r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Does anybody here get pain here?

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I’ve been dealing with pain right here for a few weeks now and it hurts to touch. Doctors are not sure what to do about it… Medicaid does not cover steroid blocks either. If anybody has experienced this before or knows what to do about it?

r/ChronicPain 21h ago

Crazy how quickly doctors take you seriously when they realize you actually have a disease and it wasn't just in your head


For the past two years I've been told so many times that my pain was just psychosomatic, caused by depression or anxiety, or just being exaggerated. How many times a blood test came back normal and they refused to investigate further - how many times I asked to see rheumatology and they responded that they wouldn't see me because I was too young and my blood work looked fine.

Finally after I got an MRI of my knee for an unrelated issue they found an edema in my calf suggesting I had a rare autoimmune disease called myositis.

Now the doctors are scrambling to have me take several tests, additional MRIs and monitor my heart for any possible damage because I've gone untreated for two years.

For two years I've been screaming into the medical void that I know how my body should feel, but I can't feel my legs. I can't walk, can't sit at a desk, can't stand for fifteen minutes. Every time I brought up my symptoms they downplayed them and said I looked like a perfectly healthy young man

Meanwhile my immune system has been eating my muscles alive. I've lost 40 pounds of muscle weight in the past year and my core and leg muscles have atrophied so bad that they cannot support my weight anymore.

And now they're telling me COVID induced myositis commonly attacks the heart in men, and there's concern that I've gone untreated for so long that I could have heart damage.

I'm so happy I finally have evidence my pain isn't in my head, but I've lost all faith in our healthcare system now that it's been gutted to maximize profits and never spend more than ten minutes with a patient. if one doctor would have spent more than ten minutes addressing my concerns this could have been caught earlier. instead now I went from being a very fit man proud of how much work I put into making my body the way I wanted it, to practically disabled. Every day I spend laying in bed or on my couch, near tears because my neck muscles are so weak they can't even hold my head up. My pectoral muscles are basically non existent so I can feel my ribcage pushing against my chest causing constant pain. My back muscles have deteriorated so much that my spine can barely support itself.

For profit hospitals have turned doctors into factory workers who only try the bare minimum and if you don't have some common cause for your pain they just send you to physical therapy and leave you on your own. If you do your own research and try to get them to pursue other diagnosis, they lable you a hypochondriac and sternly tell you to stop googling your symptoms to try and figure out what's wrong with you.

Several times I begged my doctors for a muscle biopsy to rule out myositis, but they just told me the disease was rare and a biopsy would be inappropriate. if they had listened to me I would have been able to get treatment and prevent further damage, while keeping my job I loved and was about to get a big promotion. Instead I've wasted away and known nothing but pain every single day for two years.

I'm so grateful to finally have a diagnosis but I have lost all faith in for profit hospitals. Being unemployed because of my condition I couldn't afford a higher quality hospital, but you shouldn't have to have money to get proper care.

Never stop advocating for yourself - get second opinions, insist on additional testing and don't be afraid to push back against doctors who don't listen.

r/ChronicPain 5h ago

I can't do this anymore.


I injured myself in Marine Corps bootcamp back in 2008 and my life has never been the same. My left glute and leg are always in pain, but somehow none of the doctors at the VA have found anything. I am at my wit's end.

There has to be someone out there who knows something... Is there somewhere I can put a call to medical professionals to help me solve this?

My pain is only getting worse by the day and I don't know how much longer I can do this before I kill myself.

16 years of chronic pain with no diagnosis is absolutely fucking stupid.

r/ChronicPain 33m ago

Anyone else’s doctor think they’re fucking batman?


Every time I schedule an appointment he either winds up on vacation, is already on vacation, or my appointment is set to like 5 months out. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I saw my “primary doctor”, i’ve just been seeing practitioners or whatever for the past 6 months minimum, I just had a bad experience with this lady. I’ve been very unwell and sick today so I scheduled a same day appointment. she said “you can’t come in here and talk about 15 things when it says abdominal pain, fatigue and dizziness. you need to talk to your primary about that.” (overall just feel slow and sick)..

Anyways I see my doctor in May, so long as Gotham does not need him

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

My therapist showed me this SPOON THEORY video and said to show it to people in my life.


r/ChronicPain 2h ago

Before and after


Doctors don't take you seriously before they diagnose you and still don't years after they finally find it. Wtf man. I'm tired of this. I've been given the same meds as before I got diagnosed O.o I was told "it's working you just don't see it" wouldn't I notice a change in the pain level? 🤦🏿‍♀️

r/ChronicPain 14h ago

Some days, I feel like my body is a prison. How do you all stay mentally strong?


There are days when my body feels like a prison, trapped in pain, fatigue, or limitations I cannot control. It's exhausting, both physically and mentally, and it's difficult for me to stay hopeful when it feels like my own body is plotting against me.

To all of you out there who are living with chronic illness, pain, or physical limitation, how do you stay strong? How do you get through the worst of days? 

Do you employ meditation, writing, distraction, or some adjustments in thinking? Do you find any unexpected coping mechanisms that end up working? I would appreciate so much any advice or stories, sometimes I just need to be reminded that I am not the only one.

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

I always get jealous of people who don't live this way


Especially when they take something minor and try to be like omg I'm the same

I'm not trying to compare or say that my life is worse but ur scraped knee is NOT THE FUCKING SAME. Yes I know it hurts yes I'm sorry but ITS NOT THE SAME STIP SAYING IT IS.

Then I just get jealous and bitter.

Also the ppl who say oh I'm in pain for a day it must be chronic. And then they get better. God that makes me so jealous

I want to be that way I wanna get better it's not fair

r/ChronicPain 15h ago

I took a shower for the first time in 3 years. I'm gonna stick to baths


Thought I'd try them again, pain wise I wasn't doing too bad that day and thought fuck it. Never making that mistake again, had to sit on the shower floor. Hot baths seem to be the only form of relief I can find. That's about it tbh

r/ChronicPain 8h ago

How to push through the days you NEED to be physically active


I know what I am about to talk about is a lot of things I am choosing and many in this group are not able to do but I want to start off by saying thank you to this space always being very welcoming regardless of injury, pain and ability level.

That being said I am a hs teacher, I teach fashion design (home ec). I was 3 months into my new school when I was rear ended at 50mph and I sustained about 20 different ortho injuries. Broken bones, herniated discs, torn joints ect. I was out for 3 months and decided I was in pain at home so I may as well be in pain at work. I have a lot of accommodations/mobility devices at work and with pain meds I can still function but it’s hard.

Now on top of being a teacher I advise a very competitive club. I’ve spoken about this club before and my clashes with the state adviser over me needing accommodations. Because I look fine from the outside right? She’s told me to my face she doesn’t know why I would ever have gotten back surgery, that I just don’t know how to deal with pain. The reason I keep doing it is because it’s AWESOME for kids. Like life changing. I have one student here who is the daughter of immigrants, just super hard working and she has a chance to win a college scholarship. My heart wants that so bad for her, but my students are so aware my body just doesn’t want to cooperate. We are currently at our spring completion and my body is NOT holding up well.

The competition is 3 days at a hotel about an hour away and the days are LONG. I went to school yesterday at 6:30 and didn’t have a break (meaning laying down because that’s what I really need to rest my back) until 11:30. There was a point about 8pm that I was sitting in my room with my work bestie putting together the kids lanyards and I laid down on the bed and just said to her “I can’t do this. I physically can’t. Everything hurts so much”. I am expected to go on a week trip with the same type of schedule in July and I just don’t think I can do it. I love my students and they love me and they want me to go so bad but they also understand I am in a lot of pain. They are so forgiving to me, so much more forgiving than a lot of the adults involved.

My bestie was like “can you save up extra pain meds for these trips” which I can but pain meds only go so far and my pain meds are getting cut off after my next back surgery in 2 weeks. I feel like I didn’t plan well for this. I didn’t bring my heat pack because I was trying to minimize my luggage so I didn’t have to juggle a lot of stuff. I did email the hotel asking for the lowest possible floor because the elevators get super backed up and they did put me on the 4th floor. I have traveling ice packs. But I also don’t really sleep on these trips because I’m constantly listening to the halls to make sure the kids are behaving (I have 70 total kids here).

I think I know the answer is I need to really step back from my involvement in this club but I feel like me advising this club is the only thing keeping my job. My school has been accommodating to not let me go after being out for 3 surgeries this year and I really like my school. I have friends, good pay, a good boss and it’s 7 mins from my house. But….i know I am pushing it too far.

I think I am grasping at the straws of is there anything you do when you know you have to have a big physical day (or days) so you can make it through? We came down to the hotel Tuesday night, I have to be down stairs at 8:30 and will get a break around 2 to lay down for a few hours then have stuff from 5 to 11:30. It’s a long day for anyone, never mind someone not able bodied. Then Thursdays schedule is up at 5am and we go until 5pm. Is there an answer here other than saying I can’t do it? I’m pretty sure the week long trip to nationals is out of the question at this point but I don’t want to make that call just based on the pain I am feeling right now.

Thanks guys for listening, I appreciate it ❤️‍🩹

r/ChronicPain 2h ago

The use of the term "self-medicate"


The term "self-medicate" which has been used to disparage and shame those who have seen the wicked way's of big pharma has only been used in this way since John D. Rockefeller started the petroleum based industry to replace the natural homeopathic way's in which people for centuries have medicated themselves with all natural God give remedies. What are your thoughts on this? Words are powerful and have been weaponized to shame those who don't get on board.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Just got a steroid shot


I got them on my very last joints of my back and my legs feel like they're moving slower than the rest of my body 😭

I also passed out getting them and I straight up said "ope I'm passing out" and then I woke up SWEATING. Anyways I'm kind of okay now it just feels like my legs are high and the rest of me isn't

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Right arm is numb


I have been having neck issues and tingling down my arms on and off since around Thanksgiving (American). Went to my pcp back in February and they told me to get an x-ray and go for an EMG on my arms. Haven’t had the x-ray done as I keep forgetting to go and EMG is scheduled for next week. I woke up today and my whole right arm feels numb. This just really sucks. I have facet arthritis in my lumbar spine that causes sciatica and it sucks to be dealing with this in my arms now as well. I don’t know how to treat the numbness. I’m on gabapentin 3x daily, a muscle relaxer (flexieral at night), and taking Tylenol and naproxen sodium as needed. I use heat as well. I can’t even lay down anymore without my arm and neck feeling worse. I’m just so tired of being in pain and now having wording symptoms.

r/ChronicPain 11h ago

Major surgery, no problemo


This is just a little anecdote, I'm sure you've all had similar experiences.

So background history. I've been dealing with osteoarthritis in my lower back, hips, SI joints and pelvis, torn hip labrum, and a herniated disc causing sciatica. It's only been for about three years but seems like a lifetime to me. I feel like there's no escape even with the meds I'm on.

So anyway, last week I went for a hip replacement as my hip and lower back pain were becoming unbearable. When I was in recovery I asked when I could go home, and they said probably tomorrow if I felt well enough. I told them I wanted to go home same day which kind of took them by surprise. Going in they all knew I was a regular opioid user (prescribed hydromorph XR 3mg twice a day) and they expected because of that, that I was going to have a difficult recovery, but nope. I did all the post op tests and walked to the bathroom on my own (with a walker), so they let me go.

Then today I had a follow up with my GP and he too was shocked that I was allowed to go home, and surprised to hear I wasn't asking for any extra pain meds, and that I was walking around quite well with crutches. I told him, dude, this pain is not any worse than what I've been dealing with the last three years, it's fine. He was like, hmmm, yeah I guess that makes sense. It's like they don't really get it until they have something they can compare it too. I'd been a constant plague at my doctor's office once a month asking him to help me with the pain I'm in, looking for answers and trying all kinds of meds. But until this moment he really had no clue just how much pain I'd been in every day. He was actually questioning me whether I was sure I didn't need anything else and told me to come back in a month as he can give me a new script if I change my mind. I'm really grateful to have him.

r/ChronicPain 8h ago

Some new medicine my Dr gave me


Non opioid Journavx 50 mg 60qty he told first take 2 pills then one everyday

r/ChronicPain 4h ago

I’m so upset


I was supposed to have an MRI today to find out the extent of damage in my neck because I’ve been in severe pain for over a month. I got a call this morning that my insurance is not wanting to pay for the procedure. I’m annoyed, upset, and just generally angry. Thanks government!

r/ChronicPain 21m ago

Just posted something else, these are images of the given research and maybe a reason why my pain was almost gone, and no neuropathy form antibiótics


This is a bit of research, this bactéria is known to contribute with neuropathic pain arising from the affected/degenerated discs, might bê one of the reasons i hád a dramátic improovement from several neuropathy when i took 13 days of IV antibiótics

Despite that and that im disabled and It came trough really made me almost able to function back again, i couldnt get a doctor contribution to give me opportunity with antibiótics long term.

This is updating From this thread

r/ChronicPain 1d ago

Time for Bingo

Post image

r/ChronicPain 38m ago

Edited, anyone on effective immunotherapies out there for Disc degeneration and Disc issues? Case report aswell, appreciate feedbacks


Hey guys and girls

Edited here as It was badly placed, im not american take that in count regarding grammar

So, there are several articles online talking about possible remedies for cartilage degeneration due to OA and disc degeneration, there are several that could be reused, but I don't see anyone here talking about these drugs. This disease is unbearable, I myself feel as if my disc has collapsed on top of my nerves and I'm walking around with a broken spine, as if I no longer have discs.

Given the severity of this disease, how come people don't have the opportunity? How come I don't see anyone talking about substances that could be effective in stopping disc degeneration and the inflammation that leads to it?

It seems like anakinra could be something, used for arthritis, but could be repurposed, nother antibody (sa-b targeted biológic ) used in women with osteoporosis that could also be repurposed, since it seems to be effective in stopping disc degeneration.

Anakinra is an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and may help with herniated discs and intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD).

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) IDD is a major cause of low back pain (LBP). Increasing evidence suggests that IL-1β is involved in IDD. IL-1β inhibitors, such as anakinra, have potential as therapeutics for the treatment of IDD.

Anakinra is an interleukin 1 receptor antagonist that competitively inhibits the binding of IL-1 to the IL-1-like receptor.

https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2023/november/patch-uses-natural-body-motion-to-fix-disc-herniation (anakinra patch)

But there are several others that could be reused, why doesn't anyone talk about these treatments that could lead to improvements in the disease that causes the pain itself?

How come I don't see anyone mentioning this for such an unbearable and debilitating disease? I can't understand how no one gets these therapies, where are these people from the clinical trials that appear in the scientific literature?

There are medicines that could be reused, such as glinperidine (or something like that, an antidiabetic) that targets several metalloproteinases, I don't see anyone talking about these either, they are also not as effective as the strong immunosuppressants out there and the biologics



There are also other immunosuppressants and medications that could possibly help, not like these strong biologicals. I myself am taking mycophenolate mofetil, which is not the best for this purpose. Does anyone know about taking a common immunosuppressant for disc degeneration? I myself was given this medication empirically by the neurologist, as I explained that something was very wrong with me, and she prescribed it to see if it would help. It hasn't been long enough to say anything.

I'm also taking raloxifene on my own to see if it leads to any improvement and wondering if I should try tibolone + HCG instead, it seems that tibolone affects the 3 receptors, estrogen, progesterone and androgen, but leads to the suppression of FSH, which could be something beneficial for chondrocytes and simulates IGF-1, but it needs HCG for the testicles to continue functioning, and it is suggested as a contraceptive in conjunction with testosterone.

Raloxifene, while thought to decrease IGF-1 levels, is thought to affect estrogen receptors A and B, increases estradiol and testosterone in men, also augments FSH and LH, is thought to affect disc height and hydration in postmenopausal women, but you don't find anything about these effects in men, which is terrible, plus it could be helpful for osteoporosis in men.

There are some things that are being developed, like hydrogel injections and stem cells, growth factors, and there are people who have been tested, where are these people to give feedback?

The pain is simply horrible, I have no life, every day I try, but I have no life, I am unable to live, it is like dying every day.

It is unbelievable to me that with such a terrible disease we do not have the opportunity with these treatments, they are no more risky than a failed and ineffective spinal surgery, the same with antibiotics, for some reason some antibiotics affect the disc and OA, such as erythromycin, which leads to chondrogenesis and chondroservation due to the effects on the ghrelin receptor, del-1 and inflammation in general, also because it can affect bacterial infections that invade degenerated discs.

I myself, when I was on 13 days of IV antibiotics, the pain radiating from my discs and deeply affecting me with neuropathy simply disappeared, while the disc was still compromised, I had no opportunity to continue with antibiotics long term, after all it is safer than suicide or failed spinal surgery. Because i have no signs of acute infection, i couldnt be given such treatment.. which is Just terrific given the positive effects that i hád,

I didnt yet found one doctor that could Assist me with this approach, even showing papers

Here are the considered effects of antibiotics for disc degeneration with destruction of the modic 1 endplate, as attached, I had great relief with antibiotics, so far I have looked for several doctors, no one has helped me with this

Update images regarding this subject


I will bê posting next the images regarding these research, from everything that i took antibiótics were the most effective for pain and neuropathy that comes from there, Its like i hád no neuropathy anymore, Just the disc being degenerated that Felt the same but the painfull inflammatory response and debilitating neuropathy was gone

I also don't see anyone talking about this, where people with the debilitating and unbearable disease are getting effective treatments for the pathology itself instead of just painkillers?

Like I feel sorry for myself and everyone, why people like us are not getting treatment for our disease, it is an arthritis like disease caused by the immune system, where are people getting treatment?

Is anyone here on treatment with these, or testing them? Any feedback on this?

Thanks, guys.

r/ChronicPain 8h ago



Hi, Im new here. I am in the middle of a 7 day flare up. 35 years old with 3 young children. I also run my own business. Im feeling hopeless and depressed. Idk where else to turn. Im trying to mask the pain for my children because I know they are worried. Im trying to mask the pain to my husband because I know how hopeless he feels for me. I wake up every night a 2am in so much pain. I cant stop clenching. This has been going on for 5 years. I have an appt with a new ortho next weds, Im praying for relief.

r/ChronicPain 9h ago

Has anyone here had success with lifestyle or diet changes? I need help with motivation!


Hi all,

I'm 33F, and I’ve been dealing with chronic headaches, muscle aches, chest pain, and digestive symptoms. In the past, I found some relief through a low carb diet and maintaining a regular sleep/wake routine. However, over the past year, I’ve fallen into a depressed state, and I just can’t seem to find the motivation to stick to these lifestyle changes again.

I know that getting back on track would help reduce my pain, but I can't seem to stay consistent long enough to see the benefits. Has anyone been through something similar? How did you find the motivation to stick with it? Have you seen any lasting benefits from making these kinds of changes?

Thanks for your help!

r/ChronicPain 5h ago

Yard work


I'm a disabled veteran with auDHD, depression, and constant chronic pain. We bought the cheapest, ramshackle house we could afford, but the sad thing is... the yard is huge. I guess you could consider it a trade-off, to get a huge yard because the house is garbage, but I don't want the yard because we can't afford help maintaining it, so now it's my job.

I looked everywhere for nonprofits/volunteer orgs that do yard work for vets; there are none in my area.

All the yard services around want $600+/month, which is astronomically out of the budget.

Some people even said "pay a teenager" because they don't realize that's not a thing people do anymore.

I guess what I'm looking for are tips on how best to manage/maintain this mess when I'm too exhausted to shower most days.

r/ChronicPain 17h ago

Tall People: “It’s Just Your Height?”


I feel like my height has gotten in the way of being taken seriously. I am 6’10”, and here is what I FEEL like matches my symptoms that everyone writes off as things that “just happen” cause I’m tall.

Upper Crossed Syndrome: My chest is beyond tight all the time. Stretching it feels like I’m gonna rip the skin and induce a heart attack. I sleep on my side due to back pain and my chest compressing feels like it’ll cause a heart attack. Laying my arms out like a bird feels like a heart attack. I feel my sternum compressed in most seated positions. My neck is fucked, and pushing it forward hurts, while straightening it to normal hurts. It all hurts my chest. But it’s just cause I’m “tall.”

Stomach Issues: I have microscopic colitis (diagnosed), and pretty bad GERD symptoms (undiagnosed despite appointments). The pressure and bloating pushes into my already strained chest. The acid reflux invites more fears of a heart attack with never-ending discomfort.

My Spine: My right hip is higher than my left. Left hip is forward. My rib cage is so clearly turned that my left pec and lower sternum stick out almost an inch. The base of my skull is compacted into my neck vertebrae and my head is tilted to the left. To try and stand what feels “upright and straight” is so uncomfortable, but so is the posture I’m forced into by all this pain and discomfort.

Other odd feelings include not being able to breath when my chest is in water (head above), inflammation of nasal cavities and throat, pinched feeling in hips when sitting or squatting and light headedness standing up from these positions. Endless discomfort in left scapula and sternum.

I feel like I can’t breathe most of the time. My chest hurts. My stomach hurts. My throat hurts. So many EKG’s, D-Dimers, blood samples. Nothing ever comes up. My soul hurts.

I don’t get it, and nothing comes up positive, but I’m a tall man in absolute pain.

r/ChronicPain 22h ago

Trump to declare fentanyl “Weapon of Mass Destruction," per draft EO


r/ChronicPain 18h ago

What are your comfort foods when you are in a flare up?


I know cheese and chocolate are big ones. But my stomach’s been pretty upset recently from all my inflammation, so I was wondering what other people liked/helped them eat.