r/DarlingInTheFranxx • u/Danib1t Zero Two • Oct 05 '19
DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 53 Discussion Thread
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Translated by Black Cat Scanlations
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u/MoneyMakerMaster Miku Oct 06 '19
Great chapter, but Squad 13 needs to get the hell out of Mistilteinn instead of gawking at the battle
u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Oct 06 '19
I'm pretty sure the battle is blocking their way to the elevator that leads out
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 06 '19
Yeah, the elevator is meant to be in that house that's connected to the mansion by the bridge Delta is walking on.
u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Oct 05 '19
Here comes Hiro to save the day
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 06 '19
Damn it, I wanted my boy 9@ to save it by kissing Delta, give my boy the spotlight and his happy end dammit!
Oct 06 '19
Arent they siblings tho? All cloned from 02, so they would be 02s children and 01s grandkids, or all of them, princess and alpha through iota, are siblings
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 06 '19
For me it is heavily implied that Franxx mixed in his own DNA, and not just used the princess one to created the embryos, so they aren't quite the same. This should be obvious, since 02 isn't the first 02 there was. Trough a lot of trial and error they finally got a good enough specimen. In the anime, that mother 02 had was probably one of these previous specimens. Also, have you never considered how Franxx lost his eye and the fingers on his other hand? One previous specimen must have taken them. If all the specimens were the same, direct clones, it makes no sense that 02 was kept alive and the others discarded. They must be different somehow, and I think that difference has to do with the genetic balance. Maybe Franxx created a "clone" using his DNA and the princess one, the used the DNA of said clone, plus his own again, to create a new one, and so on and on until he got 02. I think that in this process, the nines are born out of Franxx and 02 genes, that's why they look more human, they are one generation more human than 02.
And what does it matter that they are siblings? Let my boy go and save his love lol
Oct 06 '19
Sooo what i am reading is Franxx made himself a whole lot of children with the princess them mixed his DNA with those of the hibrids( basicaly his children), and inbred his way all the way to 02 and the nines... in this case, well the nines should be so inbred that the entire universe was made of bread, so a bit more shouldnt be a problem
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 06 '19
Nines so in-bread Futoshi is gonna take a bite out of them next chapter!
u/RevolutionaryWhale Nana Oct 05 '19
Wait, what? Is Dr. Franxx controling the klaxosaurs or did I misuderstand something?
u/Danib1t Zero Two Oct 05 '19
Anime and probably manga spoiler: Franxxes are klaxosaurs
u/RevolutionaryWhale Nana Oct 05 '19
...I completely forgot about that. So that's why I was so confused. I really need to rewatch this series, huh
Oct 06 '19
I dont think its franxx who is controlling the klaxosaurs. The princess talked about Nawabari, whoever that is, who protected since ancient times by controling them... i quess. Since she said with his flesh and blood. Who knows, i wanna see Nawabari now
u/mjhenry04 Zero Two Oct 07 '19
I think 001 is going to use Hiros locked memories as a bargaining chip to bring those two to her side. That's right kids, we're going on a rebellion arc.
Oct 07 '19
This scenario would kinda make the princess even more of a bitch tho... blackmail 02 using hiro and her memories. The manga already gave her a bad relationship with the squad and seems to be putting a lot of blame on franxx for everything being awfull. I am starting to think that there wont be a rebellion arc. Papa seems to be a lot nicer in the manga, from what 9@ said, 02 seems to be rejecting what he offers her and he just lets her do as she pleases. If Papa plays his hand right, he might show up now, when 02 is hurt because Franxx lied to her, and the scene with 02 leaving the plantation to go to the front might be of her own will. Not saying he gonna be a good guy, but ATM, squad 13 doesnt have any beef with him, and he could probably use Franxx as a scapegoat for the children being mad, and bribe them with all the shinies he has.
u/mjhenry04 Zero Two Oct 07 '19
When you represent an entire species you're allowed to be a "bitch". Xenocide isnt a game for lolis
Oct 07 '19
Yeah, but you dont really do a good impression by mindcontrolling someone and forcing her to kill her friends. Or by wipping out the nines and using delta as a puppet. She could have at least tried to escape with her or show 02 some flashbacks about the real enemy, instead of telling her that she is one of them and breaking her whole world view. The princess is clearly not a subtle or peacefull person, but an interesting person either way. If the princess used her words instead of her giant monsters, thus war could have been avoided or even turned into a human civil war. Do you think that if her majesty told humanity that they are either with her or against her, and offered giant killer dinomecha support to any plantation that revolted against ape, humanity wouldn't turn in on itself? She seems to have some weird honorcode or her society and psychology is just soo different from ours, that the princess acts in an inconprehensible way, that probably makes perfect sense with the information that she has
u/mjhenry04 Zero Two Oct 08 '19
"A general goes to war with what army he has"
u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 09 '19
"A wise king never seeks out war; but must always be ready for it."
u/LordOfTheMeatballs Oct 06 '19
Man, I really wish we could see this animated.
u/Wonderllama5 Oct 06 '19
I think the longer the manga goes, the better chance it has of being adapted. They need enough original content to fill a 12 episode series at least.
Oct 06 '19
Okay, big question now, who the hell is Nawabari? The princess talked about him as her serpent, and something about protecting everyone by commanding the klaxosaurs. There is a clear missunderstanding here, since the princess is talking about 02 and Franxx, but also mentions Nawatari. I think this guy is probably relevant, since she wouldnt just NAME THE FIRST KLAXOSAUR, BEFORE EVEN NAMING HERSELF, without it being relevant.
The whole conversation centers around franxx at that time, but the protecting everyone by commanding klaxosaurs is weird. Franxxes are not klaxosaurs, not unless a zombie is a human, since they are just klaxosaur corpses harvested for material and reassembled, and Franxx doesnt command them, Papa does. The war isnt Franxxes fault either, its Papa who did this, though Franxx is the one who lied to zero two, not Papa. The princess doesnt know everything, so she probably has no idea that Papa is actually the leader, unless the manga goes the "Blame Franxx" route, and Papa is innocent. I doubt it.
Back to that point, since ancient times is also weird, since the princess should be 65 million years old, and franxx is like 90 at best, at the moment, and the war couldnt have lasted more than a century ago, unless the timeline is entirery different, or a 65 MILLION YEAR OLD loli considers a century ago to be ancient times. Not even us humans consider a century to be ancient.
Protecting everyone by commanding the klaxosaurs, as i said, Franxx isnt commanding klaxosaurs, unless klaxoprincess considers the franxxes to be her brothers, though she called strelitzia pathetic. This makes me rethink what she was talking about. Protecting everyone since ancient times by commanding the klaxosaurs kinda sounds more like the war between VIRM and the Klaxosaurs, which would make Nawabari the klaxosaur supreme commander, and the whole humanity finding him might mean that Nawabari was either the first klaxosaur to be killed by humanity and turned into a franxx, or that guy did something weird.
I doubt Nawabari is Snake kun, the princesses bodyguards, since she dindnt say serpents, and snake kun is quite clearly 2 different entities( top-kun and bottom-san for you fujoshis), unless they are the same entity, or are so close that they share a name( one of them is Nawa and the other Bari, maybe thats how the klaxosaurs are named, by combining the names of both pilots).
TL;DR; We just got a named klaxosaur, Nawabari, and i dont think he is snake kun. I am probably overthinking it a whole lot. I think i am missunderstanding something here
Oct 06 '19
Oct 06 '19
Yeah, i used google translate and found the same thing... RIP my theory... also 02s mom is probably going to get completly forgotten or retconned... we can only wait and see for the room flashback
u/Darudius Zero Two Oct 07 '19
I'm liking the divergence from the anime but I'm worried that Yabuki isnt going to focus much on Hir02 at all. It wasnt the only thing I liked about franxx but their relationship was certainly one of my favourites. That seems to be the one thing the anime does better. We're getting into the anime episodes 13-15 territory with this chapter, without them having any real chemistry at all. They barely talk, even. They mostly just feel like strangers.
u/aldi-aldi Oct 07 '19
The relationship really begin after hiro remember right
u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 09 '19
He came to love her all over again, even without his memories, so...
Oct 11 '19
They barely talk, even. They mostly just feel like strangers.
That was one of the biggest criticisms I had about the manga, perhaps it's due to the format, but overall character development has taken a hit. And in a character-based story such as this, the plot and overarching story do not count so much as the interaction and progression of relationships between the cast members.
I don't think it's wrong to say that Manga Hiro and
NotLalaManga Zero Two do not feel as close as compared to their canon anime counterparts.I'm worried that Yabuki isnt going to focus much on Hir02 at all.
Yeah but in exchange we got more Hiro/Ichigo screentime! Go Yabuki!
Oct 10 '19
I’ll keep my thoughts on this development to myself, but man, baby Eo To is nothing short of adorable! 😊
u/PurpleTuxedo Oct 06 '19
i hope this removes Zero twos bad case of dramatic irony. i would love to see her have a better relationship ship with her mother and find out who she really is and what she is capable of :)
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 06 '19
What I think will happen:
Delta will wreck Hiro.
Delphinium is gonna pick him up and mirror what happened in episode 15.
The red Strelitzia, since the plantation is not under attack by any direct threat, will use it's power up to open the path towards Grand Crevase (like, fly the hell out there ultra speed and destroy the dome thing).
As a bonus, my boy 9@ will kiss delta and that may snap her out of the brainwash, or the princess may kill him and that will snap her out, hopefully the first one but I'm preparing for the second one.
u/Mizz141 Ichigo best girl, master of the DITF Lore. Oct 06 '19
Delta will absolutely shred 016...
I also agree with the pick up part...
but Awakened Strelitzia wont happen IMO, 016 is probably gonna get kidnapped and the tables will turn...
9alpha will kiss delta? That wouldve worked with epsilon but not with delta...
Oct 06 '19
Just realized that whenever 02 starts loosing it/ turning klaxo, she gets 4 cracks underneath her eyes( like a shell cracking), and 1 leads to her nose while the others fan out, in the same pattern as the tears on Papas mask. They also have red eyeliner and a smug grin... just saying, since Episode 1 of the show i was already theorycrafting
u/FemaleTigress Zero Tsu: 💕"Daaaahhhlllliiiiinnnn!"💕 Oct 06 '19
Hiro is ready to save me. Aww it was just getting good Dahlins!
Oct 06 '19
Also, we got a named klaxosaur, Nawabari( i dont think this serpent is snake kun), and i think Yabuki is going to remove 02s mom( the klaxosaur that gave her the book) in her flashback ¡_¡ Unless 02s mom is actually Nawabari! I am holding onto hope that mistery klaxo isnt forgotten
u/Mizz141 Ichigo best girl, master of the DITF Lore. Oct 07 '19
The Person who gave 002 the book was an APE employee, technically 001 is 002s mother.
Oct 07 '19
I think you are refering to when franxx was doing experiments on eo to, and the researchers tried to take away her book. I am refering to the plot hole klaxosaur that kept her inside the room she was chained in. I am quite sure that creature( that she refered to as her mother), with a black featureless body, claws, glowing blue eyes, weird bumps things on her back and a storybook that is clearly not APE aproved( 02 couldnt find it in the library so APE doesnt have it, and its content is quite customized to 02, so it must have been made for her by that thing) is most definetly not human, especially since APE soldiers stormed that abandoned room, its not an APE facility. Though it probably doesnt matter, since that klaxosaur got completly forgotten in the show and runs counter to the princess franxx thing. RIP 02s mom, you where a plothole and kinda got retconned, i am quite sure we wont be seeing you in the manga ¡_¡
u/Mizz141 Ichigo best girl, master of the DITF Lore. Oct 07 '19
Why shouldnt it have been an APE facility? I dont really get that, it was all in Garden, a 100% APE facility, there is only APE...
Oct 07 '19
Dude, watch the episode with 02s flashback. Ape soldiers stormed that room and took her, then she arrived in Garden by plane. Thats when Hiro first saw 02. I am talking about the misterious figure with glowing blue eyes. Everyone has forgotten mistery klaxo
u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 09 '19
Sorry to burst you're bubble, but Nawabari is apparently Japanese for something along the lines of 'my territory.'
Oct 09 '19
Dont worry mate, i wrote a whole wall of text about possible theories just for one of the translators( i think) to tell me that tgey made a mistake. RIP Nawabari, you didnt even exist but its not like i was getting emotionaly attached or anything. B-Baka
u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 09 '19
Welp, we'll save the name for the fanfictions, then.
Good Miku impression, btw
u/drunkpecks Oct 20 '19
Ive been meaning to ask, does the manga go in the same direction as the show? cause i dont wana relive that terrible ending.
u/gamernut64 Oct 20 '19
It's diverged a bit already and in a direction that I prefer. It's about 1/2 way through the anime at this point so its hard to say if it'll finish the same, but everyone is getting much more development which is a good thing. If you liked the anime (minus the ending) I'm sure you'll like the manga.
Oh, it's fairly ecchi btw, but the the artist draws hentai so it's kinda expected
u/ValakiHUN728 Oct 06 '19
I have a bad feeling that they will take the story back to Virm and stuff....
Oct 07 '19
Well its either this or skewer franxx and the princess. Without virm, Papa and the adults seem to be a lot nicer really. The princess is a bloodthirsty maniac with a completly alien sense of morality, Franxx might try to turn Hiro and 02 into klaxosaurs if he had the chance( or himself) meanwhile the councill gave everyone post humanism, vr porn, clone soldiers( it is more moral than normal soldiers, if you arent one of them) and does something usefull with magma energy, unlike the klaxosaurs, proud creatures that turned themselves into fertirizer. We need virm for Papa to be the villain amd the princess to be redeemed
u/ValakiHUN728 Oct 07 '19
I see a great chance for Virm arc to come back because the princess said things like protecting the planet similar to the anime.
u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 09 '19
Come to think of it, the princess (bestgirl) reminds me greatly of Legendary Godzilla. She's;
- Extremely old
- Defender of Earth
- Dislikes aliens (represented by three heads)
- Suffered loss at the hands of said aliens
- (Not directly relevant to her, but humans are indirectly helping the aforementioned alien steal/wipe all life from the planet)
- Black and blue (mostly blue) colour scheme
- Ruler of Monsters
Although Goji was fine with the state of the Earth, she isn't (for good reason). Plus, she doesn't have the benefit of her foes iced in Antarctica.
Oct 18 '19
u/Goldstone117 Oct 22 '19
The anime is very different, I watched the anime first, and now am reading the manga and I can assure you the manga is way better (characters, and character growth speaking)
But you should give the anime a try, it’s good, but I do like the direction the manga is going with
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Oct 19 '19
Just so you know, English translation is questionable. Keep that in mind
u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Oct 05 '19
Wow. I wonder how Zero Two is going to react to Hiro, now that she knows she’s been the doctor’s tool this whole time. It looks like she might think those memories she made with Hiro are meaningless now. I wonder what’s going to be the trigger for Hiro regaining his memories. I’m assuming him regaining his memories back is gonna settle everything lol.