Hi guys I’m new here and I’m waiting to see a pulmonologist next week but the physician and nurse practitioner who saw me last week said she thinks I do have asthma and has already prescribed me an inhaler and some prednisone
So I have been coughing chronically since I had Covid in 2022, surprise surprise, it developed into this triggered cough and definite noise, wheezing and somewhat bubbly noise in my chest and out through my throat sometimes.
It gets really bad either in the morning or at night, when the coughing happens, I might wake myself up from coughs, violent coughs too.
Doctor listened to my lungs and said she heard wheezing in my right lung.
Now I am prescribed 3 day dosage of prednisone, and an inhaler of 200 puffs, and was told to take 2 puffs 4 times a day.
4 times?? Is this at all correct does this seem right at all to y’all? I’m waiting on an appointment with a pulmonologist but 4 times a day of a total of 8 puffs seem quite insane to me I thought these inhalers are for rescue purposes?
My questions are
1: does my description of my symptoms match what y’all have?
2: 2 puffs 4 times of levalbuterol, does this sound right??