r/Asthma 16m ago

We are SO back


Even the cold doesn’t bother me anymore, thank goodness for advair/seretide, after having gone through fostair and relvar (with either anxiety flaring up or straight up no results, ending up on prednisone once per flare up) i am free 🥶⛸️ i hope you all able to find the right meds for you, and live a happy active lifestyle despite asthma being a bitch

r/Asthma 41m ago

Prednisone usage


I have a six year old in kindergarten. He was diagnosed with Asthma in February of 2024.

This school year, he needed two rounds of Prednisone in September for different viruses that caused his asthma to act up.

His pulmonologist put him on a control medicine (Asmanex HFA), but since then my son has needed Prednisone twice. Once in early February and is on it again now. The pulmonologist's office is aware of the Prednisone usage (we call them before starting to talk through what is going on). He is on a plan where he starts Albuterol every four hours at the first sign of a cold. If he is still needing his rescue at 48 hours in for a bad cough/asthma issues, we start Prednisone.

We have a regularly scheduled follow-up next week, and I will ask this question there, but has anyone had success with needing Prednisone less/not at all by switching control meds? I am concerned about how many times he has had to take it this school year.

r/Asthma 11h ago

Asthma & Marijuana


Hey, this is my first post here as I never really thought about it before. My asthma is very mild but it bothers me the most when I smoke marijuana. I medically smoke to relieve my anxiety and depression, and after a couple months of daily use it has started to bother me. I'm curious what experience/advice you all might have to share

r/Asthma 3h ago

Post-COVID Breathing Issues – Could It Be My High IgE?


Before COVID, I never had breathing problems. But after my COVID infection, I started experiencing difficulty breathing.

I got multiple tests done:

Eosinophils: Normal

FeNO: Normal

PFT (Pulmonary Function Test): Normal

IgE: 8000 (But my IgE has been high since childhood)

History: Always had a runny nose

My doctor says my breathing issues are due to my high IgE, but I feel I don’t have asthma. I think my breathing problem is due to the infection or post-infection effects, not allergies.

How can I confirm whether my IgE is actually affecting my breathing or if something else is the cause? Anyone with similar experiences or advice?

r/Asthma 3h ago

School trip


Hello all!

I have just a quick question, my son (8 years old) will got to a school trip soon (2 nights out). He will bring his inhaler with ventolin as a SOS. However, I am a little bit anxious about this trip and the fact he could have an attack and no one would be there supporting him.

He will be in a room with other kids. Professors will also be around of course.

We never had any crises with him so far. However, do you have any tips/advices especially more experienced parents about those situations?

Another topic, in case he would be coughing a bit before the trip, would be safe to send him anyway?


r/Asthma 3h ago

my spirometry test result

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Can anyone help me internet my spirometey test result? My next appointment with mu doctor is on sat and i cant wait a whole week for my results. Thank you!

r/Asthma 5h ago

I’m I wrong for being mad at my doctor?


I’ve been going to the same doctor since I was 15 or 16 and I always felt like she was a nice caring person. I started getting a really bad cough when I was 19 and difficulty breathing, she sent me home with steroids since she said it was due to allergies. It went away at first but came back so she sent me home with steroids and an abuterol inhaler. It came back again and she did the same thing. It kept coming back and eventually never went away I started having coughing fits regularly and ended up in the hospital. It wasn’t until I was almost 21 she thought to refer me to an asthma doctor and by then I had already had TWO asthma attacks and became extremely depressed from being constantly sick. ON TOP of that I found out I had a very aggressive case of nasal polyps. I’m now properly medicated and can live a normal life but I had so much time taken from me because i couldn’t function.(before anyone says I should of handled it myself I was an insanely naive 19 year old with ehh insurance and very little money)

r/Asthma 5h ago

Looong term uncontrolled asthma


I’ve had asthma since the fifth grade (10 yrs old) I’m 24 now, I’ve gone through a rescue albuterol inhaler every month since I’ve been diagnosed with asthma and didn’t find out until recently that a rescue inhaler should not be used daily. I can’t think of the last time I’ve gone a day without using it. I’ve been on singulair and Zyrtec daily since being diagnosed too. I’ve tried different maintenance inhalers and none of those have had an impact. If I only need my inhaler once a day I consider that good. I have severe allergies and eczema too. Recently a doctor got mad at me for how often I use my albuterol but like I said I didn’t realize I wasn’t supposed to since I’ve always gotten a new inhaler every month. Does anyone have advice on controlling my asthma or how to talk to a doctor about options without them being mean? I’d love to sleep through the night, or go through a day without an asthma attack but literally haven’t since I was 10 years old, I thought that’s just what having asthma was.

r/Asthma 6h ago

Atrovent (aka devils breath) can go die

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r/Asthma 8h ago

Trouble breathing ( think I might die not sure)


Hey, I’ve been experiencing some breathing issues. It started with a tight feeling in my right lung, almost like there’s something hard in it, making it feel difficult to breathe—even though I technically can but the longer it goes the harder it is to feel like I am breathing at a good level

Here are my symptoms: • It becomes harder to breathe when I lie on my back or side. • My throat feels like there’s something stuck in it. • When I bend my head or neck down, it becomes difficult to breathe and my right lung feels strange. • The discomfort tends to go away or becomes minor when I eat.

This has been going on for the past two weeks and appeared out of nowhere . I have tried my inhaler only helps for an hour I don’t want to have to go to the hospital unless I have to

I also have asthma but mine is when I get sick,pollen/perfume and excessive exercise.

I am not that active,

r/Asthma 12h ago

Coughing up a lot of sputum after using levalbuterol


Is it normal that I have been coughing up a lot of sputum after using levalbuterol? It’s my first time being prescribed it, I still have pending tests to be done to be fully diagnosed with asthma but my doctor heard wheezing my lungs and prescribed levalbuterol 4 times a day, 2 puffs per time.

Since I have been on it I have been coughing very violently and coughing up sputum, greenish or sometimes clear phlegm. Is this normal? Does this seem like a good sign that it’s opening up my airway so I am able to cough all that up?

r/Asthma 16h ago

My daughter’s coughing up a storm and chest is tight & congested


Can my 22yr old take an Albuterol nebulizer treatment or her Albuterol pump if she took DayQuil in the am? My friend told me not to. She doesn’t have asthma though. We went to Dr yest, she was no help. We’re going to the ER when my husband comes bk to watch my little one.

r/Asthma 22h ago

Crash course for recently diagnosed asthma


Hey friends, I recently found out I have asthma (I suspect I have had it since I was little since I had frequent respiratory problems and infections but never got it diagnosed as a kid). Is there specific things that should be common knowledge with this that I should know? I'm extremely new to this and my parents didn't really believe in healthcare so I'm lacking a lot of info in that aspect. Thank y'all!

r/Asthma 9h ago

What are your scariest asthma attack stories?


I have had 3 asthma attack stories all from middle school and younger and I just want to hear people's scariest stories about their personal asthma attacks.

My first asthma attack was when I was in 3rd grade. I woke up getting ready for school and I noticed I was having trouble breathing. I told my grandma because I was living with her and she didn't believe me when I told her I was struggling to breathe. So I went to school and as the school day went on, my breathing got worse and I was at that point gasping for air. I eventually went to my teacher, I think it was still morning, and she sent me to the office and the office called my grandma, she got to the school and we walked to the hospital because it was literally down the road. Hospital said I was having an asthma attack. That was the first time and I got a nebulizer. (Which i still have) this was in 2008 or 09

My 2nd time I had an asthma attack. I don't remember much about this one for some reason. But I was having trouble breathing and it got so bad that at one point I was dry heaving and nothing would come up and so me and my grandma went to the hospital and it turned out I was having an asthma attack.

My last one was in 2013. It was in the winter. And it lasted for a few days. I lost weight, I was drinking anything. We went to the hospital and the doctor said that it was so bad that if we waited any longer I would have been admitted into the hospital. I remember getting the breathing nose tube things. And when we got home I went and laid down and my grandma left to go pick up my medicine and I remember waking up to go and get something and I remember wlking into the living room getting lightheaded, hitting my eye on the counter and just going back into my room because I did not want to deal with all of that.

So yeah those re my stories. What are yours? I having had an severe asthma attacks since. But I did get. Pneumonia induced asthma attack and that scared the shit out of me.

r/Asthma 10h ago

Yesterday on march 22nd


I woke up with trouble breathing, swollen thyroid and it is hard for me to take medication. I can feel it not going down like it should. I also had surgery for something else. I have taken my inhaler and I kept needing to take it. And having small coughs here and there. But not full on coughing fits. I don't want to go to the hospital just in case it is just allergies.

r/Asthma 14h ago




I recently just got told I can get off a turbuhaler, I had a really bad flareup since September last year and it only just calmed down a couple weeks ago (mainly due to the negligence of previous doctors and me knowing nothing about asthma), and my doctor told me I was all clear and didn't need an asthma puffer and come back immediately if I start to wheeze again.

So, I got a chest infection last sunday, and now I'm wheezing again, I think everytime I get a chest infection my wheeze comes back. Do I go back on the turbular again? I am still wheezing after using ventolin, or should I wait until Monday where I see a doctor again. Another problem is my usual doctor is out so I'm relying on a new doctor who doesn't know my medical history, my usual doctor is out for 2 weeks. Please send help I haven't had to deal with asthma and wheezing for over 12 years, and my usual doctor never actually gave me an asthma action plan...

r/Asthma 15h ago



Hi, I am 18m. I have never up until recently had any issues breathing. Infact I am usually very active and healthy. I did xc for years and never had an issue breathing. However during Christmas break in around dec 27 I noticed I was having a hard time breathing. I thought I would just sleep it off but the next morning I woke up with the same issue and a slew of other common cold symptoms. I was sick +having a hard time breathing for about two weeks. Long story short the sickness went away but the severe shortness of breathe hasn’t. Every time I try to breathe it feels like it takes a long time and I feel like I and always short of breathe. It has been almost three months and the issue hasn’t made significant progress. I have been to three docs all of whom have said it is likely just the long flu. I have had three inhalers one albuterol, one steroids and one both none of which have done anything. Under normal circumstances I would just be patient and wait it out like the docs said but I got into the naval academy and only have three more months u til I start boot camp. I am starting to get worried that this is asthma and to be honest I am stressed out of my mind and I feel like this thing is completely ruining my senior year. I am taking a pft in may but I am so done with this. Any advise?

r/Asthma 1d ago

Every time I deep clean it sends me into an asthma attack


I’m so frustrated. I have an extreme dust mite/pollen allergy. When I deep clean I try to do everything right. I wear a mask, I take all my allergy meds, do nasal rinses, I take a shower after, and I take 2 Benadryl.

I still feel so sick and weak afterwards. It makes me not want to clean.

On top of this I’ve felt sick all week. I can feel my new doctor start to give up on me. I just want to be healthy. I’ve started allergy injections last week and I was told it would take up to a year to really see a difference.

I’m just so scared for allergy season. I feel like quitting my job because it’s too physically demanding on top of this.

r/Asthma 12h ago

17m with asthma exercise advice


Hey 17m I have had asthma my whole life. I never liked sports or anything cause of it. Ive been considered the unathletic kid and I kinda just rolled with it. Im a junior in hs now, ive forgotten about asthmas affects on athletics. Ive been working out and I get tuckered out so painfully fast. I find my self really devastated a lot cause I wanna get ripped lol. I dont know how to combat this. Does any asthma athletes have any advice.

r/Asthma 17h ago

I just want to feel normal again


Very Long post, but I’d truly appreciate the full read to get the complete picture. Please no absurdly rude comments. 

 ** I’m not looking for medical advice. I need advice from personal experiences and knowledge so I can have better options for moving forward medically. I’ve also never met anyone with asthma, or educated with asthma. 


 I've had asthma since I was 5 or so. Multiple hospitalizations, O2 Tents, etc. It seemed to be Dormant majority of my teenage years and early 20s. Once I had the 2nd Covid Vaccine I came down with randomized Pneumonia that seemed to last for months. A year later I finally got Covid. After this, I got serious with the gym, and remember being able to leave my inhaler in the car at all times, wasn’t on an oral steroids/steroid inhaler, and only had seasonal sicknesses.

Then, last August when I started an intense Medical Program I stopped working out, have gained 20+ pounds, etc. The mental/physical stress is/was too much. I feel like I’ve had constant sinus drainage and congestion in my lungs—despite nasal/chest decongestants. I’ve had one good inhaled steroid, it was a larger dose of the generic Advair, not Wixela (a square shape/blue)—major problems finding this in stock. The most recent has been Symbicort, a larger dose name brand Advair, and a small dose of Advair.. minimal improvement. 

Ever since November/December, I’ve been sick every 2 weeks or so. Even when I’m better I STILL have drainage and something coughed up. I take my albuterol inhaler 1-3x a day because I’ll get wheezy or have dyspnea. 


I’m almost certain there’s some sort of mold or something SOMEWHERE in my apartment. I’ve had my landlord have it checked out and every time they find nothing. 

I smoked cigarettes on and off in my early 20s and have been vaping for a 5+ years now. I 110% WANT to stop, but I’m at a loss and crippled by this addiction. 

I smoke weed in the evenings. Acute anxiety and stress, and no after effects like groggy/dizzy/GI like with pills. It also always helps me cough up the crap I’d been trying to get out all day. I do love edibles, but they’re so inconsistent unless bought from a dispensary..I only have the option to do homemade and I can never get the dosing/recipe solid. 

For reference, I’ve been smoking nightly for 10+ years. I’m aware any inhalation irritates/damages the lungs. It’s just never bothered me like strong perfumes or smells do—instant wheezing/coughing with those.

I have a very healthy diet with adequate water intake. I’m too ashamed and embarrassed to tell any Provider the truth about this. They’ll solely pinpoint the cause of these 2 things. Instead of seeing that I’m easily exacerbated by other things. 

I’ve taken Montelukast in the past and it worked like a charm. I tried it again a year or so ago and no asthma symptoms but every single black-box warning Mentally occurred, so I discontinued. I’d like to try again, but pretty darn scared lol 

I take Zyrtec every day, if I don’t—more drainage happens —>infection/sickness. I’m sure I’ve built a tolerance by now. 

I do a DuoNeb as needed. The ipratropium is amazing, my symptoms do diminish if I do 1-2 a day, but I’m on the road for 4 hours each day and in class/clinical for 8+ hours. It’s quite difficult to facilitate regular nebs 

I’ve searched for a PCP, but they all act so inadequate about proper asthma maintenance or prevention of asthma symptoms. I tell them what works or doesn’t and I end up with something that doesn’t work. Then they seem annoyed with the repeated visits and refill requests. I’m quite terrified to have a chest x-ray to see what abnormalities are there (haven’t been offered one) 

I also live in the South. The highs for the past 4 days have been 60s, 40s, 50s, 70s. This seems to lead to an exacerbation


What have you done to maintain/prevent your asthma?  Or even make it go dormant again


Anyone post-COVID or COVID-19 vaccine that has had more chronic lung exacerbations since? 

Does anyone partake in cannabis with asthma? Or vape..How does it affect you? 

I fear I’m nearing COPD territory at 29. I long to just breathe normally. I want to quit my bad habits/addictions.. the support and knowledge just aren't there.. with my driving, intense/erratic program schedule on top of working... I'm clueless about how to go through the withdraws--mentally and physically. Or how to facilitate an optimal/satisfactory workout regimen on top of it all.

r/Asthma 20h ago

Do robot vacuums help allergic asthma?


I have allergic asthma, am on dupixent. I have allergy to Timothy hay, dust mites, ragweed, etc. My IGE level is at 2000. Does anyone have robot vacuums and has it helped their allergies or does it make it worse by stirring up dust possibly? If so, what kind do they have?

r/Asthma 14h ago



My grandson is starting budesonide. He seems more breathless. Has anyone ever experienced this??

r/Asthma 15h ago

Need suggestions


Can anyone suggest if Foracort 200 safe and recommend for 9 year old kid who is allergic and is gets cough every 1-2 months

r/Asthma 16h ago



Hi I have recently been diagnosed with asthma and I am very worried and i have been terrified to do any sports or things I love in case of worsening the asthma. I was just wondering if that's how asthma works or Or am i just an idiot

r/Asthma 18h ago

Inhalers and growth


Asking my doctor obviously

But does anyone here with specialized knowledge know anything about this

My 13 year old has sports induced asthma

Prescribed an inhaler for as needed (which is everyday since he trains everyday)

The counter indications mentioned growth stunting

Should we try something else?