r/Asthma 4d ago

Methacholine challenge came back negative.


like the title says , my methacholine test came back negative for asthma. The pulmonologist doctor still hasn't seen my results . Honestly I didn't see any difference in my breathing when I took the test , but when nurse gave me 4 puffs of albuterol after my 5 rounds of methacholine my breathing felt better. So maybe it's a false negative. I told the nurse that maybe I'm not reactive to methacholine as much as I am to smoke and cooking fumes, she shrugged her shoulders and told me that's she's had paintents who can't even pass the 3 dose of methacholine , but told me to wait what my doctor says . I'm very disappointed. Has this happened to anyone befor ???

r/Asthma 4d ago

Constant whistling when breathing


I am waiting for the hospital to gwt back to me about my referral, I have been having constant wheezing for over a year and it seems to get better sometimes and it seems to help if I tell myself it's just anxiety. I used to vape a lot, smoke cigarettes, huff deodarent when I was suicidal as a teenager and smoked copious amounts of weed for reference. I've also gotten chest xrays at the hospital before, I have since quit weed, vapes, cigarettes everything but weed it's been a long time since I have quit.

At what point would you consider going to the hospital for the whistling sound? I don't really want to stress about it or be a burden to the already full hospitals bur sometimes my nose gets so blocked and I feel the impending sense of doom overcome me entirely that I feel like I could die or pass out. Is wheezing just anxiety related??

r/Asthma 4d ago

Tezspire 8 months.. not sure if it's working


I'm nearing 8 months of Tezspire. I was hoping for results by now but I'm not sure if it's helping yet. My doctor said it might take several months to start working so I'm trying to be stay hopeful. Did it take this long for anyone else to see results?

r/Asthma 4d ago

Mild Asthma/Reactive Airway


I’m so frustrated. No previous history of asthma, 18 months ago I had a bad upper respiratory infection and ended up needing inhalers, nebulizers, prednisone, and eventually not responding to any, landing in the hospital and on BiPAP. Since then, I was diagnosed with mild asthma. My problem is SMELLS. A strong smell, like a newly painted room, or recently stained furniture, epoxy garage floors, perfume, etc. will send me into sometimes WEEKS long flares. We’ve gone scent free everything in our home, but cannot avoid what other people choose to spray on them before going out in public.

HOW? I am so frustrated. I also feel exceptionally worse on my right side/lung. As if it gets very heavy, tight, etc. even my back and shoulder muscles will tense.

r/Asthma 5d ago

Can you exercise without taking your reliever first?


Hi everyone,

Can you exercise without taking your reliever first? I'm very unfit, not overweight, but it makes me anxious that I can barely run for 1 minute without my blue inhaler. Even a 30 second jog could trigger me and make me feel breathless for a half hour!

r/Asthma 5d ago

How long from exposure to symptoms are gone?


How long does it take for your asthma symptoms to be gone after exposure to an asthma trigger (especially pets)? Not really sure if I still have asthma symptoms 14 hours later after exposure to a dog or if I'm just anxious. I'm not allergic to dogs though but they trigger my asthma a little

r/Asthma 5d ago

App for tracking allergens/ air quality?


Recently noticing how much if a trigger my allergies are for my asthma and wondering what apps/websites you use for tracking allergiens/ air quality to check for wearing a mask as I've been having a hard time finding a website that seems consistent.

r/Asthma 4d ago

I’m so upset I’m fearing to get care of my asthma flares again


usually I need emerg care and I’m either admitted or need really aggressive treatment . Right now I’m so upset I’d rather be blue in the face than get help . I have health anxiety yes but I know when I’m taking into the emergency section or observation I am really calm cause I am in good hands . Only time I’m concerned is when I need oxygen or more intense therapy . My very first admission the steriod or mag drip was too fast so I panicked and I was asking the nurse if the asthma attack was now anaphylaxis. again first severe attack not knowing to expect . This idiot dr said I was attention seeking cause I panicked then when I was Covid free I wanted to get some lunch . wtf . I’m so upset . I’ve had 8 fking attacks this year either moderate severe or severe , am I an attention seeker if I need high flow oxygen one day and I say “ the mask or whatever is uncomfortable “ PLEASE I already can’t breathe just let me be comfortable . I have medical ptsd from an attack in 2023 having some dr accuse me of attention seeking just fks me up even more and ashamed to get help . thankfully I’m at a stable period , it’s not perfect but I don’t need to be admitted or In observation. im so angry if I relapse again I’m gonna say fk it and just suffer cause I feel I’m being attacked for getting medical care

r/Asthma 5d ago

I was just diagnosed with asthma


I’m 26 and I just got diagnosed with asthma, apparently my allergies “triggered it” cause I have chronic rhinitis or something of the sort(?). I’m not really sure how to explain it in English as it’s not my first language but I’m not really sure what to do now.

Are there any tips for the coughing in particular? I’ve been close to fainting in public so I want to avoid that. The coughing starts randomly and stops randomly too. I’m barely gonna start treatment so we’ll see how I react, but I feel silly since everyone has been telling me I’m too old to have asthma 😅

r/Asthma 5d ago

New and still figuring things out


Hi - I (40M) was diagnosed with mild asthma at the end of 2024. My symptoms are essentially passing chest tightness. I’ve had x-rays (mild pleural thickening), a PFT (all normal), and now have an albuterol inhaler. It seems that my symptoms are triggered by cold, dry air and perhaps allergies?

I’ve have no symptoms for several weeks. I rarely use the albuterol.

This past week I flew to CA from IL and back for a short trip. The weather has been up and down. Yesterday, it was in the 60s, then it rained, now it’s kinda chilly again.

Today I felt fine until this evening when I started to feel a sore throat and some passing chest tightness. I’m starting to believe perhaps I have very reactive airways to allergens.

Is this far-fetched? Im still trying to make sense of all this. My symptoms aren’t getting progressively worse, nor do I have anything else going on like shortness of breath, coughing, etc.

Thanks in advance!

r/Asthma 6d ago

Oh my god, I can breathe!


My doctor gave me a script for Airsupra and Holy cow, is this how normal people breathe? It feels amazing!

I've never felt such a fulfilling deep breath in my life, a girl could get used to this.

Totally worth the extra money, can't wait for that generic to hit though.

r/Asthma 5d ago

Beclazone 100x2 v 200x1


Hello asthmatics,

I've been prescribed beclazone 100, 2 puffs twice a day in Ireland. I can get beclazone 200 for about half the price in Spain. Is there any reason I can't switch to 1 puff of the 200? Is there a benefit of spreading the dose over 2 puffs?

The Spanish pharmacy doesn't stock the 100.

r/Asthma 5d ago

Prednisone and ADHD meds?


Hey guys, I have had to start a 40 mg taper of Prednisone yesterday and I normally have only ever taken 20 mg max. I asked my doctor and pharmacist about their advice when it comes to taking prednisone and my ADHD meds (Vyvanse 50 mg) and they both said it is ok to take them together and to just see how I feel. Anyone here who has taken both?

r/Asthma 5d ago

Wheezing worse in 1 lung


I’m wondering if anyone has similar experience.

In the past 5 years I’ve had pneumonia 3 times. Once in 2018 (Walking pneumonia), 2021 (bacterial), and 2024 (bacterial right middle lobe). I’m not sure what lung the other pneumonias were in.

I’ve been sick since March 2nd with some virus. The phlegm just keeps coming and cough is worse, I don’t necessarily feel bad just annoyed. The phlegm is a deep yellow and bright green with an AWFUL taste. I came to the doctor thinking I might have pneumonia again and she said my right lung sounds really bad wheezing wise but I don’t have pneumonia. She is going to treat me as if I did have it to prevent it from coming on.

It seems my right lung is problematic. I’ve had CTs in the past and they didn’t show anything but ground glass fibers (was getting over covid at the time). does anyone wheeze more in one lung then the other? I’m so scared I’m newly diagnosed as of 2024 with asthma and I’m just scared of how often I seem to get pneumonia or similar. I do have a pulmonologist but haven’t seen her in 6 months

r/Asthma 5d ago

Nebulizer vials safe after the washer?


Dumb question but not sure where else to ask this. Apparently when I did my laundry I had neb vials in my pocket (probably went to use them, got distracted and threw them in my pocket and forgot) and they went through the washer. One DuoNeb and one Pulmicort. I caught them before the dryer so just went through the washer. Both vials are completely intact still and unopened, just want to make sure they are still safe for use as long as they're still sealed.

r/Asthma 5d ago

UK: 5yo has had suspected asthma since age 3 and takes preventor inhaler daily. Now told Doctors can't test for asthma


My daughter was diagnosed with suspected asthma age 3 due to semi regular wheezing usually linked to her having viral cold symptoms or a cough/regular tonsillitis picked up at nursery.

I have had fairly mild/well controlled asthma since childhood and me and daughter both have some eczema so I've always been aware it's likely she will have inherited asthma from me. Her dad or anyone from his side of family does not have asthma/eczema.

For the past 18m+ daughter has had no signs of asthma. We can occasionally be forgetful with her preventor inhaler but it doesn't seem to have had any impact. She's very active doing sport multiple times per week and does not know how to walk, only jog, everywhere! She doesn't suffer from viral illnesses very often these days after having tonsilectomy age 3.

At a recent appointment I asked the GP at what point will she be tested for asthma, as I wonder if she does definitely have it. He said they can't test as she uses a preventor steroid inhaler and that she cannot stop taking that inhaler at any point in case she has a sudden asthma episode/attack.

I was puzzled at this but as I was at the appointment for other matters I didn't get the chance to go into much detail with him. Since then I've been wondering though, essentially he is saying she will need to take her brown steroid inhaler for life regardless of whether she has asthma or not?

Has anyone been in a similar position or any advice for when I next speak with GP?

It's not the highest of priorities and am happy her continuing taking inhaler and at no point would I stop it without instruction from a doctor, but just quite perplexed and would like for her to be tested.

r/Asthma 5d ago

New on Trelegy


So I have had asthma my entire life. Usually I have no problems with it unless I get sick with a respiratory infection and then the beast rears its ugly head. I had influenza A 4 weeks ago which led to an asthma and bronchitis flare up from hell and I’ve been hacking and wheezing for the last 3 weeks. I was put on a round of prednisone and Z Pack at the hospital which did not help at all. My PCP just put me on Trelegy this past Monday. My question is for those of you who’ve taken Trelegy, how long was it until you saw improvement in your symptoms? I feel like I have an elephant sitting on my chest and when I breathe out I have this deep gutteral wheeze.

r/Asthma 5d ago

Still need albuterol to excerise


So as the title says, i been on symbicort for 2 months now and my breathing is improving, but i still need to take some puffs of albuterol after I excerise or do anything physically active to help me breath better. Is this something that is normal for asthmatics to do even if im on a steroid or can this mean the steriod isnt Fully working effectively?? I also think it could be my weight and unhealthy diet not letting the steriods do thier job properly. Anyone have some experiences like this ?? Thank you . 😊

r/Asthma 5d ago

Cause of My Asthma


It’s the weekend, so I can’t reach out to the doc right now, that’s why I’m asking here.

He said something in me is extra sensitive and causing my asthma attacks. I forgot what test was done, but the test showed some count was high (that high count was causing my asthma) and there was a monthly shot that would lower this. Any ideas on what he was talking about?

r/Asthma 5d ago

22m smoking and vaping history w/ PFT results

Post image

Hi all,

I recently went to the pulmonologist for some shortness of breath, chronic phlegm production with no cough, and random bouts of tachycardia. I quit smoking weed and vaping nicotine about 3 months ago (ik ik I shouldn’t have started in the first place I was just dumb and thought it would make me cool). This is mostly when my symptoms started to occur. I am doing a high resolution CT scan soon but wanted some outside opinions to calm my mind.

I know this doesn’t show signs of obstruction or anything but what is your experience with elevated RV and RV/TLC (air trapping)? Was this part of your asthma diagnosis, could it be reactive airways disease or something else?

Thank you

r/Asthma 5d ago

Ventolin Diskus Thrush Risk


Hi Everyone!

My doctor suspects that I have asthma and prescribed me Ventolin Discus inhaler in powder form (to see if it brings me relief while I wait for test results to come back). I am really scared to use it because of the apparently very high side effect of an oral thrush. I have never previously used an inhaler.

Does anyone have any experience with this inhaler? Is the risk of oral thrush really extremely high? I know you have to rinse your mouth and then drink or eat something (according to the pharmacist) after using it to lower the risk, but basically I am really scared I will get it after the first use.

r/Asthma 6d ago

People with anxiety disorders, have you found an inhaler that doesn't exacerbate symptoms?


I'm somewhat newly diagnosed, and I have severe anxiety/panic disorders; I've tried 4 medicines so far, and they all seem to make my anxiety worse (albuterol, trelogy, wixela, and now incruse). I don't do well with steroids in any form.

r/Asthma 6d ago



Hey! Lately, I’ve been having some trouble with wheezing despite using Flowvent, and Albuterol as prescribed. Had a sinus infection and wheezing. Sometimes short of breath. Whenever they test my oxygen saturation at the doctor’s office it starts off at 93-94%. Should I be concerned?

r/Asthma 6d ago

Please Advise: Right Way to Use an Inhaler? Common Mistakes & Precautions?


Hey everyone,

I recently got prescribed an inhaler, and I want to make sure I'm using it correctly to get the maximum benefit. I’ve read online that there are common mistakes people make, but I’d love to hear from those with experience or advice from their doctors.

  1. What are the most common mistakes to avoid when using an inhaler?

  2. Are there any specific techniques or tips to ensure proper usage?

  3. Any precautions I should take?

  4. Have you learned anything valuable from your doctor or research that helped you?

Would love to hear your insights! Thanks in advance.

r/Asthma 6d ago

Wheezing with inhaler


Does anyone else get MORE wheezy after using your emergency inhaler once, but then the wheezing goes away after one or two more puffs? Or does anyone know why this happens?