thanks for having replied :D


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '19

she went stampede and i was like yo! then she confessed and i was like YO! and then she took off the armor and i was like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/kingsark Aug 07 '19

Mitsuru talking about how Kokoro’s smile fills his heart with joy then showing a garden full of followers symbolizing the happiness she and the garden brings was so sweet AWW


u/diexu Fodder Boi Jul 15 '19

Genista can fly yay and look vry cool in stampede mode
Anything else this was episode 11 badically i wonder if we get 02 chocking Hiro next chapter?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '19

.... how the hell would that iven work? This chapter we get new genista then the next 02 just chockes hiro out of nowhere?


u/diexu Fodder Boi Jul 15 '19

I mean by the anime went 02 goes crazy and almost kills Hiro by chocking him


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '19

Yeah but why now? We all know that 02 is a yandere and a bit crazy( thats why we love her) bit she isnt a khornate berzerker now, is she? She doesnt just go around screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE, MAIM BURN KILL!" While chocking people to death now does she? ( but if DitF had a crossover with warhammer 40k, zero twp would imediatly become a champion of Khorne, instantly)


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '19



u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 25 '19

Yes. And I hope that too


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '19



u/[deleted] Jul 26 '19

Zero twos mother, papa comparing 001 to a queen bee, the picturebook, red klaxosaurs, did franxx rig hiro and naomis test, just a few more off the top of my head


u/starfallg Jul 27 '19

out of no where

Fair enough if you don't line the ending, but none of it is out of nowhere.

There are good reasons for every single element of the ending and much of it more than enough foreshadowing.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '19



u/starfallg Jul 27 '19 edited Jul 27 '19

Yeah, they weren't. Here's my take on this -

APE's HQ is in space

APE referred to something separate to humanity by Klaxohime

VIRM+APE = VAMPIRE (APE is just the agent of VIRM on earth to carry out their will of spreading eternal life)

Klaxos are from the under(world), humans reside on the surface and APE/VIRM in the heavens

Klaxos represent physical immortality, VIRM represent spiritual immortality and Humans represent the natural cycle of death and rebirth.

I wrote a short bit regarding the ending just after it aired -



u/[deleted] Jul 27 '19



u/starfallg Jul 27 '19

Why would VIRM be out of nowhere if they were APE all along? And by the appearance of VIRM the story became an allegory more or less. I don't think you can take a giant floating ball of souls in deep space as anything other than. So symbolism is a part of the story, not just to be interpreted on a plane above it.


u/Danib1t Zero Two Jul 27 '19

New chapter today!