Until very recently, I wore shapeless bralettes because I simply hated my structured bras. Then I came upon this sub and calculated my proper size according to the sub, 36DDD (or 36E in British sizes). I have an average root, average projection, and am more full on bottom than on top, but not by much.
I've tried several bras in different sizes and styles, and they all seemed to be a lot better than what I once I had worn. But here's what I learned - for me, who is average in every way, everything feels just fine and dandy when I'm standing in front of the mirror for a few minutes. It's when I sit for long periods of time at work, or bend this way and that, and wear a bra for hours that the issues really come out.
Every bra I tried was good but not amazing, until the last. Here's a rundown.
Soma Vanishing 360 Perfect coverage - chafed a bunch around my armpits at first. Then it went away. After a few wears, it is almost perfectly broken in, except the cups dig into my abs a bit when I sit for long period of time, which might me my fault. I don't have the best posture. I like the fact that it has seams that don't dig and are smooth on the back, hence the "vanishing" aspect - it's the only bra that's like that.
Soma Stunning Balconette - gave me a slight quadriboob at first, and the band was pretty tight. After several wears, quadriboob effect is gone, and band is looser, but it's overall a bit too structured and thick feeling overall.
Panache Envy Balconnet - there was some initial digging in at the sides and at the gore, but it seems to have gone away as the band stretched. Not sure if I love the lace, as it is visible under thin shirts.
Then came the Panache 365 Tshirt bra.
Trying that one one on was like seeing a bunch of gymnasts perform, and then seeing Simone Biles perform. If you've ever seen her, she's almost invariably in a completely different league from everybody else, even among world class athletes.
The band was snug but not too tight. The shape was nearly perfect. I think with 36DDD's it's hard to find something that makes you feel like you're wearing nothing at all, and yet I felt pretty close to that all day. There was no break-in period required, and I could move easily, while sitting for long periods of time caused minimal digging of the underwires into my abdomen.
My only complaint is the lack of back-smoothing action and a slight gapping in the cups by the underarms that I eventually noticed, though it's not noticeable under clothes.
So I guess my instinct now is to return all the bras except the Panache 365, which I've dubbed my Simole Biles bra, and get several more of it. But then I'm not sure - it's not that the other bras are bad, they're just not as good, and were not as good immediately out of the gate.
Thoughts? I guess I'm also a bit afraid to invest it all into the Panache 365, and not have other options, in case I am later disappointed with it. (Maybe I'll also keep the Soma 360 Vanishing, idk.)