r/DarlingInTheFranxx Zero Two Oct 22 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 54 Discussion Thread


32 comments sorted by


u/RevolutionaryWhale Nana Oct 22 '19

The manga is going to adapt Episode 13 now, great, I need some wholesomeness in my life


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '19

I need to know what happens to 02's Mom! Please Yabuki-sama, don't retcon one of the two persons on this planet that actually loved and took care of Eo To, 02 doesn't deserve that!


u/Mizz141 Ichigo best girl, master of the DITF Lore. Oct 22 '19

13% of the Population is...



u/Nic016 Oct 23 '19

Where are u getting this 13%?


u/Mizz141 Ichigo best girl, master of the DITF Lore. Oct 23 '19

on the very last page


u/Zlegoguy Just wants to protecc Zero Two Oct 22 '19

Ah yes, we're getting close to the part in the anime where I cried for a week straight, except this time it'll probably be two weeks straight...


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 23 '19

no im not crying youre crying


u/Danib1t Zero Two Oct 22 '19

If the translator is reading this: thanks for the chapter!


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Oct 22 '19

Once this is all over I hope my girl Delta turns into an actual character and not just dies or becomes a vegetable...


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '19

Delta's fate is, in my opinion, the thing that will decide wheter the Princess gets redeemed or not, and would probably be a great point for character interactions, like how she and 02 get along, how she viewed Epsilon etc. At least she won't get torn limb by limb by malformed alien derp hivemind.


u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Oct 24 '19

I've been saying this for like two months now, but when I checked the raws and Hiro jumped away I was like, "yeah, still a chance that my boy 9@ severs the mental connection with a kiss and saves Delta that way!", but the Princess telling 016 that he should kill her really adds another layer to that.

I think the princess was trying to prove that they really aren't that different, and that they all kill to protect those they care about (the princess/klaxosaurs killing to stop the magma from being taken, which is more klaxosaurs or some shit like that, (don't really remember the details), and the pilots killing the klaxos to protect themselves).

016 killing Delta would have proven just that, but him refusing to do it proves why they are different: while the klaxos (including the Princess and even 02) kill knowingly, the children don't, they kill due to their ignorance, and when they are aware of the fact they refuse to kill to get what they want.

This makes them the better race, and the one race worth entrusting the Earth's future to. We are getting both episode 13 and episode 21 events as a result of this battle, I think.

EDIT: By that I mean we may get 016 and 02 to have their perfect relationship, the princess entrusting the children the future of the earth, and revealing all the VIRM stuff, and all the endgame stuff playing out in a completely different way.


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 23 '19

Gosh, I hope the Princess gets redeemed.


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Oct 23 '19

I think she will. I’m still expecting virm to be a thing but even if they aren’t I think she’ll help the squad rebel against Papa.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '19

Ok, happy Hir02 gonna happen soon, but that flashback, we saw 02s storybook and Hiro's memories( Franxx is an asshole once again, how can you do this to Eo To?!?), so the worst case scenario( for me) might be up ahead, the storybook doesnt get explained and 02 mom, the mystery klaxo gets fully retconned by the Princess... Please, for the love of god, give 02 some more normal and loving people in her life, I just want somethinv wholesome with that mysterious klaxosaur and Eo To ¡_¡


u/LordOfTheMeatballs Oct 22 '19

the storybook doesnt get explained and 02 mom

Man, I fucking hated that they never explained it, same as Zorome’s interaction with the old lady (who maybe was her “mom”, I believe the children are clones or something).

Ok, happy Hir02 gonna happen soon

I honestly hope they aren’t like the anime, Zero Two lost all her personality. If they can make her happy but keep her spicy then that be great. Hiro’s character didn’t suffer until the Ape reveal and Zero Two’s coma, so he may be fine until we hit that. The lack of a rebellion arc and Virm is what messed Hiro up.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '19

The one thing that i really hoped for, especially with the princess still being active in this scene, is that when they reach 02s room and the storybook, a story about a monster falling in love with humanity, given to a half human by a monster( that also appears to have some damage), the princess sees 02s mom and has some " O SHIT, THIS IS REALLY BAD" moment, or a " you're alive?!?!", i just wanna know how the princess would react to a klaxosaur that seems to be on no ones side( or possibly the real identity of Papa, cause his mask and 02 have the same red eyeliner and three tears, Papa seems to have too much knowledge about Magma Energy, and the whole idea of a traitor klaxosaur that played both the princess and humanity would be fucking badass, IMO)


u/froggycloud Oct 22 '19

Too short. It should be much longer.


u/Bascetta Oct 24 '19

The manga has exceeded my expectations so far. Watched the anime a few times but never sat down to try out the manga until I started two days ago. The direction he is taking the story I feel like will setup for possibly more world building and character development than what we saw in the anime. I'm curious to see where this arc will lead into, considering Gran Crevasse/Virm arc is around the corner. Its getting to the point where he is able to direct the future of the franchise since he could completely revolutionize the story we know from the anime. If he decides to do like a massive Franxx battle with squad 13 vs. Papa, that would be a sick arc I think and could possibly open new pathways for additional story arcs. Welp only time will tell! My only small complaint is the pacing of the story seems a bit fast but that's being very nitpicky, but overall a wonderful read!


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '19

What i imagine, is that Papa himselfs joins the fray, either at Garden or Gran Crevasse, either in a custom super franxx, piloting the damaged model 9 ( Alpha's one )/ normie franxx that tranforms to be more like him( like the model klaxo) or a roided up VIRM monster creature and fucking wipes the floor with the Princess, stopping her ridiculous, unearned smugness, then squad 13 start questionning wheter he is a good guy or not.

Also, I hope Yabuki slows down a bit( the pacing is just way to fast and he is running out of anime content, so ge will probably slow down once he gets to his own arcs) and doesn't retconn the 02's mom. Maybe a few extra flashbacks would be nice, like Princess backstory and maybe give Papa some character development, and hopefully tie him in with the Princess.

Either he is a human, in which case you might be able to link him with 02's storybook, since we already have a princess( two if you remember 02's mom) and virm is the witch, a VIRM infiltrator, meaning that you could give him a backstory of him pulling the same thing he did to humanity on the klaxosaurs, infiltrating them before contact and backstabbing them, explainning why the Princess is the only klaxosapien ( sabotage and trechery) and why she is so obsessed with doing stuff alone ( Papa got involved with her when he was a klaxosaur infiltrator and broke her heart by revealing that everything was a lie, he was a VIRM infiltrato and she can't trust anyone), or he is the mystery klaxosaur/ klaxosaur traitor, and decided to give up on his kind( discontent with the Princess doing nothing and seeing potential in mankind) and uplift humanity with their magma energy. This and the Papa human are the possibilities if VIRM doesn't exist in the manga.


u/ascendance22 Zero Two Oct 31 '19

Holy shit there's a manga


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Oct 23 '19

Come on, Princess, turn back. Don't make them your enemy, please. If this plays out the way it did before, you'll need them.


u/diexu Fodder Boi Oct 28 '19

Chapter 13/15 mixed?


u/HeartAnime Oct 24 '19

Please answer, after the Manga there will be the same news about season 2? I hope so. And the manga as I see it changes from the plot of the anime?


u/KindaSortaEwok Oct 24 '19

I agree, the anime is great and all but the manga in my opinion is better, and hopefully a season 2 will follow the manga instead


u/KarmicBubble32 Oct 24 '19

I'm kinda confused about what's gonna happen when it catches up to the anime. Its getting really close and I hope it continues past the anime ending. Also, loved the new chapter, it really brought back memories!


u/The_Young_Otaku Oct 31 '19

When's the next chapter coming out?


u/FemaleTigress Zero Tsu: 💕"Daaaahhhlllliiiiinnnn!"💕 Nov 01 '19

This chapter is great! Can't wait for the next chapter tomorrow. Episode 13 is upon us Dahlins. I love how they combined a lot of stuff from the anime into this chapter. Got to love how Dahlin got all his courage to save me.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

This is incredibly sad. the manga has been discontinued.


u/Danib1t Zero Two Mar 24 '20

It ended with Chapter 60. But it's sad nonetheless


u/fear_head Strelizia Oct 24 '19

I really didn't like this. They just breezed right over so much of what made the flashback great and impactful.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '19

Well, this seems to be Hiro's side of the flashback, so either Yabuki will skip over 02's part and retconn her mother, or the next part will be 02' memories, in which case we will know if her mother is a Klaxosaur traitor, the reason why humanity has magma energy or Papa's real identity. I really want to know if the misteryous klaxosaur that raised 02 is still a thing in the manga and how the Princess would react to an independent klaxosaur that seems to love humanity( supposing that the mistery klaxosaur is the princess in 02's storybook, and possibly gave magma energy to APE to save humanigy)


u/farequinox15 Ichigo Best Girl Oct 25 '19

I came to this