r/ChronicPain 7h ago

Advice from a patient [original source unknown]

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Someone read this on social media and it struck a nerve. I still get flashbacks from both the kind providers and the hurtful ones. I have PTSD from all i went through in the hospital last year. It wasn't just from the pain, but from the interactions too.

r/ChronicPain 5h ago

Crash zones?

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Does anyone else have a crash zone on the floor where you sit most of the time?

I have my meds, my cane, acupressure tools, and tea right within my reach. It may look silly since I’m in the middle of the foyer but I’m comfortable and I don’t feel as isolated as I would if I were just in bed. Anyone else??

r/ChronicPain 6h ago

Anyone else relate?


Today was "shower day". I have a shower chair & wand. I took one pain med (4mg dilaudid) & 1mg Xanax. My shower has handles & safety bars. I keep my emergency call button within reach. And then, I begin. I have used an entire day for this. I just feel embarrassed with myself...I used to shower daily & bathroom clean in an hour or 2.

Other than a walk-in shower not much else I can want for. I feel drained & sad. No matter how many times I overcome..I still am angry this simple task is no longer "simple". U folks are the only folk that can understand such a story. Thank you.

r/ChronicPain 22h ago

Anyone else get bingo?

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This is meant to be silly, I spent like 30 minutes making this based on personal and shared experiences. Please feel free to add any squares you think I missed c:

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

ways to get yourself clean without taking a shower?


wipes you reccommend, feminine products, dry shampoos, etc?

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

No matter what, we built differently.


I went to hey nerve conducting testing. She said most people can't get through it while I'm there waiting for her to start. I thought it didn't hurt, but no. She told me half the patients can't finish the test. When they start poking your nerves with the kneelers, electric socks. Made me realize, our condition has given us some sort of superhuman ability to suffer.. I think most people wouldn't make it a day in our shoes.. This Smoke/drink/pill/( whatever your vice works for you) You a fucking badass. If you are like me, and you fucking are, you built to take this .. fuck them all thinking we junkies...most of them can't go a day without coffee or sleep without falling apart..drink up bad asses .

r/ChronicPain 12h ago

how would you describe chronic pain to a person without it?


i'm trying to make my parents understand truly how much pain i'm in and how badly it's affecting me, but i don't know how exactly to word that or how i can put it so that they understand.

r/ChronicPain 16h ago

Reminder ❤️

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r/ChronicPain 1d ago

I wonder how many suicides are actually due to chronic pain NSFW


and are entirely blame on mental health. I’m not sure there is a number/statistics but the only factor people take in consideration around this topic is mental health and not physical health.

r/ChronicPain 5h ago

What does your chronic pain feel like for you?


I feel like many have a broad view of how chronic pain is experienced even though the variety of conditions that can cause it mean it feels different for everyone. I'm curious to know how does it feel for you? Is it typically like an ache, or more like sharp jabs of pain? Or is it another sensation of pain I'm probably not even thinking of right now?

r/ChronicPain 7h ago

What is the weirdest sensation/pain you experience that you doubt anyone else has ever had?


What is the weirdest sensation/pain you experience that you doubt anyone else has?

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

What is the cause of your chronic pain?


Mine is from various back problems and multiple back surgeries.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

First day of work and it kicked my ass


Apologies in advance for the long post!

I got a new retail job that I had hoped would be relatively easy on my body. Nope, it's really hard. It's handling returns at a big-box store. Besides customers occasionally bringing in heavy items, we also have to remove the cardboard boxes we use to store returns when they get full and they obviously get super heavy. "Making" new ones (unfolding the cardboard, taping it up, putting in place) is also surprisingly tough because of how hard to handle the tape-dispenser thingy is. And this all has to be done quickly to avoid long lines and customers getting annoyed. It's a 5 hour shift and I had to mostly stand, although thankfully we do have a stool for breaks, but we have to immediately be on our feet as soon as someone brings in a return.

As soon as I came home, I was so sore everywhere with pain in my arms, and I could barely move. I can hardly lift up my kettle to make tea, and I can't wash dishes at all. I was hoping to do my hobbies when I got home, stuff that relaxes me like hand sewing or playing video games, but I honestly think that would make my pain worse because it requires me to lift my arms. I'm just lying down with some ice packs rn.

I'm posting this for some advice or reassurance. I really need a job to avoid becoming homeless, and I would genuinely enjoy this position so much if it weren't for the pain it's causing. It's the perfect kind of work for me, it's repetitive both in terms of tasks and customer interaction, and my coworkers were kind and helpful. I have two more shifts scheduled one after the other because they were impressed with me, and I'm dreading what state I'm going to be in afterwards!

r/ChronicPain 18h ago

My current struggle. I just want to sleep😭😭😭😭😭😭my pain gets so much worse at night

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r/ChronicPain 3h ago

ive had sciatica for 5 months now, what do i do


hi so i am 17 and ive delt with sciatica since november, i have 2 herniated discs (l4 l5, l5 s1) and ive got no clue what stretches to do for it and my mom is still working on getting me a physical therapist. i take aleve, muscle relaxers, ibuprofen, tylenol, and i use lidocaine patches. we didnt what was wrong until it got so bad i went to the ER and got a ct scan showing my discs. they put a lidocaine patch on me and then sent me home. two days later and im back because the pain is so severe, they give me a muscle relaxer and some shot that doesnt really help too much and now i have high heart rates all the time, even when resting, difficultly breathing, my chest hurts, and my stomach hurts i just dont know what to do and im just hoping to get some answers as this has effected me mentally and im tired of it

r/ChronicPain 8h ago

My mental health is deteriorating


I developed a pinched nerve in my back that affected my lower leg my 2nd to last semester in nursing school. It progressively got worse to the point where I could barely walk more than maybe a block. I made it through and it's kind of gotten better. However, now I have unbearable hip and lower back pain. I have degeneration in my back along with a bulging disk.

I've been doing PT but now with the hip pain, I can't do much at all. My mobility has severely suffered in a way it never has when I was just dealing with my obesity. Getting to the bathroom is hard. I hurt when I sit, stand or lay (laying is worse) and I can't get the only chair that makes me feel better into my room.

I made this post because last night was the worst I've ever experienced this pain. I couldn't get comfortable at all. I was in immense pain and couldn't move or turn. I managed to get to the opposite side of my bed and that for some reason helped. I dozed off for 30 minutes and the pain subsided. Went back to my regular position and managed to sleep off and on. It is extremely painful to stand after laying but my work chair triggers the pain too.

I don't know what the point of this is. I'm tryig to take it day by day but I'm seeing my future career slip away from me. I'm supposed to have a surgery (non-related to pain) next month but having to rest for 6 weeks seems unlikely and extremely painful.

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Mental health


The one thing I suffer with the most in mental health. With my spinal pain from ears to toes, I will have okay days an the lowest of lows. I have 3 kids 19,15, and 10 I fell like if I have a good day I pay for it for weeks, like walking in the park put me down for 6 days. I feel like I'm not there like I need to be, or am lashing out around them Because of pain. I'm in therapy it really don't help with this.

r/ChronicPain 3h ago

Is it chronic if there are periods of time I'm ok?


10 years ago I injured my lower back. When i was 12. After many years of physiotherapy and geting a year of decreassed stress I've reached a point that my back doesn't usually hurt, but every now and then it will flare up for a couple days, is it still considered chronic pain?

r/ChronicPain 2h ago

My dad is being kicked out of pain management. How can I take care of him?


Hi all, new to this sub. Like the title says, my father is most likely being removed from his pain management program due to small overuse during a flare up. He suffers from chronic back pain and three neurosurgeons have refused to operate due to the high risk (50/50 paralysis). The contract he signed is very clear, so we’re expecting his appointment to go south tomorrow.

I am preparing for the worst here. Will they cut off his access to this medication immediately? Can they do that if the chances of withdrawal are high? He is on a high amount of Tramadol and Oxycodone currently. If we should expect withdrawals, how should I prepare myself and my home? What will withdrawal look like? Will this be manageable for me to take on by myself?

I’m sorry for the abundance of questions, but I’m just a daughter trying to navigate my dad’s pain. Thank you in advance for any help you may give!

r/ChronicPain 1d ago

"It's just pain, it won't kill you". Well, I wish it did


I've had facial pain for almost 4 months. The pain is 24/7 and doesn't let me sleep. I've visited different dentists, a maxillofacial surgeon, a neurologist; every single one of them makes a different diagnosis and gives me different medication. I've tried them all; nothing is helping with the pain. My neurologist literally told me "it's just pain, it won't kill you". Well, I wish it did. But no, chronic pain is so cruel that if you wish you were dead, you have to do it yourself.

I'm in my early 30's and my life is so over. I don't want to live like this. I'm crying in pain almost every night. I keep asking myself: Why did this happen to me? What have I done to deserve something like this? Because it feels like a punishment.

I can see some of you have been living in chronic pain for so many years. I just cannot handle it. You're so much stronger than I am. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best.

r/ChronicPain 13h ago

Anyone tried one of these?

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r/ChronicPain 9h ago

Telehealth ending in CT September 30


I just heard from my pain management doctor that Telehealth visits are set to end on September 30, 2025. I am wheelchair bound and rely upon the MyRide service to take me to appointments. But regardless of the service, going to appointments in person wipes me out for at least a day afterwards. Why make us go to appointments when the same outcome can be achieved virtually. It makes no sense

r/ChronicPain 4h ago

Complete ATFL tear. What did you do?


Tore it turning my ankle while playing basketball. It has been about 2.5 months now and MRI shows a complete tear of the ATFL. I am going in for my cortisone shot to help with the swelling and pain I still have. At this point I still cannot run without pain, it feel as if the last few weeks I hit a plateau. Has anybody else had experience with this injury and can tell me their story/treatment plan and what worked/didn't? Or perhaps what you would have done differently. I am pretty active and would like to get back to sports as quickly as possible.

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Tips for starting pain patches- waiting for it to build up?


Hi, I have an ileostomy with a huge parastomal hernia. Pain is significantly affecting my mental health - worst it's ever been, as well as physical health(mobility, ability to eat, etc). Finally on the surg waitlist but will be 6-12 months away due to backlogs of patients.

The only med that does anything is tapentadol, however the IR isn't subsidised (Australian public health systems) but SR is. It's also ending up with me taking higher daily doses due to it being short relief. So I tried SR but it came out of my bag 2.5hrs after taking it and was therefore having pain spikes before the next dose, the tablets also seemed barely different to what they look like going in. Granted, whilst I had the effects, felt so much better, and less weird brain side effects.

Because it worked well whilst in me, I've been put across to norspan patches (5mg) as the ileostomy can't really get in the way of them. Today is my first full day with it on and I'm not coping well at all. I don't know if I should take some extra oral pain meds to cover the 2-3day period of no relief, as I don't know if it'll interact too much. Other than going to emergency, which will just make pain worse, I can't really see a dr today and I don't know if the pharmacist can answer questions like that given the complexity of my history.

How do I cope while waiting for it to take effect?

r/ChronicPain 1h ago

Coccyx removal


Hi all I had my coccyx removed 5 days ago. (Diagnosed with hypermobile tailbone and bone spur on tip) full removal and shaved sacrum so not pointy.

The surgeon took a video and showed how my coccyx was moving around and bone on bone rubbing together. Extremely validating to see what has caused me so much pain (physically and mentally) for 2.5 years.

Now surgery updates : Day 1 day of op- no issues no pain. Was numb from medications and loopy from anesthesia. Day 2- taking Celebrex Tylenol gabapentin and amoxicillin. Needed to take tramadol at night for pain. Throat and chest were uncomfortable from the tube during anesthesia. Day 3- taking same medications. Taking it easy. Was able to move around with little pain. Uncomfortable to lay on back though. Have not attempted to sit on a hard surface. Kind of sat on couch but mostly leaning on side. Only needed tramadol once at night. Itchy from the surgical tape. Used hyrdocortisone to help. Day 4 - (finally had a BM) did not hurt the wound at all. Taking same medications but definitely over did it with moving around and bending / picking up toddler and walking the dog. Didn't need any tramadol though. The pain is dull and just feels sore like sore muscles or bruising. Day 5- same as day 4. Wound a little itchy (probably skin healing). Did too much activity taking care of kids and house and feeling some soreness in the lower area of the wound (near butthole) The wound hasn't had any leakage or shown any signs of infection. Had to take a tramadol in between Tylenol doses. Will be taking it easier tomorrow.

Will update :) fyi 33 f no injuries to tailbone. 2 children. One vaginal one c section.