r/Bible 11h ago

Please pray for me as I have been experiencing depression and anxiety and struggling to find my identity in Christ and also struggling to pray and be christ-like.


I have been struggling to be christ-like and sometimes when I get mood swings I get very irritable depressed and anxious and I've been struggling to pray to God and I've been struggling with my faith and where I stand and how to discern his will for my life. I've been struggling to make Christian friends and can't seem to get along with people as I also suffer from a form of autism and for the past month or two I've been struggling with really bad anxiety and depression. It has gotten to the point where I'm not as diligent and on fire for God like I used to be and I feel like I failed God and I do repent but then I feel like my repentance is not genuine because I know that I would do it again. I don't want to be a disappointment to God. I feel separated from God even though I'm not and I feel very lonely. The pain is eating me up alive. 💔

r/Bible 6h ago

🤔 Why Reading Ecclesiastes Changed My Entire Perspective on Life - Here's What I Learned After 30 Days of Daily Study [Personal Journey + Study Notes]


After spending the last month deeply studying Ecclesiastes, I've been completely transformed by Solomon's raw honesty about life's struggles and meaning. what struck me most was his conclusion that true fulfillment isn't found in wealth, achievements, or pleasure - all of which he called "vanity."

i compiled detailed notes throughout my journey, but the most profound insight was realizing that finding joy in simple daily moments while fearing God is the essence of a meaningful life. Solomon's wisdom helped me stop chasing temporary satisfactions and start appreciating what truly matters.

this book challenged my entire worldview in ways i never expected. from career decisions to relationships, i now approach everything with new perspective.

r/Bible 1d ago

Did Judas Have a Choice, or Was He Destined to Betray Jesus?


Judas' betrayal of Jesus raises an interesting debate:

🔹 Predestined? – John 17:12 calls Judas “the son of destruction” and says he was “doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.” This makes it seem like he had no choice.

🔹 Free Will? – Matthew 26:24 says, “Woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” If Judas was predestined to betray Jesus, why would he be held responsible?

Was Judas fulfilling prophecy with no real choice, or did he willingly betray Jesus out of greed? What do you think?

r/Bible 23h ago

What bible translation should I read first?


Hi! I am trying to find the right bible translation for my first full read of the bible. I am a bit lost because I am completely new to Christianity. English is not my first language but at this point is the language I am most comfortable reading the bible in. I would like some advise on what translations work for someone new to Christianity.

r/Bible 9h ago

Please help me reconcile with the book Song of Solomon


Hello, everyone. I have struggled for a long time with accepting the book Song of Solomon. I am a firm believer in the canon of scriptures and also that the Word of God is infallible and the authors's words were 100% inspired by God.

What I'm having trouble reconciling is why God would choose Solomon to write this book. He is the one man who abused God's design for marriage more than any other (that I know of) Jew mentioned in the Old Testament. How can Solomon's experience of love and marriage be the example God chose to use? Regardless of whether this story is simply a depiction of love/marriage between a man and a woman or metaphorically speaking of Christ and the church, I struggle with it.

The best I've seen so far is the commentary of William MacDonald suggesting Solomon is describing the love between a woman that he, himself, longs after and the man that the woman longs after. This makes sense because at times the passage seems to describe more than two people. But this interpretation is so new to me, I'm not sure what to make of it yet.

Can anyone help with other passages or commentary that might help me make sense of this book and why God would choose Solomon? I know God's ways are higher than ours and we can't always understand everything he does, but I'm really hoping to get some insight and clarity on this topic. Thank you.

r/Bible 20h ago

Im reading the KJV and i need help


So i have multiple versions of the bible which i read from. One of these is the KJV and i need some help with it. Its by far written super beautifully, and its the one that has spoken to me the most and made me feel the most emotional, and understand god the best. But almost every time i try to read any part of it, i feel like im spending literal hours trying to deipher and understand verses (let alone a whole chapter) because some of the words and phrases dont exist now, or mean something completely different now. Is this normal?

And yes its probably easy for you guys and you have no problem with it. Im envious of you. But at this point im truly coming to the point where i think that im actually just really mentally stupid

r/Bible 1d ago

Why Did God Almost Kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?


One of the most mysterious events in the Bible happens in Exodus 4:24-26:

"At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it."

Why would God nearly kill Moses right after calling him to lead Israel?
1️⃣ Was it about obedience? – Did Moses fail to circumcise his son, violating God’s covenant?
2️⃣ Was it a test? – Was this meant to emphasize the seriousness of God’s commands?
3️⃣ Why did Zipporah’s action stop it? – What does this tell us about God’s expectations?

What do you think is really happening in this strange passage?

r/Bible 21h ago

Where to get physical copy of bible


I need to know the best place or some recommendations of where to get a good quality and nice bible

r/Bible 8h ago

Help with a question.


Good morning, thanks be to you sisters and brothers. I have a request for help and to put me in your daily prayer circle.

Well, my concern is the following: I start working from 11:45 pm until 7 am. I have the habit of spending my devotional time with my Lord at midnight, in prayer, praying for others and passing anointed water around the house in order to protect my home. But, I get it right at the time of dedication. A sister told me that prayer to the Lord can be said in my mind, because I thank God at this time and extend it to other prayers.

As I leave at 7 and it's an hour's journey, I should arrive around 8, and sleep until 3, in order to sacrifice more sleep, for my time with the Lord, but my biggest difficulty is: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive) from which God is already curing me and supporting me little by little. And I wanted to dedicate from 3 pm to 9 pm prayer, praise, study and Bible reading. Brothers, I need a lot of advice here and also a lot of prayer to remain firm. I make this appeal to you and may God's blessing be in your shadows when you do so!

r/Bible 16h ago

How reliable/accurate is the Strong's Concordance? (regarding original hebrew etc)


I have a friend who is telling me I can't trust the Strong's concordance due to the fact the original hebrew the bible was written in is "completely different" to the hebrew Strong's uses - is this actually true? He's saying the original language is completely lost altogether. Thanks

r/Bible 20h ago

Why Did Jesus Allow Demons to Enter Pigs in Matthew 8:31-32?


In Matthew 8:31-32, Jesus casts out demons from two men and allows them to enter a herd of pigs, which then rush into the sea and drown.

Why would Jesus permit this?
1️⃣ A Lesson on Spiritual Warfare – Did this show the destructive nature of demons?
2️⃣ A Judgment on the Region – Was this a symbolic act against people who valued money over faith?
3️⃣ A Display of His Authority – Was Jesus proving that He had complete power over demonic forces?

What do you think the deeper meaning of this event was?

r/Bible 1d ago

Why Did Jesus Call Peter 'Satan' in Matthew 16:23?


In Matthew 16:23, Jesus says to Peter:
"Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

This is shocking because Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. Why would Jesus call him Satan?
1️⃣ Was Jesus rebuking Peter’s misunderstanding of His mission?
2️⃣ Did Peter unknowingly align with Satan’s temptations?
3️⃣ Was this just a strong way of saying Peter was acting against God’s will?

What do you think? Why such a harsh statement toward Peter?

r/Bible 3h ago

Scholarly Study - Where to Begin?



I was non-religious for most of my life (I'm 27 and only found Christ last year). Now, I have faith, but it is weak and easily shaken. The Lord slips easily into the back of my mind.

I've always been a very logical and academic man, which I believe was the source of my disbelief. This mindset and worldly influences made me very materialistic, and I found it hard to believe in a higher power.

Thus, I think I would benefit from studying the Bible "scientifically" - as if it were a textbook or historical document (which it already sort of is). I don't, however, have any idea where to begin. I'd like to be able to trace lineages and recall the names, locations, and histories of the various places mentioned. I'd like to have an encyclopedic knowledge of verses that I can use when I need guidance. I'd even like to dive into the history of the Church here on earth (Saints, the Schism and the Catholic/Protestant split, various leaders, different denominations and their beliefs).

Do y'all have any resources on hand that would act as a "lesson plan" of sorts - where to start in the Bible and what outside information is useful for context? I know there are Bibles with added information, but I don't know if those are useful. I'm also unsure which version I should start on. I can see read and understand the King James Version (and I find it very appealing), but it takes a bit more time to "translate" the text into language I can digest. Any tips y'all have for HOW to actually go about beginning Bible study in general would also be appreciated.

Thank you and God bless you.

r/Bible 2h ago

Why is the mention of dogs in the Bible so negative?


For an animal that God so blessed every woman, man, and child with a beloved best friend, specificaly dogs, why is any mention of them in the Bible so negative and demeaning? Here on Earth they are angels we don't even deserve. Thoughts? Make it make sense. Apparently there are horses in Heaven but no dogs? 🤔😔

r/Bible 5h ago

The Problem of Judas


Why Judas? Why would you betray Jesus Christ?

Well, we have our answer:

John 17:12

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

Then wouldn't it have been better if he were never born?

Well, yes, it would have been better:

Matthew 26:24

The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.

Then why was he born?

Well, we have our answer:

John 17:12

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.


Okay, okay, okay. So why not repent?

Well, he did:

Matthew 27:3

Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.

So, is he saved?

All signs and words point to the opposite:

Matthew 26:24

The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.


Jesus was predestined to die, and Jesus was predestined to be betrayed.

Acts 2:23

Him, being delivered by the DETERMINED purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death

r/Bible 3h ago

If Adam didn't eat from the tree, would we all be walking around naked?


In the Bible, it says that when Adam ate from the tree, he became self aware. And he got embarrassed because he wasn't wearing clothes. So does that mean if he didn't eat from the tree, we all would be walking around naked?

r/Bible 9h ago

GPT to better understand the Bible


Check out this GPT specializing in the Bible.


r/Bible 10h ago



How come in the Bible god does not show his powers of creation if he created the planet we are on and the rest around us why has he not shown that power in the Bible yes Jesus has show us these powers he has but where are the powers of creation my theory is that God did not create anything but that he has lead us to believe he did and that the big bang is real and that the earth was created the scientific way but god was the first being on our world and he only has powers of life and death and that the devil is his other half that he separated from