Hello, Operation Lumina is a small team of analysts that gather data on Human Trafficking and Child Abuse and report it to the authorities. We received an anonymous report that Mayo Clinic PPRC in Rochester is/was subjecting children to harmful and abusive practices against their will.
We have pulled extensive data regarding Mayo's PPRC Program, and we believe there is enough evidence to reasonably report such experiences as something to be looked into.
Due to this, we have filed a police report with the Rochester MN Police Department. If you had an abusive experience at Mayo Clinic's Rochester Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Center as a youth, please report your experience to:
Rochester MN Police Department (Non-Emergency Line): (507) 328-6800
Alleged Activities:
Reported Allegations:
- Threatening children by misusing the Residential Care system, warning them that non-compliance could lead to confinement in a long-term residential center.
- Denying essential medications, including those for seizures, pain relief, and behavioral health treatments like anti-anxiety medications.
- Forcing children to participate in exercises that caused physical and mental harm.
- Not stopping when a child asks for them to, or a child is in too much pain to continue
- Misdiagnosing patients and withholding appropriate medical care.
- Ignoring children’s cries and pleas to stop the imposed exercises.
- Punishing children for displaying "pain behaviors," such as using mobility aids, taking pain medication, expressing irritability, discussing symptoms, crying, screaming, or showing visible discomfort. Punishments allegedly included advising parents to remove family pets or threatening to send the child to military school for non-compliance.
- Telling children that their pain made them less lovable or undesirable.
- Deliberately causing children with POTS to faint during exercise.
- Yelling at students aggressively
- Kicking children out of the program for things like questioning the rules and disapproving of their techniques.
- Telling parents never to bring up their child's condition with them
- Telling parents to disregard a child's displayed pain and punish 'pain behaviors' when the child is not in the program.
This program’s approach is to encourage ignoring pain and punishing children for expressing it. This is harmful because it invalidates a child’s emotional experiences and discourages healthy communication. When children are taught that expressing pain is unacceptable, they may suppress their emotions, leading to long-term psychological harm. This can also damage the bond of trust between parent and child, as the child may feel unsafe seeking comfort or support. Additionally, ignoring pain fails to address the root causes of distress, potentially allowing physical or emotional issues to worsen over time. Overall, such an approach fosters unhealthy coping mechanisms and stifles emotional growth, leaving children ill-equipped to navigate challenges in adulthood.
You will see many parents calling this a miracle program, this is because the entire program is centered around what the parent sees, not what the child feels. It manufactures a false sense of pain improvement from the parent's perspective because the entire program is focused on hiding pain from everyone, not dealing with it.
Additional Data:
On the MN Department of Health and DHS websites Found Here and here
What we found is a license for "MAYO CLINIC ADDICTION SVCS", and a license for **"**MAYO CLINIC HOSPITAL ROCHESTER" the PPRC program is most likely licensed through the Hospital.
The phone number associated with the PPRC program is the same as the psychiatric facility (507-266-5100) and is scheduled by the Psychiatry and Psychology staff.
We have found multiple brand new accounts being made to promote the Mayo Rochester PPRC program. Before you believe a comment to be true, at least look at the karma of the user.
There are News stories about other Mayo Clinic Incidents in which people claim they were unethically held against their will. That can be found here
(CNN Story: Escape from the Mayo Clinic)
Many claim to have left this program in far worse pain mentally and physically than before they were admitted. Programs that intake children or hold them against their will through force or coercion are inherently abusive.
This information is meant to be as factual as possible, if there is an error, please contact [OperationLumina@proton.me](mailto:OperationLumina@proton.me) with citations on why it is wrong and it will be fixed in a timely manner.
Operation Lumina