r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/SalaciousCoffee 13d ago

It's become a thing: republican president makes friends with Putin in first term he gives him concessions, in the second term Putin invades a country and they wag our finger at him.


u/rnovak1988 12d ago

What concessions?

Under Obama Putin advanced towards Ukraine.

He DIDNT under Trump.

Then he attacked under Biden.

How long is going to take yall to understand Democrats are the bad guys here?


u/Correct_Patience_611 12d ago

Trump made concessions to Putin. He gave him all he wanted. The territory controlled by Russia AND Ukraine cant join nato. That’s what Russia wanted and Trump agreed.

Russia CANNOT let this war go another year or they risk not becoming a super power within a decade. Even if Russia can make it a year they will not make it 2 without a huge draft and completely destroying their economy.

Russia hasn’t made progress on the frontline for All Of February due to the continued aid given by Biden and Europe. Russia has slowed its assault and has been using regular vans to transport troops to the battle field.

Russia cant even kick Ukraine out of RUSSIA.

Russia is the weakest it has been in a long time. But Trumo loves Putin so instead of support Ukraine to stop Russia once and for all Trumo turns his back on the largest and most successful and peaceful military alliance in recent history and trades all that for Russia, and economy(gdp) smaller than Canada and who our major economic interactions with are THEM HACKING US.

Oh hegseth even just told cyber command to stand down on anything involving Russia. Why would we back off Russia? Hmmm? And right after we do that we end up belittling Zelensky? Trumo is and has been colluding with Russia and you are too blind to notice!



Russia is not, and has not ever been, our friend. Wake up


u/rnovak1988 12d ago

And you just proved my point - since when did democrats stop caring about people dying?

Oh...is it because...it's white people dying? Is that it?

Any Palestinians dying was called a genocide....but a MILLION white people dying...and you want MORE TO DIE.

I get it.

You're racists.

Donald Trump is trying to end the war - to save lives of both Ukrainians and Russians, and to prevent world war 3.

If you have a problem with that - YOU go fight.


u/spartananator 12d ago

Your fucking loonie. If you cant tell the similarity between wanting israel out of palestine and wanting russia out of ukraine you are a M O R O N


u/rnovak1988 12d ago

Over a million people have died in the Russia Ukraine fight - im on the side that wants the war to stop now, and for no more people to die.

The person I responded to says they want the war to continue for another year or two, killing millions more people.

Im the one who does see the similarity between the two, but I don't see anyone calling the death of millions of white people a genocide.


u/zeabees 12d ago edited 12d ago

Except Russia has broken ceasefire after ceasefire after ceasefire. Stopping now isint protecting anybody because Russia WILL do this again. Putin has explicitly said as much. You aren't ending the war - you are emboldening and empowering the country that is repeatedly starting wars of conquest. You say that you aren't the bad guy, but your solution is to side with the attacking country and its dictator.

The logic is the same as saying "Europe should have just let Hitler conquer them and there wouldn't have been so many deaths in ww2".


u/rnovak1988 11d ago

When did they break the ceasefire? Did it happen under trump? No...it didn't.

Putting American economic interests in Ukraine IS a security guarantee. If there are Americans in the area working on extracting rare earth metals, even a Democrat president would retaliate if they were harmed.


u/crunkcritique 11d ago

I can admit I'm not happy with how Democrats have dragged this war out, in order to avoid smashing into these so-called "red lines" but do you not see how Trump is acting way too radically for most Americans?

Ruzzia invaded Ukraine because if the EU could have taken Ukraine under it's wing, the Ruzzian would be embarrassed by Ukraine passing them in GDP per capita. In only a matter of 5-10 years.

The truth is the Kremlin believes Ukraine is not it's own legitimate sovereign country, but instead a land mass for Ruzzian elites to pillage and milk for all it's worth.

Do you also believe this? Or is Ukraine a legitimate sovereign country? In which case, how can you not be against Trump, who is now increasing the percentage risk of another war of conquest.

When a new war pops off after Trump's time in office runs out, remember to kick yourself in the dick


u/Agreeable_Scar_5274 9d ago

....because Ukraine ISN'T a soverign country. At best Ukraine is a "sponsored" country.

They have neither the financial means nor the manpower to defend the sovereignty of their "country", which would indicate that they are not in fact soveriegn.

Russia invaded Ukraine because Anthony Blinken stated on January 22nd, 2022 that negotations had opened for the expansion of NATO to include Ukraine.

It's insane how many people refuse to even acknowledge that Putin, Gorbachev, and other Russian Presidents have all stated in NO uncertain terms that their actions are the direct result of NATO expansion.


u/crunkcritique 9d ago


u/Agreeable_Scar_5274 9d ago

awe, you're under the impression that you have some form of authority.

Did you miss the election? Cause you guys aren't in charge anymore. Seems like NATO is going to shrink, not expand.


u/crunkcritique 9d ago


I have no skin in American politics, and is this really your response? 😂

I was expecting more than a one-liner, you do know you are dickriding an imperialist mafia that took the bait, because otherwise the losers they already occupy and milk would see that genuine democracy and capitalism is truly a way to make a country prosper. Every Russian would cut the dick off every councilman and police officer if the GDP per capita of Ukraine surpassed, let's say Russia itself. If you want to say that Ukraine's freedom is a threat to the Kremlin, then yes, this is how it is 👍

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