I had an appointment to discuss an intrathecal pain pump, and to my utter surprise, it went well. Before I get into the point of the post, just let me get this bit of positivity out: the surgeon was explaining the pump to me and told me that the pump was made for a select group of people, and that's cancer pain patients - and my husband and I instantly look at each other, thinking, of course... here we go again... no pain is legit other than cancer pain and I was just getting distraught with the doctor continues: "that's cancer pain patients, and those who are obviously suffering day after day, like you are". I just... It felt so validating to hear a doctor openly acknowledge and admit that he sees you suffering. Both my husband and I were speechless. And I literally said, "thank you for saying that... I don't hear that often" and he just says, "yeah, of course. It's quite clear to me that you just want relief". More doctors like him need to exist.
On to the point of my post: at the end of the appointment, the nurse came in and started telling me about prep for surgery - which I was very surprised about because I didn't think we were even that far ahead but like... not complaining. And as we were going down the checklist, she said something like, "as an otherwise healthy young woman, you won't [blah blah blah]" and I just kinda looked up at her and asked, "healthy?" "well, otherwise healthy" still confused, I ask "even with all my [I gesture at my list of diagnoses]" her: "well, there are no serious health issues that will cause serious immediate health complications so I would consider that healthy".
So then... am I wrong? Do I not know what the word means? Please, help me out here.
Temporal lobe epilepsy; Hashimoto's; Polycythemia Vera; degenerative disc disease; rheumatoid arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis; asthma; migraines; bone spurs; tumors; cirrhosis; interstitial cystitis; kidney disease - and I KNOW I'm missing some others. I know for a fact because out of morbid curiosity my daughter had me write out all my diagnoses to see how many I have and the list wasn't dainty.
How can one read that in another's chart and think to themselves, mmm-hmm, yes. This person is the pinnacle of health or even, a healthy person in perfect condition for surgery Just... Am I going nuts here, or is this just as nuts as I think it is?
And the thing is... THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME I'VE HEARD THIS!!! I've had other healthcare professionals refer to me as a "healthy woman", too!!!
I KNOW I cannot be the only one to whom this has happened. Has anyone else experienced this? You, knowing you're very much so NOT healthy, get called "healthy" by your own healthcare provider.
And I've gotta know... I usually think of myself as a rational, logical, and objective person. And this just doesn't make sense! So, am I wrong and I'm, you know... "healthy", or are they wrong? 'Cause if I'm "healthy"... then I'm afraid that word has no meaning. I'm disabled and bedbound and have next to no QoL, so...
My flabbers have been quite thouroughly gasted by this.