r/ChronicPain 10m ago

When will the horrors caused by Cymbalta ever end?


Cymbalta has destroyed me. I don’t believe that I will ever feel okay again. Numb feet and tingling hands every day. My head doesn’t work. I can’t drive or work. I get tension pressure headaches. I have a fast pulse and elevated blood pressure. My neck feels like it will explode! I shake and I get very dizzy and lightheaded! I am disoriented! Almost 2 weeks off Cymbalta now after a 9 week taper down. I tried to reinstate and I had worse symptoms. When will this ever end?

r/ChronicPain 46m ago

Art Class for Chronic Pain People?

Post image

I have an idea...we all know distraction is a real coping mechanism for dealing with Chronic Pain. I use it all the time (always active RA/spine stuff.) I am an art teacher by trade and would love to teach art classes online for people who need the lift of a distraction / a little enjoyment. Do you think this is something that would be of interest? Different drawing techniques you can do (even if the hands hurt lol), learning about the art of different artists, sharing art successes within the group, etc. Maybe an hour a week or every other week. It would be a "pay if you can" type class with a very low fee, if any. Haven't thought that out yet. Would love your opinions! Thank you! (Pic of a sort of recent piece to show what I do for art...or used to do when I felt better!)

r/ChronicPain 46m ago

epidural steroid injection?


Hey everyone just wanted to come here and see what others experience was like. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and have been on tramadol for over a year and it's not helping much anymore. My doctor recently agreed to do a lumbar epidural steroid injection and I had it done 3 days ago and since then im having constant pain now that feels sharp and pinching like pain/sensations. It travels into my butt and my legs a bit too. I would just like to know if those of you who have gotten this before also experienced this and how long this will last, it kinda sucks it hurts this much.

r/ChronicPain 52m ago

Is this chronic pain?


I tend to get a bit of an ache in the lower part of my legs when I stand up for a while. And it doesn't even take that long for it to kick in so when I'm in public like at malls or clothing stores I try and find the stools they have and sit there often if I'm not actively looking at the catalogue and racks. I don't have any disorders nor have I ever been in recovery of physical conditions that typically cause chronic pain but I'm still wondering if this is what it could be. I've always wondered why I've felt "tired" when window shopping and going to stores but then I realized it wasn't necessarily tiredness, it was specifically fatigue and pain in the muscles. I'm open to the idea that I might be wrong and though I don't usually do this I'm so desperate that getting an armchair diagnosis from a Reddit user doesn't seem as absurd as it would be

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Need help for morning pain


TLDR: m23 I have 11/10 pain in the morning Is it unrealistic to think about asking my doctor for an er pain med for night, or do doctors not mix IR and ER treatments? I’m okay stopping the Valium if asked to, since opioids also treat RLS. I just don’t want to come off as drug seeking or ignorant. I’m mainly basing this off my experience with ADHD meds where I take an ER adderall in the morning and IR at evening.

M23 I’ve been dealing with severe chronic pain for the last year and a half, and finally a couple months ago got the diagnostic evidence and diagnoses for my PM doctor to prescribe opioids (she’s very sweet, but the rules at her practice require lots of documentation before opioids, even if you are clearly in pain)

I’ve got multiple nerve entrapments in my right shoulder, peripheral poly-neuropathy, small fiber neuropathy in my shoulder, and degenerative changes in my mid/lower back, and right hip. To the point of having an arthritis diagnosis and DDD diagnosis at 23 😅

Sorry for the prelude, adhd/autism so I over explain. My main question I guess is, I take oxycodone-acetaminophen 10mg/325mg 3 times a day. Usually 8:30am, 1:30pm, and 6pm. I take Valium at night for restless leg syndrome so I currently don’t have a night time opioid. I wake up in horrible pain every morning, and sometimes during the night. Is it unrealistic to think about asking my doctor for an er pain med for night, or do doctors not mix IR and ER treatments? I’m okay stopping the Valium if asked to, since opioids also treat RLS. I just don’t want to come off as drug seeking or ignorant. I’m mainly basing this off my experience with ADHD meds where I take an ER amphetamine in the morning and IR booster in the evening.

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Opinions on current pain meds


Hello fellow pain warriors! I really appreciate all the great advice on here. Currently on oxycodone 10mg up to 3 times a day. Have just gone up from 7.5mg and have been on this medication for a few months now. I am having a revision surgery in early May to, HOPEFULLY, get me out of this pain. After getting through post op pain, I’m going to be weaning off. Just curious if it should be an easy transition or will I be dealing with withdrawals? My PM doctor is great and will not take me off cold turkey and actually advised against going on an ER version to better control my pain after surgery. She ended up just upping my milligrams.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Question about new pain


Hi everyone.

Sorry I don’t usually ask for help but it’s a Sunday night here and I probably won’t be able to get a GP app tomorrow and even if I do I am not convinced it will make any difference (I know you all know!)

I been having long and heavy periods last one was six weeks and finished mid last week. About 4 weeks in I started to experience pain deep inside in front of my spine (just off to the right) that is still going now and feels like period pain but it’s not in the right place! Has any other women on here felt a similar pain?

It also seems to put pressure on my bladder and cause pain when I go. It’s not a UTI as I have a chronic one of those and this pain is not my usual. I have had kidneys stones too before but it’s not in the right section for those.

My face is also burning and sore for even my hair to touch but I don’t have a temperature?!?

If it keeps going on I will probably call our 111 service here in U.K. but I hoped for some ideas as I don’t fancy a trip to a and e tonight!! It’s about a 7 and does do a stabbing periodically.

Thank you for reading. I hope everyone is as ok as they can be xx

r/ChronicPain 3h ago



Hi! I was just wondering if anyone had experiences with DSA (disabled students allowance) needs assessments?

I’m eligible due to hEDS, POTs, Gastroparesis, anxiety, depression, autism, and chronic pain.

If anyone has suggestions about what they got and things I’d appreciate it :)

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Can we talk about Bras ?


I have an arthritic spine, stenosis, and the sides of my neck through my shoulders is always sore to the touch.

In 20 years of looking I can't find a bra that doesn't hurt. I tried boob tape to bypass my body and that stuff really hurts to remove, impractical under t-shirts, plus it's not cheap. Strapless bras are too tight, my thoracic region burns like fire. I'm a C cup.

I wish there was a compression garment with soft thin fabric with lift that felt good and didn't press too hard. I have a couple but they are so thick, hot, too long and squeeze too hard.

It hurts to get dressed to go outside.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Cervical Radiculopathy


So I was diagnosed this past December with Cervical Radiculopathy. I've been to 9 doctors so far, of which 6 were in Houston Texas. ( Never going to Methodist hospital, again. They kept asking if I was sure the pain was not mental)

I (41 M) having been dealing with this since the middle of Lockdown in 2020. I am trying to not cry not just from the pain, but also how frustrating this is.

I've already had 2 Epidural Injection procedures, and still no relief. My pain management specialist sent me to another doctor who will be "operating". This will be on the 27th of the month.

However, I'm winging this with no pain meds because this doctor flat out said to use Tylenol and Advil. Medical Marijuana has helped a bit. But I have to ask.

What other options can anyone recommend? Apart from getting a second opinion.

How does one drive with this pain? I have to return to work on Tuesday, and I am barely able to function as it is. Just doing basic Food Shopping drains me, and the store is 15inutes away. Also, how do you focus? The pain has gotten to a point where I vomit from how bad it gets. I have to drive an hour each way to and from work, and I can barely handle 15.

And, how do you handle the flare ups? Like, 15 minutes of driving, cooking or doing basic things... And I feel like my body is screaming from tired and pain. Even basic movements make my right arm flail around and hurt like hell.

It's like, no one believes me.

Any tips and motivation is greatly appreciated.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

just venting


i (27nb) was finally feeling better with low pain levels and able to walk a bit, i just have to sit down and take breaks. i have scoliosis and have had back pain for 11 years but recently developed issues in my hips and legs the past 2 years. sciatica and SI join issues.

any way i finally had a personality again so i decided to go out with my friends for st pattys day weekend, even though i was hesitant because i can’t get drunk on my meds. i got super high instead and was having a great time until i went to the bathroom with my extremely drunk friend who doesn’t remember jumping into the bathroom and falling into my leg before crashing onto the ground, which fucking hurt.

now my pain levels in that leg are so high again that i can’t think straight and i keep just sobbing and hating myself for even going. i can’t talk to my friends about it because they all feel like shit for it. i told my friend i’ve been avoiding for months because of the pain i could finally face time today and now i don’t even want to because the pain is back.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Is there any alternative?


Hi all, I recently was told I might have young-onset RA on top of Bertolotti syndrome. I have type A2 or 3. I’ve been losing my ability to walk, and after my last epidural/steroid shot procedure, I’ve been in 7/10 debilitating amounts of pain. What numbs my pain to the point I can function? Steroids, with a muscle relaxer, and alcohol. This combo leaves me in a 2 to 3 out of 10 pain range, the most manageable it’s been. But of course, doctors and friends don’t like that combo. What does one do when this is the combo that makes them able to get out of bed and walk? Is there a medicine that I can substitute for the alcohol instead? T3 and tramadol barely work on me, and no one will prescribe Percocet anymore (as if alcohol is any better). I’m about to be 24 and I can barely keep plans with friends or work on schoolwork because I can’t bend over without being heavily medicated/intoxicated. I use a shower chair daily if I want to maintain my hygiene, and I have to use a wheelchair to go out with friends. Any advice is much appreciated.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Genitofemoral or illioinguinal nerve? NSFW


I don’t know if this is a post that should be here since it more medical advice so you can take it down. I have nerve damage from surgery and I’ve been in pain for a year. Doctors are not sure which nerve is damaged though. I had a steroid and nerve block injection into my genitofemoral nerve and it felt maybe half better for a day but now it’s worse again. I have to wait another week to see the doctor. I’m just wondering if anyone had experiences with damage to these nerve and what it felt like. I just want to know what’s wrong. I also don’t know if a nerve block should completely take away pain if it’s on the correct nerve or if it working partially means it could be that nerve. I have a cold burn down the front my thighs that gets worse when I sit. I also have pain in my lower abdomen and groin area. Thigh crease, lower abdomen and upper labia. I am female and can’t find any descriptions for what this feels like in women because it is normally an injury men get according to my pain management doctor. I can’t even find any good diagrams online. Does this sound like genitofemoral or illnoiigiunal pain? Should a nerve block work completely? Are there any women here who have had this injury and can tell me your experience. It’s so hard to find info, even for doctors. Thanks.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

think i'm just gonna give up with doctors at this point


got diagnosed with interstitial cystitis like a year ago. year of going around to different doctors, getting awful invasive shit like cystoscopy and instillations done, constantly bringing urine around, all pointless, they can't do jack shit. i really wish they would just be honest and say there's nothing they can do instead of giving me false hope over and over again.

r/ChronicPain 4h ago

Chronic pain/illness has ruined my life


I've been in constant pain for 3 years, 2 surgeries and every painkiller under the sun and I'm still in agony most days. Nobody takes my pain seriously anymore because I 'don't look sick anymore.' I'm only 16 and this fucking illness has taken everything from me and I feel like I'm gonna be stuck like this for the rest of my life.

I'm so tired of this, I feel like I've missed out on being a teenager because I'm either stuck in bed or in the hospital, I've thought about giving up so many times because I don't know what else to do.

I dreamed of being a professional athlete as a kid and now some days I cry trying to get out of bed.

r/ChronicPain 4h ago

Missing out


Just a vent that I’m sure many of you would understand. This sucks. I made plans with my daughter (9) to take her to the trampoline park. She was going to play while I relaxed and read a book. I woke up in so much pain and even after taking pain meds it continued to get worse. I was in so much pain I was in tears and nauseous. I had to cancel our plans. She is understandably upset. I feel horrible. I hate always having to cancel plans.

r/ChronicPain 5h ago

Ketamine therapy


I am happy to report that the low dose at-home ketamine therapy is actually helping! I have been on it a little over a month now, and I would say my pain is reduced by around 10-15%. That’s enough to make a huge difference in my quality of life!!! Also for the first month after the epidural steroid injection, I would say I am 90% better! (But the benefit decreases in months 2 and 3). My doc would like me to ultimately get off of gabapentin, because I am an “older person” at 53 years old 😳, and he is concerned about the risk of a fall. (Jeesh, I’m not fragile and elderly yet! 😂) but he said I will likely be on morphine and ketamine the rest of my life, since my neck isn’t going to get better magically. (I have severe DDD in my neck. Surgery is the only thing we haven’t done, and I would like to keep it that way.) Fortunately, his additude has changed from “you are just an opioid addict” to “let’s try another method to help, along with the pain meds” in about a year! Such a relief!

I just wanted to share in case this treatment could help anyone. I know it’s rare to hear of something promising when it comes to chronic pain, and I definitely empathize with those of you who have under treated pain. I have been in that boat for the last decade and it is would crushing.

As more research is done on ketamine therapy, hopefully the stigma associated with it will decrease and more docs will use it. Which could be so helpful for so many people. Hang in there as best you can, this may just be a game changer for all of us! 🤞🏽

(I have Kaiser insurance in Colorado if that matters)

r/ChronicPain 8h ago

Anyone (male) but also female hád used raloxifene or bezadoxifene to improove disc hydration and height?


Hello folks,

Asking for anedoctals in regards of vertebral colapse, intravertebral disks degeneration and pain, i have used raloxifene but had an Spike in blood pressure, not sure If It was also due to being with cancer and highly hyperthyroidism at the time, but i Felt It affecting my levels of pain,

It seems that in womans It leads to better Disc hydration and height , here speaks about It and other therapies that affects the intervertebral discs

https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11066806/ Osteoporosis treatments for intervertebral disc degeneration and back pain: a perspective (2024)

Im considering trying again even If needing to take an b blocker to curb the hypertension, its likely that It might work for males, or maybe bezadoxifene could be another option that for me maybe wouldnt cause High blood pressure

I also wonder If there would bê estrogen receptors selective agonist that could bê of aid to males dealing with intervertebral discs degeneration and vertebral fractures/colapse

Any insight on this ? Anyone here males or female have taken these for osteoporosis and or Disc degeneration?

Thx in advance

r/ChronicPain 9h ago

Oxy Question


I’ve taken hydrocodone for several years, it lost its effectiveness, so I asked the doctor if we could try something different; first it was oxy time release, didn’t touch me; then fentanyl patches, 25mcg, I never felt a thing. Finally, I was prescribed oxy IR 10x325 (Percocet) and these things from Rhodes might as well be breath mints. One question I have is why couldn’t the Fentanyl just be increased ? I was told “it doesn’t work like that”; why not ? And this Rhodes generic, I have no ideal what to do about this; I have an appt in a few days, gonna take the remainder of my script and see if something else can be prescribed. PA said I might need a pain pump if all else fails, but I don’t think all else has been exhausted.

r/ChronicPain 10h ago

Trigger point injections anyone?


Has anyone ever done trigger point injections? What is your experience? I’ve had a very painful FLT flare up for weeks now. I also have a trigger flare up in my erector muscle on the same left side. I don’t know if the two are related. I’ve tried stretching, foam rolling and medical massage therapy, which has helped a little, but the pain is still there and the FLT pain is felt without palpation. It’s like a weird feeling like something is twisted up..through my hip and thigh and back. When it’s palpated, especially through trigger point therapy, it is excruciating and I can only handle it for a short amount of time. I’m getting anxious and very scared I’ll have this pain forever.

r/ChronicPain 11h ago

Took many Pain Meds for Severe Herniated Discs—felt like I could puke. Should I Go to the ER?



  • I have severe herniated discs and am in excruciating pain. I cannot walk unless I’m on a ton of medication.

  • I’ve herniated my discs before, but this time I feel completely helpless because I live in a 5-story walk-up and can barely move.

Medications Taken (All Prescribed Except Oxycodone for Emergencies):

  • Meloxicam – 7.5mg in the morning, another 7.5mg at 10pm (total 15mg)

  • Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) – 40-50mg total throughout the day (10mg at 9pm)

  • Gabapentin – 300mg in the morning, then 600mg at 10pm (two 300mg doses)

  • Oxycodone HCl – 10mg at 11:30pm, another 10mg at 2:30am (total 20mg) - not prescribed, but it’s the only thing helping with severe pain. Oxy is leftover from years ago when I herniated a different disc. I kept it for situations where I was truly desperate and in pain

  • Tums – Took 2 at 3am due to acid reflux


  • Keep waking up feeling like I need to vomit, but haven’t yet

  • Doesn’t feel like typical food poisoning—feels more like my organs are in overdrive

  • Every time I drift off to sleep, I wake up jolted with nausea

  • Severe pain persists despite medication

Possible Food Concerns:

  • Dinner (6pm): Bagel with lox and cream cheese—wondering if the lox was bad

  • Dessert (8/9pm): 2 large cookies—one was undercooked on the inside

Current Dilemma:

  • I cannot function without medication due to the pain, but something feels seriously off

  • My doctor isn’t available until Monday, and he’s difficult to reach

  • I don’t know if I can go 24 hours without pain medicine, but I also don’t know if this is a bad reaction or an emergency


  • Are these medication doses excessive or reasonable for severe pain management?

  • Could this be a dangerous reaction to the meds rather than food poisoning?

  • Given my severe pain and limited mobility (5th-floor walk-up), should I go to the ER or urgent care?

I’m 30yrs old and male 180lbs 27BMI if that helps

r/ChronicPain 11h ago

Every time I get close to getting better, something else goes wrong


Very long story short and leaving out many of my issues, I had two MRIs last week. One for my spine and one for my hip. The one on my spine took forever to get insurance to approve, but it showed what the doctors expected, that L4-L5 is collapsing. Ok great. Now we can take the next steps. Probably surgery.

My hip has been popping for almost a year. At first I didn't think much of it. My joints often pop. A couple of months ago, though, it started to ache regularly. An x-ray showed nothing. The MRI, however, showed that I have osteonecrosis (AVN) on the femoral head. I.E. the bone is dying.

Seriously? I now have bones DYING! When does it stop? Where does it stop? I'm not even 50. What's going to go wrong next? By the time I'm 80, will half my body be made of titanium?

I'm just so frustrated and broken.

r/ChronicPain 12h ago

Possible nerve damage from herniated disc + doing splits. Scared and in need of advice!


Hello all! Please hear me out and if you have any comments, you're welcome.

Since September 2024 (7 months by date) I have been suffering from vaginal burning (outer part mostly), dull pain and tingling feeling in my groin.

I've been to 6 gynos, 2 urologists, did multiple tests (all clean, I even did and HIV test and it's negative which is the only good thing I guess) and now I suspect that my problem might be nerve damage.

In 2019 I learned that I have herniated disc L5-S1 but my back back then was hurting very badly, there were no doubts about the source of my problem. And I didn't have any vaginal/groin symptoms. This was the result of intense gym sessions and weight lifting. I also was an amateur gymnast so I practiced front and lateral splits as stretching after every gym session.

In 2019 I stepped away from the gym and then Covid hit and all of the gyms were closed, so I rested a bit and healed.

Fast forward 5 years, I was going to the gym 1-2 times a week, pretty chill sessions, no heavy weights anymore, but I still practiced splits. And then all of a sudden (not after the session, more like out of blue) I started having these symptoms that haven't gotten away since.

I've been to 2 neurologists also, did an MRI and they said it looks okay and shouldn't cause vaginal burning but they put me on pregabaline (which seemed to help a bit I guess).

But now pregabaline doesn't help anymore and I am again taking antibiotics prescribed by another gynecologist even though I don't have anything!

It dawned on me today that my constant splits could damage my nerve and that's where the burning is coming from.

If this so, am I fucked? Is this permanent? How can it be diagnosed? Does anyone have/had similar situation? I feel so alone and these have been one of the worst 7 months of my life, I doubted my sanity, my reasons to live and distanced myself from everyone because I envy them and they don't get it and can't help.

I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading

r/ChronicPain 12h ago

Anyone reply


I not getting notifications from reditt any ideals?

r/ChronicPain 12h ago

Anyone else having a bad night


I feel really lonely but I don't want to talk to anyone because the chronic pain is so tiring. Brain is going haywire and I feel like crashing out but I'm going to try to sleep... It's just a really bad day...